This study marks the first acoustic comparison between wild belugas and narwhals from the same location and provides strong support for the use of echolocation in PAM efforts to differentiate belugas and narwhals acoustically.
NOAA Fisheries Alaska Fisheries Science Center and National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration conduct research on marine mammals off the coasts of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California.
This paper presents results from the youngest portion of this population, deceased fetuses and calves-of-the-year, to provide insights into breeding and calving seasonality for this endangered population.
Daniel J. Vos, Kim E. W. Shelden, Nancy A. Friday, and Barbara A. Mahoney researched and combined beluga age estimates, from the teeth of hunted and stranded belugas during the period 1992–2001, with additional teeth collected up to June 2015.
NOAA Fisheries is not operating the Alaska Marine Mammal Observer Program due to a lack of available resources to fund additional observations of the southeast Alaska salmon drift gillnet fishery. We will reassess future activities as funding permits.