Commercial Fisheries Landings for U.S. Caribbean
Southeast Fisheries Science Center
| ID: 20884
| Published / External
Created: 2013-11-13
Last Modified: 2022-08-09
Project (PRJ) | ID: 1904
ID: 20884
Project (PRJ)
* Discovery• First Pass
» Metadata Rubric
Item Identification
* » Title | Commercial Fisheries Landings for U.S. Caribbean |
Short Name | Commercial Fisheries Landings for U.S. Caribbean |
* Status | In Work |
Creation Date | |
Revision Date | |
• Publication Date | |
* » Abstract | |
* Purpose | |
Notes | |
Other Citation Details | |
• Supplemental Information | |
DOI (Digital Object Identifier) | |
DOI Registration Authority | |
DOI Issue Date |
Theme Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
None | commercial fisheries |
None | commercial landings |
None | fisheries |
None | landings |
None | marine fisheries |
None | U.S. Caribbean fisheries |
Temporal Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
* Spatial Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
None | Caribbean |
None | Puerto Rico |
None | Puerto Rico fish |
None | St. Croix |
None | St. John |
None | St. Thomas |
None | Virgin Islands fish |
Stratum Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
None | area fished |
None | fishing gear |
None | marine species |
Instrument Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Platform Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Physical Location
• » Organization | Southeast Fisheries Science Center |
• » City | Miami |
• » State/Province | FL |
• Country | USA |
• » Location Description |
Project Information
Project Type | Collection |
Is Mandated? | Yes |
Mandated By | Magnuson Act |
Collection Type | Logbook |
Collection Authority | Agency |
Collection Method | Paper logs |
Support Roles
* » Support Role | |
* » Date Effective From | |
Date Effective To | |
* » Contact | |
* Contact Instructions |
* » Support Role | |
* » Date Effective From | |
Date Effective To | |
* » Contact | |
* Contact Instructions |
* » Support Role | |
* » Date Effective From | |
Date Effective To | |
* » Contact | |
* Contact Instructions |
Currentness Reference |
Extent Group 1
Extent Description |
Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area 1
* » W° Bound | -68.167 |
* » E° Bound | -64 |
* » N° Bound | 19.25 |
* » S° Bound | 17.3334 |
* » Description |
Roughly the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) for the U.S. Caribbean (Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands including their territorial waters. The British VIrgin Islands are not part of the EEZ. Some international waters also exist within these boundaries and are not part of the EEZ. |
Extent Group 1 / Vertical Extent
EPSG Code | |
Vertical Minimum | |
Vertical Maximum |
Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 1
* » Time Frame Type | Continuing |
* » Start | 1974-07-01 |
End | |
Alternate Start As Of Info | |
Alternate End As Of Info | |
Description |
Access Information
* » Security Class | Sensitive |
* Security Classification System |
Password Restricted. Rule of 3: Data summaries must include at least 3 dealers to be considered non-sensitive. See: NOAA FORM 58-5 (1-84) TRANSMITTAL 127, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA Administrative Order 216-100 NOAA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER SERIES Date of Issuance: July 26, 1994 |
Security Handling Description |
Sensitive data may only be released to entities having a signed non-disclosure agreement on file with the Director of the Information Resources Management Division (IRMD). Otherwise, sensitivity may be suppressed by the following methods used for aggregation of sensitive data: Data that are submitted as sensitive can be released to the public under the following circumstances: 1. Combined or aggregated data. Sensitive data can be released if the data are aggregated or summarized in a manner that prevents the identification of the person or organization that submitted the data. The "rule of three" and identification of majority allocations" are the primary data suppression methods. 2. Obscure (scramble) or remove the data identifier. For some types of data, sensitive data Can be released as non-sensitive if the identity of the person, vessel, company, etc. that submitted the data is not included or is scrambled as part of the data that are released. 3. Submitter. Sensitive data collected under federal authority Can be released to the original entity (person, vessel, business, etc.) that submitted the data. 4. Sensitive data waived. The protection of sensitive data can be waived by the person or business that submitted the data. |
