Snow Crab Collapse Due to Ecological Shift in the Bering Sea

Arctic conditions that dominated in the preindustrial Bering Sea are expected to continue to decline over the next 1-2 decades.

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Headshot of Sarah Malloy smiling with dark blue background Ms. Sarah Malloy is the new Regional Administrator for NOAA Fisheries’ Pacific Islands Regional Office. Credit: NOAA Fisheries.
A group of people look at a deceased Kogia calf which has been placed on two large leaves atop a table. Kiaʻi Kanaloa and Hui Hoʻoleimaluō members respond to a stranded palaoa (whale), a Kogia calf, on Hawaiʻi Island. Their efforts are part of a new and developing stranding response partnership with NOAA Fisheries. Credit: Kiaʻi Kanaloa (NOAA Fisheries Permit #24359)
killer whale breaches in front of commercial vessel A voluntary slowdown of large ships in Puget Sound aims to quiet the waters for endangered Southern Resident killer whales, which use echolocation to hunt. Credit: Kersti E. Muul
Aerial image of a river with a road spanning across it and a boat in the background Aerial view of the Little Rapids restoration project site on the St. Marys River in Michigan. Credit: Jim Lehocky.
A woman measures a fish as a man holds the fish on a ruler over a tub of water. Both people are on a boat and are wearing life jackets and hats with large brims. A NOAA Fisheries team checks the length of a fish before inserting a telemetry tag.
a poster showing species in the spotlight The NOAA Fisheries Species in the Spotlight initiative brings greater attention and marshalls resources to recover highly at-risk species. Credit: NOAA Fisheries