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Resource Ecology and Fisheries Management Results

29 results match your filter criteria.

ACLIM Publications

Alaska Climate Integrated Modeling project's publications

Assessing Community and Regional Vulnerability to Ocean Climate Conditions

Social scientists are working with coastal communities in Alaska to evaluate sensitivity to ocean acidification and other aspects of change, and evaluate adaptation opportunities and barriers.
Photo showing fishing boats docked in the foreground, buildings in the middle ground, and snowy mountains in the background under blue skies. The fishing community of Sitka, Alaska. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Marysia Szymkowiak.

Gulf Of Alaska Climate Integrated Modeling Socioeconomics—From Climate To Communities

Economists and social scientists are examining fleet dynamics, community impacts, and adaptation potential in Gulf of Alaska fishing communities associated with Climate Change.

Gulf Of Alaska Climate Integrated Modeling Project

Scientists are using an integrated modeling approach to identify factors affecting present and future ecosystem-level productivity and to assess the economic and social impacts on Gulf of Alaska fishing communities of Climate Change.
Snow covered mountains reflect off of placid water containing rocky islands, pine trees, and grassy tussocks

Arctic Cod (Boreogadus Saida) Age and Growth Research

* The information in this document has not been subjected to formal peer review. Please use footnotes and the following format when citing this document: Stone, K.R., J.P. Harris, and C.E. Piston. 2019. Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida). Resource Ecology and Fisheries Management Division, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NMFS, NOAA, 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle WA 98115.
May 17, 2019 - Agreements ,

2019 Alaska Climate Integrated Modeling Project Brochure

The ACLIM project represents a comprehensive, collaborative effort by NOAA Fisheries and partners to characterize and project climate-driven changes to the Bering Sea ecosystem, from physics to fishing communities. The goal is to provide decision-makers with information on how different fisheries management approaches might attenuate or amplify climate-driven changes to fish and shellfish populations.
March 25, 2019 - Other Reports ,

The Alaska Climate Integrated Modeling Project

The Alaska Climate Integrated Modeling project (ACLIM) is an interdisciplinary collaboration to project and evaluate climate impacts on marine fisheries in the Bering Sea, Alaska.
Floating sea ice in the Alaskan Arctic

Age Determination References

Publications on Fish Age Determination.

Age Determination Materials and Equipment

Virtually all of the equipment employed by the Alaska Fisheries Science Center Age and Growth Program is used to enhance the visibility of annual marks so they can be contrasted with checks (non-annual marks) and be more easily counted.