Southeast Fisheries Science Center
| ID: 73234
| Published / External
Created: 2024-08-06
Last Modified: 2024-10-03
Data Set (DS) | ID: 72469
ID: 73234
Entity (ENT)
* Discovery• First Pass
» Metadata Rubric
Item Identification
* » Title | NCRMP_FGB2022_Benthic_Data03_InvertebratesESAcorals.csv |
Short Name | |
* Status | Completed |
Creation Date | |
Revision Date | |
• Publication Date | 2023 |
* » Abstract |
Count data for select invertebrates and presence/absence of Endangered Species Act (ESA)-listed coral species. 'NA' values indicate field not applicable or data was not collected. |
* Purpose | |
Notes | |
Other Citation Details | |
• Supplemental Information | |
DOI (Digital Object Identifier) | |
DOI Registration Authority | |
DOI Issue Date |
Theme Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Temporal Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
* Spatial Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Stratum Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Instrument Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Platform Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Physical Location
• » Organization | National Centers for Environmental Information - Silver Spring, Maryland |
• » City | Silver Spring |
• » State/Province | MD |
• Country | |
• » Location Description |
Entity Information
Entity Type | Data Table |
Active Version? | Y |
Alias | |
Schema Name | |
» Description |
Defines Columns For Data Table on esa coralspecies |
Change Summary |
Data Attributes
Attribute Summary
Score | Req'd? | PKey? | » Name | Data Storage Type | Description |
100 | Yes | No | REGION | character | A mnemonic code indicating the region in which a sample was taken. |
100 | Yes | No | PRIMARY_SAMPLE_UNIT | Numeric | A code indicating the primary sample unit in which a sample was collected. |
100 | Yes | No | STATION_NR | Numeric | A number indicating the secondary sampling unit within a given primary sample unit. |
100 | Yes | No | Year | Numeric | A number indicating the calendar year. |
100 | Yes | No | Month | Numeric | A number indicating the calendar month. |
100 | Yes | No | Day | Numeric | A number indicating the calendar day. |
100 | Yes | No | HABITAT_CD | Character | A code indicating the habitat type. |
100 | Yes | No | STRAT | Character | A code indicating the stratum in which a sample was taken. Differs by region. |
100 | No | No | RUGOSITY_CD | character | A number indicating a rugosity category of low (0), high (1), or combined (2). Florida SEFCRI region only. |
100 | No | No | WTD_RUG | Numeric | A number indicating the weighted rugosity, in m, of the secondary sampling unit |
100 | No | No | MEAN_RUG | Numeric | A number indicating the average rugosity, in m, calculated from the total number of rugosity measurements taken along the 15m transect |
100 | Yes | No | LAT_DEGREES | Numeric | Latitude of secondary sampling unit in decimal degrees |
100 | Yes | No | LON_DEGREES | Numeric | Longitude of secondary sampling unit in decimal degrees. |
100 | No | No | MAPGRID_NR | Numeric | A number indicating gridded shapefile number. |
100 | No | No | SUB_REGION_NAME | Character | Code indicating a geographical area in REGION in which the sample was collected. |
100 | No | No | SUB_REGION_NR | Numeric | A number indicating the subregion. Florida regions only. |
100 | No | No | ZONE_NAME | Character | A code indicating the distance offshore. Florida regions only. |
100 | No | No | ZONE_NR | Numeric | A number indicating the zone name. Florida regions only. |
100 | No | No | MPA_NAME | Character | The name of the marine protected area in which the sample was collected. Florida regions only. |
100 | No | No | MPA_NR | Numeric | A number identifying the marine protected area in which the sample was collected. Zero indicates unprotected status. Florida regions only. |
100 | Yes | No | ADMIN | Character | The name of the marine protected area in which the sample was collected. Same as MPA_NAME. |
100 | Yes | No | PROT | Character | A Boolean value indicating whether a sample was in a managed area (1) or not (0). Does not imply protection. Florida regions only. |
100 | Yes | No | DEPTH_STRAT | character | A code indicating less than or greater than 12 meters depths. |
100 | Yes | No | MIN_DEPTH | Numeric | Minimum depth, in meters, of secondary sampling unit. |
100 | Yes | No | MAX_DEPTH | Numeric | Maximum depth, in meters, of secondary sampling unit. |
100 | Yes | No | METERS_COMPLETED | Numeric | A number indicating the number of meters on the transect completed for the sample. |
100 | Yes | No | LOBSTER_NUM | Numeric | A number indicating the quantity of Panulirus argus, Caribbean spiny lobster, in the transect survey area. |
100 | Yes | No | CONCH_NUM | Numeric | A number indicating the quantity of queen conch, Strombus gigas, in the transect survey area. |
100 | Yes | No | DIADEMA_NUM | Numeric | A number indicating the quantity of Diadema antillarum, long-spined sea urchin, in the transect survey area. |
100 | Yes | No | A_PALMATA | Character | A code indicating presence within the transect (PT), presence at the site (PS), or absence (A) of the Threatened coral Acropora palmata in the transect survey area. |
100 | Yes | No | A_CERVICORNIS | Character | A code indicating presence within the transect (PT), presence at the site (PS), or absence (A) of the Threatened coral Acropora cervicornis in the transect survey area. |
