Office for Coastal Management
| ID: 49347
| Published / External
Created: 2017-11-15
Last Modified: 2022-08-09
Data Set (DS) | ID: 47936
ID: 49347
Entity (ENT)
* Discovery• First Pass
» Metadata Rubric
Item Identification
* » Title | lbj95spi.dbf |
Short Name | lbj95spi.dbf |
* Status | Completed |
Creation Date | |
Revision Date | |
• Publication Date | |
* » Abstract |
DBF Table | Description Source: None |
* Purpose | |
Notes |
Converted from FGDC using '' script. |
Other Citation Details | |
• Supplemental Information | |
DOI (Digital Object Identifier) | |
DOI Registration Authority | |
DOI Issue Date |
Theme Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Temporal Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
* Spatial Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Stratum Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Instrument Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Platform Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Physical Location
• » Organization | |
• » City | |
• » State/Province | |
• Country | |
• » Location Description |
Entity Information
Entity Type | |
Active Version? | |
Alias | |
Schema Name | |
» Description | |
Change Summary |
Data Attributes
Attribute Summary
Score | Req'd? | PKey? | » Name | Data Storage Type | Description |
100 | No | No | Skey | NUMBER | Unique identifier for station | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Station | NUMBER | Unique number assigned to sample sites | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Navqaqc | VARCHAR | Quality control codes for station coordinates (decimal degrees) | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Dupe | VARCHAR | Indicates visits to individual stations | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Datatype | VARCHAR | Indicates type of data collected at station | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Latitude | NUMBER | Latitude in decimal degrees | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Longitude | NUMBER | Longitude in decimal degrees | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Latutm | NUMBER | Latitude in UTM Zone 18 coordinates | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Longutm | NUMBER | Longitude in UTM Zone 18 coordinates | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Slides | NUMBER | Number of slides analyzed for station | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Sediment | Unknown | Abbreviated description of sediment texture | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Texture | Unknown | Folk scale description of Sediment abbreviations | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Shell_hash | VARCHAR | Presence of shell hash and abbreviated descriptions of live shellfish | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Spisb | Unknown | Description of live shellfish as indicated in the Shellhash field | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Pvshellbed | VARCHAR | Types of live shellbed identified in plan-view images | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Pvsiphons | Unknown | Numbers of clam siphons seen in plan-view images (ND = no plan-view images taken) | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Carpet | VARCHAR | Presence of 'carpet-like' layer of shell hash in Plan-view images | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Merno | Unknown | Abundance of Mercenaria mercenaria in benthic grabs (ND = no grab data) | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Myano | Unknown | Abundance of Mya arenaria in benthic grabs (ND = no grab data) | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Spisno | Unknown | Abundance of Spisula solidissima in benthic grabs (ND = no grab data) | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Mytno | Unknown | Abundance of Mytilus edulis in benthic grabs (ND = no grab data) | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Sed_agree | VARCHAR | Ranked agreement between slides for both Sediment and ShellHash categories | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Interface | VARCHAR | Description (abbr) for features seen at sediment surface | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Bedforms | VARCHAR | Presence of bedforms (sediment ripples) based on Interface field | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Pvbedforms | VARCHAR | Presence of bedforms at sediment surface in plan-view images | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Pvslides | NUMBER | Number of plan-view images used to characterize station | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Ampelisca | Unknown | Description of relative numbers of Ampelisca abdita | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Ampno | Unknown | Abundance of Ampelisca abdita from benthic grab data (ND = no grab data) | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Other | Unknown | Description of infauna present in SPI images | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Algaehydro | Unknown | Presence of algae or hydroids in epifaunal community at sediment surface | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Other_epi | Unknown | List of epifauna (excluding algae and hydroids) indicated in Epifauna column | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Epifauna | VARCHAR | Description (abbr) of epifauna present in SPI images | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Total_inf | Unknown | Total abundance from benthic grab data (ND = no grab data) | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Hab_agree | VARCHAR | Agreement rank from Ampelisca, Epifauna and Other columns | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Burrows | NUMBER | Number of burrows seen in SPI image | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Critters | NUMBER | Number of critters seen in SPI image | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Voids | NUMBER | Number of voids seen in SPI image | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Vtype | VARCHAR | Types of voids seen in SPI images | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Stage | VARCHAR | Community successional stage | Description Source: Rhoads, D. and J. Germano (1982) 'Characterization of organism-sediment relations using sediment profile imaging: an efficient method of remote ecological monitoring of the seafloor (Remots TM System)'. Marine Ecology Progress Series 8:115-128. |