• Data Access Policy |
See NOAA Administrative Order 216-100 NOAA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER SERIES Date of Issuance: July 26, 1994 |
» Data Access Procedure |
These standards and procedures apply to all employees of the SEFSC that need access to sensitive fisheries statistics. This includes full time or term employees, contractors, volunteers, and/or other employees associated with the SEFSC, but not directly employed by either organization. Any SEFSC employee that needs or desires access to sensitive data must have read NOA 216-100 and submitted a signed nondisclosure statement to the Director, Information Resources Management Division (IRMD). The non-disclosure statement must be approved by the Director of IRMD and maintained on file by IRMD. It is the responsibility of the Director of IRMD to certifY upon request, that a person or organization that requests access to sensitive data is authorized access to those data. All employees that have access to and/or use sensitive data (federal and non-federal) are responsible to protect those data from unauthorized access or release. Contractors or grantees that have an agreement with NMFS can be granted access to sensitive data as an authorized user (See NOA 216-100 1 Section 6.03e). It should be clearly understood that sensitive data cannot be released simply by an individual signing a nondisclosure statement. There must be a clear and demonstrable need for the sensitive data that are requested as part of a contract or grant. Sensitive data can only be released for the specific contract or grant. Upon completion of the contract or grant, the recipient must either return the data or state that it has been destroyed. The contractor or grantee cannot use the data for any purpose other than the uses stated in the agreement. The Contracting Officers Technical Representative (COTR) or the Technical Monitor (TM) that has been assigned to the contract or grant, respectively, has the following? responsibilities: 1. The COTR/TM has the responsibility to determine whether the contractor/grantee is eligible to receive the sensitive data that are requested in the agreement. 2. The COTR/TM has the responsibility to assure that all persons included in the agreement have read NOA 2l6-l00 and have signed a nondisclosure statement. A statement must be signed by each person that will have access to the sensitive data under the agreement, i.e., a blanket statement cannot be used for the company or firm. The COTR/TM also has the responsibility to make sure that the Director, IRMD has signed and approved the nondisclosure statement and the statement is on file with IRMD. 3. The COTR/TM has the responsibility to assure that sensitive data are not released in any publication, report, oral presentation, or other means to the public by the contractor or grantee. |
• » Data Access Constraints |
To access sensitive data a completed non-disclosure agreement must be on file with NOAA-SEFSC. Otherwise Data that are submitted as sensitive can be released to the public under the following circumstances: 1. Combined or aggregated data. Sensitive data can be released if the data are aggregated or summarized in a manner that prevents the identification of the person or organization that submitted the data. The "rule of three" and identification of majority allocations" are the primary data suppression methods. 2. Obscure (scramble) or remove the data identifier. For some types of data, senstive data Can be released as non-sensitve if the identity of the person, vessel, company, etc. that submitted the data is not included or is scrambled as part of the data that are released. 3. Submitter. Sensitive data collected under federal authority Can be released to the original entity (person, vessel, business, etc.) that submitted the data. 4. Sensitive data waived. The protection of sensitive data can be waived by the person or business that submitted the data. |
• Data Use Constraints |
Sensitive data are not to be released in any publication, report, oral presentation, or other means to the public. |
Metadata Access Constraints |
Non-published Metadata access is restricted. Published Metadata is available to the public. |
Metadata Use Constraints |
Use Published Metadata only. |
