Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center
| ID: 36119
| Published / External
Created: 2016-12-23
Last Modified: 2024-04-02
Data Set (DS) | ID: 25274
ID: 36119
Entity (ENT)
* Discovery• First Pass
» Metadata Rubric
Item Identification
* » Title | ESD_BIA_CNET_ANALYSIS_StRS_DataDictionary_SAMOA_2023 |
Short Name | Benthic Cover StRS Data Dictionary |
* Status | Completed |
Creation Date | |
Revision Date | |
• Publication Date | |
* » Abstract |
Column descriptions for the annotations of benthic image analysis results for stratified random sites |
* Purpose | |
Notes | |
Other Citation Details | |
• Supplemental Information | |
DOI (Digital Object Identifier) | |
DOI Registration Authority | |
DOI Issue Date |
Theme Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Temporal Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
* Spatial Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Stratum Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Instrument Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Platform Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Physical Location
• » Organization | |
• » City | |
• » State/Province | |
• Country | |
• » Location Description |
Entity Information
Entity Type | Data Table |
Active Version? | Y |
Alias | |
Schema Name | GISDAT |
» Description |
Benthic image analysis results for stratified random sites |
Change Summary |
Column definitions are updated as needed. From 2023 PERM_SITE and CLIMATE_STATION flags were no longer applicable. Datasets before 2023 had DATE_ formatted as d-mmm-yy. Updated to machine-readable format in 2023 YYYY-MM-DD. |
Data Attributes
Attribute Summary
Score | Req'd? | PKey? | » Name | Data Storage Type | Description |
100 | Yes | No | ROUNDID | NUMERIC | Unique Identifier auto-assigned by database for ROUND record (corresponds to mission, cruise, cruise leg, etc.) |
100 | Yes | No | MISSIONID | TEXT | Mission Identifier typically assigned by PIFSC |
100 | No | No | REGION_NAME | TEXT | One of the five Pacific Island regions ESD surveys: Main Hawaiian islands, Northwestern Hawaiian islands, American Samoa, Marianas, and the Pacific Remote Island Areas. |
100 | No | No | ISLAND | TEXT | Island or Atoll surveyed |
100 | No | No | SITE | TEXT | The unique identifier/code for the site surveyed. Combines a 3-letter island code with a site number (usually 2-4 digits), separated by a hypen |
100 | No | No | SITEVISITID | NUMERIC | Unique identifier created each time a SITE is surveyed on a DATE_. |
100 | No | No | LATITUDE | NUMERIC | Latitude in decimal degrees, WGS84, for the given SITE. |
100 | No | No | LONGITUDE | NUMERIC | Longitude in decimal degrees, WGS84 for the given SITE. |
100 | No | No | REEF_ZONE | TEXT | The reef zone for the given site (Forereef, Backreef or Lagoon) |
100 | No | No | DEPTH_BIN | TEXT | Classification of depth (shallow, mid, deep) based on midpoint between minimum and maximum depths of replicates at this site. Shallow = 0-6m, Mid = 6-18m, Deep = 18-30m. |
100 | No | No | PERM_SITE | NUMERIC | Permanent site flag, yes = -1 Only present in datasets prior to 2023 |
100 | No | No | CLIMATE_STATION_YN | NUMERIC | Climate station flag, yes = -1 Only present in datasets prior to 2023 |
100 | No | No | MIN_DEPTH | NUMERIC | Minimum depth (measured in feet), typically only recorded during 'Benthic' surveys (refer to SURVEY_TYPE). May be null for photos collected during fish and oceanographic surveys. |
100 | No | No | MAX_DEPTH | NUMERIC | Maximum depth (measured in feet), typically only recorded during 'Benthic' surveys (refer to SURVEY_TYPE). May be null for photos collected during fish and oceanographic surveys. |
100 | Yes | No | DATE_ | DATE | Date the survey was conducted (YYYY-MM-DD). |
100 | No | No | IMAGE_NAME | TEXT | Image name (SITE_YEAR_REP_PHOTOID) |
100 | No | No | OBS_YEAR | NUMERIC | 4-digit year the survey was conducted (DATE_). |
100 | No | No | REP | TEXT | Letter associated to replicate (A, B, C, or D), only applicable before 2018. Transitioned to 'REPLICATE' for 2018+ |
100 | No | No | REPLICATE | TEXT | Letter associated to replicate (A, B) starting in 2018 (REP column in previous years). Letter associated to replicate / transect for the survey. In 2013 and 2016, Rep A is for reef fish surveys and Rep A or B is for coral demographic surveys. In 2019, all fish and coral surveys are rep A. If no letter, it refers to photo number: Photo 1-9 = 0 Photo 10-19 = 1 Photo 20-29 = 2 Photo 30-39 = 3 |