100 | No | No | Stage_agre | VARCHAR | Agreement rank for community successional stage between 2 slides analyzed per station | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Rpd | NUMBER | Depth (cm) of apparent color Redox Potential Discontinuity based on computer analysis (99 = not measurable) | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Rpd_code | VARCHAR | Code describing RPD value | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Pen | NUMBER | Depth (cm) of camera penetration based on computer analysis(99 = not measurable) | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Pen_code | VARCHAR | Code describing Pen value | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Mixpa | VARCHAR | Ranked scale identifying stations having shellfish, but shellfish are too few in number (less than 3) to warrant a classification change | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Delta | VARCHAR | Explanation for changes to habitat classes from spiHAB to mixHAB (based on integration of data types) | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Mixhab | VARCHAR | Revised habitat classes based on SPI data, benthic grab data and plan-view data | Description Source: Unknown |
100 | No | No | Spihab | VARCHAR | Habitat classes based on SPI imagery data only | Description Source: Unknown |
Attribute Details
Attribute Name | Skey |
Seq. Order | 1 |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Unique identifier for station | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | 17.0 - 954.0 |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Station |
Seq. Order | 2 |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Unique number assigned to sample sites | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | 17.0 - 954.0 |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Navqaqc |
Seq. Order | 3 |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Quality control codes for station coordinates (decimal degrees) | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | 1: correct coordinates | 3: run/shift A | 5: station did not pass QA/QC check, but simple fix brought station in line | 6: station did not pass QA/QC check, and no simple fix could be made | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Dupe |
Seq. Order | 4 |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Indicates visits to individual stations | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | 1: single sampling visit to station | 2: multiple sampling visits to station | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Datatype |
Seq. Order | 5 |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Indicates type of data collected at station | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | 1: SPI only | 101: SPI and sediment grab | 11: SPI and benthic grab | 111: SPI, sediment and benthic grabs | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Latitude |
Seq. Order | 6 |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Latitude in decimal degrees | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | 40.45000 - 40.60167 |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Longitude |
Seq. Order | 7 |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Longitude in decimal degrees | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | -74.25050 - -73.96283 |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Latutm |
Seq. Order | 8 |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Latitude in UTM Zone 18 coordinates | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | 4478093 - 4494990 |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Longutm |
Seq. Order | 9 |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Longitude in UTM Zone 18 coordinates | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | 563538 - 587805 |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Slides |
Seq. Order | 10 |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Number of slides analyzed for station | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | 1 - 4 |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Sediment |
Seq. Order | 11 |
Data Storage Type | Unknown |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Abbreviated description of sediment texture | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | Character Field |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Texture |
Seq. Order | 12 |
Data Storage Type | Unknown |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Folk scale description of Sediment abbreviations | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | Character Field |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Shell_hash |
Seq. Order | 13 |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Presence of shell hash and abbreviated descriptions of live shellfish | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | cb: clam bed | mb: mussel bed | sb: unidentifiable shell bed | sh: shell hash present | z: none | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Spisb |
Seq. Order | 14 |
Data Storage Type | Unknown |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Description of live shellfish as indicated in the Shellhash field | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | Character Field |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Pvshellbed |
Seq. Order | 15 |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Types of live shellbed identified in plan-view images | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | clams: Hard clams, soft clams or surf clams present | clams?: Possible presence of hard clams, soft clams or surf clams | mussel: Mytilus edulis present | mussel?: Possible presence of Mytilus edulis | ND: No plan-view images taken at station | z: Shellfish absent from plan-view image | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Pvsiphons |
Seq. Order | 16 |
Data Storage Type | Unknown |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Numbers of clam siphons seen in plan-view images (ND = no plan-view images taken) | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | Character Field |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Carpet |
