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snapshot table for snapshot OBSINT.EM_OBSINT_HAUL_DATA_MV


snapshot table for snapshot OBSINT.EM_OBSINT_HAUL_DATA_MV

Entity Information

Entity Type
Data View

Data Attribute / Type Description
Name of the vessel with electronic monitoring equipment.
Unique vessel identification number of the vessel with electronic monitoring equipment.
Original electronic monitoring (EM) trip number created by the EM reviewer.
Same as the ORIGINAL_EM_TRIP_NUMBER without the alpha characters.
Date/time the trip started as recorded by the EM equipment
Date/time the trip ended as recorded by the EM equipment
The generated Observer Declare and Deploy (ODDS) trip number that was created when the trip was logged.
The unique fishing event number as assigned by the electronic monitoring (EM) reviewer. For longline/snap gear a haul is the start of a buoy retrieved to the end anchor. For pot gear it is when the pot has been retrieved and placed on the launcher.
Yes or No flag that identifies if the unique haul was sampled by the EM reviewer
Begin date/time of when the haul was retrieved. For longline/snap gear it was the date/time when the buoy marking the start of the line was retrieved. For pot gear it is the date/time when the buoy for that single pot was retrieved.
Start latitude position of when the gear was retrieved. For longline/snap gear it was the latitude of the vessel's position when the buoy marking the start of the line was retrieved. For pot gear it was the latitude of the vessel's position when the buoy for that single pot was retrieved.
Start longitude position in decimal degrees of where the gear was retrieved. For longline/snap gear it was the longitude of the vessel's position when the buoy marking the start of the line was retrieved. For pot gear it was the longitude of the vessel's position when the buoy for that single pot was retrieved.
End date/time when the haul was retrieved. For longline/snap gear it was the date/time when the end anchor came up for that line. For pot gear it was the date/time when the single pot was back on the launcher
End latitude position in decimal degrees where the gear was retrieved. For longline/snap gear it was the latitude of the vessel's position when the end anchor came up for that line. For pot gear it was the latitude of the vessel's position when the pot was back on the launcher.
End longitude position in decimal degrees where the gear was retrieved. For longline/snap gear it was the longitude of the vessel's position when the end anchor came up for that line. For pot gear it was the longitude of the vessel's position when the pot was back on the launcher.
The numeric gear code identifying the specific type of gear used by the electronic monitoring (EM) vessel for that haul.
The definition of the numeric EM_GEAR_CODE.
The three-digit National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) fishery management area that is assigned during data processing using the end position. If the end position is missing in the raw electronic monitoring data then it is calculated using the start position.
The date and time the data was received by the AFSC oracle database.
Numeric code number that identifies the type of vessel. Currently only catcher vessels (vessel type 3) carry electronic monitoring equipment.
Haul purpose code of CA (catch accounting) that is needed by the Regional office to process the data in the catch accounting system.
The total number of hauls retrieved during the unique trip for that vessel.
The total number of hauls that were reviewed and sampled by the electronic monitoring reviewer.
Y or N (yes or no) flag that is selected when the vessel operator logs the trip. Y identifies that the vessel operator intends to fish IFQ on this trip and N identifies that vessel operator will not fish IFQ during the trip. This is self reported data.
Y or N (yes or no) flag that is selected when the vessel operator logs the trip. Y identifies that the vessel operator will fish in more than one Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) area during this trip and N identifies that the vessel operator will fish in only a single IFQ area during the trip. This is self-reported data. This column is for NMFS Alaska Regional Office use.
Y or N (yes or no) flag that is selected when the vessel operator logs a trip that will be an Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) trip and fishing in multiple IFQ areas. In this specific case then the vessel operator may need observer coverage due to IFQ regulations thus requesting an observer. This column is for NMFS Alaska Regional Office use.
Y or N (yes or no) flag if the specific trip was selected for observer coverage because the previous selected observer trip was canceled by the vessel operator. This column is for NMFS Alaska Regional Office use.
The specific random number assigned by the Observer Declare and Deploy (ODDS) system when the trip was logged by the vessel operator. This column is for NMFS Alaska Regional Office use.
Selection rate as defined by the Annual Deployment Plan (ADP) for that year. This column is for NMFS Alaska Regional Office use.

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Please contact the owner organization (AFSC) for inquiries on this record.

