Northwest Fisheries Science Center
| ID: 32695
| Published / External
Created: 2016-05-09
Last Modified: 2022-08-09
Data Set (DS) | ID: 17904
ID: 32695
Entity (ENT)
* Discovery• First Pass
» Metadata Rubric
Item Identification
* Status | Planned |
Creation Date | |
Revision Date | |
• Publication Date | |
* » Abstract |
Stores a snap shot in time of population summary data. Generally archives are created annually to support NMFS reporting requirements. |
* Purpose | |
Notes | |
Other Citation Details | |
• Supplemental Information | |
DOI (Digital Object Identifier) | |
DOI Registration Authority | |
DOI Issue Date |
Theme Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Temporal Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
* Spatial Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Stratum Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Instrument Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Platform Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Physical Location
• » Organization | |
• » City | |
• » State/Province | |
• Country | |
• » Location Description |
Entity Information
Entity Type | Data Table |
Active Version? | Y |
Alias | |
Schema Name | SPS |
» Description |
Stores a snap shot in time of population summary data. Generally archives are created annually to support NMFS reporting requirements. |
Change Summary |
Data Attributes
Attribute Summary
Score | Req'd? | PKey? | » Name | Data Storage Type | Description |
100 | No | No | AGE_DETERMINATION_SAMPLE_SIZE | NUMBER | Number of samples used in age structure determination. |
100 | No | No | RECORD_HISTORY | CLOB | An accumulated set of statements describing how THIS RECORD has been edited over time including WHEN and by WHOM. |
100 | No | No | RECORD_JOURNAL_NOTE | VARCHAR2 | Short narrative describing the last change/edit made to this particular record. In a post-edit summary, this text is intended to describe what was done by the latest edit job. |
100 | No | No | RECORD_APPROVED_BY_PERSON | VARCHAR2 | If there is a certification process for these records, name of person who certified approval of the particular record. |
100 | No | No | RECORD_APPROVED_ON_DATE | DATE | If there is a certification process for these records, date that the particular record was approved or officially certified. |
100 | No | No | RECORD_COMPUTER_LOAD_BY_USER | VARCHAR2 | The username that loaded the record into the database. The username is dynamically captured by the database trigger when the record is inserted and saved to the database. This person may have no knowledge of content or meaning but ran the computer process that put the record into the database. |
100 | No | No | RECORD_COMPUTER_LOAD_ON_DATE | TIMESTAMP(4) | The date that the record was loaded into the database. This date is dynamically captured by the database trigger when the record is inserted and saved. |
100 | No | No | RECORD_CREATED_BY_PERSON | VARCHAR2 | The name of the person who originated this record PRIOR to its being entered into the database. The name of the person to contact with administrative questions or an explanation of it content. |
100 | No | No | RECORD_CREATED_ON_DATE | TIMESTAMP(4) | The date, or approximate date, that the person with content knowledge originated this record PRIOR to its being entered into the database. |
100 | No | No | RECORD_EFFECTIVE_DATE | DATE | If necessary, the date that the individual record becomes effective. Prior to this date the record is not valid. |
100 | No | No | RECORD_EXPIRATION_DATE | DATE | If necessary, the date that the individual record ceases to be effective. To force a midnight expiration, this may be set by "Select to_date(to_char(sysdate +1 ,'mm/dd/yyyy')||' 23:59:59','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') from dual". After this date and time the record is not valid. |
100 | No | No | RECORD_LAST_EDITED_BY_USER | VARCHAR2 | The username of the last person who modified this record. This username is dynamically captured by the database trigger any time the record is edited. |
100 | No | No | RECORD_LAST_EDITED_ON_DATE | TIMESTAMP(4) | The last date that the particular record was modified. This date is dynamically captured by the database trigger any time the record is edited. |
100 | No | No | RECORD_NUMBER_OF_EDITS | NUMBER | The number of times that the particular record was modified. This count is dynamically incremented by 1 by the database trigger each time the record is edited. |
100 | No | No | RECORD_SOFT_DELETED | VARCHAR2 | Flag whether or not this record has the "Deleted" status. Null means this record has NOT been deleted. "Y" means this record HAS been deleted. This flag allows "deleted" records to remain in the table for technical reasons. When the record is "Hard Deleted" it will be removed from this table and may or may not be placed in a historical table to preserve historical status. |
100 | No | No | RECORD_STEWARDSHIP | VARCHAR2 | If a set of User-Roles are developed for these records, this allows a particular Role (which may be a collection of other Roles) to be assigned to steward individual records. When any user attempts to modify a record, a database procedure will then dynamically examine the user's Role to determine if they are authorized to edit particular records. |