Seq. Order | 17 |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Presence of 'carpet-like' layer of shell hash in Plan-view images | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | maybe: Possible presence of shell hash carpet | ND: No plan-view image taken at station | no: little or no shell hash | yes: dense layer of shell hash at surface | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Merno |
Seq. Order | 18 |
Data Storage Type | Unknown |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Abundance of Mercenaria mercenaria in benthic grabs (ND = no grab data) | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | Character Field |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Myano |
Seq. Order | 19 |
Data Storage Type | Unknown |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Abundance of Mya arenaria in benthic grabs (ND = no grab data) | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | Character Field |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Spisno |
Seq. Order | 20 |
Data Storage Type | Unknown |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Abundance of Spisula solidissima in benthic grabs (ND = no grab data) | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | Character Field |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Mytno |
Seq. Order | 21 |
Data Storage Type | Unknown |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Abundance of Mytilus edulis in benthic grabs (ND = no grab data) | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | Character Field |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Sed_agree |
Seq. Order | 22 |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Ranked agreement between slides for both Sediment and ShellHash categories | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | -2: little to no agreement | 0: only one slide analyzed | 1: some agreement | 2: strong agreement | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Interface |
Seq. Order | 23 |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Description (abbr) for features seen at sediment surface | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | b: bedforms | b;d;m: bedforms; debris; mounds | b;gr: bedforms; gravel | b;p: bedforms; pits | bed;rk: shell bed; rocks | d: debris | d;e: debris; even surface | d;p: debris; pits | e: even surface | e;m: even surface; mounds | e;p: even surface; pits | gr: gravel | m: mounds | m;p: mounds; pits | p: pits | sh: shell hash | sh;b: shell hash; bedforms | sh;b;e: shell hash; bedforms; even surface | sh;b;gr: shell hash; bedforms; gravel | sh;b;m: shell hash; bedforms; mounds | sh;b;p: shell hash; bedforms; pits | sh;b;p;u: shell hash; bedforms; pits; uneven surface | sh;b;pb: shell hash; bedforms; pebbles | sh;b;rk: shell hash; bedforms; rocks | sh;bed: shell hash; shell bed | sh;bed,d: shell hash; shell bed; debris | sh;bed;b: shell hash; shell bed; bedforms | sh;bed;d: shell hash; shell bed; debris | sh;bed;e: shell hash; shell bed; even surface | sh;bed;gr: shell hash; shell bed; gravel | sh;bed;m: shell hash; shell bed; mounds | sh;d: shell hash; debris | sh;d;m: shell hash; debris; mounds | sh;e: shell hash; even surface | sh;gr: shell hash; gravel | sh;gr;p: shell hash; gravel; pits | sh;m: shell hash; mounds | sh;m;p: shell hash; mounds; pits | sh;p: shell hash; pits | sh;p;m: shell hash; pits; mounds | sh;u: shell hash; uneven surface | z: none | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Bedforms |
Seq. Order | 24 |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Presence of bedforms (sediment ripples) based on Interface field | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | no: Bedforms absent | No Data: Interface not visible in image | yes: Bedforms present | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Pvbedforms |
Seq. Order | 25 |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Presence of bedforms at sediment surface in plan-view images | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | ND: No plan-view image taken at station | no: Bedforms absent from plan-view image | yes: Bedforms present in plan-view image | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Pvslides |
Seq. Order | 26 |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Number of plan-view images used to characterize station | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | 1 - 2 |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Ampelisca |
Seq. Order | 27 |
Data Storage Type | Unknown |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Description of relative numbers of Ampelisca abdita | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | Character Field |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Ampno |
Seq. Order | 28 |
Data Storage Type | Unknown |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Abundance of Ampelisca abdita from benthic grab data (ND = no grab data) | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | Character Field |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Other |
Seq. Order | 29 |
Data Storage Type | Unknown |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Description of infauna present in SPI images | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | Character Field |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Algaehydro |
Seq. Order | 30 |
Data Storage Type | Unknown |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Presence of algae or hydroids in epifaunal community at sediment surface | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | Character Field |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Other_epi |
Seq. Order | 31 |
Data Storage Type | Unknown |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
List of epifauna (excluding algae and hydroids) indicated in Epifauna column | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | Character Field |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Epifauna |
