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  • NWFSC Metadata Library
    • CB Division
      • Atlantis model outputs - Developing end-to-end models of the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem
      • BPA genetic monitoring (BPA Genetic Monitoring Project)
      • Bioenergetics model output (Trophic impacts of bald eagles in the Puget Sound food web)
      • CB Legacy Data Sets
      • CCIEA data and model output - California Current Integrated Ecosystem Assessment
      • CHaMP metrics (Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program)
      • Cedar River Chinook genotypes - Estimate relative reproductive success of hatchery and wild fall Chinook salmon in the Cedar River
      • Central Puget Sound Ecopath/Ecosim model biological parameters - Developing food web models for ecosystem-based management applications in Puget Sound
      • Central Puget Sound Ecopath/Ecosim model outputs - Developing food web models for ecosystem-based management applications in Puget Sound
      • Chinook Bycatch (Contemporary Salmon Genetic Stock Composition Estimates)
      • Chinook salmon Genetic Stock Identification data - Genetic Stock Identification of Washington Chinook salmon
      • Community social vulnerability indicies - Community Social Vulnerability Indicators for the California Current
      • Coral genetic (Taxonomic and genetic identification of deep-sea corals in bycatch and field surveys -linked to groundfish survey dataset)
      • DTAGs SRKW (Using DTAGs to study vessel sound exposure & effects on behavior in southern resident killer whales)
      • Derelict Gear (Impacts of derelict fishing gear on marine fauna in Puget Sound and the Northwest Straits)
      • Ecological Concerns Data Dictionary (Ecological Concerns data dictionary)
      • Elwha genetics (Elwha river salmonid genetics)
      • Estuary fish data - Juvenile salmon in migratory corridors of lower Columbia River estuary
      • Food web model output (Trophic impacts of bald eagles in the Puget Sound food web)
      • Genetic data for groundfish - Genetics and genomics of northeastern Pacific groundfish
      • Harbor porpoise (Passive acoustic monitoring of harbor porpoises in Puget Sound)
      • ISEMP - Integrated Status and Effectiveness Project
      • Jellyfish movement data (Determining movement patterns of jellyfish)
      • John Day Steelhead (Genetic Monitoring of John Day Steelhead)
      • Killer Whale Genetic Data (Genetic marker development and applications for southern resident killer whales)
      • Killer whale morphology - Variation in morphology of killer whale ecotypes
      • Killer whale prey (Determining prey selection by southern resident killer whales (SRKW))
      • Lewis Steelhead Genetics (Lewis River Steelhead Reintroduction)
      • Migration of steelhead (Genetic basis of migratory tendency in oncorhynchus mykiss)
      • Model outputs (Developing end-to-end models of the Gulf of California)
      • Mukilteo water sensor time series (Field work coupling measurements of carbon chemistry and distribution of free-living organisms)
      • NWFSC OA facility water chemistry (Ocean acidification species exposure experimental facility)
      • Non fisheries threats - Risk, status and trends of non-fisheries threats in the California Current to groundfish species
      • OA Experimental Results (Species response experiments on the effects of ocean acidification, climate change, and deoxygenation)
      • OBSOLETE: Coral genetic - Taxonomic and genetic identification of deep-sea corals in bycatch and field surveys -linked to groundfish survey dataset
      • Ocean Salmon Distributions
      • Ocean acidification genetics (Genetics and genomics of response to ocean acidification)
      • PODs cruise (Pacific Orcinus Distrbution Survey)
      • Pacific Northwest Salmon Habitat Project Database (Pacific Northwest Salmon Habitat Project Database)
      • Physical oceanography - Developing end-to-end models of the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem
      • Predator Gut Isotopes (Characterizing ecosystem role of sharks)
      • Puget Sound ocean acidification model outputs (Modeling the impacts of ocean acidification on ecosystems and populations)
      • Puget Sound porpoise population (Estimates of harbor porpoise population size in the main basin of Puget Sound)
      • Puget Sound steelhead life cycle model analyses - Population Viability Analysis
      • Quota Prices - Analysis and Reporting on Pacific Groundfish IFQ Quota Market
      • Ratfish data (Movement and habitat use patterns of top predators and keystone species in the benthic food web.)