100 | No | No | RECORD_CHANGE_COMMENT | CLOB | Unlimited narrative describing the last change/edit made to this particular record. In a post-edit summary, this text is intended to describe what was done by the latest edit job. |
100 | No | No | TOTAL_SPAWNERS_WITHOUT_JACKS | NUMBER | Estimated number of natural origin (parents spawned in the wild) spawners contributing to spawning in a particular year. Includes only adults of natural origin, excluding jacks. |
100 | No | No | CONTACT_AGENCY | VARCHAR2 | Agency, Tribe or other entity, or person responsible for these data that is the best contact for questions that may arise about this data record. |
100 | No | No | NMFS_POPID | NUMBER | The foreign key to pull in the Population Name for the source database. |
100 | Yes | Yes | POPSUMARCV_DB_ID | NUMBER | Database-generated primary key (unique identifier) for each POPULATION_SUMMARIES_ARCV record, created by an internal sequence generator and used by the database to maintain referential integrity. This ID is not designed to be managed by users. This primary key constraint is named POPSUMARCV_PK. |
100 | Yes | No | SPS_ARCHIVE_DB_ID | NUMBER | Foreign key to the SPS_ARCHIVE table to link POPULATION_SUMMARIES_ARCV records to a specific ARCHIVE_DB_ID using the SPS_ARCHIVE_PK primary key. This foreign key constraint is named SPSARCV_POPDETAIL_FK1. |
100 | Yes | No | DETAIL_DB_ID | NUMBER | Foreign key to the detailed population record. |
100 | No | No | RECOVERY_DOMAIN | VARCHAR2 | After listing 27 Pacific salmon Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESUs) as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act, NMFS initiated a coast wide process to develop recovery plans for these species. An important part of this process was the creation of geographically based Technical Recovery Teams (TRTs) and recovery areas (domains). |
100 | No | No | ESU_NAME | VARCHAR2 | A group of Pacific salmon or steelhead trout that is (1) substantially reproductively isolated from other conspecific units and (2) represents an important component of the evolutionary legacy of the species. |
100 | No | No | ESU_MAP | VARCHAR2 | The ESU name used for map display purposes only. |
100 | No | No | MAP_RUN | VARCHAR2 | The running timing of the population used for map display purposes only. |
100 | No | No | ESU_DB_ID | NUMBER | Foreign key to the ESU lookup table. |
100 | No | No | MAJOR_POPULATION_GROUP | VARCHAR2 | A group of salmon populations that are geographically and genetically cohesive. The MPG is a level of organization between demographically independent populations and the ESU or DPS. |
100 | No | No | COMMON_POPULATION_NAME | VARCHAR2 | Name of population as people may commonly refer to it. |
100 | No | No | NWR_POPULATION_NAME | VARCHAR2 | Name of the population as defined by NMFS: A group of fish of the same species that spawns in a particular locality at a particular season and does not interbreed substantially with fish from any other group. |
100 | No | No | PUB_POP_ID | NUMBER | Foreign key to population name lookup table. This column has been deprecated. |
100 | No | No | SPECIES_DEFINITION_DB_ID | NUMBER | A unique identifier for each record; assigned by an internal Sequence Generator and used by the database to maintain foreign-key relationships. This ID is not designed to be managed by users. |
100 | No | No | GENUS | VARCHAR2 | The name of the genus that the population belongs to. |
100 | No | No | SPECIES | VARCHAR2 | The name of the specie that the population belongs to. |
100 | No | No | STREAM_NAME | VARCHAR2 | Name of the River or drainage identifying or containing the population. |
100 | No | No | RUN_TIMING | VARCHAR2 | The season of the year for the return of the population to its anadromous waters. i.e. Spring, Summer, Winter or Fall |
100 | No | No | START_YEAR | NUMBER | The earliest year that viable salmonid population statistics are reported for this population. |
100 | No | No | END_YEAR | NUMBER | The latest year that viable salmonid population statistics are reported for this population. |
100 | No | No | BROOD_YEAR | NUMBER | The year that adults enter to the river to spawn. |
100 | No | No | VIABILITY_TYPE | VARCHAR2 | The type-classification of this particular population viability figure. |
100 | No | No | RUN | VARCHAR2 | The Season of the Year represented by this viability figure for the population. |
100 | No | No | NUMBER_OF_SPAWNERS | NUMBER | The total number of fish returning to spawn in the data collection year. |
100 | No | No | SPAWNER_NOTES | VARCHAR2 | Comments or other helpful information about the observation of spawners in this viability computation. |
100 | No | No | FRACWILD | NUMBER | The fraction of the total spawners that are the progeny of naturally-spawning fish. |
100 | No | No | HATCHERY_FRACTION | NUMBER | A value between 0 and 1 that is the fraction of natural origin spawners. Natural origin spawners are spawners whose parents spawned in the wild. The fracWild is equal to one minus the fraction of first generation hatchery fish spawning in a given year. If all hatchery fish are marked, this value is the fraction of unmarked fish observed in a given year. |
