Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center
| ID: 65076
| Published / External
Created: 2021-07-27
Last Modified: 2023-09-23
Data Set (DS) | ID: 5610
ID: 65076
Entity (ENT)
* Discovery• First Pass
» Metadata Rubric
Item Identification
* » Title | view_purchases |
Short Name | |
* Status | Completed |
Creation Date | |
Revision Date | |
• Publication Date | |
* » Abstract |
Main view for purchase report data. Joins main purchase report tables and useful look-up tables. Replaces annual tables generated by DRS. |
* Purpose | |
Notes | |
Other Citation Details | |
• Supplemental Information | |
DOI (Digital Object Identifier) | |
DOI Registration Authority | |
DOI Issue Date |
Theme Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Temporal Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
* Spatial Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Stratum Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Instrument Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Platform Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Physical Location
• » Organization | |
• » City | |
• » State/Province | |
• Country | |
• » Location Description |
Entity Information
Entity Type | Data View |
Active Version? | Y |
Alias | |
Schema Name | hawaii_dar_frds |
» Description |
Main view for purchase report data. Joins main purchase report tables and useful look-up tables. Replaces annual tables generated by DRS. |
Change Summary |
Data Attributes
Attribute Summary
Score | Req'd? | PKey? | » Name | Data Storage Type | Description |
100 | Yes | No | purchase_report_id | bigint | Identifies a unique purchase report. |
100 | Yes | No | data_source_code | varchar | Code that is abbreviation of data source. Example: Dealer Report System, code = DRS; Online Dealer Reports, code = ODR. |
100 | Yes | No | report_type_code | varchar | Code assigned to report type. Example: Tuna Handline Trip Report, code = TUNA; Cash Sales Report, code = CS, Purchase Report, code = P. |
100 | No | No | dealer_licensee_id | bigint | Identifies dealer who purchased catch for dealer reports, or the fisher who sold catch for Cash Sales Reports. For Cash Sales Reports, the fisher is also the dealer, therefore dealer_licensee_id = view_purchases.fisher_licensee_id. |
100 | No | No | dealer_license_number | int | Commercial marine dealer license number assigned to dealer by HDAR. |
100 | No | No | dealer_name | varchar | Full name of individual holding dealer license. |
100 | No | No | dealer_business_name | varchar | Name of business holding the license. |
100 | No | No | fisher_licensee_id | bigint | Identifies fisher who sold the catch listed on the purchase report. |
100 | No | No | fisher_license_number | int | Commercial marine fishing license number assigned to fisher by HDAR. |
100 | No | No | fisher_name | varchar | Full name of individual holding fishing license. |
100 | Yes | No | report_date | date | Date of purchase. |
100 | No | No | received_date | date | Date dealer submitted report online, or date staff received the paper report from the dealer. |
100 | No | No | vessel_id | varchar | Hawaii State (HA) or U.S. Coast Guard (UCSG) vessel registration/documentation number. Field will not be reported if a vessel was not used when fishing. Note: HA vessel registration number suffix indicates vessel use. Recreational use is denoted by letters 'A' through 'F'. Commercial fishing is denoted by 'CF'. Commercial passenger is denoted by 'CP'. |
100 | No | No | vessel_name | varchar | Name of fishing vessel that dealer purchased from. Vessel name is registered with State Division of Boating & Ocean Recreation. Field will not be reported if a vessel was not used when fishing. Was manually entered in DRS. ODR automatically fills this in based on vessel_id. |
100 | Yes | No | purchase_type_code | int | Code assigned to a purchase type. |
100 | No | No | purchase_type_name | varchar | Name of purchase type. Example: Initial Sale, Resale, etc. |
100 | No | No | purchase_report_comments | varchar | Comments submitted online through ODR regarding purchase. Different from view_purchases.purchase_comments, which are comments regarding purchases at the individual species level before ODR existed. |
100 | No | No | validation_status | enum | Validation status when adding report to ODR. Values include: Approved, Pending, Approved - No Response. Originally, meant to be used for tracking communication with dealers who appeared on Error Reports. A value of Approved would clear the dealer from the error report. However, due to a design flaw, the validation status is not currently being used in ODR. |
100 | No | No | trip_number | varchar | Number generated by UFA and FIF dealers who buy from fishers on purchase reports. Different from view_catch.logbook_number, which is number printed on NWHI Bottomfish Trip Daily Log sheet. |
100 | No | No | trip_type_code | varchar | Code for fishing trip type. Example: Handline, code = H; Longline, code = L, etc. |
100 | No | No | trip_type | varchar | Name of fishing trip type. Example: Bottomfish, Handline, Longline, etc. |
100 | No | No | purchase_id | bigint | Identifies a unique purchase record. |
100 | No | No | species_id | int | Code representing species that was purchased. |
