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In-Season Adjustment to 2024 Atlantic Herring Specifications

October 08, 2024

Effective October 8, 2024, through December 31, 2024

This action increases the Atlantic herring Area 1A sub-annual catch limit (ACL) and the ACL for the remainder of fishing year 2024. Because NOAA Fisheries determined herring landings in the New Brunswick weir fishery were less than 2,722 mt through October 1, 2024, we subtracted 1,000 mt from the management uncertainty buffer and re-allocated it to the herring Area 1A sub-ACL and the ACL. 

When 92 percent of the adjusted herring Area 1A sub-ACL is reached, no person may fish for, possess, transfer, land, purchase, or sell more than 2,000 lb of herring in or from Area 1A per trip or per calendar day from a vessel issued and holding a valid federal herring permit, and dealers are prohibited from receiving or purchasing from a vessel more than 2,000 lb of herring catch from Area 1A per trip, per calendar day. 

When 95 percent of the adjusted herring ACL is reached, no person may fish for, possess, transfer, land, purchase, or sell more than 2,000 lb of herring in or from all herring management areas per trip or per calendar day from a vessel issued and holding a valid federal herring permit, and dealers are prohibited from receiving or purchasing from any vessel more than 2,000 lb of herring catch per trip, per calendar day. 

Atlantic Herring Specifications for 2024

 Current Specifications (mt)Adjusted Specifications (mt)
Overfishing Limit32,23332,233
Acceptable Biological Catch23,40923,409
Management Uncertainty4,2203,220
Optimum Yield/ACL19,14120,141
Domestic Annual Harvest19,14120,141
Border Transfer00
Domestic Annual Processing19,14120,141
U.S. At-Sea Processing00
Area 1A Sub-ACL 5,5046,504
Area 1B Sub-ACL 819819
Area 2 Sub-ACL 5,4495,449
Area 3 Sub-ACL 7,4847,484
Fixed Gear Set-Aside3030
Research Set-Aside (RSA)*0%0%