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  • SEFSC Metadata Library
    • CRCP Joint Projects
      • Benthic Data
      • Fish Data /Reef Fish Visual Census
      • U.S. South Atlantic MPA Survey
      • Biology & Life History Branch
      • Fisheries Conservation Engineering Data
    • Fisheries Statistics Division
      • Caribbean PR Logbook Survey (Vessels)
      • Caribbean ST Croix Logbook Survey (Vessels)
      • Caribbean ST Thomas all gears Logbook Survey (Vessels)
      • Caribbean ST Thomas trap Logbook Survey (Vessels)
      • Collection of a Species Library to Support Electronic Monitoring in the Southeast
      • Columbia waters treaty Logbook Survey (Vessels)
      • Fisheries Sampling Branch
      • Galveston Fisheries Management Projects
      • Large Pelagic Carcass Weights (Vessels)
      • Large Pelagic Logbook Set Survey (Vessels)
      • Large Pelagic Logbook Trip Survey (Vessels)
      • Menhaden Research
      • Observer Programs
    • Marine Mammal and Turtle Division
      • AMAPPS
      • GBIF Extended Measurement Or Facts
      • GoMMAPPS
      • SEFSC Marine Mammal Projects
      • SEFSC Marine Turtle
      • Vessel Survey for Abundance and Distribution of Marine Mammals and Seabirds (VSAD)
    • Mississippi Laboratories
      • Analytical Data
      • Fisheries Independent Survey Environmental Data
      • Images
      • Fisheries Biology and Ecology
      • Fisheries Independent Survey Data
      • Galveston Fisheries Ecology Projects
      • Gulf & Caribbean Reef Fish Branch.
      • Life History Studies
      • Marine Protected Area Projects
      • Other Protected Resources Projects
        • Abundance and behavior of parrotfishes: Florida Keys
        • Acropora demographic monitoring
          • Acropora Spatial Survey Data of the Upper Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary 2005 -2007
          • Acropora disease resistance
          • CRCP-Acropora palmata fragment outplants
          • CRCP-Acropora palmata snail corallivore removal evaluation
          • CRCP-Acropora spp. distribution in the upper Florida Keys 2013-2015
          • CRCP-Prey choice of corallivorous snails
          • Demographic Monitoring of juvenile Acropora spp. in the Florida Keys 2002-2004
          • Elkhorn coral demographic monitoring
          • Population Monitoring of Acropora palmata and its predator, Coralliophila abbreviata, in the upper Florida Keys 1998 to present
          • Water temperature loggers - Upper Florida Keys
            • AAA_AA_A.csv
            • Abstract Methods
            • Aquarius_AQ_A.csv
            • CRF_Nursery_CRF_A.csv
            • Carysfort_CF_DRM.csv
            • Carysfort_Reef_CF_A.csv
            • Carysfort_Reef_CF_B.csv
            • Conch_Shallow _CS_A.csv
            • DLAB Spawn DLAB_S.csv
            • Elbow_Reef_EL_A.csv
            • Elbow_Reef_EL_B.csv
            • French_Reef_FR_A.csv
            • French_Reef_FR_B.csv
            • French_Reef_FR_C.csv
            • Grecian_Rocks_GR_A.csv
            • Grecian_Rocks_GR_B.csv
            • Grecian_Rocks_GR_DRM.csv
            • Heat Stress Nursery HSN.csv
            • Horseshoe_HS_A.csv
            • Horseshoe_Reef_HS_B.csv
            • Key_Largo_Dry_Rocks_KL_A.csv
            • Key_Largo_Dry_Rocks_KL_B.csv
            • Key_Largo_Dry_Rocks_KL_C.csv
            • Little_Conch_LC_A.csv
            • Little_Elbow_LE_A.csv
            • Molasses_ML-B.csv
            • Molasses_Reef_ML_A.csv
            • Molasses_Reef_ML_C.csv
            • NCEI Journal File Version 1 Of Accession 0126994
            • NCEI Journal File Version 2 Of Accession 0126994
            • NCEI Journal File Version 3 Of Accession 0126994
            • NCEI Journal File Version 4 Of Accession 0126994
            • NCEI Journal File Version 5 Of Accession 0126994
            • NCEI Journal File Version 6 Of Accession 0126994
            • NCEI_Field_Descriptions.csv
            • North_Dry_Rocks_ND_A.csv
            • North_Dry_Rocks_ND_B.csv
            • North_Dry_Rocks_ND_C.csv
            • North_Dry_Rocks_ND_DRM.csv
