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32 resources match your filter criteria.

2023 Summary of Ocean Ecosystem Indicators

Long-term monitoring of ocean conditions and their effect on juvenile Pacific salmon survival off Oregon and Washington.

Ecological Genetics and Diversity in the Pacific Northwest

Science support for ongoing conservation and management activities.

Monitoring Thiamine Deficiency in California Salmon

Our team works with anglers and fishing industry partners to monitor the nutritional status of Chinook salmon caught in the Central California coastal fishery.

Marine Ecosystem Response To Climate Change and Management for Salmon Recovery

Western Regional Action Plan Salmon for Marine Survival Project

Literature Review of Climate Change Impacts on Pacific Salmon and Steelhead

Environmental changes acting on salmon are not just from temperature change but from a number of physical changes in freshwater and ocean habitat.

Run-timing Matters: Evolution, Plasticity, and Functional Extinction of Unique Pacific Salmon Populations

Adult Chinook, sockeye, and steelhead migration timing, survival, and bioenergetic costs

Extinction Risk of Chinook Salmon Due to Climate Change

We conduct population viability analyses of cumulative climate impacts across the life cycle of Chinook salmon

Pacific Salmon Climate Vulnerability

Our scientists assess the vulnerability of Pacific salmon to changing climate and ocean conditions to prepare the many diverse people and businesses that depend on them.

Climate Impacts to Salmon of the Pacific Northwest

We study how climate affects Pacific salmon and steelhead throughout their entire life cycle.

Stream Temperature Monitoring and Modeling in the Pacific Northwest

Research on thermal freshwater habitats is critical to the recovery of protected species like salmon and green sturgeon.