NWFSC Catalog Hierarchy
NWFSC Metadata Library-
NWFSC Metadata Library
CB Division
- Atlantis model outputs - Developing end-to-end models of the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem
- BPA genetic monitoring (BPA Genetic Monitoring Project)
- Bioenergetics model output (Trophic impacts of bald eagles in the Puget Sound food web)
- CB Legacy Data Sets
- CCIEA data and model output - California Current Integrated Ecosystem Assessment
- CHaMP metrics (Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program)
- Cedar River Chinook genotypes - Estimate relative reproductive success of hatchery and wild fall Chinook salmon in the Cedar River
- Central Puget Sound Ecopath/Ecosim model biological parameters - Developing food web models for ecosystem-based management applications in Puget Sound
- Central Puget Sound Ecopath/Ecosim model outputs - Developing food web models for ecosystem-based management applications in Puget Sound
- Chinook Bycatch (Contemporary Salmon Genetic Stock Composition Estimates)
- Chinook salmon Genetic Stock Identification data - Genetic Stock Identification of Washington Chinook salmon
- Community social vulnerability indicies - Community Social Vulnerability Indicators for the California Current
- Coral genetic (Taxonomic and genetic identification of deep-sea corals in bycatch and field surveys -linked to groundfish survey dataset)
- DTAGs SRKW (Using DTAGs to study vessel sound exposure & effects on behavior in southern resident killer whales)
- Derelict Gear (Impacts of derelict fishing gear on marine fauna in Puget Sound and the Northwest Straits)
- Ecological Concerns Data Dictionary (Ecological Concerns data dictionary)
- Elwha genetics (Elwha river salmonid genetics)
- Estuary fish data - Juvenile salmon in migratory corridors of lower Columbia River estuary
- Food web model output (Trophic impacts of bald eagles in the Puget Sound food web)
- Genetic data for groundfish - Genetics and genomics of northeastern Pacific groundfish
- Harbor porpoise (Passive acoustic monitoring of harbor porpoises in Puget Sound)
- ISEMP - Integrated Status and Effectiveness Project
- Jellyfish movement data (Determining movement patterns of jellyfish)
- John Day Steelhead (Genetic Monitoring of John Day Steelhead)
- Killer Whale Genetic Data (Genetic marker development and applications for southern resident killer whales)
- Killer whale morphology - Variation in morphology of killer whale ecotypes
- Killer whale prey (Determining prey selection by southern resident killer whales (SRKW))
- Lewis Steelhead Genetics (Lewis River Steelhead Reintroduction)
- Migration of steelhead (Genetic basis of migratory tendency in oncorhynchus mykiss)
- Model outputs (Developing end-to-end models of the Gulf of California)
- Mukilteo water sensor time series (Field work coupling measurements of carbon chemistry and distribution of free-living organisms)
- NWFSC OA facility water chemistry (Ocean acidification species exposure experimental facility)
- Non fisheries threats - Risk, status and trends of non-fisheries threats in the California Current to groundfish species
- OA Experimental Results (Species response experiments on the effects of ocean acidification, climate change, and deoxygenation)
- OBSOLETE: Coral genetic - Taxonomic and genetic identification of deep-sea corals in bycatch and field surveys -linked to groundfish survey dataset
- Ocean Salmon Distributions
- Ocean acidification genetics (Genetics and genomics of response to ocean acidification)
- PODs cruise (Pacific Orcinus Distrbution Survey)
- Pacific Northwest Salmon Habitat Project Database (Pacific Northwest Salmon Habitat Project Database)
- Physical oceanography - Developing end-to-end models of the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem
- Predator Gut Isotopes (Characterizing ecosystem role of sharks)
- Puget Sound ocean acidification model outputs (Modeling the impacts of ocean acidification on ecosystems and populations)
- Puget Sound porpoise population (Estimates of harbor porpoise population size in the main basin of Puget Sound)
- Puget Sound steelhead life cycle model analyses - Population Viability Analysis
- Quota Prices - Analysis and Reporting on Pacific Groundfish IFQ Quota Market
- Ratfish data (Movement and habitat use patterns of top predators and keystone species in the benthic food web.)
