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1991 Marine Mammal Observer Program for the Salmon Driftnet Fishery of Prince William Sound Alaska

Final report of observer program methods and results
May 12, 1992 - Other Reports ,

1991 Marine Mammal Observer Program for the Salmon Driftnet Fishery of Prince William Sound Alaska

Observations of the Prince William Sound driftnet fishery May - October 1991
May 01, 1992 - Other Reports ,

Status report on Cook Inlet belugas (Delphinapterus leucas)

Discussion of the Cook Inlet beluga whale stock's distribution, population size, food habits, reproduction, subsistence harvest, and recommendations for monitoring their status.
January 01, 1992 - Other Reports ,

Recovery Plan for Leatherback Turtles in the U.S. Caribbean, Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico

This plan is directed at recovery of leatherback populations occuring within the U.S. Caribbean, Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. The team recognizes the importance of U.S. coastal and pelagic waters to leatherbacks from nesting populations outside the United
January 01, 1992 - Recovery Plan ,

Endangered Species Act Biennial Report to Congress (FY 1989-1991)

Published Date: 1991
December 19, 1991 - Report to Congress ,

Final Recovery Plan for the Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)

The humpback whale is classified as an endangered species and the Assistant Administrator for Fisheries has determined that a recovery plan would help this species to increase in abundance.This plan first reviews the natural history of humpback whale, con
November 01, 1991 - Recovery Plan ,

Recovery Plan for U.S. Population of Atlantic Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas)

This recovery plan serves as a road map for green sea turtle recovery in the U.S. Atlantic—the plan outlines the path and tasks required to restore and secure self-sustaining wild populations.
October 29, 1991 - Recovery Plan ,

1990 Salmon Gillnet Fisheries Observer Programs in Prince William Sound and South Unimak Alaska

Final report of observer program methods and results in Alaska.
March 18, 1991 - Other Reports ,