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Bowhead Whale Results

54 results match your filter criteria.

Amendments to the Cooperative Agreements Between NOAA and the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission

Alaska Eskimo Whaling Association Cooperative Agreement Amendments from 2011, 2014. 2015 and 2016.
June 07, 2022 - Agreements ,

First Direct Evidence of Killer Whale Predation on Bowhead Whales in the U.S. Pacific Arctic Documented by Scientists

A new study provides essential information to conserve an endangered species and supports subsistence communities own observations.
September 14, 2020 - Feature Story ,
Photo of five bowhead whales at waters surface. Bowhead whales. Photo Credit: NOAA Fisheries. Funded by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.

Biological Opinion on the Issuance of a Letter of Authorization under the MMPA to Hilcorp Alaska, LLC and Eni U.S. Operating Co. Inc. for the Construction, Maintenance, and Use of Sea Ice Roads and Trails on the North Slope, Beaufort Sea, AK, 2020 to 2025

ESA Section 7 Biological Opinion on the Issuance of a LOA to Hilcorp Alaska, LLC and Eni U.S. Operating Co. Inc. for Sea Ice Roads and Trails on the North Slope, Beaufort Sea, Alaska, 2020 to 2025, NMFS Consultation Number: AKRO-2019-00194.
March 26, 2020 - Biological Opinion ,

Whale Alert

Whale Alert is a free iPhone/iPad application to share real-time whale sightings. Note that this version in Alaska is currently only being used for professional mariners.
March 06, 2020 - Mobile App ,

Biological Opinion Ice Exercise 2020

Endangered Species Act Section 7(a)(2) Biological Opinion on Ice Exercise 2020, NMFS Consultation Number: AKRO-2019-02445.
January 27, 2020 - Biological Opinion ,

10 Wonderful Whale Facts

How much do you know about different species of whales? As we celebrate Whale Week, take a look at some interesting tidbits and see if you learn something new about these majestic creatures.
January 13, 2020 - Feature Story ,
A humpback whale calf breaches in the waters off Hawaii A humpback whale calf breaches in the waters off Hawaii. Photo: NOAA Fisheries/Marie Hill.

Biological Opinion Liberty Oil and Gas Development and Production Plan Activities, Beaufort Sea, Alaska

Endangered Species Act (ESA) Section 7(a)(2) Biological Opinion Liberty Oil and Gas Development and Production Plan Activities, Beaufort Sea, Alaska, NMFS Consultation Number: AKRO-2019-00004 (Previously AKR-2018-9747).
August 30, 2019 - Biological Opinion ,

Biological Opinion: Office of Naval Research Arctic Research Activities 2018–2021 and Associated Proposed Issuance of an Incidental Harassment Authorization in the Beaufort Sea, Alaska

Biological opinion considering the possible effects of the proposed research activities on listed endangered and threatened species and designated critical habitat.
August 27, 2019 - Biological Opinion ,

Environmental Impact Statement for Issuing Annual Catch Limits to the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission for a Subsistence Hunt on Bowhead Whales for the Years 2019 and Beyond

Final Environmental Impact Statement on annual catch limits for the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission subsistence bowhead whale hunt.
November 16, 2018 - NEPA ,