100 | No | No | PHOTOID | TEXT | Sequential image number along transect, usually 1-30, though some sites may have less than or exceed 30 images. |
100 | No | No | ANALYST | TEXT | Username of the person that annotated the images. The analyst for automated annotations (as opposed to annotations generated by humans) is ALLEVIATE (aka the CoralNet Robot). |
100 | No | No | TIER_1 | TEXT | Code for CATEGORY NAME. |
100 | No | No | CATEGORY_NAME | TEXT | Category classification for the point on the analyzed image (X POS, Y POS). Taxa/functional group includes: coral, coralline alga, macroalga, mobile fauna, sediment, sessile invertebrate, soft coral, tape and wand, turf alga, and unclassified. |
100 | No | No | TIER_2 | TEXT | Code for SUBCATEGORY NAME. |
100 | No | No | SUBCATEGORY_NAME | TEXT | Subcategory classification name for the point on the analyzed image (X POS, Y POS). Includes morphology for hard corals and functional groups (giant clam, zoanthid, etc.) |
100 | No | No | TIER_3 | TEXT | Code for GENERA NAME. |
100 | No | No | GENERA_NAME | TEXT | Genus taxonomic name for the point on the analyzed image (X POS, Y POS) or the subcategory classification/description. |
100 | No | No | X_POS | NUMERIC | X position of the analyzed point on the image. |
100 | No | No | Y_POS | NUMERIC | Y position of the analyzed point on the image. |
100 | No | No | SURVEY_TYPE | TEXT | Identifies the ESD team that conducted the survey, typically 'Fish' or 'Benthic' for stratified random surveys, or 'Oceanography' for climate surveys at permanent sites. Fish and Oceanography surveys do not capture depth measurements. |
Attribute Details
Attribute Name | ROUNDID |
Seq. Order | 1 |
Data Storage Type | NUMERIC |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | 28 |
Scale | 0 |
Status | Active |
Description |
Unique Identifier auto-assigned by database for ROUND record (corresponds to mission, cruise, cruise leg, etc.) |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | MISSIONID |
Seq. Order | 2 |
Data Storage Type | TEXT |
Max Length | 30 |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Mission Identifier typically assigned by PIFSC |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | REGION_NAME |
Seq. Order | 3 |
Data Storage Type | TEXT |
Max Length | 30 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
One of the five Pacific Island regions ESD surveys: Main Hawaiian islands, Northwestern Hawaiian islands, American Samoa, Marianas, and the Pacific Remote Island Areas. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | ISLAND |
Seq. Order | 4 |
Data Storage Type | TEXT |
Max Length | 150 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Island or Atoll surveyed |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | SITE |
Seq. Order | 5 |
Data Storage Type | TEXT |
Max Length | 150 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The unique identifier/code for the site surveyed. Combines a 3-letter island code with a site number (usually 2-4 digits), separated by a hypen |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | SITEVISITID |
Seq. Order | 5 |
Data Storage Type | NUMERIC |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Unique identifier created each time a SITE is surveyed on a DATE_. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | LATITUDE |
Seq. Order | 6 |
Data Storage Type | NUMERIC |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | 38 |
Scale | 8 |
Status | Active |
Description |
Latitude in decimal degrees, WGS84, for the given SITE. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | LONGITUDE |
Seq. Order | 7 |
Data Storage Type | NUMERIC |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | 28 |
Scale | 8 |
Status | Active |
Description |
Longitude in decimal degrees, WGS84 for the given SITE. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | REEF_ZONE |
Seq. Order | 8 |
Data Storage Type | TEXT |
Max Length | 150 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The reef zone for the given site (Forereef, Backreef or Lagoon) |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | DEPTH_BIN |
Seq. Order | 9 |
Data Storage Type | TEXT |
Max Length | 60 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Classification of depth (shallow, mid, deep) based on midpoint between minimum and maximum depths of replicates at this site. Shallow = 0-6m, Mid = 6-18m, Deep = 18-30m. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | PERM_SITE |
Seq. Order | 10 |
Data Storage Type | NUMERIC |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | 5 |
