OCM Catalog Hierarchy
OCM Metadata Library-
OCM Metadata Library
- 2016 South Manitou Island
- GA_OysterReefs
- ak_kl11-biotic_Metadata
- ak_kl11-geodatabase_Metadata
- ak_kl11-geoform_Metadata
- ak_kl11-substrate_Metadata
- benthic_fl_ab06_sss-mosaicASV-meta
- ca_hb09-aquatic_Metadata
- ca_hb09-biotic_Metadata
- ca_hb09-geodatabase_Metadata
- ca_hb09-geoform_Metadata
- ca_hb09-substrate_Metadata
- ca_sfb11-Biotic_Metadata
- ca_sfb11-Geodatabase_Metadata
- ca_sfb11-Geoform_Metadata
- ca_sfb11-Substrate_Metadata
- ca_sfb14_mbs_bath-A-meta m8500
- ca_sfb14_mbs_imagery-A-meta
- ca_sfb14_sss_bath-A-meta
- ca_sfb14_sss_imagery-A-meta
- ca_sfb15_sss_bath-B-meta
- ca_sfb15_sss_imagery-B-meta
- de_db07_benthos-meta
- de_db10-biotic_Metadata
- de_db10-geodatabase_Metadata
- de_db10-geoform_Metadata
- de_db10-substrate_Metadata
- de_rb00_rox-meta
- fl_ab06-biotic_Metadata
- fl_ab06-geodatabase_Metadata
- fl_ab06-geoform_Metadata
- fl_ab06-substrate_Metadata
- fl_ab06_bath-meta
- fl_ab06_sbp-linesASV-meta
- fl_ab06_sbp-linesSV-meta
- fl_ab06_sbp-pointsASV-meta
- fl_ab06_sbp_pointsSV-meta
- fl_ab99_benthos-meta
- fl_ab99_rox-meta
- fl_ab99_sedgrabs-meta
- fl_ab99_spi-meta
- fl_dt01_rox-meta
- fl_eb99-biotic_Metadata
- fl_eb99-geodatabase_Metadata
- fl_eb99-geoform_Metadata
- fl_eb99-substrate_Metadata
- fl_fb95-biotic_Metadata
- fl_fb95-geodatabase_Metadata
- fl_fb95-geoform_Metadata
- fl_fb95-substrate_Metadata
- fl_irl96-biotic_Metadata
- fl_irl96-geodatabase_Metadata
- fl_irl96-geoform_Metadata
- fl_irl96-substrate_Metadata
- ma96-biotic_Metadata
- ma96-geodatabase_Metadata
- ma96-geoform_Metadata
- ma96-substrate_Metadata
- me97-biotic_Metadata
- me97-geodatabase_Metadata
- me97-geoform_Metadata
- me97-substrate_Metadata
- me_wells01_benthos-meta
- me_wells01_sedgrabs-meta
- me_wells01_spi-meta
- nc90-biotic_Metadata
- nc90-geodatabase_Metadata
- nc90-geoform_Metadata
- nc90-substrate_Metadata
- nc_bs92-biotic_Metadata
- nc_bs92-geodatabase_Metadata
- nc_bs92-geoform_Metadata
- nc_bs92-substrate_Metadata
- ny_hr09_sbp-lines-meta
- ny_hr09_sbp-points-meta
- ny_hr09_sbp-segy-meta
- ny_hr09_sss-lines-meta
- ny_hr09_sss-points-meta
- ny_hr09_sss-xtf-meta
- ny_hr10_sedcores-meta
- ny_hr10_sedgrabs-meta
- ny_jb95j_benthos-meta
- ny_jb95j_sedgrabs-meta
- ny_jb95j_spi-meta
- ny_jb95o_benthos-meta
- ny_jb95o_sedgrabs-meta
- ny_jb95o_spi-meta
- ny_lb94o_benthos-meta
- ny_lb94o_sedgrabs-meta
- ny_lb94o_spi-meta
- ny_lb95j_benthos-meta
- ny_lb95j_sedgrabs-meta
- ny_lb95j_spi-meta
- ny_liss02_l-meta
- ny_liss02_p-biotic_Metadata
- ny_liss02_p-geodatabase_Metadata
- ny_liss02_p-geoform_Metadata
- ny_liss02_p-meta
- ny_liss02_p-substrate_Metadata
- river-bay-meta
- tx_ab04-biotic_Metadata
- tx_ab04-geodatabase_Metadata
- tx_ab04-geoform_Metadata
- tx_ab04-substrate_Metadata
- tx_bb04-biotic_Metadata
- tx_bb04-geodatabase_Metadata
- tx_bb04-geoform_Metadata
- tx_bb04-substrate_Metadata
- tx_cb04-biotic_Metadata
- tx_cb04-geodatabase_Metadata
- Geoform
- tx_cb04-substrate_Metadata
- tx_ccb04-biotic_Metadata
- tx_ccb04-geodatabase_Metadata
- tx_ccb04-geoform_Metadata
- tx_ccb04-substrate_Metadata
- tx_coastal_bend_phase1_patchy_srv_p-meta
- tx_coastal_bend_phaseIIa_patchy_srv_p-meta
- tx_coastal_bend_phaseIIb_patchy_srv_p-meta
- tx_esb07-biotic_Metadata
- tx_esb07-geodatabase_Metadata
- tx_esb07-geoform_Metadata
- tx_esb07-substrate_Metadata
- tx_llm04-biotic_Metadata
- tx_llm04-geodatabase_Metadata
- tx_llm04-geoform_Metadata
- tx_llm04-substrate_Metadata
- tx_rb04-biotic_Metadata
- tx_rb04-geodatabase_Metadata
- tx_rb04-geoform_Metadata
- tx_rb04-substrate_Metadata
- tx_sab07-biotic_Metadata
- tx_sab07-geodatabase_Metadata
- tx_sab07-geoform_Metadata
- tx_sab07-substrate_Metadata
- tx_ulm04-biotic_Metadata
- tx_ulm04-geodatabase_Metadata
- tx_ulm04-geoform_Metadata
- tx_ulm04-substrate_Metadata
- upper_shelf-meta
- va_yr02_benthos-meta
- va_yr02_sedgrabs-meta
- va_yr02_spi-meta
- va_yr03_benthos-meta
- va_yr03_sedgrabs-meta
- va_yr04_benthos-meta
- va_yr04_sedgrabs-meta
- va_yr04_spi-meta
- wa_wb95-biotic_Metadata
- wa_wb95-geodatabase_Metadata
- wa_wb95-geoform_Metadata
- wa_wb95-substrate_Metadata
- west_shore-meta
- AmericanCommunitySurvey_CoastalGeographies
- CriticalFacilities_CoastalGeographies
- DemographicTrends_CoastalGeographies