      • SPS Abundance (Salmon Population Summary Database)
      • SPS and VSP
      • SRKW occurrence coastal (Occurrence of SRKW on the US West Coast using passive acoustic recorders)
      • SRKW seasonal occurence (Patterns of seasonal occurrence of Southern Resident Killer Whales)
      • SRKW summer prey (Prey species and stock specific consumption estimates for SRKW in their summer range)
      • Salish Sea Genetics (Salish Sea genetic inventory)
      • Shiraz model (All-H modeling spring Chinook salmon in the Wenatchee River Basin)
      • Snake River fall Chinook reproductive success (Juvenile life history changes in Snake River fall Chinook salmon)
      • Social Cultural Data (Social Impacts of Catch Shares in the West Coast Groundfish Fishery)
      • Spiny dogfish data (Movement and habitat use patterns of top predators and keystone species in the benthic food web.)
      • Steelhead migration (Tracking steelhead migration from the Columbia River through the Pacific Ocean)
      • Transient killer whale range (Satellite tagging of West Coast transient killer whales to determine range and movement patterns)
      • Vertebrae classification models (Validating classification models that use morphometrics to identify ancient salmonid (Oncorhynchus spp.) vertebrae to species)
      • Wenatchee Chinook Parentage (Evaluate the reproductive success of hatchery and wild Chinook salmon in the Wenatchee River)
      • Wenatchee River steelhead reproductive success - Estimate the relative reproductive success of hatchery and wild steelhead in the Wenatchee River, WA
      • West Coast fish, mammal, and bird species diets - Developing end-to-end models of the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem
      • West Coast fish, mammal, bird life history and abunance parameters - Developing end-to-end models of the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem
    • EFS Division
      • 2013 Early Life History Experiment Data - Snake River sockeye salmon captive propagation
      • Behavior Data - The effect of dietary taurine on feed attraction and physiology of carnivorous marine fish
      • Chemical tracers in Northwest Atlantic dogfish
      • Chiller Design Model - Impact of chiller failure on the short-term temperature variation in the incubation of salmonids
      • Composition of fish and feeds - Developing diets and feeding strategies for improved growth and performance of juvenile and adult sablefish
      • EFS Division (Source EC)
      • EFS Division (Source REUT)
        • 2012 Early Life History Experiment Data (Snake River sockeye salmon captive propagation)
        • Barged/In-river steelhead migrant data (Evaluation of methods to reduce straying rates of barged juvenile steelhead)
        • Broodyear Data (Captive Broodstock Gene Rescue Program for Odd Year Class Elwha River Pink Salmon)
        • Broodyear data (Snake River sockeye salmon captive propagation)
        • California coast sablefish (Reproductive Life History Analysis of Sablefish Populations off the Washington and California Coasts)
        • Dissolved Oxygen (Live Hauling of Fish)
        • EFS (Source REUT Legacy Data Sets)
        • EPA2011 Microbial & nutrient database (Evaluating the ecological health of Puget Sound's pelagic foodweb)
        • Fish Culture (North Puget Sound Chinook salmon captive propagation)
        • Fish Culture Data (Captive Broodstock Gene Rescue Program for Odd Year Class Elwha River Pink Salmon)
        • Fish Culture Data - Sablefish Gonadal Differentiation
        • Fish Culture data (Snake River sockeye salmon captive propagation)
        • Fish Health Data (Captive Broodstock Gene Rescue Program for Odd Year Class Elwha River Pink Salmon)
        • Fish Health data (Snake River sockeye salmon captive propagation)
        • Gene expression data - Sablefish Gonadal Differentiation
        • Growth Data (Captive Broodstock Gene Rescue Program for Odd Year Class Elwha River Pink Salmon)
        • Growth Data (North Puget Sound Chinook salmon captive propagation)
        • Growth data (Assessment of Normal Gonadal Differentiation and Development of Novel Approaches to Control Sex and Induce Reproductive Sterility in Sablefish)
        • Growth data (Snake River sockeye salmon captive propagation)
        • Hood Canal Steelhead (Hood Canal Steelhead Supplementation Experiment)
