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FY 2025 Received Prescott Grant Proposals

November 08, 2023

For the fiscal year 2025, 59 proposals were received from 19 states and 3 Tribes. The total amount of federal funding requested was $6,775,267. These proposals met the minimum requirements and will be considered for funding.

Field Response & Rehabilitation Proposals

Alaska ($318,156 requested)

StateApplicantProject Title
AKAleut Community of St. Paul Island Building capacity of a successful remote marine mammal health and stranding response program
AKUniversity of Alaska AnchorageContinued Strengthening of Alaska's Marine Mammal Stranding Program through a Statewide Stranding Coordinator for level A - C Response with Improved Data and Sample Management


Greater Atlantic ($1,543,197 requested)

StateApplicantProject Title
CTMystic AquariumOperational Support for Mystic Aquarium's Animal Rescue Program with Focus on Expanding Collaborations and Trainings to Leverage Resources and Optimize Stranding Response Efforts
DEMarine Education, Research & Rehabilitation Institute, Inc.Maintain and Build Capacity to Achieve Comprehensive Response and Data Collection for Marine Mammal Strandings in Delaware
MAMarine Mammal Alliance NantucketEnhancement and Sustenance: Marine Mammal Rescue Operations on Nantucket
MANational Marine Life CenterVital Programmatic Assistance for Pinniped Rehabilitation in New England
MAWampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah)Marine Mammal Stranding and Entanglement Program Support for the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah)
MAWhale & Dolphin ConservationOperational Support for Marine Animal Rescue and Response (MARR) Program in Massachusetts
MDMaryland Department of Natural ResourcesThe Maryland Department of Natural Resources Stranding Response Program: Operational Support to Enhance Stranding Response Capabilities and Promote a Sustainable Future through Data Collection
MDNational AquariumAssessment of Pinniped Triage Ops & Enhancement of Large Whale Entanglement Response in the Mid-Atlantic
MECollege of the AtlanticCritical Operational Support for the Marine Mammal Stranding Response Program for the Mid-Coast/Down east Region of Maine 2025-2026
MEMarine Mammals of MaineSupporting Marine Mammal Health Through Response and Rehabilitation, Disease Surveillance and Expanded Public Outreach
NHSeacoast Science CenterCritical Support to Build Capacity, Strengthen Response, and Expand Reach, Inclusion and Awareness in New Hampshire and Northeastern Massachusetts During a Period of Significant Growth and Transition
NJMarine Mammal Stranding CenterOperational Support for Marine Mammal Stranding Response and Outreach in New Jersey
NYAtlantic Marine Conservation SocietySupport for Expert Large Whale, Small Cetacean and Pinniped Responders in the NY/NJ Bight
NYRiverhead Foundation for Marine Research and PreservationReducing Human Interaction Cases: Strengthening New York's Marine Mammal Stranding Program through Enhanced Response, Rehabilitation and Outreach


Pacific Islands ($250,000 requested)

StateApplicantProject Title
HIThe Marine Mammal CenterContinuing Support for Endangered Hawaiian Monk Seal Recovery through Rehabilitation and Enhanced Emergency Preparedness
HIUniversity of Hawai'i at MānoaEnsuring capacity for cetacean cause of death investigations in Hawaii and in the Pacific Island territories


Southeast ($1,067,235 requested)

StateApplicantProject Title
FLClearwater Marine AquariumClearwater Marine Aquarium Cetacean Rehabilitation Pool Maintenance
FLClearwater Marine AquariumClearwater Marine Aquarium Vessel and Trailer Upgrades to Support Stranding Response and Intervention
FLFlorida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission Vital Support for Cetacean Stranding Response, including Endangered Large Whale and Mass Stranding Events, Advanced Diagnostics, and Dissemination of Critical Stranding Data
FLGulf World Marine InstituteEnhancement of Cetacean Stranding Response and Necropsy Capabilities in Expanded Coverage Area of Northwest Florida
FLHubbs-SeaWorld Research InstituteStrengthening marine mammal stranding response and fostering community engagement to improve intervention and recovery efforts along Floridas most active coastline.
FLMote Marine LaboratorySustaining Mote Marine Laboratory's Stranding Investigations Programs high level of response to stranded cetaceans and testing new methods for remote small cetacean disentanglement
MSThe Institute for Marine Mammal StudiesImproving DEI with Paid Entry-Level Stranding Response Opportunities in Mississippi and Maintenance of Stranding Response Equipment
NCNorth Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural ResourcesBridging Two Regions Under the NC Aquariums to Create a More Cohesive Stranding Response Network
NCUniversity of North Carolina at WilmingtonResponse to and Coordination of Marine Mammal Strandings in Southeastern North Carolina with Special Emphasis on Enhanced Ancillary Analyses and Bottlenose Dolphin Post-UME Monitoring
SCLowcountry Marine Mammal NetworkSouth Carolina Stranding Network: continued stranding response and outreach
TXTexas Marine Mammal Stranding NetworkEnhancing Stranding Response, Rehabilitation, and Data Collection for Marine Mammals on the Texas Coast


