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Notices and Rules

14 results match your filter criteria.

Final Management Plan for Mariana Trench Marine National Monument

NOAA Fisheries and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announce the availability of the final management plan for the Mariana Trench Marine National Monument, and the associated Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact.

Fisheries off West Coast States: Highly Migratory Species Fishery; El Nino Pacific Loggerhead Conservation Area Closure

Temporary rule to close a portion of the Pacific Loggerhead Conservation Area to drift gillnet fishing

Final Rule to Close the Wedge Area within the Massachusetts Restricted Area

NOAA Fisheries amended the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan (Plan) to expand the boundaries of the seasonal Massachusetts Restricted Area (MRA) to include the wedge between state and Federal waters known as the Massachusetts Restricted Area Wedge (MRA Wedge).

Emergency Restricted Area for the Trap/Pot Fishery: Massachusetts Restricted Area Wedge

Emergency Rule to close an open wedge of high risk to right whale entanglement to trap/pot fishing with persistent buoy lines from February 1 to April 30, 2023. This area was also in effect for April 2022.

Final Rule Regarding Pelagic Longline Gear and Operational Requirements

NOAA Fisheries is implementing longline gear and operational requirements to increase the survival of hooked oceanic whitetip sharks, effective May 31, 2022. This final rule prohibits the use of steel wire leaders within 1 meter of any hook deployed in the Hawaiʻi deep-set longline fishery.

Amendment 21 to the Pacific Coast Salmon Fishery Management Plan

NMFS approval of Amendment 21 to the Pacific Coast Salmon Fishery Management Plan, to limit ocean salmon fishery impacts on the availability of Chinook salmon as prey for Southern Resident killer whales.

Skykomish Summer Steelhead Hatchery Program and Sunset Falls Trap and Haul Program

Available for public comment, draft environmental assessment for the Skykomish River steelhead hatchery program plan and permit for Sunset Falls trap-and-haul operation.

Final Rule for Sea Turtle Limits in the Hawaiʻi Shallow-Set Longline Fishery 

Final rule; Sea Turtle Limits in the Hawaiʻi Shallow-set Longline Fishery. 

Hatchery plans and draft environmental assessment for Deschutes, Hood, Touchet, and Umatilla Rivers

The public was invited to comment on hatchery plans and draft evaluations for programs in the Middle Columbia and Hood Rivers.

Amendment 42: Modifications to Sea Turtle Release Gear and Framework Procedure for the Snapper Grouper Fishery

Amendment 42: Modifications to Sea Turtle Release Gear and Framework Procedure for the Snapper Grouper Fishery