        • IGP2010 microbial (Bacterial community profiling at sewage treatment plant outfalls)
        • KLA (Live Hauling of Fish)
        • Laboratory data on Snake River steelhead (Evaluation of methods to reduce straying rates of barged juvenile steelhead)
        • Light Experiment data (Snake River sockeye salmon captive propagation)
        • Methow River Steelhead (Methow River Steelhead hatchery reform research)
        • Mobile acoustic telemetry data (Lingcod Stock Enhancement: ecological interactions, fishery contributions, and life history)
        • Oregon ESA 2010 BKD vertical transmission (Test of analyses for bacterial kidney disease as predictors of vertical transmission)
        • Oxygen Uptake (Live Hauling of Fish)
        • Post-Haul Mortality (Live Hauling of Fish)
        • Production Data (Captive Broodstock Gene Rescue Program for Odd Year Class Elwha River Pink Salmon)
        • Production Data (North Puget Sound Chinook salmon captive propagation)
        • Production data (Snake River sockeye salmon captive propagation)
        • Proximate analyses (Utilization of Marine Process Waste for Aquaculture Feeds)
        • Sablefish GI microbiome & histology (Incorporating Gastrointestinal Microbiome Analysis into Fish Nutritional Assessments)
        • Sex control experiments - Sablefish Gonadal Differentiation
        • Spawning data (Snake River sockeye salmon captive propagation)
        • Tag effect data (Lingcod Stock Enhancement: ecological interactions, fishery contributions, and life history)
        • Taurine Growth Effects
        • Temperature (Live Hauling of Fish)
        • Total Ammonia Nitrogen (TAN) (Live Hauling of Fish)
        • Un-ionized Ammonia (UIA) (Live Hauling of Fish)
        • Vibrio ecology (Identifying Environmental Determinants Favorable for the Presence and Transmission of Pathogenic Vibrios)
        • Vibrio ecology in PNW (The Ecology of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the Pacific Northwest: Implications for risk assessment and early warning systems)
        • Vibrio population structure (Genetic and population structure analysis of clinical and environmental Vibrio parahaemolyticus strains)
        • Washington coast sablefish (Reproductive Life History Analysis of Sablefish Populations off the Washington and California Coasts)
      • Egg lipids - Determination and practical application of egg quality measures toward reliable culture of high-value marine finfish species
      • Egg quality sablefish - Determination and practical application of egg quality measures toward reliable culture of high-value marine finfish species
      • Enviromental contaminants in Puget Sound fish - Chemical Analyses and Histological Preparation of Puget Sound Fish
      • Feed formulations - Incorporation of Plant Proteins into Marine Finfish Feeds, a NWFSC-YSFRI Joint Study
      • Fish Culture Data - Developing diets and feeding strategies for improved growth and performance of juvenile and adult sablefish
      • Fish culture data - Development and optimization of grow out diets for sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria)
      • Fish weights - Incorporation of Plant Proteins into Marine Finfish Feeds, a NWFSC-YSFRI Joint Study
      • Growth - Production of Macroalgae for Human Consumption in the Pacific Northwest
      • Growth Data - Developing diets and feeding strategies for improved growth and performance of juvenile and adult sablefish
      • Growth data - Development and optimization of grow out diets for sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria)
      • Hyporheic Microbes Database - Microbes in the hyporheic zone
      • Lipophilic Toxins in WA - Clear and present danger: monitoring and management of lipophilic shellfish toxins in Washington State
      • OBSOLETE: Diatom Control - Production of Macroalgae for Human Consumption in the Pacific Northwest
      • Oil spill related contaminant data for Arctic marine mammals - Obtaining baseline oil spill-related contaminant exposure data for Arctic marine mammals
      • PAH data in tissues of subsistence harvested marine mammal - Determination of PAH baseline values in tissues from subsistence-harvested marine mammals on the North Slope
      • POPs data for salmonids and macroinvertebrates from Glacier Bay, Alaska - Measuring persistent organic pollutants in resident salmonids and benthic macroinvertebrates in streams near Glacier National Park, Alaska