            • North_North_Dry_Rocks_NN_A.csv
            • North_North_Dry_Rocks_NN_B.csv
            • Pickles_Reef_PI_A.csv
            • Pickles_Reef_PI_B.csv
            • Pickles_Reef_PI_C.csv
            • Pickles_Reef_PI_D.csv
            • Pickles_Reef_PI_DRM.csv
            • Reef_Renewal_Nursery_RRN.csv
            • Sampling Sites and Dates
            • Sampling Sites and Dates .kmz File
            • Sand_Island_SI_A.csv
            • Sand_Island_SI_B.csv
            • South_Carysfort_Reef_SC_A.csv
            • Tavernier_Patch_A_TV_A.csv
            • Turtle_Rocks_TR_A.csv
            • Watsons_Reef_WA_A.csv
            • White_Bank_WB_A.csv
            • White_Bank_WB_B.csv
        • CRCP-Gamete/larval fitness of reef-building corals
        • Cold Core Ring / Mesoscale Eddy Scombrid Habitat Ecological Study (MESHS)
        • Early Life History
        • Fish survey data from Uva Island reef, Panama
        • IBBEAM Parent
        • Juvenile Sport Fish Trawl Monitoring in Florida Bay
        • Navassa Reef Assessment
        • St. Lucie Rod-and-Reel Fish Health Study
        • Surveillance of wild and outplanted staghorn coral (A.cervicornis)
      • Reef Fish Surveys Out Of Panama City
    • SEDAR Assessments
      • SEDAR 01 South Atlantic Red Porgy
      • SEDAR 02 South Atlantic Black Sea Bass and Vermilion Snapper
      • SEDAR 03 South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Yellowtail Snapper, Atlantic Menhaden and Atlantic Croaker
      • SEDAR 04 South Atlantic Snowy Grouper and Golden Tilefish
      • SEDAR 05 South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico King Mackerel
      • SEDAR 06 Goliath Grouper and Hogfish
      • SEDAR 07 Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper
      • SEDAR 08 Caribbean Yellowtail Snapper, Caribbean and Southeast US Spiny Lobster
      • SEDAR 09 Gulf of Mexico Vermilion Snapper, Greater Amberjack, and Gray Triggerfish
      • SEDAR 10 South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Gag Grouper
      • SEDAR 11 Large Coastal Sharks Complex, Blacktip Shark, and Sandbar Shark
      • SEDAR 12 Gulf of Mexico Red Grouper
      • SEDAR 13 HMS Small Coastal Sharks
      • SEDAR 14 Caribbean Yellowfin Grouper, Mutton Snapper, and Queen Conch
      • SEDAR 15 South Atlantic Red Snapper and Greater Amberjack
      • SEDAR 15A South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Mutton Snapper
      • SEDAR 16 South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico King Mackerel
      • SEDAR 17 South Atlantic Spanish Mackerel and Vermilion Snapper
      • SEDAR 18 Atlantic Red Drum
      • SEDAR 19 South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Black Grouper and South Atlantic Red Grouper
      • SEDAR 20 Atlantic Croaker and Atlantic Menhaden
      • SEDAR 21 HMS Sandbar Shark, Dusky Shark, and Blacknose Shark
      • SEDAR 22 Gulf of Mexico Yellowedge Grouper and Tilefish
      • SEDAR 23 South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Goliath Grouper
      • SEDAR 24 South Atlantic Red Snapper
      • SEDAR 25 South Atlantic Black Sea Bass and Tilefish
      • SEDAR 26 Caribbean Queen Snapper, Silk Snapper, and Redtail Parrotfish
      • SEDAR 27 Gulf of Mexico Menhaden
      • SEDAR 27A Southeastern Yellowtail Snapper
      • SEDAR 28 South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Spanish Mackerel and Cobia
      • SEDAR 29 HMS Gulf of Mexico Blacktip Shark
      • SEDAR 30 U.S. Caribbean Blue Tang and Queen Triggerfish
      • SEDAR 31 Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper
      • SEDAR 32 South Atlantic Blueline Tilefish and Gray Triggerfish
      • SEDAR 32A Gulf of Mexico Menhaden
      • SEDAR 33 Gulf of Mexico Gag Grouper and Greater Amberjack
      • SEDAR 34 HMS Atlantic Sharpnose Shark and Bonnethead Shark
      • SEDAR 35 Caribbean Red Hind
      • SEDAR 36 South Atlantic Snowy Grouper
      • SEDAR 37 Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic hogfish
      • SEDAR 38 South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico King Mackerel
