Key Message:
NOAA Fisheries is accepting comments on an application for an exempted fishing permit. The applicant proposes to collect a maximum of 80 speckled hind during the 2-year project from select commercial fishermen who occasionally encounter speckled hind in the U.S. South Atlantic during routine fishing operations. The project would assess the population structure, connectivity, and life history of speckled hind in the U.S. South Atlantic.
How To Comment On The Application:
The comment period is open now through September 21, 2022. You may submit comments by electronic submission or by postal mail. Comments sent by any other method (such as e-mail), to any other address or individual, or received after the end of the comment period, may not be considered by NOAA Fisheries.
Application information:
Electronic Submissions: Submit all electronic public comments via the Federal e-Rulemaking Portal.
1. Go to
2. Click the "Comment Now!" icon, complete the required fields.
3. Enter or attach your comments.
Mail: Submit written comments to Frank Helies, NOAA Fisheries, Southeast Regional Office, 263 13th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701.
Project Concepts
- Speckled hind are sedentary, long-lived, deep-water groupers. There are no known data regarding stock structure of speckled hind in South Atlantic waters and little is known about their biology; consequently, there are not enough data to accurately determine whether the species is overfished or undergoing overfishing.
- Currently, federal regulations at 50 CFR 622.182 (b)(3) prohibit the harvest and possession of speckled hind in or from South Atlantic federal waters. If granted, the exempted fishing permit would exempt select commercial fishermen from federal regulations prohibiting the harvest and possession of speckled hind in federal waters of the South Atlantic.
- Commercial snapper-grouper fishermen would opportunistically harvest speckled hind by hook-and-line and black sea bass pot gear year-round throughout South Atlantic federal waters in depths ranging from 60 ft to 600 ft. A fin clip would be taken from harvested speckled hind and shipped to the Marine Genomics Laboratory at Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi. The sampled fin clip would be used for genetic studies. Sampled speckled hind carcasses would be shipped to the NOAA Fisheries Southeast Fisheries Science Center for otolith extraction to determine age and growth parameters. Because speckled hind would be harvested incidentally (during routine commercial fishing trips), no additional environmental impacts are expected through the issuance of the exempted fishing permit.
NOAA Fisheries finds this application warrants further consideration, and is seeking public comment on the application. A final decision on issuance of the exempted fishing permit will depend on NOAA Fisheries' review of public comments received, the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s recommendations, consultations with the affected states, and the U.S. Coast Guard, as well as a determination that it is consistent with all applicable laws.
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Other contacts: Allison Garrett, 727-551-5750