Item Identification

Status: In Work
Creation Date: 2017-02-01

snapshot table for snapshot OBSINT.EM_OBSINT_HAUL_DATA_MV


Video review data equivalent of observer vessel haul data for catch accounting purposes of AKR.

Entity Information

Entity Type: Data View
Active Version?: Yes
Schema Name: OBSINT

snapshot table for snapshot OBSINT.EM_OBSINT_HAUL_DATA_MV

Data Attributes

Attribute Summary

Rubric Score Primary Key? Name Type Description
VESSEL_NAME VARCHAR2 Name of the vessel with electronic monitoring equipment.
PERMIT VARCHAR2 Unique vessel identification number of the vessel with electronic monitoring equipment.
ORIGINAL_EM_TRIP_NUMBER VARCHAR2 Original electronic monitoring (EM) trip number created by the EM reviewer.
DERIVED_TRIP_NUMBER NUMBER Same as the ORIGINAL_EM_TRIP_NUMBER without the alpha characters.
TRIP_START_DATE DATE Date/time the trip started as recorded by the EM equipment
TRIP_END_DATE DATE Date/time the trip ended as recorded by the EM equipment
ODDS_TRIP_NUMBER NUMBER The generated Observer Declare and Deploy (ODDS) trip number that was created when the trip was logged.
EM_HAUL_NUMBER NUMBER The unique fishing event number as assigned by the electronic monitoring (EM) reviewer. For longline/snap gear a haul is the start of a buoy retrieved to the end anchor. For pot gear it is when the pot has been retrieved and placed on the launcher.
SAMPLED_FLAG VARCHAR2 Yes or No flag that identifies if the unique haul was sampled by the EM reviewer
START_HAULING_DATE DATE Begin date/time of when the haul was retrieved. For longline/snap gear it was the date/time when the buoy marking the start of the line was retrieved. For pot gear it is the date/time when the buoy for that single pot was retrieved.
START_HAULING_LATITUDE_DD NUMBER Start latitude position of when the gear was retrieved. For longline/snap gear it was the latitude of the vessel's position when the buoy marking the start of the line was retrieved. For pot gear it was the latitude of the vessel's position when the buoy for that single pot was retrieved.
START_HAULING_LONGITUDE_DD NUMBER Start longitude position in decimal degrees of where the gear was retrieved. For longline/snap gear it was the longitude of the vessel's position when the buoy marking the start of the line was retrieved. For pot gear it was the longitude of the vessel's position when the buoy for that single pot was retrieved.
END_HAULING_DATE DATE End date/time when the haul was retrieved. For longline/snap gear it was the date/time when the end anchor came up for that line. For pot gear it was the date/time when the single pot was back on the launcher
END_HAULING_LATITUDE_DD NUMBER End latitude position in decimal degrees where the gear was retrieved. For longline/snap gear it was the latitude of the vessel's position when the end anchor came up for that line. For pot gear it was the latitude of the vessel's position when the pot was back on the launcher.
END_HAULING_LONGITUDE_DD NUMBER End longitude position in decimal degrees where the gear was retrieved. For longline/snap gear it was the longitude of the vessel's position when the end anchor came up for that line. For pot gear it was the longitude of the vessel's position when the pot was back on the launcher.
EM_GEAR_CODE NUMBER The numeric gear code identifying the specific type of gear used by the electronic monitoring (EM) vessel for that haul.
EM_GEAR_TYPE VARCHAR2 The definition of the numeric EM_GEAR_CODE.
NMFS_AREA NUMBER The three-digit National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) fishery management area that is assigned during data processing using the end position. If the end position is missing in the raw electronic monitoring data then it is calculated using the start position.
FILE_IMPORT_DATE DATE The date and time the data was received by the AFSC oracle database.
VESSEL_TYPE NUMBER Numeric code number that identifies the type of vessel. Currently only catcher vessels (vessel type 3) carry electronic monitoring equipment.
HAUL_PURPOSE_CODE CHAR Haul purpose code of CA (catch accounting) that is needed by the Regional office to process the data in the catch accounting system.
TTL_HAULS NUMBER The total number of hauls retrieved during the unique trip for that vessel.
TTL_SAMPLED_HAULS NUMBER The total number of hauls that were reviewed and sampled by the electronic monitoring reviewer.
IFQ_FLAG VARCHAR2 Y or N (yes or no) flag that is selected when the vessel operator logs the trip. Y identifies that the vessel operator intends to fish IFQ on this trip and N identifies that vessel operator will not fish IFQ during the trip. This is self reported data.
MULTIPLE_AREA VARCHAR2 Y or N (yes or no) flag that is selected when the vessel operator logs the trip. Y identifies that the vessel operator will fish in more than one Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) area during this trip and N identifies that the vessel operator will fish in only a single IFQ area during the trip. This is self-reported data. This column is for NMFS Alaska Regional Office use.
USER_REQST_COVERAGE VARCHAR2 Y or N (yes or no) flag that is selected when the vessel operator logs a trip that will be an Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) trip and fishing in multiple IFQ areas. In this specific case then the vessel operator may need observer coverage due to IFQ regulations thus requesting an observer. This column is for NMFS Alaska Regional Office use.
INHERIT_OBSERVER_COVERAGE CHAR Y or N (yes or no) flag if the specific trip was selected for observer coverage because the previous selected observer trip was canceled by the vessel operator. This column is for NMFS Alaska Regional Office use.
RANDOM_NUMBER_USED NUMBER The specific random number assigned by the Observer Declare and Deploy (ODDS) system when the trip was logged by the vessel operator. This column is for NMFS Alaska Regional Office use.
EFFECTIVE_RATE NUMBER Selection rate as defined by the Annual Deployment Plan (ADP) for that year. This column is for NMFS Alaska Regional Office use.