- SPS Abundance (Salmon Population Summary Database)
- SPS and VSP
- SRKW occurrence coastal (Occurrence of SRKW on the US West Coast using passive acoustic recorders)
- SRKW seasonal occurence (Patterns of seasonal occurrence of Southern Resident Killer Whales)
- SRKW summer prey (Prey species and stock specific consumption estimates for SRKW in their summer range)
- Salish Sea Genetics (Salish Sea genetic inventory)
- Shiraz model (All-H modeling spring Chinook salmon in the Wenatchee River Basin)
- Snake River fall Chinook reproductive success (Juvenile life history changes in Snake River fall Chinook salmon)
- Social Cultural Data (Social Impacts of Catch Shares in the West Coast Groundfish Fishery)
- Spiny dogfish data (Movement and habitat use patterns of top predators and keystone species in the benthic food web.)
- Steelhead migration (Tracking steelhead migration from the Columbia River through the Pacific Ocean)
- Transient killer whale range (Satellite tagging of West Coast transient killer whales to determine range and movement patterns)
- Vertebrae classification models (Validating classification models that use morphometrics to identify ancient salmonid (Oncorhynchus spp.) vertebrae to species)
- Wenatchee Chinook Parentage (Evaluate the reproductive success of hatchery and wild Chinook salmon in the Wenatchee River)
- Wenatchee River steelhead reproductive success - Estimate the relative reproductive success of hatchery and wild steelhead in the Wenatchee River, WA
- West Coast fish, mammal, and bird species diets - Developing end-to-end models of the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem
- West Coast fish, mammal, bird life history and abunance parameters - Developing end-to-end models of the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem
EFS Division
- 2013 Early Life History Experiment Data - Snake River sockeye salmon captive propagation
- Behavior Data - The effect of dietary taurine on feed attraction and physiology of carnivorous marine fish
- Chemical tracers in Northwest Atlantic dogfish
- Chiller Design Model - Impact of chiller failure on the short-term temperature variation in the incubation of salmonids
- Composition of fish and feeds - Developing diets and feeding strategies for improved growth and performance of juvenile and adult sablefish
- EFS Division (Source EC)
- EFS Division (Source REUT)
- Egg lipids - Determination and practical application of egg quality measures toward reliable culture of high-value marine finfish species
- Egg quality sablefish - Determination and practical application of egg quality measures toward reliable culture of high-value marine finfish species
- Enviromental contaminants in Puget Sound fish - Chemical Analyses and Histological Preparation of Puget Sound Fish
- Feed formulations - Incorporation of Plant Proteins into Marine Finfish Feeds, a NWFSC-YSFRI Joint Study
- Fish Culture Data - Developing diets and feeding strategies for improved growth and performance of juvenile and adult sablefish
- Fish culture data - Development and optimization of grow out diets for sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria)
- Fish weights - Incorporation of Plant Proteins into Marine Finfish Feeds, a NWFSC-YSFRI Joint Study
- Growth - Production of Macroalgae for Human Consumption in the Pacific Northwest
- Growth Data - Developing diets and feeding strategies for improved growth and performance of juvenile and adult sablefish
- Growth data - Development and optimization of grow out diets for sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria)
- Hyporheic Microbes Database - Microbes in the hyporheic zone
- Lipophilic Toxins in WA - Clear and present danger: monitoring and management of lipophilic shellfish toxins in Washington State
- OBSOLETE: Diatom Control - Production of Macroalgae for Human Consumption in the Pacific Northwest
- Oil spill related contaminant data for Arctic marine mammals - Obtaining baseline oil spill-related contaminant exposure data for Arctic marine mammals
- PAH data in tissues of subsistence harvested marine mammal - Determination of PAH baseline values in tissues from subsistence-harvested marine mammals on the North Slope