100 | Yes | No | D_CYLINDRUS | Character | A code indicating presence within the transect (PT), presence at the site (PS), or absence (A) of the Threatened coral Dendrogyra cylindrus in the transect survey area. |
100 | Yes | No | M_FEROX | Character | A code indicating presence within the transect (PT), presence at the site (PS), or absence (A) of the Threatened coral Mycetophyllia ferox in the transect survey area. |
100 | Yes | No | O_ANNULARIS | Character | A code indicating presence within the transect (PT), presence at the site (PS), or absence (A) of the Threatened coral Orbicella annularis in the transect survey area. |
100 | Yes | No | O_FRANKSI | Character | A code indicating presence within the transect (PT), presence at the site (PS), or absence (A) of the Threatened coral Orbicella franksi in the transect survey area. |
100 | Yes | No | O_FAVEOLATA | Character | A code indicating presence within the transect (PT), presence at the site (PS), or absence (A) of the Threatened coral Orbicella faveolata in the transect survey area. |
Attribute Details
Attribute Name | REGION |
Seq. Order | 10 |
Data Storage Type | character |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A mnemonic code indicating the region in which a sample was taken. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | PRIMARY_SAMPLE_UNIT |
Seq. Order | 20 |
Data Storage Type | Numeric |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A code indicating the primary sample unit in which a sample was collected. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | STATION_NR |
Seq. Order | 30 |
Data Storage Type | Numeric |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A number indicating the secondary sampling unit within a given primary sample unit. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | meters |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Year |
Seq. Order | 40 |
Data Storage Type | Numeric |
Max Length | 4 |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A number indicating the calendar year. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Month |
Seq. Order | 50 |
Data Storage Type | Numeric |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A number indicating the calendar month. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | Day |
Seq. Order | 60 |
Data Storage Type | Numeric |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A number indicating the calendar day. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | HABITAT_CD |
Seq. Order | 70 |
Data Storage Type | Character |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A code indicating the habitat type. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | STRAT |
Seq. Order | 80 |
Data Storage Type | Character |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A code indicating the stratum in which a sample was taken. Differs by region. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | RUGOSITY_CD |
Seq. Order | 90 |
Data Storage Type | character |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A number indicating a rugosity category of low (0), high (1), or combined (2). Florida SEFCRI region only. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | WTD_RUG |
Seq. Order | 100 |
Data Storage Type | Numeric |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A number indicating the weighted rugosity, in m, of the secondary sampling unit |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | MEAN_RUG |
Seq. Order | 110 |
Data Storage Type | Numeric |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A number indicating the average rugosity, in m, calculated from the total number of rugosity measurements taken along the 15m transect |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | LAT_DEGREES |
Seq. Order | 120 |
Data Storage Type | Numeric |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Latitude of secondary sampling unit in decimal degrees |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | LON_DEGREES |
Seq. Order | 130 |
Data Storage Type | Numeric |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Longitude of secondary sampling unit in decimal degrees. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | MAPGRID_NR |
Seq. Order | 140 |
Data Storage Type | Numeric |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A number indicating gridded shapefile number. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | SUB_REGION_NAME |
Seq. Order | 150 |
Data Storage Type | Character |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Code indicating a geographical area in REGION in which the sample was collected. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | SUB_REGION_NR |
Seq. Order | 160 |
Data Storage Type | Numeric |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A number indicating the subregion. Florida regions only. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | ZONE_NAME |
Seq. Order | 170 |
Data Storage Type | Character |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A code indicating the distance offshore. Florida regions only. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | ZONE_NR |
Seq. Order | 180 |
Data Storage Type | Numeric |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A number indicating the zone name. Florida regions only. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | MPA_NAME |
Seq. Order | 190 |
Data Storage Type | Character |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The name of the marine protected area in which the sample was collected. Florida regions only. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | MPA_NR |