100 | No | No | food_species_code | int | Codes associated with species collected for food from all HDAR forms except Aquarium forms. Different from view_purchases.aquarium_species_code, which are codes associated with species collected for aquarium. Note: food_species_code and view_purchases.aquarium_species_code have overlapping species but species codes are unique to each column, meaning the same fish can have a different code in each column. Example: Achilles Tang, food_species_code = 85 and view_purchases.aquarium_species_code = 103. |
100 | No | No | aquarium_species_code | int | Codes associated with species collected for aquariums. Codes are from HDAR Aquarium Fish Trip Report. Different from view_purchases.food_species_code, which are codes associated with species collected for food. Note: view_purchases.food_species_code and aquarium_species_code have overlapping species but species codes are unique to each column, meaning the same fish can have a different code in each column. Example: Achilles Tang, view_purchases.food_species_code = 85 and aquarium_species_code = 103. |
100 | No | No | food_name | text | Comma delimited list of names associated with a given species_id sold for food. Example: species_id = 2, food_name = Skipjack. |
100 | No | No | aquarium_name | text | Comma delimited list of names associated with a given species_id that are sold for aquariums. Example: species_id = 83, aquarium_name = Achilles Tang. |
100 | No | No | local_name | text | Comma delimited list of local names associated with a given species_id. Example: species_id = 2, local_name = Aku, Otado, Otaru. |
100 | No | No | display_name | mediumtext | Primary name displayed by applications and reports. Name come from where species_common_name_type_code = 5 (Display Name). If no records where species_common_name_type_code = 5, species.scientific_name is used. |
100 | No | No | rank | varchar | Name of taxonomic ranking. Example: Kingdom, Subkingdom, Phylum, Subphylum, Class, etc. |
100 | No | No | scientific_name | varchar | Normally the binomial name, which consists of a generic name (the genus name) and the specific name (the species name). If species cannot be identified to the species level, it will be identified to the highest known taxonomic ranking, such as its phylum, class, infraclass, order, suborder, family, or subfamily. A genus name followed by 'spp.' refers to multiple species within that genus. A genus name followed by 'sp.' refers to one species. The scientific name for species identified at the rank of family or higher will be the name followed by the rank in parentheses. Example: Thunnus thynnus, Nerita spp., Scombridae (family), Anthozoa (class), etc. Different from common name. |
100 | No | No | species_category | varchar | Name of the category marine species falls under. Example: Shells, Seaweed, Freshwater fish, Bait Only, etc. |
100 | No | No | species_condition_code | varchar | Condition of the species when purchased. Used to estimate the number of pounds sold (whole weight). Required field for Cash Sales from OFR. Not required for ODR. List merges conditions from both OFR and ODR. |
100 | No | No | species_condition | varchar | Description of marine life condition when purchased. Example: Belly Only, Damage, Whole, etc. |
100 | No | No | pounds_bought | decimal | Weight (pounds) of each species purchased. Required unless species is exempt from reporting weight. |
100 | No | No | pieces_bought | decimal | Number of pieces purchased. If purchased in quantities such as akule, number of fish may have been estimated. Required unless species is exempt from reporting pieces. |
100 | No | No | total_value | decimal | Amount paid for marine life (US dollars). |
100 | No | No | exported | tinyint | If sold outside the state of Hawaii, value = 1; if not, value = 0. Only applicable to Aquarium Cash Sale Reports. |
100 | No | No | purchase_comments | varchar | Comments regarding the individual purchase before ODR existed. Different from view_purchases.purchase_report_comments, which are comments regarding the purchase from ODR. |
Attribute Details
Attribute Name | purchase_report_id |
Seq. Order | 1 |
Data Storage Type | bigint |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | 19 |
Scale | 0 |
Status | Active |
Description |
Identifies a unique purchase report. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | 0 |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | data_source_code |
Seq. Order | 2 |
Data Storage Type | varchar |
Max Length | 4 |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Code that is abbreviation of data source. Example: Dealer Report System, code = DRS; Online Dealer Reports, code = ODR. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | report_type_code |
Seq. Order | 3 |
Data Storage Type | varchar |
Max Length | 4 |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Code assigned to report type. Example: Tuna Handline Trip Report, code = TUNA; Cash Sales Report, code = CS, Purchase Report, code = P. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | dealer_licensee_id |
Seq. Order | 4 |
Data Storage Type | bigint |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | 19 |
Scale | 0 |
Status | Active |
Description |
Identifies dealer who purchased catch for dealer reports, or the fisher who sold catch for Cash Sales Reports. For Cash Sales Reports, the fisher is also the dealer, therefore dealer_licensee_id = view_purchases.fisher_licensee_id. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | 0 |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | dealer_license_number |
Seq. Order | 5 |
