How to Complete a Private Recreational eVTR Using the eVTR App
Operators of federally permitted vessels must submit a vessel trip report (VTR) for each fishing trip. VTRs are important because they provide data that informs fishery science and management decisions. These are tips to complete VTRs electronically.
Use this page for guidance on filling in eVTR fields on the app to complete your report.
NOTE: The document Electronic Vessel Trip Report (eVTR) Reporting Instructions (PDF, 52 pages) provides the complete reference information that you need to satisfy reporting requirements.
Getting Started
- Log in to the Fish Online Vessel Trip Reporting Web Page using your Fish Online account username and password.
- For those using an Android device or a computer, tap or click the Install tab so that the app will be saved to your device.
- For iOS users, save the reporting page as an app by selecting Add to home screen using the forward icon located at the bottom of the device:
NOTE: When you use the installed app, you may complete your trip report without an internet connection; however, an internet connection is required to submit the data.
Report a Trip with Catch
Vessel Information
- Begin a trip by tapping the + sign.
Trip Type
- Select TRIP TYPE (Private Recreational), NO. OF ANGLERS, VESSEL OPERATOR. Tap NEXT.
- Review, tap SAVE.
- Enter GEAR and GEAR QTY. Tap NEXT.
- Enter CHART AREA, NO. Of HAULS (if applicable), TOW/SOAK TIME, and FISHING DEPTH. Tap NEXT.
- Select LAT/LON FORMAT, then enter LAT and LON (if on fishing location tap CURRENT LOCATION), then tap SAVE.
- Select species from the search field.
- Enter the COUNT KEPT and COUNT DISCARDED fields. (If you discarded no fish, you must enter 0 into the Discard field.) Tap SAVE. Continue to add your catch until you have reported all of it, then tap TRIP REVIEW.
- Review, then tap ADD LANDING.
- Enter LAND DATE, then tap SAVE.
Offload Items
- Select a species to offload, tap NEXT.
- Enter NUMBER OF FISH SOLD for each species.
- For DEALER, enter Home Consumption or 99998 in the search box.
- Select PORT, then select DATE SOLD. Tap SAVE.
- Tap SIGN.
- Review trip (use the NEXT button to scroll through information), Check the certification box.
- If prompted to do so, enter your username and password again. Click LOG IN.
Displaying All Trips Submitted to NOAA
On the Home screen, the blue boxes displaying trip information are a combination of open and submitted trips on your current device. To see all trips that you submitted to NOAA, click on the three lines at the top left of the home screen, then select VTR Trip List. This action displays all submitted trips regardless of the device used.
Contact Us
Contact our Help Desk at (978) 281-9188 or your local Port Agent.