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13 resources match your filter criteria.

Simulating Drifting Fish Aggregating Device Trajectories To Identify Potential Interactions With Endangered Sea Turtles

Exploring the potential connection between dFADs deployment areas and important oceanic or coastal critically endangered leatherback and hawksbill sea turtle habitats in the Pacific Ocean.
June 05, 2024 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Where the Leatherbacks Roam: Movement Behavior Analyses Reveal Novel Foraging Locations Along the Northwest Atlantic Shelf

Research results on leatherback movement behavior from satellite tags applied off the coasts of Massachusetts and North Carolina.
February 27, 2024 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Leatherback Turtles in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico: Foraging and Migration Behavior During the Autumn and Winter

Satellite tagged leatherback sea turtles from the northeastern Gulf of Mexico provide information on foraging and migration behaviors.
February 27, 2024 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Potential of Dynamic Ocean Management Strategies for Western Pacific Leatherback Sea Turtle Bycatch Mitigation in New Zealand

We explore the potential for dynamic ocean management in an emerging hotspot of leatherback sea turtle bycatch in the New Zealand pelagic longline fishery.
February 19, 2024 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Species and Population Specific Gene Expression in Blood Transcriptomes of Marine Turtles

We generated high quality blood transcriptome assemblies for hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), loggerhead (Caretta caretta), green (Chelonia mydas), and leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) turtles.
May 13, 2021 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

A Management Strategy Evaluation of a Swordfish Fishery

We created a management strategy evaluation to compare static and dynamic closures in a simulated fishery, aimed at reducing bycatch of leatherback turtles.
March 19, 2021 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Southwest Fisheries Science Center Stock Assessments

Our stock assessments provide information on the dynamics of fish populations and scientific information to fishery managers regarding stock status, historical and future biomass, and recruitment trends.
A pod of long-beaked common dolphins is seen jumping over the surface of the ocean. Long-beaked common dolphin school. Photo: NOAA Fisheries/Adam Ü

Marine Turtle Demography Laboratory

Using bone growth layers to answer questions about the demography, habitat, and ecology of sea turtles.