100 | No | No | HATCHERY_FRACTION_NOTES | VARCHAR2 | Comments or other information about the observed or estimated Hatchery fraction of the fish in this viability computation. |
100 | No | No | EFFECTIVE_CATCH | NUMBER | The number of additional wild fish that would have returned to spawn in a given year had there not been a catch (harvest). |
100 | No | No | AGE_1_RETURNS | NUMBER | The fraction of fish who are defined as having an age of 1 that returned to spawn in a given year. |
100 | No | No | AGE_2_RETURNS | NUMBER | The fraction of fish who are defined as having an age of 2 that returned to spawn in a given year. |
100 | No | No | AGE_3_RETURNS | NUMBER | The fraction of fish who are defined as having an age of 3 that returned to spawn in a given year. |
100 | No | No | AGE_4_RETURNS | NUMBER | The fraction of fish who are defined as having an age of 4 that returned to spawn in a given year. |
100 | No | No | AGE_5_RETURNS | NUMBER | The fraction of fish who are defined as having an age of 5 that returned to spawn in a given year. |
100 | No | No | AGE_6_RETURNS | NUMBER | The fraction of fish who are defined as having an age of 6 that returned to spawn in a given year. |
100 | No | No | AGE_7_RETURNS | NUMBER | The fraction of fish who are defined as having an age of 7 that returned to spawn in a given year. |
100 | No | No | AGE_1_HARVEST | NUMBER | Proportion of catch composed of age-1 fish. Deprecated. |
100 | No | No | AGE_2_HARVEST | NUMBER | Proportion of catch composed of age-2 fish. Deprecated. |
100 | No | No | AGE_3_HARVEST | NUMBER | Proportion of catch composed of age-3 fish. Deprecated. |
100 | No | No | AGE_4_HARVEST | NUMBER | Proportion of catch composed of age-4 fish. Deprecated. |
100 | No | No | AGE_5_HARVEST | NUMBER | Proportion of catch composed of age-5 fish. Deprecated. |
100 | No | No | AGE_6_HARVEST | NUMBER | Proportion of catch composed of age-6 fish. Deprecated. |
100 | No | No | AGE_7_HARVEST | NUMBER | Proportion of catch composed of age-7 fish. Deprecated. |
100 | No | No | REGIME | NUMBER | Regime is an index of environmental conditions (usually intended as a measure of ocean survival) that should be entered as a decimal number centered on 1. It is used as a multiplier to adjust recruitment to average environmental conditions. When conditions are worse than average (regime < 1), recruits are adjusted upwards, when they are better than average (regime > 1), recruits are adjusted downwards. |
100 | No | No | AGE_NOTES | VARCHAR2 | Comments or other information giving further description of the population's age or age-structure. |
100 | No | No | ABUND_COUNT_EXTERNAL_FILE_1_LI | VARCHAR2 | A web-link to any pertinent external document that relates to this population and year. |
100 | No | No | ABUND_COUNT_EXTERNAL_FILE_2_LI | VARCHAR2 | A web-link to a second pertinent external document that relates to this population and year. |
100 | No | No | POPULATION_DB_ID | NUMBER | A unique identifier for each record; assigned by an internal Sequence Generator and used by the database to maintain foreign-key relationships. This ID is not designed to be managed by users. |
100 | No | No | TOTAL_SPAWNERS_WITH_JACKS | NUMBER | Estimated total number of fish contributing to spawning in a particular year. Includes both natural origin and hatchery origin returns, adults and jack age classes. |
100 | No | No | NATURAL_SPAWNERS_WITH_JACKS | NUMBER | Estimated number of natural origin (parents spawned in the wild) spawners contributing to spawning in a particular year. Includes both adults and jacks of natural origin. |
100 | No | No | NATURAL_ADULT_ANNUAL_RUN_4_6 | NUMBER | Estimated number of adult spawners of natural origin in a particular year. |
100 | No | No | JACK_FRAC_OF_HATCHERY_SPAWNERS | NUMBER | If available, estimate of the relative proportion of hatchery returns to the spawning ground that are jacks (i.e., age 3 fish for stream type chinook populations, age 2 fish for ocean type chinook populations). |
100 | No | No | ADULT_NATURAL_HARVEST_RATE | NUMBER | The estimated proportion of adult returns removed by harvest in a particular run year. Assumes that all adult age classes are harvested at the same rate. Steelhead and yearling type chinook estimates reflect in-river fisheries. Snake River Fall chinook estimates also include an adjustment to incorporate an index of annual ocean impacts. |
100 | No | No | NAT_NO_ORIGIN_BROOD_STOCK | NUMBER | Fish of natural origin removed from the returning run for use as hatchery brood stock. |
100 | No | No | ADULT_BROOD_RETURNS | NUMBER | Total future adult returns produced from spawning in a particular brood year. Expressed as returns to the spawning grounds. For chinook, adult brood year returns from year n are calculated as the sum of age 4 returns in year (n+4), age 5 returns in year (n+5) and age 6 returns in year (n+6). |
100 | No | No | SAR_ADJUSTED_ADULT_BRD_RETURNS | NUMBER | Total brood year returns proportionally adjusted to reflect an average annual smolt to adult return rate over a specified range of years. For Interior Columbia analyses, the average SARs are generally calculated for outmigration years 1980 to the most recent complete brood year (e.g., 2001). |
100 | No | No | LINK_REFERENCE_S | NUMBER | Natural log of the ratio of returns to parent spawners. In the ICTRT analyses, both terms are expressed as adults to the spawning grounds. |