Scale | 0 |
Status | Inactive |
Description |
Permanent site flag, yes = -1 Only present in datasets prior to 2023 |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | CLIMATE_STATION_YN |
Seq. Order | 11 |
Data Storage Type | NUMERIC |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Climate station flag, yes = -1 Only present in datasets prior to 2023 |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | MIN_DEPTH |
Seq. Order | 12 |
Data Storage Type | NUMERIC |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | 38 |
Scale | 8 |
Status | Active |
Description |
Minimum depth (measured in feet), typically only recorded during 'Benthic' surveys (refer to SURVEY_TYPE). May be null for photos collected during fish and oceanographic surveys. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | MAX_DEPTH |
Seq. Order | 13 |
Data Storage Type | NUMERIC |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | 28 |
Scale | 8 |
Status | Active |
Description |
Maximum depth (measured in feet), typically only recorded during 'Benthic' surveys (refer to SURVEY_TYPE). May be null for photos collected during fish and oceanographic surveys. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | DATE_ |
Seq. Order | 14 |
Data Storage Type | DATE |
Max Length | 7 |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Date the survey was conducted (YYYY-MM-DD). |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | IMAGE_NAME |
Seq. Order | 15 |
Data Storage Type | TEXT |
Max Length | 4000 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | OBS_YEAR |
Seq. Order | 16 |
Data Storage Type | NUMERIC |
Max Length | 16 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
4-digit year the survey was conducted (DATE_). |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | REP |
Seq. Order | 17 |
Data Storage Type | TEXT |
Max Length | 4 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Letter associated to replicate (A, B, C, or D), only applicable before 2018. Transitioned to 'REPLICATE' for 2018+ |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | REPLICATE |
Seq. Order | 17 |
Data Storage Type | TEXT |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Letter associated to replicate (A, B) starting in 2018 (REP column in previous years). Letter associated to replicate / transect for the survey. In 2013 and 2016, Rep A is for reef fish surveys and Rep A or B is for coral demographic surveys. In 2019, all fish and coral surveys are rep A. If no letter, it refers to photo number: Photo 1-9 = 0 Photo 10-19 = 1 Photo 20-29 = 2 Photo 30-39 = 3 |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | PHOTOID |
Seq. Order | 18 |
Data Storage Type | TEXT |
Max Length | 4000 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Sequential image number along transect, usually 1-30, though some sites may have less than or exceed 30 images. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | ANALYST |
Seq. Order | 19 |
Data Storage Type | TEXT |
Max Length | 20 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Username of the person that annotated the images. The analyst for automated annotations (as opposed to annotations generated by humans) is ALLEVIATE (aka the CoralNet Robot). |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | TIER_1 |
Seq. Order | 20 |
Data Storage Type | TEXT |
Max Length | 5 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | CATEGORY_NAME |
Seq. Order | 21 |
Data Storage Type | TEXT |
Max Length | 20 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Category classification for the point on the analyzed image (X POS, Y POS). Taxa/functional group includes: coral, coralline alga, macroalga, mobile fauna, sediment, sessile invertebrate, soft coral, tape and wand, turf alga, and unclassified. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | TIER_2 |
Seq. Order | 22 |
Data Storage Type | TEXT |
Max Length | 5 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | SUBCATEGORY_NAME |
Seq. Order | 23 |
Data Storage Type | TEXT |
Max Length | 50 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Subcategory classification name for the point on the analyzed image (X POS, Y POS). Includes morphology for hard corals and functional groups (giant clam, zoanthid, etc.) |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | TIER_3 |
Seq. Order | 24 |
Data Storage Type | TEXT |
Max Length | 5 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Code for GENERA NAME. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | GENERA_NAME |