Distribution Information
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Description |
Activity Log
Activity Time | 0011-09-14 14:43:14+0000 |
Activity Type | ALTER COLUMN |
Responsible Party | Joshua Bennett |
Description |
Allowed decimal places for pounds in the forms. |
Activity Time | 0012-07-25 14:39:33+0000 |
Activity Type | Application Change |
Responsible Party | Joshua Bennett |
Description |
Automatically provide USVI with Trip Ticket Number. USVI does not assign trip ticket numbers to their records. |
Activity Time | 2011-09-09 13:48:17+0000 |
Activity Type | Entry template change |
Responsible Party | Joshua Bennett |
Description |
Increased rows for Other Species. PR has 4 manual rows for species. |
Activity Time | 2011-11-23 16:21:17+0000 |
Activity Type | Code ADDITIONS |
Responsible Party | Joshua Bennett |
Description |
Gear Code Additions and Edits Made to GEAR_LIST, DIALECT_GEAR_LIST, TRIP_GEAR_TYPE_GEAR Gear Code HL_POW was replaced by HL_TROLL in lookups and data. (The spanish name is SILGA for trolling hook and line). HL_POW_REEL was added to (spanish name is MALACATE for hook and line, electric reel). HL_HAND code gear name ('HAND') was renamed 'HANDLINE' in lookup and 'CORDEL DE MANO' in dialect lookup. Bottom Longline (CODE HL_BLL) was renamed (PALANGRE DE FONDO)IN dialect lookup. Drift Longline (code HL_DLL) was renamed (PALANGRE horizontal DE superfecie) IN dialect lookup. Vertical Longline (code HL_VLL) was renamed (PALANGRE vertical) IN dialect lookup. HL_BUOY (yo-yo) was dropped from dialect list. New code 'HL_BOTTOM' (Bottom Fishing Hook and Line) was added to lookup and listed as 'CALA' in dialect list. Another gear code addition: GILL_NET_BOTT for Gill Nets Fished on or near the sea bottom. Translates to Trasmallo in dialect list for SP01. The code of GILL_NET, named SURFACE GILL NET, was retained for surface gill nets and translates now to FILETE in dialect list for SP01. 2011-11-23 16:21:17 |
Activity Time | 2012-01-05 10:24:16+0000 |
Activity Type | Data Validations |
Responsible Party | Joshua Bennett |
Description |
A change was done for Puerto Rico's logbook, the ajax for getting the landing location was moved to the Centro de Desembarco, and the Municipio de desembarco and is now pre-filled with the landing_location_county data automatically. |
Activity Time | 2012-01-13 07:07:03+0000 |
Activity Type | Data Maintenence |
Responsible Party | Joshua Bennett |
Description |
Based on (changing permit numbers) a field (entity) was added to the database to keep the history linked together and the front end (user interface) could be enabled to change to change the region permit number. |
Activity Time | 2012-01-30 11:48:01+0000 |
Activity Type | Data Maintenence |
Responsible Party | Joshua Bennett |
Description |
New Maintain Fisher Feature: Inactivate Fisher Detail This new feature will allow users of CCL to inactivate a fisher (e.i. expire their profile). When to do this? When a fisher is assigned a permit number which is being used by a someone else. If a permit number is reused by a different fisher, this feature allows the users to inactivate the old user and issue the permit number to a new/active fisher. System restriction: Only one ACTIVE users can have a permit number for an island. New feature summary: => Ability to make a fisher inactive/active) => When searching, see active/inactive status of a user => Reuse permit numbers when prior user is inactive Some Database changes. p_l_fisher_permit includes: is_inactive p_f_fisher_permit includes: is_inactive and max_trip_dt p_u_fisher_permit input: v_is_inactive = 1 to inactivate user |
Activity Time | 2013-08-13 06:16:44+0000 |
Activity Type | Entry Program Modifications |
Responsible Party | Joshua Bennett |
Description |
Puerto Rico distance from shore default of 9 miles or less changed to null. Due to this default (9 miles or less), there was no distinction between trips where no data are recorded/entered and trips actually taking place 9 miles or less from shore. Made entry select 9 miles or less 0, greater than 9 miles 1, or null. |
Activity Time | 2013-08-13 06:16:53+0000 |
Activity Type | Entry Program Modifications |
Responsible Party | Joshua Bennett |
Description |
Puerto Rico trip ticket had discard data (bottom left of form) which had no entry options in CCL. Fields added so these data could be entered. |
Activity Time | 2013-08-13 06:18:18+0000 |
Activity Type | Entry Program Modifications |