Seq. Order | 32 |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Description (abbr) of epifauna present in SPI images | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | alsn: algae; snail | alsnd: algae; snail; detritus | c: crab | cc: crab | cchcsn: crab; hermit crab; snail | cr: Crepidula | d: detritus | epi: both algae and hydroids | hc: hermit crab | hccr: hermit crab; Crepidula | hchycr: hermit crab; hydroids; Crepidula | hchyd: hermit crab; hydroids; detritus | hcsc: hermit crab; crab | hcsn: hermit crab; snail | hcsncr: hermit crab; snail; Crepidula | hy: hydroids | hyal: hydroids; algae | hycr: hydroids; Crepidula | hycs: hydroids; Crangon shrimp | hyhc: hydroids; hermit crab | hyhcsp: hydroids; hermit crab; sponge | hysn: hydroids; snail | hysp: hydroids; sponge | sn: snail | sncc: snail; crab | sncr: snail; Crepidula | snhchy: snail; hermit crab; hydroids | snhy: snail; hydroids | sp: sponge | spxc: sponge; crab | spxccr: sponge; crab; Crepidula | xc: crab | xccr: crab; Crepidula | z: none | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Total_inf |
Seq. Order | 33 |
Data Storage Type | Unknown |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Total abundance from benthic grab data (ND = no grab data) | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | Character Field |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Hab_agree |
Seq. Order | 34 |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Agreement rank from Ampelisca, Epifauna and Other columns | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | -2: little to no agreement | 0: only one slide analyzed | 1: some agreement | 2: strong agreement | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Burrows |
Seq. Order | 35 |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Number of burrows seen in SPI image | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | 0 - 7 |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Critters |
Seq. Order | 36 |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Number of critters seen in SPI image | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | 0 - 38 |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Voids |
Seq. Order | 37 |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Number of voids seen in SPI image | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | 0 - 16 |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Vtype |
Seq. Order | 38 |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Types of voids seen in SPI images | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | an: anoxic | ga: gas | mx: mixed (multiple types) | ox: oxic | u: unknown | z: none | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Stage |
Seq. Order | 39 |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Community successional stage | Description Source: Rhoads, D. and J. Germano (1982) 'Characterization of organism-sediment relations using sediment profile imaging: an efficient method of remote ecological monitoring of the seafloor (Remots TM System)'. Marine Ecology Progress Series 8:115-128. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | 1: OSI Stage 1 (surface-feeding pioneering species) | 12: Components of OSI Stages 1 and 2 (pioneering to intermediate species) | 2: OSI Stage 2 (shallow-dwelling bivalves and tubicolous amphipods) | 23: Components of OSI Stages 2 and 3 (intermediate to equilibrium species) | 3: OSI Stage 3 (infaunal deposit-feeders, especially 'head-down' feeders) | 9: not measurable | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Stage_agre |
Seq. Order | 40 |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Agreement rank for community successional stage between 2 slides analyzed per station | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | -2: little to no agreement | 0: only one slide analyzed | 1: some agreement | 2: strong agreement | 9: not measurable | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Rpd |
Seq. Order | 41 |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Depth (cm) of apparent color Redox Potential Discontinuity based on computer analysis (99 = not measurable) | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | 0 - 99 |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Rpd_code |
Seq. Order | 42 |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Code describing RPD value | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | 0: no computer analysis | 1: calculated from one slide | 2: not measurable | 3: average of two slides | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Pen |
Seq. Order | 43 |
Data Storage Type | NUMBER |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Depth (cm) of camera penetration based on computer analysis(99 = not measurable) | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | 1 - 99 |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Pen_code |
Seq. Order | 44 |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Code describing Pen value | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | 0: no computer analysis | 1: calculated from one slide | 2: not measurable | 3: average of two slides | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Mixpa |
Seq. Order | 45 |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Ranked scale identifying stations having shellfish, but shellfish are too few in number (less than 3) to warrant a classification change | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | 0: no shellfish | 1: Mercenaria mercenaria present | 2: Mya arenaria present | 3: Spisula solidissima present | ND: No data | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Delta |
Seq. Order | 46 |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Explanation for changes to habitat classes from spiHAB to mixHAB (based on integration of data types) | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | 0: No change | 1: Changed due to number of Mercenaria mercenaria (3+) in benthic grab | 2: Changed due to number of Mya arenaria (3+) in benthic grab | 3: Changed due to number of Spisula solidissima (3+) in benthic grab | 4: Changed due to number of Ampelisca abdita (greater than 200) in benthic grab | 5: Changed due to abundance of infauna (greater than 30) in benthic grab | 6: Changed due to plan-view image | ND: No grab data | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Mixhab |