      • Physiology Data - Developing diets and feeding strategies for improved growth and performance of juvenile and adult sablefish
      • Proximate - Production of Macroalgae for Human Consumption in the Pacific Northwest
      • SDMG - Sablefish Muscle Physiology
      • Salish Sea Marine Survival (Steelhead) - Early Marine Survival of Puget Sound Steelhead
      • Social Behavior - Snake River sockeye salmon captive propagation
      • Temperature - Impact of chiller failure on the short-term temperature variation in the incubation of salmonids
      • Water chemistry - Investigation of Methods to Improve Homing by Hatchery Salmon
      • Water quality data - North Puget Sound Chinook salmon captive propagation
      • West Coast DA Event data - West Coast Toxic Pseudo-nitzschia bloom
    • FE Division
      • Aquatic Invertebrates - Thornton Creek Restoration Project Effectiveness Monitoring
      • Beaver Evidence (Historical Range of Beaver in the State of California, with an emphasis on areas within the range of coho salmon and steelhead trout)
      • Biological (Elwha River Dam Removal Study)
      • Bird Distribution and Abundance - Ocean Survival of Salmonids
      • Bridge Creek IMW database (Bridge Creek Restoration and Monitoring Project)
      • CTD Oceanographic Data (Ocean Survival of Salmonids)
      • CTD data - Pre-recruit surveys to aid stock assessment
      • Chemical (Elwha River Dam Removal Study)
      • Coastal Assessment Framework - National Assessment of Estuary and Coastal Habitats
      • Coho Use of Beaver Ponds in California - Movers and stayers: seasonal growth of alternative behavioral strategies of juvenile coho in natural and constructed habitats of mid-Klamath tributaries
      • Data logger database (Physical and biological effects of fish-friendly tide gates)
      • Diet (Recolonization of the Cedar River, WA by Pacific salmon)
      • EPA Townetting CTD casts (Evaluating the ecological health of Puget Sound's pelagic foodweb)
      • Egg to fry (Chinook Egg-to-Fry Survival)
      • Elwha Master Datafile - Elwha dam removal neashore monitoring
      • English sole 2010-2011 (Suitability of somatic growth of English sole as an ecosystem indicator.)
      • Experimental streams (Recolonization of the Cedar River, WA by Pacific salmon)
      • FE Legacy Data Sets
      • Field and laboratory notes on development of a PIT-tag system for spillways (Research and Development of New Marking and Monitoring Technologies)
      • Field and laboratory notes on instream research (Research and Development of New Marking and Monitoring Technologies)
      • Fish Sampling in the Multnomah Channel Marsh Natural Area near Portland Oregon from 2014-03-24 to 2015-07-15
      • Fish abundance, composition, distribution (Recolonization of the Cedar River, WA by Pacific salmon)
      • Fish and logger summaries (Physical and biological effects of fish-friendly tide gates)
      • Geomorphic analysis (Trinity River Restoration Potential)
      • Growth, movement and survival (Recolonization of the Cedar River, WA by Pacific salmon)
      • Habitat capacity for Sacramento delta - Life Cycle Modeling of Life History Diversity and Habitat Relationships
      • Historical nutrient and pathogen database
      • Ichthyoplankton Data (Stock Assessment and Improvement Program)
      • In-stream PIT detection, estuary wetlands (Columbia River Estuary Tidal Habitats)
      • Isotopes (Recolonization of the Cedar River, WA by Pacific salmon)
      • Juvenile Salmonid Metrics (Ocean Survival of Salmonids)
      • Juvenile Salmonid Parasite Data (Ocean Survival of Salmonids)
      • Juvenile Salmonid Trophic Data (Ocean Survival of Salmonids)
      • Newport Hydrographic Line
      • Oceanographic Trawl Data (Ocean Survival of Salmonids)
      • Otolith output (Project to study alternative life history types of fall Chinook based on otoliths)
      • PIT Tag data - Monitoring the migrations of wild Snake River spring/summer Chinook salmon juveniles
      • PTAGIS - Development of Large PIT-Tag Antennas to Estimate Migration Timing and Survival for Adult Salmonids near Pile Dikes in the Columbia River Estuary
      • Pacific Hake (Growth and natal origin of Pacific hake from the Georgia Basin DPS)