Attribute Details


CC ID: 858054
Seq. Order: 1
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR2
Max Length: 50
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Name of the vessel with electronic monitoring equipment.

General Data Type: VARCHAR2


CC ID: 858055
Seq. Order: 2
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR2
Max Length: 6
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Unique vessel identification number of the vessel with electronic monitoring equipment.

General Data Type: VARCHAR2


CC ID: 858056
Seq. Order: 3
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR2
Max Length: 256
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Original electronic monitoring (EM) trip number created by the EM reviewer.

General Data Type: VARCHAR2


CC ID: 858057
Seq. Order: 4
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Same as the ORIGINAL_EM_TRIP_NUMBER without the alpha characters.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 858058
Seq. Order: 5
Data Storage Type: DATE
Max Length: 7
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Date/time the trip started as recorded by the EM equipment

General Data Type: DATE


CC ID: 858059
Seq. Order: 6
Data Storage Type: DATE
Max Length: 7
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Date/time the trip ended as recorded by the EM equipment

General Data Type: DATE


CC ID: 858060
Seq. Order: 7
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 9
Scale: 0
Status: Active

The generated Observer Declare and Deploy (ODDS) trip number that was created when the trip was logged.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 858061
Seq. Order: 8
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Precision: 9
Scale: 0
Status: Active

The unique fishing event number as assigned by the electronic monitoring (EM) reviewer. For longline/snap gear a haul is the start of a buoy retrieved to the end anchor. For pot gear it is when the pot has been retrieved and placed on the launcher.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 858062
Seq. Order: 9
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR2
Max Length: 1
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Yes or No flag that identifies if the unique haul was sampled by the EM reviewer

General Data Type: VARCHAR2


CC ID: 858063
Seq. Order: 10
Data Storage Type: DATE
Max Length: 7
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Begin date/time of when the haul was retrieved. For longline/snap gear it was the date/time when the buoy marking the start of the line was retrieved. For pot gear it is the date/time when the buoy for that single pot was retrieved.

General Data Type: DATE


CC ID: 858064
Seq. Order: 11
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 7
Scale: 2
Status: Active

Start latitude position of when the gear was retrieved. For longline/snap gear it was the latitude of the vessel's position when the buoy marking the start of the line was retrieved. For pot gear it was the latitude of the vessel's position when the buoy for that single pot was retrieved.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 858065
Seq. Order: 12
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 8
Scale: 5
Status: Active

Start longitude position in decimal degrees of where the gear was retrieved. For longline/snap gear it was the longitude of the vessel's position when the buoy marking the start of the line was retrieved. For pot gear it was the longitude of the vessel's position when the buoy for that single pot was retrieved.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 858066
Seq. Order: 13
Data Storage Type: DATE
Max Length: 7
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

