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10 items match your filter criteria.

2024 National Recreational Fishing Highlights

NOAA Fisheries' accomplishments and highlights in recreational fisheries and fishing.
January 17, 2025 - Feature Story ,
A bearded black man holds up a large, orange yelloweye rockfish using both hands and smiles for the camera. Three individuals stand behind him on a boat among fishing rods, buckets, caught fish, and other supplies.

NOAA Fisheries Releases 2023 Status of Stocks

This report provides a "snapshot in time" of the status of our nation's fisheries at the end of 2023.
Young fish swimming. Juvenile coho salmon. Credit: iStock

Research Addresses Need for Bottom Trawl Survey Gear Standardization

Fishermen and researchers collaborate on a study that evaluates the use of a restrictor rope on bottom trawl surveys and its impacts on catch.
July 13, 2022 - Feature Story ,
hree people standing on deck of a trawl fishing vessel posing for a picture as they sort catch on a sorting table.

Fall in Love with New Seafood for Seafood Month

Take a chance and meet some new flavors.
February 17, 2022 - Feature Story ,
A table with a variety of fish and shellfish dishes Fish and shellfish dishes. Credit: iStock

Seriously Useful Seafood Tips: Fish and Other Wild-Caught Seafood

Those committed to making our nation’s seafood sustainable will likely have an amazing fount of knowledge on how to cook it. Seven of our region’s stakeholders and industry partners share their best seafood tips for the home consumer.
October 28, 2020 - Feature Story ,
Northeast Fisheries Science Center fish and wild caught seafood stakeholders and industry partners graphic

Reward for Information Regarding Unreported/Misreported Landings of Summer Flounder

Please call the NOAA Enforcement Hotline (800) 853-1964 with information.
October 02, 2019 - Agency Statement ,

Northeast Summer Flounder and Atlantic Striped Bass Assessments Completed

In the northeast, new stock assessments of summer flounder and striped bass are ready for use by fishery managers in the region. Both are “benchmarks,” which are the most complex and thorough form of assessment.
March 08, 2019 - Feature Story ,
Striped bass, silver fish with lateral strips down the sides.