      • Physical (Elwha River Dam Removal Study)
      • Qwuloolt biota (Monitoring the Qwuloolt Estuarine Levee Breach Restoration)
      • Qwuloolt elevation (Monitoring the Qwuloolt Estuarine Levee Breach Restoration)
      • Qwuloolt hydrology (Monitoring the Qwuloolt Estuarine Levee Breach Restoration)
      • Radio telemetry data (Characterizing migration and survival for juvenile Snake River sockeye salmon between the upper Salmon River basin and Lower Granite Dam)
      • Reference stand condition (Effects of Thinning on Forest Structure important to the recovery of ESA-listed species)
      • Salmon Population Summary - Impacts of climate change on Pacific salmon
      • Salmon habitat use, tidal-fluvial estuary (Columbia River Estuary Tidal Habitats)
      • Salmon vulnerability maps (Effect of Climate Change on Salmon Population Vulnerability)
      • Skagit IMW (Skagit River Estuary Intensively Monitored Watershed Project)
      • Snohomish estuary LiDAR and RGB orthophotos (Monitoring the Qwuloolt Estuarine Levee Breach Restoration)
      • Stable isotope database (Transport and fate of nutrient and pathogen loadings into nearshore Puget Sound: consequences for shellfish growing areas)
      • Stream flow and temperature maps (Effect of Climate Change on Salmon Population Vulnerability)
      • Townet database (Evaluating the ecological health of Puget Sound's pelagic foodweb)
      • Unit scale abundance and habitat data (Calawah River Riverscape Study)
      • Water Quality (Monitoring the migrations of wild Snake River spring/summer Chinook salmon juveniles)
      • Water chemistry - Thornton Creek Restoration Project Effectiveness Monitoring
      • West Coast Stream Attributes for Salmon Intrinsic Potential
      • Zooplankton Data (Ocean Survival of Salmonids)
    • FRAM Division
      • Acoustic data (Integrated acoustic and trawl survey of Pacific hake off the Pacific Coast)
      • At-Sea Hake Observer Program (ASHOP) Dataset - Observer Program Operations and Analysis
      • Biological data (Integrated acoustic and trawl survey of Pacific hake off the Pacific Coast)
      • Catcher Processor Cost Earnings Data - Economic Data Collection for Monitoring the Economic Effects of the West Coast Groundfish Trawl Rationalization Program
      • Catcher Vessel Cost Earnings Data - Economic Data Collection for Monitoring the Economic Effects of the West Coast Groundfish Trawl Rationalization Program
      • DIDSON ultrasonic video data - Untrawlable Habitat Strategic Initiative
      • FRAM Legacy Data Sets
      • First Receiver and Shorebased Processor Data - Economic Data Collection for Monitoring the Economic Effects of the West Coast Groundfish Trawl Rationalization Program
      • Habitat Use Database (Groundfish Essential Fish Habitat Habitat Use Database (HUD))
      • Hypoxia-Early Life History Studies (Fishing vessel based survey of young-of-year groundfish along the Newport Hydrographic Line)
      • Mothership Cost Earnings Data - Economic Data Collection for Monitoring the Economic Effects of the West Coast Groundfish Trawl Rationalization Program
      • Non-Catch Share fishery bycatch analysis and reporting
      • OA 2014-5 Dataset - Limited Entry and Open Access cost earnings survey collecting 2014-15 data
      • Observer Information (Non-Catch Share fishery bycatch analysis and reporting)
      • Observer Raw Catch Data (Non-Catch Share fishery bycatch analysis and reporting)
      • Oceanographic Data - Bycatch Reduction Engineering Research
      • Oceanographic data (Integrated acoustic and trawl survey of Pacific hake off the Pacific Coast)
      • Puget Sound Recreational Shellfish Harvesting Survey - Model Intended Angler Behavior
      • Southern California Hook and Line Survey (Annual So. CA Bight hook and line data collection/survey)
      • Species Composition - Bycatch Reduction Engineering Research
      • Video Direct Count Data - Bycatch Reduction Engineering Research
      • West Coast Groundfish Bottom Trawl Survey Data (Annual West Coast time series groundfish trawl data collection survey)
    • OMI (Operations, Management, and Information) Division
      • IFQ Catch Shares
      • Project Planning DB - Project Planning Database and Public Access to Research Results tracking system
    • SD Division
      • Habitat information in the region on the underwater San Andreas Fault