Seq. Order | 200 |
Data Storage Type | Numeric |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | No |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A number identifying the marine protected area in which the sample was collected. Zero indicates unprotected status. Florida regions only. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | ADMIN |
Seq. Order | 210 |
Data Storage Type | Character |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
The name of the marine protected area in which the sample was collected. Same as MPA_NAME. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | PROT |
Seq. Order | 220 |
Data Storage Type | Character |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A Boolean value indicating whether a sample was in a managed area (1) or not (0). Does not imply protection. Florida regions only. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | NA |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | DEPTH_STRAT |
Seq. Order | 250 |
Data Storage Type | character |
Max Length | 1 |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A code indicating less than or greater than 12 meters depths. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | MIN_DEPTH |
Seq. Order | 260 |
Data Storage Type | Numeric |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Minimum depth, in meters, of secondary sampling unit. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | meters |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | MAX_DEPTH |
Seq. Order | 270 |
Data Storage Type | Numeric |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
Maximum depth, in meters, of secondary sampling unit. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | meters |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | METERS_COMPLETED |
Seq. Order | 280 |
Data Storage Type | Numeric |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A number indicating the number of meters on the transect completed for the sample. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | meters |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | LOBSTER_NUM |
Seq. Order | 290 |
Data Storage Type | Numeric |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A number indicating the quantity of Panulirus argus, Caribbean spiny lobster, in the transect survey area. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | CONCH_NUM |
Seq. Order | 300 |
Data Storage Type | Numeric |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A number indicating the quantity of queen conch, Strombus gigas, in the transect survey area. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | DIADEMA_NUM |
Seq. Order | 310 |
Data Storage Type | Numeric |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A number indicating the quantity of Diadema antillarum, long-spined sea urchin, in the transect survey area. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | A_PALMATA |
Seq. Order | 320 |
Data Storage Type | Character |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A code indicating presence within the transect (PT), presence at the site (PS), or absence (A) of the Threatened coral Acropora palmata in the transect survey area. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning |
PT = transect PS = presence at the site A = absence |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | A_CERVICORNIS |
Seq. Order | 330 |
Data Storage Type | Character |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A code indicating presence within the transect (PT), presence at the site (PS), or absence (A) of the Threatened coral Acropora cervicornis in the transect survey area. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | PT = transect PS = presence at the site A = absence |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | D_CYLINDRUS |
Seq. Order | 340 |
Data Storage Type | Character |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A code indicating presence within the transect (PT), presence at the site (PS), or absence (A) of the Threatened coral Dendrogyra cylindrus in the transect survey area. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | PT = transect PS = presence at the site A = absence |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | M_FEROX |
Seq. Order | 350 |
Data Storage Type | Character |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A code indicating presence within the transect (PT), presence at the site (PS), or absence (A) of the Threatened coral Mycetophyllia ferox in the transect survey area. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | PT = transect PS = presence at the site A = absence |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | O_ANNULARIS |
Seq. Order | 360 |
Data Storage Type | Character |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A code indicating presence within the transect (PT), presence at the site (PS), or absence (A) of the Threatened coral Orbicella annularis in the transect survey area. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | PT = transect PS = presence at the site A = absence |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | O_FRANKSI |
Seq. Order | 370 |
Data Storage Type | Character |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A code indicating presence within the transect (PT), presence at the site (PS), or absence (A) of the Threatened coral Orbicella franksi in the transect survey area. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | PT = transect PS = presence at the site A = absence |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | O_FAVEOLATA |