Data Storage Type | int |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | 10 |
Scale | 0 |
Status | Active |
Description |
Commercial marine dealer license number assigned to dealer by HDAR. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | dealer_name |
Seq. Order | 6 |
Data Storage Type | varchar |
Max Length | 192 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Full name of individual holding dealer license. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | dealer_business_name |
Seq. Order | 7 |
Data Storage Type | varchar |
Max Length | 64 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Name of business holding the license. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | fisher_licensee_id |
Seq. Order | 8 |
Data Storage Type | bigint |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | 19 |
Scale | 0 |
Status | Active |
Description |
Identifies fisher who sold the catch listed on the purchase report. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | 0 |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | fisher_license_number |
Seq. Order | 9 |
Data Storage Type | int |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | 10 |
Scale | 0 |
Status | Active |
Description |
Commercial marine fishing license number assigned to fisher by HDAR. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | fisher_name |
Seq. Order | 10 |
Data Storage Type | varchar |
Max Length | 192 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Full name of individual holding fishing license. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | report_date |
Seq. Order | 11 |
Data Storage Type | date |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Date of purchase. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | received_date |
Seq. Order | 12 |
Data Storage Type | date |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Date dealer submitted report online, or date staff received the paper report from the dealer. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | vessel_id |
Seq. Order | 13 |
Data Storage Type | varchar |
Max Length | 255 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Hawaii State (HA) or U.S. Coast Guard (UCSG) vessel registration/documentation number. Field will not be reported if a vessel was not used when fishing. Note: HA vessel registration number suffix indicates vessel use. Recreational use is denoted by letters 'A' through 'F'. Commercial fishing is denoted by 'CF'. Commercial passenger is denoted by 'CP'. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | vessel_name |
Seq. Order | 14 |
Data Storage Type | varchar |
Max Length | 255 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Name of fishing vessel that dealer purchased from. Vessel name is registered with State Division of Boating & Ocean Recreation. Field will not be reported if a vessel was not used when fishing. Was manually entered in DRS. ODR automatically fills this in based on vessel_id. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | purchase_type_code |
Seq. Order | 15 |
Data Storage Type | int |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | 10 |
Scale | 0 |
Status | Active |
Description |
Code assigned to a purchase type. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | 1 |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | purchase_type_name |
Seq. Order | 16 |
Data Storage Type | varchar |
Max Length | 25 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Name of purchase type. Example: Initial Sale, Resale, etc. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | purchase_report_comments |
Seq. Order | 17 |
Data Storage Type | varchar |
Max Length | 1024 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Comments submitted online through ODR regarding purchase. Different from view_purchases.purchase_comments, which are comments regarding purchases at the individual species level before ODR existed. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | validation_status |
Seq. Order | 18 |
Data Storage Type | enum |
Max Length | 21 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Validation status when adding report to ODR. Values include: Approved, Pending, Approved - No Response. Originally, meant to be used for tracking communication with dealers who appeared on Error Reports. A value of Approved would clear the dealer from the error report. However, due to a design flaw, the validation status is not currently being used in ODR. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | trip_number |
Seq. Order | 19 |
Data Storage Type | varchar |
Max Length | 32 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Number generated by UFA and FIF dealers who buy from fishers on purchase reports. Different from view_catch.logbook_number, which is number printed on NWHI Bottomfish Trip Daily Log sheet. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | trip_type_code |
Seq. Order | 20 |
Data Storage Type | varchar |
Max Length | 1 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Code for fishing trip type. Example: Handline, code = H; Longline, code = L, etc. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | trip_type |
Seq. Order | 21 |
Data Storage Type | varchar |
Max Length | 50 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Name of fishing trip type. Example: Bottomfish, Handline, Longline, etc. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | purchase_id |
Seq. Order | 22 |