      • SEDAR 39 HMS Smoothhound Sharks
      • SEDAR 40 Atlantic Menhaden
      • SEDAR 41 South Atlantic Red Snapper and Gray Triggerfish
      • SEDAR 42 Gulf of Mexico Red Grouper
      • SEDAR 43 Gulf of Mexico Gray Triggerfish
      • SEDAR 44 Atlantic Red Drum
      • SEDAR 45 Gulf of Mexico Vermilion Snapper
      • SEDAR 46 U.S. Caribbean Data-Limited Species
      • SEDAR 47 Southeastern U.S. Goliath Grouper
      • SEDAR 48 Southeastern U.S. Black Grouper
      • SEDAR 49 Gulf of Mexico Data-limited Species
      • SEDAR 50 Atlantic Blueline Tilefish
      • SEDAR 51 Gulf of Mexico Gray Snapper
      • SEDAR 52 Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper
      • SEDAR 53 South Atlantic Red Grouper
      • SEDAR 54 HMS Sandbar Shark
      • SEDAR 55 South Atlantic Vermilion Snapper
      • SEDAR 56 South Atlantic Black Seabass
      • SEDAR 57 U.S. Caribbean Spiny Lobster
      • SEDAR 58 Atlantic Cobia
      • SEDAR 59 South Atlantic Greater Amberjack
      • SEDAR 60 South Atlantic Red Porgy
      • SEDAR 61 Gulf of Mexico Red Grouper
      • SEDAR 62 Gulf of Mexico Gray Triggerfish
      • SEDAR 63 Gulf Menhaden
      • SEDAR 64 Southeastern US Yellowtail Snapper
      • SEDAR 65 HMS Atlantic Blacktip Shark
      • SEDAR 66 South Atlantic Golden Tilefish
      • SEDAR 67 Gulf of Mexico Vermilion Snapper
      • SEDAR 68 Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Scamp
      • SEDAR 69 Atlantic Menhaden
      • SEDAR 70 Gulf of Mexico Greater Amberjack
      • SEDAR 71 South Atlantic Gag Grouper
      • SEDAR 72 Gulf of Mexico Gag Grouper
      • SEDAR 73 South Atlantic Red Snapper
      • SEDAR 74 Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper
      • SEDAR 75 Gulf of Mexico Gray Snapper
      • SEDAR 76 South Atlantic Black Sea Bass
      • SEDAR 77 HMS Hammerhead Sharks
      • SEDAR 78 South Atlantic Spanish Mackerel
      • SEDAR 79 Southeastern U.S. Mutton Snapper
      • SEDAR 80 Caribbean Queen Triggerfish
      • SEDAR 81 Gulf of Mexico Spanish Mackerel
      • SEDAR 82 South Atlantic Gray Triggerfish
      • SEDAR 83 South Atlantic Vermilion Snapper
      • SEDAR 84 Caribbean Yellowtail Snapper and Stoplight Parrotfish
      • SEDAR 85 Gulf of Mexico Yellowedge Grouper
      • SEDAR 86 South Atlantic Red Grouper Operational Assessment
      • SEDAR 87 Gulf of Mexico White, Pink, and Brown Shrimp
      • SEDAR 88 Gulf of Mexico Red Grouper
      • SEDAR 89 South Atlantic Tilefish
      • SEDAR 91 Caribbean Spiny Lobster
      • SEDAR 92 Atlantic Blueline Tilefish
      • SEDAR 93 Atlantic Red Drum
      • SEDAR 94 Florida hogfish
      • SEDAR 95 ASMFC Cobia
      • SEDAR 96 Southeastern US Yellowtail Snapper
      • SEDAR 97 GSMFC Gulf of Mexico Menhaden
      • SEDAR 98 Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper
    • Socio-Economic Projects
      • 2002 Gulf of Mexico Charterboat Trip Economic Data (processed)
      • 2003 Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic SPCE angler survey
      • Caribbean Sustainable Fishing Communities Initiative
      • Community Profiles
      • Economic Data Collections for Southeast Shrimp Fisheries
      • Economic Value of Catching and Keeping or Releasing Saltwater Sport Fish in the Southeast USA
      • Fishing Related Business Economic Surveys
      • Golden Crab Economic Survey
      • Ground truthing Social Indicators in the South Atlantic
      • Grouper Tilefish IFQ Participant Survey
      • Recreational Fishing - Angler Valuation Surveys (SPCE)
      • Recreational Fishing - For-Hire Sector Studies
      • South Florida Sports Fishing Geodatabase
      • Trip Cost Data
      • US Caribbean Commercial Fishermen Censuses
      • US Caribbean Cost and Earnings
      • US Caribbean Miscellaneous Projects
      • USVI commercial fisheries cost data
      • Web-based For-Hire Fee Data Collection
    • Sustainable Fisheries
      • Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Branch
      • Highly Migratory Species Branch
      • Stock assessment model outputs for SEDAR (Domestic) managed species