Seq. Order | 380 |
Data Storage Type | Character |
Max Length | |
Min Length | |
Required | Yes |
Primary Key | No |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Status | Active |
Description |
A code indicating presence within the transect (PT), presence at the site (PS), or absence (A) of the Threatened coral Orbicella faveolata in the transect survey area. |
General Data Type | |
Unit of Measure | |
Case Restriction | |
Display Example | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Allowed Values | PT = transect PS = presence at the site A = absence |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | |
Max Length | |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Required | |
Primary Key | |
Status | |
Description | |
General Data Type | |
Case Restriction | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Min Length | |
Unit of Measure | |
Display Example | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | |
Max Length | |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Required | |
Primary Key | |
Status | |
Description | |
General Data Type | |
Case Restriction | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Min Length | |
Unit of Measure | |
Display Example | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Attribute Name | |
Seq. Order | |
Data Storage Type | |
Max Length | |
Precision | |
Scale | |
Required | |
Primary Key | |
Status | |
Description | |
General Data Type | |
Case Restriction | |
Format Mask | |
Null Value | |
Null Value Meaning | |
Min Length | |
Unit of Measure | |
Display Example | |
Allowed Values | |
Default Value | |
Foreign Key Relations | |
Derivation | |
Validation Rules |
Support Roles
* » Support Role | Distributor |
* » Date Effective From | 2023 |
Date Effective To | |
Organization | NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) |
Email Address | |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Mobile | |
URL | |
Business Hours | |
Contact Instructions |
* » Support Role | |
* » Date Effective From | |
Date Effective To | |
* » Contact | |
* Contact Instructions |
* » Support Role | |
* » Date Effective From | |
Date Effective To | |
* » Contact | |
* Contact Instructions |
* » Support Role | |
* » Date Effective From | |
Date Effective To | |
* » Contact | |
* Contact Instructions |
Currentness Reference |
Extent Group 1
Extent Description |
Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area
* » W° Bound | |
* » E° Bound | |
* » N° Bound | |
* » S° Bound | |
* » Description |
Extent Group 1 / Vertical Extent
EPSG Code | |
Vertical Minimum | |
Vertical Maximum |
Extent Group 1 / Time Frame
* » Time Frame Type | |
* » Start | |
End | |
Alternate Start as of Info | |
Alternate End as of Info | |
Description |
Access Information
* » Security Class | |
* Security Classification System |
Security Handling Description |
• Data Access Policy |
» Data Access Procedure |
• » Data Access Constraints |
• Data Use Constraints |
Metadata Access Constraints |
Metadata Use Constraints |
Distribution Information
Start Date | 2023 |
End Date | Present |
» Download URL | |
Distributor | NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) (2023 - Present) |
File Name | NCRMP_FGB2022_Benthic_Data03_InvertebratesESAcorals.csv |
Description | |
File Date/Time | 2023-04-28 18:37:00 |
File Type (Deprecated) | tabular digital data (Microsoft Excel, CSV, or other tabular format) |
Distribution Format | CSV - Comma Separated Values (Text) |
File Size | 9.5K |
Application Version | |
Compression | Uncompressed |
Review Status | Chked Viruses Inapp Content |
Start Date | |
End Date | |
» Download URL | |
Distributor | |
File Name | |
Description | |
File Date/Time | |
File Type | |
FGDC Content Type | |
File Size | |
Application Version | |
Compression | |
Review Status |
Start Date | |
End Date | |
» Download URL | |
Distributor | |
File Name | |
Description | |
File Date/Time | |
File Type | |
FGDC Content Type | |
File Size | |
Application Version | |
Compression | |
Review Status |
Start Date | |
End Date | |
» Download URL | |
Distributor | |
File Name | |
Description | |
File Date/Time | |
File Type | |
FGDC Content Type | |
File Size | |
Application Version | |
Compression | |
Review Status |
Activity Log
Activity Time | |
Activity Type | |
Responsible Party | |
Description |
Activity Time | |
Activity Type | |
Responsible Party | |
Description |
Activity Time | |
Activity Type | |
Responsible Party | |
Description |
Issue Date | |
Author | |
Issue |
Issue Date | |
Author | |
Issue |
Issue Date | |
Author | |
Issue |
Date | |
Author | |
Question | |
Answer |
Child Items
Rubric scores updated every 15m
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Catalog Details
Catalog Item ID | 73234 |
Metadata Record Created By | Lee M Weinberger |
Metadata Record Created | 2024-08-06 00:40+0000 |
Metadata Record Last Modified By | SysAdmin InPortAdmin |
» Metadata Record Last Modified | 2024-10-03 18:16+0000 |
Metadata Record Published | 2024-08-06 |
Owner Org | SEFSC |
Metadata Publication Status | Published Externally |
Do Not Publish? | N |
Metadata Workflow State | Published / External |
Metadata Last Review Date | 2022-02-28 |
Metadata Review Frequency | 1 Year |
Metadata Next Review Date | 2023-02-28 |
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