100 | No | No | ADJUSTED_LINK_REFERENCE_S | NUMBER | Natural log return/spawner proportionally adjusted to reflect an average SAR.??? For Interior Columbia analyses, the average SARs are generally |
100 | No | No | HATCHERY_RETURN | NUMBER | The number of returning fish that were reared in a hatchery. Currently this data is not provided. |
100 | No | No | AGE_DATA_TYPE | VARCHAR2 | Indicates how age was estimated for a group of fish. Currently this data is not collected. Acceptable values: 1) If population-scale carcass sample size is = 20, apply the Annual Population Age Structure. 2) Else, if population-scale carcass sample size is = 19, apply the Annual Aggregate MPG Age Structure. 3) Else, if MPG-scale carcass sample size is = 19, apply the Long-Term (i.e.19601997) Population Average Age Structure. |
Attribute Details
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Number of samples used in age structure determination. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | RECORD_HISTORY |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | CLOB |
Max Length | 4000 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
An accumulated set of statements describing how THIS RECORD has been edited over time including WHEN and by WHOM. |
General Data Type | CLOB |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | RECORD_JOURNAL_NOTE |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 4000 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Short narrative describing the last change/edit made to this particular record. In a post-edit summary, this text is intended to describe what was done by the latest edit job. |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 40 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
If there is a certification process for these records, name of person who certified approval of the particular record. |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | DATE |
Max Length | 7 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
If there is a certification process for these records, date that the particular record was approved or officially certified. |
General Data Type | DATE |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 40 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The username that loaded the record into the database. The username is dynamically captured by the database trigger when the record is inserted and saved to the database. This person may have no knowledge of content or meaning but ran the computer process that put the record into the database. |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | TIMESTAMP(4) |
Max Length | 11 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The date that the record was loaded into the database. This date is dynamically captured by the database trigger when the record is inserted and saved. |
General Data Type | TIMESTAMP(4) |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 40 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The name of the person who originated this record PRIOR to its being entered into the database. The name of the person to contact with administrative questions or an explanation of it content. |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | TIMESTAMP(4) |
Max Length | 11 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The date, or approximate date, that the person with content knowledge originated this record PRIOR to its being entered into the database. |
General Data Type | TIMESTAMP(4) |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | DATE |
Max Length | 7 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
If necessary, the date that the individual record becomes effective. Prior to this date the record is not valid. |
General Data Type | DATE |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | DATE |
Max Length | 7 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
If necessary, the date that the individual record ceases to be effective. To force a midnight expiration, this may be set by "Select to_date(to_char(sysdate +1 ,'mm/dd/yyyy')||' 23:59:59','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') from dual". After this date and time the record is not valid. |
General Data Type | DATE |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 40 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The username of the last person who modified this record. This username is dynamically captured by the database trigger any time the record is edited. |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | TIMESTAMP(4) |
Max Length | 11 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The last date that the particular record was modified. This date is dynamically captured by the database trigger any time the record is edited. |