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_AK_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_AL_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_CA_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_CT_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_DE_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_FL_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_GA_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_HI_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_IL_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_IN_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_LA_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_MA_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_MD_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_ME_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_MI_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_MN_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_MS_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_NC_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_NH_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_NJ_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_NY_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_OH_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_OR_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_PA_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_RI_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_SC_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_TX_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_VA_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_WA_shp
- SOVI_BlkGrp_2000_WI_shp
- CoastalEconomy_CoastalGeographies
- ENOW_NES_OceanEconomy
- ENOW_OceanEconomy
- ENOW_Ocean_Economy_Industries_Sector
- ENOW_Ocean_Economy_Industry_Sector
- Great Lakes Hardened Shorelines
- CMECS_Chlorophyll_metadata
- CMECS_Dt_metadata
- CMECS_Eupohotic_metadata
- CMECS_SST_metadata
- CMECS_Salinity_metadata
- 2012 NOAA Coastal Services Center Coastal Inundation Digital Elevation Model: Mobile/Tallahassee (AL/FL) WFO - Taylor, Dixie, and Levy Counties
- AS_metadata
- CA_ChannelIslands_metadata
- CA_EKA1_metadata
- CA_EKA2_metadata
- CA_LOX1_metadata
- CA_LOX2_metadata
- CA_MTR1_metadata
- CA_MTR2_metadata
- CA_MTR3_metadata
- CA_SGX_metadata
- CT DEM FY18 Update
- DC_metadata
- DE_metadata
- Erie_metadata
- FL_JAX_1_metadata
- FL_JAX_2_metadata
- FL_MFL_1_metadata
- FL_MFL_2_metadata
- FL_MLB_1_metadata
- FL_MLB_2_metadata
- FL_TBW_1_metadata
- FL_TBW_2_metadata
- HI_HFO_Hawaii_metadata
- HI_HFO_Kauai_metadata
- HI_HFO_Lanai_metadata
- HI_HFO_Maui_metadata
- HI_HFO_Molokai_metadata
- HI_HFO_Oahu_metadata
- Huron_metadata
- LA Central DEM FY20 Update
- LA Central East DEM FY20 Update
- LA Central North DEM FY20 Update
- LA Delta DEM FY20 Update
- LA Lake Pontchartrain DEM FY20 Update
- LA West DEM FY20 Update
- MA DEM FY19 Update
- MD North DEM
- MD Southwest DEM
- MD West DEM
- MD_East_metadata
- MD_Southeast_metadata
- ME East DEM FY19 Update
- ME West DEM FY19 Update
- MS_metadata
- Marsh Migration
- Michigan_metadata
- NC_Middle1_metadata
- NC_Middle2_metadata
- NC_Northern_metadata
- NC_Southern1_metadata
- NC_Southern2_metadata
- NH DEM FY19 Update
- NJ_Northern_metadata
- NOAA Office for Coastal Management Coastal Inundation Digital Elevation Model: Alabama
- NOAA Office for Coastal Management Coastal Inundation Digital Elevation Model: CNMI
- NOAA Office for Coastal Management Coastal Inundation Digital Elevation Model: Catalina, California
- NOAA Office for Coastal Management Coastal Inundation Digital Elevation Model: Florida East 2
- NOAA Office for Coastal Management Coastal Inundation Digital Elevation Model: Florida, East 1
- NOAA Office for Coastal Management Coastal Inundation Digital Elevation Model: Florida, Keys
- NOAA Office for Coastal Management Coastal Inundation Digital Elevation Model: Florida, Northeast
- NOAA Office for Coastal Management Coastal Inundation Digital Elevation Model: Florida, Panhandle East
- NOAA Office for Coastal Management Coastal Inundation Digital Elevation Model: Florida, Panhandle West
- NOAA Office for Coastal Management Coastal Inundation Digital Elevation Model: Florida, SE