End date/time when the haul was retrieved. For longline/snap gear it was the date/time when the end anchor came up for that line. For pot gear it was the date/time when the single pot was back on the launcher

General Data Type: DATE


CC ID: 858067
Seq. Order: 14
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 7
Scale: 2
Status: Active

End latitude position in decimal degrees where the gear was retrieved. For longline/snap gear it was the latitude of the vessel's position when the end anchor came up for that line. For pot gear it was the latitude of the vessel's position when the pot was back on the launcher.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 858068
Seq. Order: 15
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 8
Scale: 5
Status: Active

End longitude position in decimal degrees where the gear was retrieved. For longline/snap gear it was the longitude of the vessel's position when the end anchor came up for that line. For pot gear it was the longitude of the vessel's position when the pot was back on the launcher.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 858069
Seq. Order: 16
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Scale: 0
Status: Active

The numeric gear code identifying the specific type of gear used by the electronic monitoring (EM) vessel for that haul.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 858070
Seq. Order: 17
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR2
Max Length: 25
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The definition of the numeric EM_GEAR_CODE.

General Data Type: VARCHAR2


CC ID: 858071
Seq. Order: 18
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 3
Scale: 0
Status: Active

The three-digit National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) fishery management area that is assigned during data processing using the end position. If the end position is missing in the raw electronic monitoring data then it is calculated using the start position.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 858072
Seq. Order: 19
Data Storage Type: DATE
Max Length: 7
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The date and time the data was received by the AFSC oracle database.

General Data Type: DATE


CC ID: 858073
Seq. Order: 20
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Numeric code number that identifies the type of vessel. Currently only catcher vessels (vessel type 3) carry electronic monitoring equipment.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 858074
Seq. Order: 21
Data Storage Type: CHAR
Max Length: 2
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Haul purpose code of CA (catch accounting) that is needed by the Regional office to process the data in the catch accounting system.

General Data Type: CHAR


CC ID: 858075
Seq. Order: 22
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The total number of hauls retrieved during the unique trip for that vessel.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 858076
Seq. Order: 23
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The total number of hauls that were reviewed and sampled by the electronic monitoring reviewer.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 858077
Seq. Order: 24
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR2
Max Length: 1
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Y or N (yes or no) flag that is selected when the vessel operator logs the trip. Y identifies that the vessel operator intends to fish IFQ on this trip and N identifies that vessel operator will not fish IFQ during the trip. This is self reported data.

General Data Type: VARCHAR2


CC ID: 858078
Seq. Order: 25
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR2
Max Length: 1
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Y or N (yes or no) flag that is selected when the vessel operator logs the trip. Y identifies that the vessel operator will fish in more than one Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) area during this trip and N identifies that the vessel operator will fish in only a single IFQ area during the trip. This is self-reported data. This column is for NMFS Alaska Regional Office use.

General Data Type: VARCHAR2


CC ID: 858079
Seq. Order: 26
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR2
Max Length: 1
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Y or N (yes or no) flag that is selected when the vessel operator logs a trip that will be an Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) trip and fishing in multiple IFQ areas. In this specific case then the vessel operator may need observer coverage due to IFQ regulations thus requesting an observer. This column is for NMFS Alaska Regional Office use.

General Data Type: VARCHAR2


CC ID: 858080
Seq. Order: 27
Data Storage Type: CHAR
Max Length: 1
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Y or N (yes or no) flag if the specific trip was selected for observer coverage because the previous selected observer trip was canceled by the vessel operator. This column is for NMFS Alaska Regional Office use.

General Data Type: CHAR


CC ID: 858081
Seq. Order: 28
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The specific random number assigned by the Observer Declare and Deploy (ODDS) system when the trip was logged by the vessel operator. This column is for NMFS Alaska Regional Office use.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 858082
Seq. Order: 29
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Precision: 5
Scale: 2
Status: Active

Selection rate as defined by the Annual Deployment Plan (ADP) for that year. This column is for NMFS Alaska Regional Office use.

General Data Type: NUMBER

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 56770
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:56770
Metadata Record Created By: Renold E Narita
Metadata Record Created: 2019-06-28 19:48+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: SysAdmin InPortAdmin
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2022-08-09 17:11+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2019-09-13
Owner Org: AFSC
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2019-09-13
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2020-09-13