Endorsement Codes:
BSA=Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands GOA=Gulf of Alaska CAT=Catcher Vessel CPR=Catcher/Processor MTH=Mothership, 3 to 200 SFP=Stationary Floating Processor SUP=Support Vessel TEN=Tender HAL=Hook & Line JIG=Jig/Troll POT=Pot TRW=Trawl CNE=CR GOA Sidboarded CPE=CR SB except Pcod CPN=No GOA Pcod Fishing CPK=CR SB except pollock CPP=CR SB except pcod and pollock GOI=GOA Inshore Processing CHL=PCod Hook & Line CPT=PCod Pot CTW=PCod Trawl PHL=Pollock Hook & Line PPT=Pollock Pot PTW=Pollock Trawl AHL=Atka Mackerel Hook & Line APT=Atka Mackerel Pot ATW=Atka Mackerel Trawl |