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1040 resources match your filter criteria.

2018 Northern Fur Seal Demographic Studies

Location: Pribilof Islands Timing: June - October Funding: NOAA Project: On the Pribilof Islands, counts of adult male fur seals and estimates of pup production will be conducted to assess status and trends of the Eastern Pacific stock.
Group of baby fur seals sleeping on rocks

Northern Fur Seal Foraging and Diet Studies

Location: Pribilof Islands and Bering Sea Timing: August Funding: NOAA, University of Washington, Wildlife Computers Project: In August, northern fur seals on the Pribilof Islands will be equipped with satellite tracking instruments...

2018 Steller Sea Lion Vessel-Based Studies

Location: Eastern Aleutian Islands and Western and Central Gulf of Alaska Timing: July Funding: NOAA Project: To estimate survival, reproductive rates, and movements of Steller sea lions, direct observations of sea lions will be made in the
Steller Sea Lion Vessel-based Studies.jpg

2018 Steller Sea Lion Vessel-Based Studies

Location: Western and Central Aleutian Islands Timing: June - July Funding: NOAA
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Integrating Multiple Technologies To Understand the Foraging Behaviour of Hawaiian Monk Seals

Investigation and description of the foraging behavior of monk seals in the main Hawaiian Islands, including a metric to classify foraging behavior from telemetry instruments.
March 08, 2017 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

An Integrated Approach for Assessing Translocation as an Effective Conservation Tool for Hawaiian Monk Seals

To assess the efficacy of translocating seals to areas of greater prey availability, 12 weanling monk seals were translocated with pre-release health screening and post-release monitoring.
February 07, 2017 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

2017 Northern Fur Seal Adult Male Counts on the Pribilof Islands, Alaska

Adult male northern fur seals on St. Paul Island were counted over the period July 9 to 15, 2017

Estimating Hawaiian Monk Seal Range-Wide Abundance and Associated Uncertainty

Combining disparate data and methods to estimate the range-wide abundance of this species, along with associated uncertainty.
December 06, 2016 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Satellite Tagging Research on Killer Whales in Alaska

As part of a collaborative effort between the Marine Mammal Laboratory, the Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Cascadia Research Collective, and the University of Alaska, we have been participating in a satellite tagging project aimed at the West Coast Stock of transient killer whales.
A pod of killer whales swim through the water off the coast of Alaska

Protozoal-Related Mortalities in Endangered Hawaiian Monk Seals Neomonachus schauinslandi

This study establishes case definitions for classification of protozoal infections in Hawaiian monk seals.
September 26, 2016 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,