- NOAA Office for Coastal Management Coastal Inundation Digital Elevation Model: Florida, SW
- NOAA Office for Coastal Management Coastal Inundation Digital Elevation Model: Florida, West 1
- NOAA Office for Coastal Management Coastal Inundation Digital Elevation Model: Florida, West 2
- NOAA Office for Coastal Management Coastal Inundation Digital Elevation Model: Florida, West 3
- NOAA Office for Coastal Management Coastal Inundation Digital Elevation Model: Georgia, North
- NOAA Office for Coastal Management Coastal Inundation Digital Elevation Model: Georgia, South
- NOAA Office for Coastal Management Coastal Inundation Digital Elevation Model: Guam
- NOAA Office for Coastal Management Coastal Inundation Digital Elevation Model: New Jersey Southern
- NOAA Office for Coastal Management Coastal Inundation Digital Elevation Model: New Jersey, Middle
- NOAA Office for Coastal Management Coastal Inundation Digital Elevation Model: Puerto Rico
- NOAA Office for Coastal Management Coastal Inundation Digital Elevation Model: USVI
- NOAA_OCM_LLV_confidence_metadata
- NOAA_OCM_LLV_neg6_to_pos6ft_metadata
- NOAA_OCM_MHHW_Metadata
- NOAA_OCM_Minor_NOS_HTF_metadata
- NOAA_OCM_SLR_0ft_metadata
- NOAA_OCM_SLR_1to10ft_metadata
- NOAA_OCM_SLR_confidence
- NY_Hudson_metadata
- NY_Metro_metadata
- NY_Suffolk_metadata
- OR_MFR_metadata
- OR_PQR1_metadata
- OR_PQR2_metadata
- Ontario_metadata
- PA DEM FY18 Update
- RI DEM FY19 Update
- SC Central DEM FY20 Update
- SC North DEM FY20 Update
- SC South DEM FY20 Update
- StClair_metadata
- Superior_metadata
- TX Central DEM FY20 Update
- TX North1 DEM FY20 Update
- TX North2 DEM FY20 Update
- TX South1 DEM FY20 Update
- TX South2 DEM FY20 Update
- USVI_metadata
- VA_EasternShore_metadata
- VA_Middle_metadata
- VA_Northern_metadata
- VA_Southern_metadata
- WA PugetNW DEM
- WA PugetSW DEM
- WA_PQR_metadata
- WA_SEW1_metadata
- WA_SEW2_metadata
- 2010 FFS m9303
- 2010 US B.O.R. Lidar: Klamath River, CA
- 2010_kure_nwhi_m2642_metadata
- 2010_laysan_nwhi_m3647_metadata
- 2010_lisianski_nwhi_m3646_metadata
- 2010_midway_nwhi_m3644_metadata
- 2010_pearl_hermes_nwhi_m3645_metadata
- 2014_EAARLB_StCroix_StThomas_m4940_metadata
- 2014_horry_DEM_m4814
- 2017 gbnerr uas lidar m8386
- 2018 big island lidar m9635
- 2019 NOAA Lidar: Padilla Bay NERR and Skagit River Delta, WA
- 2019_NOAA_MorroBay_LIdar
- 2020 underwater lidar m9302
- ak2004_m23_metadata
- ak2011_matsu_m2609_metadata
- al2014_mobile_county_m4966_metadata
- am_samoa2012_m2490_metadata
- atm1996_east_coast_m1_metadata
- atm1997_east_coast_m2_metadata
- atm1997_sacramento_floodplain_m59_metadata
- atm1997_west_coast_m3_metadata
- atm1998_fall_east_coast_m6_metadata
- atm1998_fall_gulf_coast_m22_metadata
- atm1998_harrisburg_airport_m58_metadata
- atm1998_northeast_m7_metadata
- atm1998_post_elnino_west_coast_m4_metadata
- atm1998_spring_east_coast_m5_metadata
- atm1998_winter_east_coast_m38_metadata
- atm1999_fall_east_coast_m8_metadata
- atm1999_fall_gulf_coast_m9_metadata
- atm1999_post_dennis_m60_metadata
- atm1999_post_floyd_m61_metadata
- atm2000_PR_m6301_metadata
- atm2000_fall_east_coast_m11_metadata
- atm2000_spring_NC_m6300_metadata
- atm2000_summer_east_coast_m10_metadata
- ca2010_coastal_m1124_metadata
- ca2022_morro_m9629_metadata.xml
- coastalga2010_m577_metadata
- ct2004_m20_metadata
- de2005_sussex_m111_metadata
- ga2011_fourcounty_m1389_metadata
- ga2012_gadnr_baldwin_hancock_morgan_putnam_m2619_metadata
- ga2015_lowndes_m4971_metadata
- ga2016_cook_tift_m5089_metadata
- glri2010_superior_m586_metadata
- hi2005_m24_metadata
- hi2013_noaa_oahu_m3655_metadata
- hicoast2003_m25_metadata
- me2004_m17_metadata
- me2017_blue_hill_bay_riegl_m8525_metadata
- me2017_blue_hill_bay_shoals_m8526_metadata
- mi2004_m18_metadata
- mi2016_noaa_topobathy_upper_lake_mi_islands_m5182_metadata
- mi2021_slp_bear_m9446_metadata
- mi2023_lakes_mi_huron_m10247_metadata
- ms2005_m26_metadata
- ms2007_nos_bathy_h11617_m2475_metadata
- ms2007_nos_bathy_h11618_m2476_metadata
- ngs2008_nc_va_m86_metadata
- nh2019_great_bay_m8844
- nj2014_ocs_bathy_m4984_metadata
- nwfwmd2006_m57_metadata
- nwfwmd2008_okaloosa_m85_metadata
- or2012_noaa_bridgecreek_m3676_metadata
- pr2006_puerto_rico_bathy_m2518_metadata
- sc2007_jas_coll_chas_m56_metadata
- sc2014_horry_m4814_metadata
- sfbay2010_m584_metadata