Responsible Party | Joshua Bennett |
Description |
Puerto Rico ¿Day or Night¿ was defaulted to DAY. This was a similar issue to the distance from shore issue. New entry choices are day, night, or null. |
Activity Time | 2013-08-14 18:16:19+0000 |
Activity Type | Entry Program Modifications-Species |
Responsible Party | Joshua Bennett |
Description |
Updated FILTER_GEAR_SPECIES_LIST-St. Croix Traps List Only. Species in the St. Croix - Traps list that were found to be improper or out of place: 1. Yellowfin Grouper (Grammanick),sequence 11 was dropped from the Traps list. 2. Yellowtail Snapper was added to Traps list at sequence 11 (replacing Yellowfin Grouper). 3. Sheepshead Porgy,sequence 36 was dropped. 4. Trunkfish was added at sequence 36 (replacing sheepshead porgy). 5. Nurse shark was added at sequence 42 (previously empty). 6. Green moray eel was added at sequence 43 (replacing lionfish) 7. Lionfish was changed from sequence 43 to 44. 8. Yellowtail snapper had been at sequence 33 prior to move to sequence 11. 9. Lionfish was moved again from sequence 44 to 33 where it is on the form (replacing where Yellowtail Snapper had been. |
Activity Time | 2013-09-19 |
Activity Type | Spanish Help Manual made available to Data Entry |
Responsible Party | Joshua Bennett |
Description |
Incorporated Spanish translation of Help into Application. |
Activity Time | 2013-09-19 08:16:39+0000 |
Activity Type | Data column additions |
Responsible Party | Joshua Bennett |
Description |
Added Created_Date, Created_By_Userid columns to all CCL tables. Added Date Received column to CCL.TRIP. This would be the original date the record was created and would remain fixed in the data. The LU (last update) columns would remain to indicate modification dates and users. Fields were populated with the LU and LU_USER_ID for existing records. |
Activity Time | 2013-09-19 08:18:03+0000 |
Activity Type | Field Added to Entry Program |
Responsible Party | Joshua Bennett |
Description |
"Logbook Received Date" added. When a logbook form is being entered, a new field is displayed to collect the date in which the office received the logbook form. It is optional. |
Activity Time | 2015-11-20 |
Activity Type | Code Additions |
Responsible Party | Joshua Bennett |
Description |
Activity Time | |
Activity Type | |
Responsible Party | |
Description |
Activity Time | |
Activity Type | |
Responsible Party | |
Description |
Activity Time | |
Activity Type | |
Responsible Party | |
Description |
Issue Date | 2017-03-27 |
Author | Bennett, Joshua |
Issue |
Non-compliance. Not all fishers report. Because of this 'correction factors' are issued by Puerto Rico to account for the non-reporting. These factors, even though they are applied on a detail level are only truly applicable by yearly summary from 1983 - 1992. From 1993 - 2015 they were applied by year and coast, although expansion by year and fishing center were possible from 2007 and more recent. At this time the survey method is being reviewed as well as the compliance issue which is at the root of the problem. |
Issue Date | |
Author | |
Issue |
Issue Date | |
Author | |
Issue |
Issue Date | |
Author | |
Issue |
Technical Environment
Description |
Data Quality
Representativeness |
Accuracy |
Analytical Accuracy |
Horizontal Positional Accuracy |
Vertical Positional Accuracy |
Quantitation Limits |
Bias |
Comparability |
Completeness Measure |
Precision |
Analytical Precision |
Field Precision |
Sensitivity |
Detection Limit |
Completeness Report |
Conceptual Consistency |
» Quality Control Procedures Employed |
Acronym | Meaning |
Glossary Terms and Definitions
Term | |
Authority | |
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Authority | |
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Answer |
Child Items
Rubric scores updated every 15m
Related Items
Item Type | Relationship Type | Title |
Catalog Details
Catalog Item ID | 20884 |
Metadata Record Created By | Lee M Weinberger |
Metadata Record Created | 2013-11-13 12:18+0000 |
Metadata Record Last Modified By | SysAdmin InPortAdmin |
» Metadata Record Last Modified | 2022-08-09 17:11+0000 |
Metadata Record Published | 2021-05-06 |
Owner Org | SEFSC |
Metadata Publication Status | Published Externally |
Do Not Publish? | N |
Metadata Workflow State | Published / External |
Metadata Last Review Date | 2021-05-06 |
Metadata Review Frequency | 1 Year |
Metadata Next Review Date | 2022-05-06 |
Tags |