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5 resources match your filter criteria.

The annual economic survey of federal Gulf shrimp permit holders : report on the design, implementation, and descriptive results for 2006

Christopher Liese, Michael D. Travis, Diana Pina, and James R. Waters
May 30, 2019 - Technical Memo ,

The annual economic survey of federal Gulf shrimp permit holders : implementation and descriptive results for 2007

Christopher Liese, Michael D. Travis, and James R. Waters
May 30, 2019 - Technical Memo ,

Economics of the Federal Gulf Shrimp Fishery - 2012

Christopher Liese
May 30, 2019 - Technical Memo ,

Report of the National Marine Fisheries Service Gulf Coastal Fisheries Center, Fiscal Years 1970 and 1971

This report summarizes research conducted at the Gulf Coastal Fisheries Center (formerly the Biological Laboratory, Galveston, Texas) during fiscal years 1970-71, with an emphasis placed on shrimp.
July 01, 1972 - Technical Memo ,