- usvi2011_bathy_m1394_metadata
- usvi2013_stc_stj_stt_m3669_metadata
- wa2002_noaa_willapa_mudflat_m12_metadata
- west_coast_2016_el_nino_m6259_metadata
- wi2022_wash_isl_m9949
- AIS Base Stations
- Aids to Navigation
- Anchorages
- Aquaculture
- Artificial Reefs
- Bathymetric Contours
- Bathymetry Digital Elevation Model
- Beach Nourishment
- COLREGS Demarcation Lines
- Chlorophyll-a
- Coastal Counties
- Coastal Populated Places
- Coastal States
- Coastal Wetlands
- Coastal Zone Management Act Boundary
- Congressional Districts
- Coral Protection Areas
- Critical Habitat by NMFS
- Critical Habitat by USFWS
- Current Magnitude and Direction
- Danger Zones and Restricted Areas
- Deepwater Ports
- EFH Highly Migratory Species
- Ecological Marine Units: Nutrients
- Ecological Marine Units: Water Quality
- Electric Power Substations
- Federal Consistency Geographic Location Descriptions
- Federal Statutes
- Federal and State Waters
- Formerly Used Defense Sites
- Harmful Algal Blooms
- High Frequency Radar Locations
- IOOS Regions
- Indian Lands
- Light Attenuation Kd490
- Light Attenuation KdPAR
- Lightering Zones
- Marine National Monuments
- Marine Place Names
- Military Flight Tracks
- Military Operating Areas
- Military Regulated Airspace within the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico
- Military Ship Shock Boxes within the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico
- Military Special Use Airspace
- Military Surface Grid Areas within the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico
- Military Training Routes
- Munitions and Explosives of Concern
- National Estuarine Research Reserve System
- National Marine Sanctuaries
- Nitrate Mean Concentration
- North Atlantic Right Whale Seasonal Management Areas
- Ocean Disposal Sites
- Ocean Observing Sites
- Ocean Wave Resource Potential
- Offshore Mean Annual Wind Speed
- Offshore Mean Annual Wind Speed at 90 m
- Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms
- Offshore Oil and Gas Resource Potential
- Offshore Oil and Gas Wells
- Offshore State Lateral Boundaries
- Offshore Wind Speed and Direction
- Offshore Wind Turbines
- Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act
- Phosphate Mean Concentration
- Pilot Boarding Areas
- Pipeline Areas
- Power Plants
- Principal Ports
- Regulated Navigation Areas
- Sea Surface Height
- Seagrasses
- Sediment Texture
- Significant Wave Height and Direction
- Silicate Mean Concentration
- State Legislative House Districts
- State Legislative Senate Districts
- Submarine Cables
- Surface Aragonite
- Tropical Cyclone Storm Segments
- Tropical Cyclone Wind Exposure
- U.S. State Submerged Lands
- U.S. Wave by Month
- Undersea Feature Place Names
- Vessel Routing Measures
- Wastewater Outfalls
- Wave Direction
- Wave Energy Period
- Weather Radar Impact Zones
- Weather Radar Stations
- Wrecks and Obstructions
- A Collaborative Process to Develop Solutions for Tidal Road Flooding in China Camp State Park - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- A Future for Oysters Along the Pacific - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Advancing Low Impact Development in Coastal South Carolina - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Application of Data from the Grand Bay Estuary System to Enhance Water Quality on the Northern Gulf of Mexico Coast - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Assessing Ecological and Physical Performance of Sustainable Shoreline Structure - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Assessing Habitat Vulnerability in a Time of Change - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Assessing How Climate Change Will Affect Coastal Habitats in the Northeast - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Assessing Kachemak Bay’s Blue Carbon Resources - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Assessing Research Efforts and Emerging Issues Concerning Forage Fish Exposure to Paralytic Shellfish Toxins in Alaska - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Assessing the Current and Potential Role of Shellfish for Improving Water Quality - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Assessing the Effects of Storm Surge Barriers on the Hudson River Estuary - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Balancing Freshwater Needs in Texas' Changing Climate - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Bridging the Gap between Quadrats and Satellites: Assessing Utility of Drone-based Imagery to Enhance Emergent Vegetation Biomonitoring - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Bringing Shorelines to Life in South Carolina - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Bringing Wetlands to Market in Massachusetts - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Bringing Wetlands to Market on the Gulf Coast - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Bringing Wetlands to Market: Expanding Blue Carbon Implementation - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Bringing the "Oly" Oyster Back to Oregon's Coast - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Building Capacity for Reserves to be Motus Wildlife Tracking Leaders - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Building Partnerships for Oregon's Coastal Watershed - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Building a Coastwide Olympia Oyster Network to Improve Restoration Outcomes - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Buried or Fried? Understanding Sedimentation and Temperature Effects - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative) Native Species in the South Slough Reserve and Coos Estuary, Oregon
- Carrying Out Climate Scenario Planning for the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Climate Education for a Changing Bay Expansion - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Coastal Hazards Risk Communication: A Technical Assistance Transfer Project within the National Estuarine Research Reserve System - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Collaborative Research to Manage Stormwater Impacts on Coastal Reserves - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Communicating Results from the Tidal Marsh Resilience Synthesis - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Community-Based Adaptation Planning for New Hampshire - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Connecting the Dots between Data and Atlantic Fisheries Management - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Creating an Alliance of Scientists and Educators in Virginia - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Credit for Going Green: Transfer of an Expert Elicitation Method to Develop Pollutant Load Reduction Rates for Buffers that Count Toward MS4 Permits - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Cultural Ecosystem Services in Estuary Stewardship and Management - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Dams and Sediment in the Hudson (DaSH) - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Decreasing Vulnerability for Maine's Beach-Based Business Community - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Developing DNA Methods to Monitor Invasive Species and Biodiversity in Estuaries - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Developing New Ways to Analyze Reserve Monitoring Data - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Developing and Integrating Social Measures of Estuarine Restoration Success - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Effects of Sea Level Rise on New England Salt Marshes: A Workshop Led by the New England Research Reserves - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- End-User Derived Research to Improve the Effectiveness, Sustainability, and Prevalence of Coastal Restoration Projects - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Enhancing Coastal Resilience Decision-Support Tools to Reflect Latest Local Applied Science - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Enhancing Coordination on Shoreline Management and Resilience Measures in New York State - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Enhancing Resilience on Maryland's Deal Island - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Establishing a Blue Carbon Network for the Gulf Coast - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Evaluating Living Shorelines to Inform Regulatory Decision-Making in South Carolina - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Evaluating Whether Oyster