Notices and Rules
Request for Information on Identifying Aquaculture Opportunity Areas in Alaska
NOAA Fisheries is seeking public input via a 60-day comment period on the identification of study areas, data, and analyses relevant to identifying AOAs in Alaska state waters.
Potential Aquaculture Management Program in the Pacific Islands
Pacific Island Fisheries: Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement; Aquaculture Management Program.
- Notice of Availability; final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (87 F…
- Notice of public meetings (86 FR 27836, May 24, 2021)
- Notice of Availability; draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (86 F…
- Notice of intent to prepare a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement; publ…
- Notice of intent to prepare a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement; requ…
Southern California Aquaculture Opportunity Area
Southern California Aquaculture Opportunity Area
Soliciting Comments on a Draft Outline of a Strategic Plan for Aquaculture Economic Development and on Updating the National Aquaculture Development
The comment period for the draft outline for the Strategic Plan for Aquaculture Economic Development lasts from March 3 - April 1, 2022.
Agencies Seek Public Input on Aquaculture Regulatory Efficiency and Science Planning Task Force Draft Strategic Plans
The National Science and Technology Council's Subcommittee on Aquaculture announces 45-day comment period for the Regulatory Efficiency and Science Planning Task Force draft strategic plans.
Skykomish Summer Steelhead Hatchery Program and Sunset Falls Trap and Haul Program
Available for public comment, draft environmental assessment for the Skykomish River steelhead hatchery program plan and permit for Sunset Falls trap-and-haul operation.
Aquaculture Opportunity Areas Request for Information
An Aquaculture Opportunity Area is a small, defined geographic area that has been evaluated to determine its potential suitability for commercial aquaculture. NOAA will use a combination of scientific analysis and public engagement to identify these areas
Clackamas Spring Chinook Hatchery Program
The public is invited to comment on a Hatchery and Genetics Management Plan for Clackamas spring Chinook salmon.
Hatchery plans and draft environmental assessment for Deschutes, Hood, Touchet, and Umatilla Rivers
The public was invited to comment on hatchery plans and draft evaluations for programs in the Middle Columbia and Hood Rivers.
Gulf of Mexico Generic Historical Amendments and Rulemaking (1998-2014)
The following is a list of historic rulemakings affecting multiple Fishery Management Plans for Gulf of Mexico fishery resources effective 2014 and earlier. For current amendments and recent rulemaking, see the Current Gulf of Mexico Generic Actions.