West Coast ($2,115,812 requested)

StateApplicantProject Title
CACalifornia Academy of SciencesSupport for the California Academy of Sciences' stranding response and large whale necropsy preparedness
CAChannel Islands Marine and Wildlife InstituteEssential Support to Continue CIMWIs Live and Dead Marine Mammal Response, Disentanglement, and Rehabilitation Activities
CA Friends of Sea LionBuilding Capacity in Southern California for Whale Euthanasia and Necropsy, Whale and Pinniped Entanglement Response, and Public Education
CAHumboldt State UniversityEssential Baseline Support for Inclusive Dead Marine Mammal Stranding Response at Cal Poly Humboldt - Effort-Based Surveys and Shared Community Stewardship
CAMarine Life StudiesWhale Entanglement Response and Prevention
CANorthcoast Marine Mammal CenterCrucial Support for Continued Marine Mammal Response and Rehabilitation in Northern California
CAOcean Animal Response and Research AllianceSupport and Enhancement of OARRA's MMMRP in Southern CA, LA County
CASeaWorld EntertainmentExpanding and Updating Equipment for Animal Response in Southern California
CAThe Marine Mammal CenterA Feasibility Study for the Development of a Private Association for National Marine Mammal Stranding Network Members
CAUniversity of California, Santa CruzSupporting Stranding Response and Training Future Generations in Wildlife Health
OROregon Coast AquariumMarine Mammal Stranding Response on the Oregon Coast
OROregon State UniversitySupporting and Enhancing the Capabilities of the Oregon Marine Mammal Stranding Network
ORPortland State UniversityStranding Response Support to Document Increased Strandings and High Human Interaction in the Northern Oregon Southern Washington Marine Mammal Stranding Program (NOSWSP)
WACascadia Research CollectiveImproving outcomes of large whale entanglement response from Northern California to Washington
WACascadia Research CollectiveMarine mammal stranding response and necropsy for primary coverage areas of Washington inland waters and outer coast, and large whales statewide in 2026
WASoundside Marinelife Rescue CenterIncreasing Capacity for Marine Mammal Response, Rehabilitation and Data Collection in the Pacific Northwest
WAThe Whale MuseumBasic Support for Entanglement and Stranding Response in San Juan County, Washington
WAWashington State Department of Fish & WildlifeSupport for WDFWs ongoing marine mammal stranding response and investigations of causes of mortality in Washington State


Research & Diagnostic Proposals ($1,480,867 requested)


StateApplicantProject Title
ALMarine Environmental Sciences ConsortiumCoastal Connections: Linking Dolphin Health, Zoonotic Pathogens, and Community Engagement in Southern Alabama
CAScripps Institute of OceanographyAssessing microplastics in stranded marine mammals using NOAA fisheries samples collection
FLCedar Key Dolphin ProjectEnhanced Capacity to Characterize Respiratory Microbiome of GOM Inshore Bottlenose Dolphins with Southeast Stranding Partners in a Changing Climate & Facilitating Equitable Access in Cetacean Research
FLFlorida Institute of TechnologyHAB Toxin Diagnostics to support MMHSRP research
FLFlorida International UniversityUnderstanding the spatiotemporal dynamics and the environmental drivers of cetacean strandings in the southeastern United States
MAInternational Fund for Animal WelfareBuilding Cetacean Response Resiliency and Diagnostics
MANational Marine Life CenterContinuing the Marine Mammal Morphological Parasite Laboratory V
MANew England AquariumDevelopment of a Whale Aerial Sampling Platform (WASP) for remote biopsy sampling of marine mammals
MAWoods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionToward an Acoustic Alert System for Cetacean Mass Stranding Events
MSMississippi State UniversityEnhancing Marine Mammal Stranding Networks with Tools for Parasite Identification
NHUniversity of New HampshireInvestigative Genomics and Molecular Diagnostics for High Priority Pathogens, Heavy Metal Toxicity, Feeding Behavior, and Antimicrobial Resistance in Marine Mammals from the Northeastern USA
NYCornell UniversityContinued Support for Marine Mammal Stranding Diagnostic Capacity and Training Opportunities in the Mid-Atlantic Region



Last updated by Office of Protected Resources on December 19, 2024