Data Storage Type | bigint |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | 19 |
Scale | 0 |
Status | Active |
Description |
Identifies a unique purchase record. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | 0 |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | species_id |
Seq. Order | 23 |
Data Storage Type | int |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | 10 |
Scale | 0 |
Status | Active |
Description |
Code representing species that was purchased. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | 0 |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | food_species_code |
Seq. Order | 24 |
Data Storage Type | int |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | 10 |
Scale | 0 |
Status | Active |
Description |
Codes associated with species collected for food from all HDAR forms except Aquarium forms. Different from view_purchases.aquarium_species_code, which are codes associated with species collected for aquarium. Note: food_species_code and view_purchases.aquarium_species_code have overlapping species but species codes are unique to each column, meaning the same fish can have a different code in each column. Example: Achilles Tang, food_species_code = 85 and view_purchases.aquarium_species_code = 103. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | aquarium_species_code |
Seq. Order | 25 |
Data Storage Type | int |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | 10 |
Scale | 0 |
Status | Active |
Description |
Codes associated with species collected for aquariums. Codes are from HDAR Aquarium Fish Trip Report. Different from view_purchases.food_species_code, which are codes associated with species collected for food. Note: view_purchases.food_species_code and aquarium_species_code have overlapping species but species codes are unique to each column, meaning the same fish can have a different code in each column. Example: Achilles Tang, view_purchases.food_species_code = 85 and aquarium_species_code = 103. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | food_name |
Seq. Order | 26 |
Data Storage Type | text |
Max Length | 65535 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Comma delimited list of names associated with a given species_id sold for food. Example: species_id = 2, food_name = Skipjack. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | aquarium_name |
Seq. Order | 27 |
Data Storage Type | text |
Max Length | 65535 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Comma delimited list of names associated with a given species_id that are sold for aquariums. Example: species_id = 83, aquarium_name = Achilles Tang. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | local_name |
Seq. Order | 28 |
Data Storage Type | text |
Max Length | 65535 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Comma delimited list of local names associated with a given species_id. Example: species_id = 2, local_name = Aku, Otado, Otaru. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | display_name |
Seq. Order | 29 |
Data Storage Type | mediumtext |
Max Length | 16777215 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Primary name displayed by applications and reports. Name come from where species_common_name_type_code = 5 (Display Name). If no records where species_common_name_type_code = 5, species.scientific_name is used. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | rank |
Seq. Order | 30 |
Data Storage Type | varchar |
Max Length | 20 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Name of taxonomic ranking. Example: Kingdom, Subkingdom, Phylum, Subphylum, Class, etc. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | scientific_name |
Seq. Order | 31 |
Data Storage Type | varchar |
Max Length | 125 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Normally the binomial name, which consists of a generic name (the genus name) and the specific name (the species name). If species cannot be identified to the species level, it will be identified to the highest known taxonomic ranking, such as its phylum, class, infraclass, order, suborder, family, or subfamily. A genus name followed by 'spp.' refers to multiple species within that genus. A genus name followed by 'sp.' refers to one species. The scientific name for species identified at the rank of family or higher will be the name followed by the rank in parentheses. Example: Thunnus thynnus, Nerita spp., Scombridae (family), Anthozoa (class), etc. Different from common name. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | species_category |
Seq. Order | 32 |
Data Storage Type | varchar |
Max Length | 40 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Name of the category marine species falls under. Example: Shells, Seaweed, Freshwater fish, Bait Only, etc. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | species_condition_code |
Seq. Order | 33 |
Data Storage Type | varchar |
Max Length | 5 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Condition of the species when purchased. Used to estimate the number of pounds sold (whole weight). Required field for Cash Sales from OFR. Not required for ODR. List merges conditions from both OFR and ODR. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | species_condition |
Seq. Order | 34 |
Data Storage Type | varchar |
Max Length | 100 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Description of marine life condition when purchased. Example: Belly Only, Damage, Whole, etc. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | pounds_bought |