General Data Type | TIMESTAMP(4) |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The number of times that the particular record was modified. This count is dynamically incremented by 1 by the database trigger each time the record is edited. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | RECORD_SOFT_DELETED |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 1 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Flag whether or not this record has the "Deleted" status. Null means this record has NOT been deleted. "Y" means this record HAS been deleted. This flag allows "deleted" records to remain in the table for technical reasons. When the record is "Hard Deleted" it will be removed from this table and may or may not be placed in a historical table to preserve historical status. |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 40 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
If a set of User-Roles are developed for these records, this allows a particular Role (which may be a collection of other Roles) to be assigned to steward individual records. When any user attempts to modify a record, a database procedure will then dynamically examine the user's Role to determine if they are authorized to edit particular records. |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | CLOB |
Max Length | 4000 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Unlimited narrative describing the last change/edit made to this particular record. In a post-edit summary, this text is intended to describe what was done by the latest edit job. |
General Data Type | CLOB |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Estimated number of natural origin (parents spawned in the wild) spawners contributing to spawning in a particular year. Includes only adults of natural origin, excluding jacks. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | CONTACT_AGENCY |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 200 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Agency, Tribe or other entity, or person responsible for these data that is the best contact for questions that may arise about this data record. |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | NMFS_POPID |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The foreign key to pull in the Population Name for the source database. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | POPSUMARCV_DB_ID |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | Yes |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Database-generated primary key (unique identifier) for each POPULATION_SUMMARIES_ARCV record, created by an internal sequence generator and used by the database to maintain referential integrity. This ID is not designed to be managed by users. This primary key constraint is named POPSUMARCV_PK. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | SPS_ARCHIVE_DB_ID |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Foreign key to the SPS_ARCHIVE table to link POPULATION_SUMMARIES_ARCV records to a specific ARCHIVE_DB_ID using the SPS_ARCHIVE_PK primary key. This foreign key constraint is named SPSARCV_POPDETAIL_FK1. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | DETAIL_DB_ID |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Foreign key to the detailed population record. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | RECOVERY_DOMAIN |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 50 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
After listing 27 Pacific salmon Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESUs) as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act, NMFS initiated a coast wide process to develop recovery plans for these species. An important part of this process was the creation of geographically based Technical Recovery Teams (TRTs) and recovery areas (domains). |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | ESU_NAME |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 100 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A group of Pacific salmon or steelhead trout that is (1) substantially reproductively isolated from other conspecific units and (2) represents an important component of the evolutionary legacy of the species. |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | ESU_MAP |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 131 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The ESU name used for map display purposes only. |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | MAP_RUN |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 30 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The running timing of the population used for map display purposes only. |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | ESU_DB_ID |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Foreign key to the ESU lookup table. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 50 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A group of salmon populations that are geographically and genetically cohesive. The MPG is a level of organization between demographically independent populations and the ESU or DPS. |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 100 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Name of population as people may commonly refer to it. |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | NWR_POPULATION_NAME |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 255 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Name of the population as defined by NMFS: A group of fish of the same species that spawns in a particular locality at a particular season and does not interbreed substantially with fish from any other group. |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | PUB_POP_ID |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Foreign key to population name lookup table. This column has been deprecated. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A unique identifier for each record; assigned by an internal Sequence Generator and used by the database to maintain foreign-key relationships. This ID is not designed to be managed by users. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | GENUS |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 200 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The name of the genus that the population belongs to. |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | SPECIES |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 40 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The name of the specie that the population belongs to. |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | STREAM_NAME |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 100 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Name of the River or drainage identifying or containing the population. |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | RUN_TIMING |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 50 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The season of the year for the return of the population to its anadromous waters. i.e. Spring, Summer, Winter or Fall |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | START_YEAR |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The earliest year that viable salmonid population statistics are reported for this population. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | END_YEAR |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The latest year that viable salmonid population statistics are reported for this population. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | BROOD_YEAR |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The year that adults enter to the river to spawn. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | VIABILITY_TYPE |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 20 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The type-classification of this particular population viability figure. |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | RUN |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 50 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The Season of the Year represented by this viability figure for the population. |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | NUMBER_OF_SPAWNERS |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The total number of fish returning to spawn in the data collection year. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | SPAWNER_NOTES |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 4000 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Comments or other helpful information about the observation of spawners in this viability computation. |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | FRACWILD |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The fraction of the total spawners that are the progeny of naturally-spawning fish. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | HATCHERY_FRACTION |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A value between 0 and 1 that is the fraction of natural origin spawners. Natural origin spawners are spawners whose parents spawned in the wild. The fracWild is equal to one minus the fraction of first generation hatchery fish spawning in a given year. If all hatchery fish are marked, this value is the fraction of unmarked fish observed in a given year. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 4000 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Comments or other information about the observed or estimated Hatchery fraction of the fish in this viability computation. |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | EFFECTIVE_CATCH |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The number of additional wild fish that would have returned to spawn in a given year had there not been a catch (harvest). |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | AGE_1_RETURNS |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The fraction of fish who are defined as having an age of 1 that returned to spawn in a given year. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | AGE_2_RETURNS |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The fraction of fish who are defined as having an age of 2 that returned to spawn in a given year. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | AGE_3_RETURNS |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The fraction of fish who are defined as having an age of 3 that returned to spawn in a given year. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | AGE_4_RETURNS |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The fraction of fish who are defined as having an age of 4 that returned to spawn in a given year. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | AGE_5_RETURNS |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The fraction of fish who are defined as having an age of 5 that returned to spawn in a given year. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | AGE_6_RETURNS |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The fraction of fish who are defined as having an age of 6 that returned to spawn in a given year. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | AGE_7_RETURNS |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The fraction of fish who are defined as having an age of 7 that returned to spawn in a given year. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | AGE_1_HARVEST |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Proportion of catch composed of age-1 fish. Deprecated. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | AGE_2_HARVEST |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Proportion of catch composed of age-2 fish. Deprecated. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | AGE_3_HARVEST |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Proportion of catch composed of age-3 fish. Deprecated. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | AGE_4_HARVEST |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Proportion of catch composed of age-4 fish. Deprecated. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | AGE_5_HARVEST |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Proportion of catch composed of age-5 fish. Deprecated. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | AGE_6_HARVEST |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Proportion of catch composed of age-6 fish. Deprecated. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | AGE_7_HARVEST |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Proportion of catch composed of age-7 fish. Deprecated. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | REGIME |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Regime is an index of environmental conditions (usually intended as a measure of ocean survival) that should be entered as a decimal number centered on 1. It is used as a multiplier to adjust recruitment to average environmental conditions. When conditions are worse than average (regime < 1), recruits are adjusted upwards, when they are better than average (regime > 1), recruits are adjusted downwards. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | AGE_NOTES |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 4000 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Comments or other information giving further description of the population's age or age-structure. |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 500 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A web-link to any pertinent external document that relates to this population and year. |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 500 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A web-link to a second pertinent external document that relates to this population and year. |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | POPULATION_DB_ID |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A unique identifier for each record; assigned by an internal Sequence Generator and used by the database to maintain foreign-key relationships. This ID is not designed to be managed by users. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Estimated total number of fish contributing to spawning in a particular year. Includes both natural origin and hatchery origin returns, adults and jack age classes. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Estimated number of natural origin (parents spawned in the wild) spawners contributing to spawning in a particular year. Includes both adults and jacks of natural origin. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | NATURAL_ADULT_ANNUAL_RUN_4_6 |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Estimated number of adult spawners of natural origin in a particular year. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
If available, estimate of the relative proportion of hatchery returns to the spawning ground that are jacks (i.e., age 3 fish for stream type chinook populations, age 2 fish for ocean type chinook populations). |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The estimated proportion of adult returns removed by harvest in a particular run year. Assumes that all adult age classes are harvested at the same rate. Steelhead and yearling type chinook estimates reflect in-river fisheries. Snake River Fall chinook estimates also include an adjustment to incorporate an index of annual ocean impacts. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Fish of natural origin removed from the returning run for use as hatchery brood stock. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | ADULT_BROOD_RETURNS |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Total future adult returns produced from spawning in a particular brood year. Expressed as returns to the spawning grounds. For chinook, adult brood year returns from year n are calculated as the sum of age 4 returns in year (n+4), age 5 returns in year (n+5) and age 6 returns in year (n+6). |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Total brood year returns proportionally adjusted to reflect an average annual smolt to adult return rate over a specified range of years. For Interior Columbia analyses, the average SARs are generally calculated for outmigration years 1980 to the most recent complete brood year (e.g., 2001). |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | LINK_REFERENCE_S |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Natural log of the ratio of returns to parent spawners. In the ICTRT analyses, both terms are expressed as adults to the spawning grounds. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Natural log return/spawner proportionally adjusted to reflect an average SAR.??? For Interior Columbia analyses, the average SARs are generally |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | HATCHERY_RETURN |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The number of returning fish that were reared in a hatchery. Currently this data is not provided. |
General Data Type | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | AGE_DATA_TYPE |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length | 255 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Indicates how age was estimated for a group of fish. Currently this data is not collected. Acceptable values: 1) If population-scale carcass sample size is = 20, apply the Annual Population Age Structure. 2) Else, if population-scale carcass sample size is = 19, apply the Annual Aggregate MPG Age Structure. 3) Else, if MPG-scale carcass sample size is = 19, apply the Long-Term (i.e.19601997) Population Average Age Structure. |
General Data Type | VARCHAR2 |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | |
Max Length | |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Required | |
Primary Key | |
Status | |
Description | |
General Data Type | |
Case Restriction | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Min Length | |
Unit of Measure | |
Display Example | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | |
Max Length | |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Required | |
Primary Key | |
Status | |
Description | |
General Data Type | |
Case Restriction | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Min Length | |
Unit of Measure | |
Display Example | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | |
Max Length | |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Required | |
Primary Key | |
Status | |
Description | |
General Data Type | |
Case Restriction | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Min Length | |
Unit of Measure | |
Display Example | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Support Roles
* » Support Role | |
* » Date Effective From | |
Date Effective To | |
* » Contact | |
* Contact Instructions |
* » Support Role | |
* » Date Effective From | |
Date Effective To | |
* » Contact | |
* Contact Instructions |
* » Support Role | |
* » Date Effective From | |
Date Effective To | |
* » Contact | |
* Contact Instructions |
Currentness Reference |
Extent Group 1
Extent Description |
Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area
* » W° Bound | |
* » E° Bound | |
* » N° Bound | |
* » S° Bound | |
* » Description |
Extent Group 1 / Vertical Extent
EPSG Code | |
Vertical Minimum | |
Vertical Maximum |
Extent Group 1 / Time Frame
* » Time Frame Type | |
* » Start | |
End | |
Alternate Start as of Info | |
Alternate End as of Info | |
Description |
Access Information
* » Security Class | |
* Security Classification System |
Security Handling Description |
• Data Access Policy |
» Data Access Procedure |
• » Data Access Constraints |
• Data Use Constraints |
Metadata Access Constraints |
Metadata Use Constraints |
Distribution Information
Start Date | |
End Date | |
» Download URL | |
Distributor | |
File Name | |
Description | |
File Date/Time | |
File Type | |
FGDC Content Type | |
File Size | |
Application Version | |
Compression | |
Review Status |
Start Date | |
End Date | |
» Download URL | |
Distributor | |
File Name | |
Description | |
File Date/Time | |
File Type | |
FGDC Content Type | |
File Size | |
Application Version | |
Compression | |
Review Status |
Start Date | |
End Date | |
» Download URL | |
Distributor | |
File Name | |
Description | |
File Date/Time | |
File Type | |
FGDC Content Type | |
File Size | |
Application Version | |
Compression | |
Review Status |
Activity Log
Activity Time | |
Activity Type | |
Responsible Party | |
Description |
Activity Time | |
Activity Type | |
Responsible Party | |
Description |
Activity Time | |
Activity Type | |
Responsible Party | |
Description |
Issue Date | |
Author | |
Issue |
Issue Date | |
Author | |
Issue |
Issue Date | |
Author | |
Issue |
Date | |
Author | |
Question | |
Answer |
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Catalog Details
Catalog Item ID | 32695 |
Metadata Record Created By | Jeffrey W Cowen |
Metadata Record Created | 2016-05-09 14:19+0000 |
Metadata Record Last Modified By | SysAdmin InPortAdmin |
» Metadata Record Last Modified | 2022-08-09 17:11+0000 |
Metadata Record Published | 2016-05-11 |
Owner Org | NWFSC |
Metadata Publication Status | Published Externally |
Do Not Publish? | N |
Metadata Workflow State | Published / External |
Metadata Last Review Date | 2016-05-11 |
Metadata Review Frequency | 1 Year |
Metadata Next Review Date | 2017-05-11 |
Tags |