- POPs data for salmonids and macroinvertebrates from Glacier Bay, Alaska - Measuring persistent organic pollutants in resident salmonids and benthic macroinvertebrates in streams near Glacier National Park, Alaska
- Physiology Data - Developing diets and feeding strategies for improved growth and performance of juvenile and adult sablefish
- Proximate - Production of Macroalgae for Human Consumption in the Pacific Northwest
- SDMG - Sablefish Muscle Physiology
- Salish Sea Marine Survival (Steelhead) - Early Marine Survival of Puget Sound Steelhead
- Social Behavior - Snake River sockeye salmon captive propagation
- Temperature - Impact of chiller failure on the short-term temperature variation in the incubation of salmonids
- Water chemistry - Investigation of Methods to Improve Homing by Hatchery Salmon
- Water quality data - North Puget Sound Chinook salmon captive propagation
- West Coast DA Event data - West Coast Toxic Pseudo-nitzschia bloom
FE Division
- Aquatic Invertebrates - Thornton Creek Restoration Project Effectiveness Monitoring
- Beaver Evidence (Historical Range of Beaver in the State of California, with an emphasis on areas within the range of coho salmon and steelhead trout)
- Biological (Elwha River Dam Removal Study)
- Bird Distribution and Abundance - Ocean Survival of Salmonids
- Bridge Creek IMW database (Bridge Creek Restoration and Monitoring Project)
- CTD Oceanographic Data (Ocean Survival of Salmonids)
- CTD data - Pre-recruit surveys to aid stock assessment
- Chemical (Elwha River Dam Removal Study)
- Coastal Assessment Framework - National Assessment of Estuary and Coastal Habitats
- Coho Use of Beaver Ponds in California - Movers and stayers: seasonal growth of alternative behavioral strategies of juvenile coho in natural and constructed habitats of mid-Klamath tributaries
- Data logger database (Physical and biological effects of fish-friendly tide gates)
- Diet (Recolonization of the Cedar River, WA by Pacific salmon)
- EPA Townetting CTD casts (Evaluating the ecological health of Puget Sound's pelagic foodweb)
- Egg to fry (Chinook Egg-to-Fry Survival)
- Elwha Master Datafile - Elwha dam removal neashore monitoring
- English sole 2010-2011 (Suitability of somatic growth of English sole as an ecosystem indicator.)
- Experimental streams (Recolonization of the Cedar River, WA by Pacific salmon)
- FE Legacy Data Sets
- Field and laboratory notes on development of a PIT-tag system for spillways (Research and Development of New Marking and Monitoring Technologies)
- Field and laboratory notes on instream research (Research and Development of New Marking and Monitoring Technologies)
- Fish Sampling in the Multnomah Channel Marsh Natural Area near Portland Oregon from 2014-03-24 to 2015-07-15
- Fish abundance, composition, distribution (Recolonization of the Cedar River, WA by Pacific salmon)
- Fish and logger summaries (Physical and biological effects of fish-friendly tide gates)
- Geomorphic analysis (Trinity River Restoration Potential)
- Growth, movement and survival (Recolonization of the Cedar River, WA by Pacific salmon)
- Habitat capacity for Sacramento delta - Life Cycle Modeling of Life History Diversity and Habitat Relationships
- Historical nutrient and pathogen database
- Ichthyoplankton Data (Stock Assessment and Improvement Program)
- In-stream PIT detection, estuary wetlands (Columbia River Estuary Tidal Habitats)
- Isotopes (Recolonization of the Cedar River, WA by Pacific salmon)
- Juvenile Salmonid Metrics (Ocean Survival of Salmonids)
- Juvenile Salmonid Parasite Data (Ocean Survival of Salmonids)
- Juvenile Salmonid Trophic Data (Ocean Survival of Salmonids)
- Newport Hydrographic Line
- Oceanographic Trawl Data (Ocean Survival of Salmonids)
- Otolith output (Project to study alternative life history types of fall Chinook based on otoliths)
- PIT Tag data - Monitoring the migrations of wild Snake River spring/summer Chinook salmon juveniles
- PTAGIS - Development of Large PIT-Tag Antennas to Estimate Migration Timing and Survival for Adult Salmonids near Pile Dikes in the Columbia River Estuary
- Pacific Hake (Growth and natal origin of Pacific hake from the Georgia Basin DPS)
- Physical (Elwha River Dam Removal Study)