Seq. Order | 47 |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Revised habitat classes based on SPI data, benthic grab data and plan-view data | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | Amp(fine): Ampelisca mat on fine sediments | Amp(sand): Ampelisca mat on sandy sediments | Amp(sifs,sims): Ampelisca mat on silty sand sediments | Azoic: Silty bottom habitat with no evidence of biological activity | SandBed(critters): High energy sandy habitat with infauna | SandBed(epifauna): High energy sandy habitat with epifauna | SandBed(gravel): High energy sandy habitat with gravel | SandBed(hash): High energy sandy habitat with shell hash | SandBed(no modifier: High energy sandy habitat with no evidence of biological activity | SandNoBed(epifauna): Low energy sandy habitat with epifauna | SandNoBed(gravel): Low energy sandy habitat with gravel | SandNoBed(hash): Low energy sandy habitat with shell hash | SB(clams): Live clam beds (Hard clams, Softshell clams or Surf clams) | SB(mussels): Live mussel beds (Mytilus edulis) | Silt(critters): Silty bottom habitat with infauna | Silt(gas): Silty bottom habitat with gas voids (methane pockets) | Silt(pendeep): Silty bottom habitat with very soft sediments | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Spihab |
Seq. Order | 48 |
Data Storage Type | VARCHAR |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Habitat classes based on SPI imagery data only | Description Source: Unknown |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | Amp(fine): Ampelisca mat on fine sediments | Amp(sand): Ampelisca mat on sandy sediments | Amp(sifs,sims): Ampelisca mat on silty sand sediments | Azoic: Silty bottom habitat with no evidence of biological activity | SandBed(critters): High energy sandy habitat with infauna | SandBed(epifauna): High energy sandy habitat with epifauna | SandBed(gravel): High energy sandy habitat with gravel | SandBed(hash): High energy sandy habitat with shell hash | SandBed(no modifier: High energy sandy habitat with no evidence of biological activity | SandNoBed(epifauna): Low energy sandy habitat with epifauna | SandNoBed(gravel): Low energy sandy habitat with gravel | SandNoBed(hash): Low energy sandy habitat with shell hash | SB(clams): Live clam beds (Hard clams, Softshell clams or Surf clams) | SB(mussels): Live mussel beds (Mytilus edulis) | Silt(critters): Silty bottom habitat with infauna | Silt(gas): Silty bottom habitat with gas voids (methane pockets) | Silt(pendeep): Silty bottom habitat with very soft sediments | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | |
Max Length | |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Required | |
Primary Key | |
Status | |
Description | |
General Data Type | |
Case Restriction | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Min Length | |
Unit of Measure | |
Display Example | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | |
Max Length | |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Required | |
Primary Key | |
Status | |
Description | |
General Data Type | |
Case Restriction | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Min Length | |
Unit of Measure | |
Display Example | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | |
Max Length | |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Required | |
Primary Key | |
Status | |
Description | |
General Data Type | |
Case Restriction | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Min Length | |
Unit of Measure | |
Display Example | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Support Roles
* » Support Role | |
* » Date Effective From | |
Date Effective To | |
* » Contact | |
* Contact Instructions |
* » Support Role | |
* » Date Effective From | |
Date Effective To | |
* » Contact | |
* Contact Instructions |
* » Support Role | |
* » Date Effective From | |
Date Effective To | |
* » Contact | |
* Contact Instructions |
Currentness Reference |
Extent Group 1
Extent Description |
Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area
* » W° Bound | |
* » E° Bound | |
* » N° Bound | |
* » S° Bound | |
* » Description |
Extent Group 1 / Vertical Extent
EPSG Code | |
Vertical Minimum | |
Vertical Maximum |
Extent Group 1 / Time Frame
* » Time Frame Type | |
* » Start | |
End | |
Alternate Start as of Info | |
Alternate End as of Info | |
Description |
Access Information
* » Security Class | |
* Security Classification System |
Security Handling Description |
• Data Access Policy |
» Data Access Procedure |
• » Data Access Constraints |
• Data Use Constraints |
Metadata Access Constraints |
Metadata Use Constraints |
Distribution Information
Start Date | |
End Date | |
» Download URL | |
Distributor | |
File Name | |
Description | |
File Date/Time | |
File Type | |
FGDC Content Type | |
File Size | |
Application Version | |
Compression | |
Review Status |
Start Date | |
End Date | |
» Download URL | |
Distributor | |
File Name | |
Description | |
File Date/Time | |
File Type | |
FGDC Content Type | |
File Size | |
Application Version | |
Compression | |
Review Status |
Start Date | |
End Date | |
» Download URL | |
Distributor | |
File Name | |
Description | |
File Date/Time | |
File Type | |
FGDC Content Type | |
File Size | |
Application Version | |
Compression | |
Review Status |
Activity Log
Activity Time | |
Activity Type | |
Responsible Party | |
Description |
Activity Time | |
Activity Type | |
Responsible Party | |
Description |
Activity Time | |
Activity Type | |
Responsible Party | |
Description |
Issue Date | |
Author | |
Issue |
Issue Date | |
Author | |
Issue |
Issue Date | |
Author | |
Issue |
Date | |
Author | |
Question | |
Answer |
Child Items
Rubric scores updated every 15m
Score | Type | Title |
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Catalog Details
Catalog Item ID | 49347 |
Metadata Record Created By | Anne Ball |
Metadata Record Created | 2017-11-15 08:31+0000 |
Metadata Record Last Modified By | SysAdmin InPortAdmin |
» Metadata Record Last Modified | 2022-08-09 17:11+0000 |
Metadata Record Published | 2017-11-16 |
Owner Org | OCM |
Metadata Publication Status | Published Externally |
Do Not Publish? | N |
Metadata Workflow State | Published / External |
Metadata Last Review Date | 2017-11-16 |
Metadata Review Frequency | 1 Year |
Metadata Next Review Date | 2018-11-16 |
Tags |