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InPort XML Loader

The InPort XML Loader allows users to upload Catalog Items into InPort in a custom XML format.

To create a new Data Set from an InPort XML file, navigate to the catalog item that will be the parent of this new Data Set. Under the Item Actions menu, click on the link, "Add Child Item From File".

To update an existing Data Set from an InPort XML file, navigate to the Data Set you wish to update. Under the Item Actions menu, click on the link, "Update Item From File".

For more information on producing and uploading InPort XML files, please see the InPort XML Loader Documentation page.

InPort Web API

A Web API, currently in beta status, is available for InPort users. This API is a thin wrapper of the XML Loader functionality in InPort, and is mainly intended for users who want to load metadata into InPort programmatically from external systems, rather than manual loads through the user interface.

If you are interested in using this API, please contact InPort Support. The API will be released publicly after beta users have provided feedback, and endpoints have been finalized.

InPort XSLT Transforms

FGDC to InPort XML (XPath 1)

This XSLT transform converts from FGDC CSDGM to InPort XML, as of InPort XML version 1.30.

This can be used with the free XML Notepad software distributed by Microsoft.

Tyler Christensen, Anne Ball (NOS)

Note: This utility was contributed by the InPort community for the benefit of other users. The file is provided as is, and is not officially supported.

FGDC to InPort XML (requires XPath 2 or higher)

This XSLT transform converts from FGDC CSDGM to InPort XML, as of InPort XML version 1.30. Some parameters can be passed into the XSLT, such as the Parent Catalog Item ID.

    • lidar2inport - bash script to assemble arguments for Saxon
    • lidar2inport_saxon.xsl - the XSLT transform
    • saxon9 - wrapper bash script for running Saxon

This set of files was set up to run specifically in Linux, but should be able to be reconfigured to run in other environments. Run lidar2inport with the -h option to see usage.

Kirk Waters, Tyler Christensen, Anne Ball (NOS)

Note: This utility was contributed by the InPort community for the benefit of other users. The files are provided as is, and are not officially supported.

Entity Extract Script (Oracle to InPort XML)

The Entity Extract Script allows users using Oracle databases to extract their table, view, and materialized view information into InPort XML files, which can then be uploaded into InPort using the InPort XML Loader.

Download and unzip the script below, for Oracle 10g Release 2 or later, using SQL Plus, SQL Developer 4.0+, or TOAD 10.0+.

Detailed instructions on usage of this script are provided within the file.