- Qwuloolt biota (Monitoring the Qwuloolt Estuarine Levee Breach Restoration)
- Qwuloolt elevation (Monitoring the Qwuloolt Estuarine Levee Breach Restoration)
- Qwuloolt hydrology (Monitoring the Qwuloolt Estuarine Levee Breach Restoration)
- Radio telemetry data (Characterizing migration and survival for juvenile Snake River sockeye salmon between the upper Salmon River basin and Lower Granite Dam)
Reference stand condition (Effects of Thinning on Forest Structure important to the recovery of ESA-listed species)
- Vegetation Simulation Cases
- Vegetation Simulation Initial Stand Condition
- Vegetation Simulation Initial Tree Condition
- Vegetation Simulation Plot
- Vegetation Simulation Results
- Salmon Population Summary - Impacts of climate change on Pacific salmon
- Salmon habitat use, tidal-fluvial estuary (Columbia River Estuary Tidal Habitats)
- Salmon vulnerability maps (Effect of Climate Change on Salmon Population Vulnerability)
- Skagit IMW (Skagit River Estuary Intensively Monitored Watershed Project)
- Snohomish estuary LiDAR and RGB orthophotos (Monitoring the Qwuloolt Estuarine Levee Breach Restoration)
- Stable isotope database (Transport and fate of nutrient and pathogen loadings into nearshore Puget Sound: consequences for shellfish growing areas)
- Stream flow and temperature maps (Effect of Climate Change on Salmon Population Vulnerability)
- Townet database (Evaluating the ecological health of Puget Sound's pelagic foodweb)
- Unit scale abundance and habitat data (Calawah River Riverscape Study)
- Water Quality (Monitoring the migrations of wild Snake River spring/summer Chinook salmon juveniles)
- Water chemistry - Thornton Creek Restoration Project Effectiveness Monitoring
- West Coast Stream Attributes for Salmon Intrinsic Potential
- Zooplankton Data (Ocean Survival of Salmonids)
FRAM Division
- Acoustic data (Integrated acoustic and trawl survey of Pacific hake off the Pacific Coast)
- At-Sea Hake Observer Program (ASHOP) Dataset - Observer Program Operations and Analysis
- Biological data (Integrated acoustic and trawl survey of Pacific hake off the Pacific Coast)
- Catcher Processor Cost Earnings Data - Economic Data Collection for Monitoring the Economic Effects of the West Coast Groundfish Trawl Rationalization Program
- Catcher Vessel Cost Earnings Data - Economic Data Collection for Monitoring the Economic Effects of the West Coast Groundfish Trawl Rationalization Program
- DIDSON ultrasonic video data - Untrawlable Habitat Strategic Initiative
- FRAM Legacy Data Sets
- First Receiver and Shorebased Processor Data - Economic Data Collection for Monitoring the Economic Effects of the West Coast Groundfish Trawl Rationalization Program
- Habitat Use Database (Groundfish Essential Fish Habitat Habitat Use Database (HUD))
- Hypoxia-Early Life History Studies (Fishing vessel based survey of young-of-year groundfish along the Newport Hydrographic Line)
- Mothership Cost Earnings Data - Economic Data Collection for Monitoring the Economic Effects of the West Coast Groundfish Trawl Rationalization Program
- Non-Catch Share fishery bycatch analysis and reporting
- OA 2014-5 Dataset - Limited Entry and Open Access cost earnings survey collecting 2014-15 data
- Observer Information (Non-Catch Share fishery bycatch analysis and reporting)
- Observer Raw Catch Data (Non-Catch Share fishery bycatch analysis and reporting)
- Oceanographic Data - Bycatch Reduction Engineering Research
- Oceanographic data (Integrated acoustic and trawl survey of Pacific hake off the Pacific Coast)
- Puget Sound Recreational Shellfish Harvesting Survey - Model Intended Angler Behavior
- Southern California Hook and Line Survey (Annual So. CA Bight hook and line data collection/survey)
- Species Composition - Bycatch Reduction Engineering Research
- Video Direct Count Data - Bycatch Reduction Engineering Research
- West Coast Groundfish Bottom Trawl Survey Data (Annual West Coast time series groundfish trawl data collection survey)
OMI (Operations, Management, and Information) Division
- IFQ Catch Shares
- Project Planning DB - Project Planning Database and Public Access to Research Results tracking system
SD Division
- Habitat information in the region on the underwater San Andreas Fault
CB Division