Seq. Order | 35 |
Data Storage Type | decimal |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | 17 |
Scale | 2 |
Status | Active |
Description |
Weight (pounds) of each species purchased. Required unless species is exempt from reporting weight. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | pieces_bought |
Seq. Order | 36 |
Data Storage Type | decimal |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | 17 |
Scale | 2 |
Status | Active |
Description |
Number of pieces purchased. If purchased in quantities such as akule, number of fish may have been estimated. Required unless species is exempt from reporting pieces. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | total_value |
Seq. Order | 37 |
Data Storage Type | decimal |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | 17 |
Scale | 2 |
Status | Active |
Description |
Amount paid for marine life (US dollars). |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | exported |
Seq. Order | 38 |
Data Storage Type | tinyint |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | 3 |
Scale | 0 |
Status | Active |
Description |
If sold outside the state of Hawaii, value = 1; if not, value = 0. Only applicable to Aquarium Cash Sale Reports. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | 0 |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | purchase_comments |
Seq. Order | 39 |
Data Storage Type | varchar |
Max Length | 1024 |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Comments regarding the individual purchase before ODR existed. Different from view_purchases.purchase_report_comments, which are comments regarding the purchase from ODR. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | |
Max Length | |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Required | |
Primary Key | |
Status | |
Description | |
General Data Type | |
Case Restriction | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Min Length | |
Unit of Measure | |
Display Example | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | |
Max Length | |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Required | |
Primary Key | |
Status | |
Description | |
General Data Type | |
Case Restriction | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Min Length | |
Unit of Measure | |
Display Example | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | |
Max Length | |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Required | |
Primary Key | |
Status | |
Description | |
General Data Type | |
Case Restriction | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Min Length | |
Unit of Measure | |
Display Example | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Support Roles
* » Support Role | |
* » Date Effective From | |
Date Effective To | |
* » Contact | |
* Contact Instructions |
* » Support Role | |
* » Date Effective From | |
Date Effective To | |
* » Contact | |
* Contact Instructions |
* » Support Role | |
* » Date Effective From | |
Date Effective To | |
* » Contact | |
* Contact Instructions |
Currentness Reference |
Extent Group 1
Extent Description |
Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area
* » W° Bound | |
* » E° Bound | |
* » N° Bound | |
* » S° Bound | |
* » Description |
Extent Group 1 / Vertical Extent
EPSG Code | |
Vertical Minimum | |
Vertical Maximum |
Extent Group 1 / Time Frame
* » Time Frame Type | |
* » Start | |
End | |
Alternate Start as of Info | |
Alternate End as of Info | |
Description |
Access Information
* » Security Class | |
* Security Classification System |
Security Handling Description |
• Data Access Policy |
» Data Access Procedure |
• » Data Access Constraints |
• Data Use Constraints |
Metadata Access Constraints |
Metadata Use Constraints |
Distribution Information
Start Date | |
End Date | |
» Download URL | |
Distributor | |
File Name | |
Description | |
File Date/Time | |
File Type | |
FGDC Content Type | |
File Size | |
Application Version | |
Compression | |
Review Status |
Start Date | |
End Date | |
» Download URL | |
Distributor | |
File Name | |
Description | |
File Date/Time | |
File Type | |
FGDC Content Type | |
File Size | |
Application Version | |
Compression | |
Review Status |
Start Date | |
End Date | |
» Download URL | |
Distributor | |
File Name | |
Description | |
File Date/Time | |
File Type | |
FGDC Content Type | |
File Size | |
Application Version | |
Compression | |
Review Status |
Activity Log
Activity Time | |
Activity Type | |
Responsible Party | |
Description |
Activity Time | |
Activity Type | |
Responsible Party | |
Description |
Activity Time | |
Activity Type | |
Responsible Party | |
Description |
Issue Date | |
Author | |
Issue |
Issue Date | |
Author | |
Issue |
Issue Date | |
Author | |
Issue |
Date | |
Author | |
Question | |
Answer |
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Catalog Details
Catalog Item ID | 65076 |
Metadata Record Created By | Bradley M Gough |
Metadata Record Created | 2021-07-27 02:22+0000 |
Metadata Record Last Modified By | Bradley M Gough |
» Metadata Record Last Modified | 2023-09-23 00:43+0000 |
Metadata Record Published | 2023-09-23 |
Owner Org | PIFSC |
Metadata Publication Status | Published Externally |
Do Not Publish? | N |
Metadata Workflow State | Published / External |
Metadata Last Review Date | |
Metadata Review Frequency | 1 Year |
Metadata Next Review Date |
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