Seq. Order | 25 |
Data Storage Type | TEXT |
Max Length | 50 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Genus taxonomic name for the point on the analyzed image (X POS, Y POS) or the subcategory classification/description. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | X_POS |
Seq. Order | 26 |
Data Storage Type | NUMERIC |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | 38 |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
X position of the analyzed point on the image. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Y_POS |
Seq. Order | 27 |
Data Storage Type | NUMERIC |
Max Length | 22 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Y position of the analyzed point on the image. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | SURVEY_TYPE |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | TEXT |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Identifies the ESD team that conducted the survey, typically 'Fish' or 'Benthic' for stratified random surveys, or 'Oceanography' for climate surveys at permanent sites. Fish and Oceanography surveys do not capture depth measurements. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | |
Max Length | |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Required | |
Primary Key | |
Status | |
Description | |
General Data Type | |
Case Restriction | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Min Length | |
Unit of Measure | |
Display Example | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | |
Max Length | |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Required | |
Primary Key | |
Status | |
Description | |
General Data Type | |
Case Restriction | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Min Length | |
Unit of Measure | |
Display Example | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | |
Max Length | |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Required | |
Primary Key | |
Status | |
Description | |
General Data Type | |
Case Restriction | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Min Length | |
Unit of Measure | |
Display Example | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Support Roles
* » Support Role | |
* » Date Effective From | |
Date Effective To | |
* » Contact | |
* Contact Instructions |
* » Support Role | |
* » Date Effective From | |
Date Effective To | |
* » Contact | |
* Contact Instructions |
* » Support Role | |
* » Date Effective From | |
Date Effective To | |
* » Contact | |
* Contact Instructions |
Currentness Reference |
Extent Group 1
Extent Description |
Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area
* » W° Bound | |
* » E° Bound | |
* » N° Bound | |
* » S° Bound | |
* » Description |
Extent Group 1 / Vertical Extent
EPSG Code | |
Vertical Minimum | |
Vertical Maximum |
Extent Group 1 / Time Frame
* » Time Frame Type | |
* » Start | |
End | |
Alternate Start as of Info | |
Alternate End as of Info | |
Description |
Access Information
* » Security Class | |
* Security Classification System |
Security Handling Description |
• Data Access Policy |
» Data Access Procedure |
• » Data Access Constraints |
• Data Use Constraints |
Metadata Access Constraints |
Metadata Use Constraints |
Distribution Information
Start Date | |
End Date | |
» Download URL | |
Distributor | |
File Name | |
Description | |
File Date/Time | |
File Type | |
FGDC Content Type | |
File Size | |
Application Version | |
Compression | |
Review Status |
Start Date | |
End Date | |
» Download URL | |
Distributor | |
File Name | |
Description | |
File Date/Time | |
File Type | |
FGDC Content Type | |
File Size | |
Application Version | |
Compression | |
Review Status |
Start Date | |
End Date | |
» Download URL | |
Distributor | |
File Name | |
Description | |
File Date/Time | |
File Type | |
FGDC Content Type | |
File Size | |
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Catalog Details
Catalog Item ID | 36119 |
Metadata Record Created By | Troy T Kanemura |
Metadata Record Created | 2016-12-23 19:44+0000 |
Metadata Record Last Modified By | Lori H Luers |
» Metadata Record Last Modified | 2024-04-02 18:36+0000 |
Metadata Record Published | 2024-04-02 |
Owner Org | PIFSC |
Metadata Publication Status | Published Externally |
Do Not Publish? | N |
Metadata Workflow State | Published / External |
Metadata Last Review Date | 2021-07-30 |
Metadata Review Frequency | 1 Year |
Metadata Next Review Date | 2022-07-30 |
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