Aquaculture Can Help Restore Water Quality - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Evaluating the Impact of Hydrologic Alterations on Salt Marsh Sustainabilityin a Changing Climate - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Evaluation of the Ecosystem Services of Shellfish Culture Operations in North Carolina - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Exploring Applications of Ecosystem Service Conceptual Models for Coastal Habitats - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Exploring the Trends, the Science, and the Options of Buffer Management in the Great Bay Watershed - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Feasibility Planning for Pacific Northwest Blue Carbon Finance Projects - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- From NECAP to GCAP: Transferring Climate Adaptation Knowledge and Tools from New England to Georgetown, SC - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- From Past to Present: Ecosystem Services and People of the Guana Peninsula - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Game Changer: New England Climate Change Adaptation Project - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Green Infrastructure for a Sustainable New Hampshire - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Healthy Wetlands and Communities for Southern California - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- HiTIDER: History and Topography to Improve Decision-making for Estuary Restoration - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Identifying Optimal Foraging Characteristics to Inform Piping Plover and Red Knot Habitat Management - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Improved understanding of sediment dynamics for the South Slough NERR and the greater Coos Bay Estuary - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Innovative Stormwater Treatment in Ohio - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Investigating the Interconnectedness of Climate Change, Nuisance Mosquitos, and Resilience of Coastal Salt Marsh Systems - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborativ
- Managing Freshwater for the Future in Florida - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Marsh Sediment in Translation (MSiT): A Collaborative Project to Broaden - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative) the Impacts of Marsh-Sediment Research at China Camp State Park
- Modeling Stormwater Impacts in Coastal South Carolina - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Monitoring and Management of Lagoon Mouths in Southern California - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Mud on the Move: Predicting How Marshes Will Change as Sea Levels Rise - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- National Estuarine Research Reserve System - NERRS - Meteorological Data
- National Estuarine Research Reserve System - NERRS - Nutrient and Pigment Data
- National Estuarine Research Reserve System - NERRS - Vegetation Monitoring Data
- National Estuarine Research Reserve System - NERRS - Water Quality Data
- Our Coast, Our Future: Planning for Climate Change in San Francisco - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Pacific Northwest Carbon Stocks and Blue Carbon Database Project - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Planning for Florida's Rising Tides - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Planning the Future by Exploring the Past in Mississippi's Grand Bay - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Preparing for Alaska's Changing Landscape - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Promoting Coastal Community Resilience through Alaska Fisheries Business Self-Assessments - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Promoting Resilient Groundwater Resources and Holistic Watershed Management in the Southern Kenai Lowlands - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Protecting Alabama's Water Quality through Marsh Restoration - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Protecting Wetlands for the Future in Wisconsin - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Quantifying Nutrient Retention by Lake Erie Coastal Wetlands - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Re-Engineering Living Shorelines for High-Energy Coastal Environments - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Refining Techniques for High-Frequency Monitoring of Chlorophyll in the NERRS - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Resilience Dialogues: Strategies for Conflict Management in Collaborative Science - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Resilience and Positive Feedbacks: Water Quality Management and Eelgrass Health in the Great Bay Estuary - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- SETr: Developing Tools and Visualizations to Track Changes in Wetland Surface Elevation - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Spreading the Seeds of Estuary Health - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Stakeholder-Driven Modeling to Understand Oyster Population Sustainability - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Storm Stories: Communicating Hurricane Impacts using Monitoring Data and Visualizations - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Stormwater Solutions for North Carolina - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Sustainable Shorelines for New York's Hudson River - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Synthesizing Monitoring Data to Improve Coastal Wetland Management Across New England - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Teachers on the Estuary: Investigating a Changing Environment - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- The Coos Estuary Land Use Analysis - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- The Future of Site Profiles: An Innovative Cross-Sector Approach to Incorporating End User and Reserve Needs - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- The Olympia & Pacific Oyster Data Portal
- Thin-layer Sediment Placement: Evaluating an Adaptation Strategy to Enhance Coastal Marsh Resilience - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Tools, Techniques, and Tactics for Advancing Successful Climate Adaptation - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Tracking Nitrogen Pollution in New Hampshire's Great Bay - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Undergraduates Develop Job Skills by Creating Interactive Software for Reserve Visitors - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Understanding South Carolina's "Swash Cycle" - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Understanding the Role Coastal Marshes Play in Protecting Communities from Storm Surge and Flooding - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Understanding the Vulnerabilities of Southeastern Coastal Habitats to Climate Change Impacts - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Using Advanced Mapping to Measure Changes in Mangrove and Seagrass Habitat over Time - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Using Estuary Data to Teach about Coastal Impacts of Climate Change - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Valuing the Ecosystem Services of Southern Maine Watersheds - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Watershed Planning Across Boundaries in New Hampshire - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Watershed Stewardship in Action: Deaf Students on the Estuary (WADE) - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
- Northeast
- R-Factor_metadata_for_Alaska
- R-Factor_metadata_for_CONUS
- R-Factor_metadata_for_Island_of_Hawaii
- R-Factor_metadata_for_Island_of_Kauai
- R-Factor_metadata_for_Island_of_Lanai
- R-Factor_metadata_for_Island_of_Maui
- R-Factor_metadata_for_Island_of_Molokai
- R-Factor_metadata_for_Island_of_Oahu
- R-Factor_metadata_for_Island_of_Puerto_Rico
- PacificRegion
- CCAP_regional_NGDA
- Coastal_States
- MarineCadastre
- NGDA OCM lidar holdings parent
- NOAA_Shoreline_Site
- NOAA_composite_shoreline
- SoVI2010
- U.S. Interagency Elevation Inventory (USIEI) - Data Download
- cscFloodComposite
- csc_slrv_metadata
- usiei_viewer_metadata
- 2015metadataPlannedAcquisitions_AIS
- 2015metadataPlannedAcquisitions_benthic
- 2015metadataPlannedAcquisitions_ccap
- 2017metadataPlannedAcquisitions_benthic
- templatePlannedAcquisitions_imagery
- templatePlannedAcquisitions_lidar
- DEMs
- Imagery
- test postSandy