Data Management Plan
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:17237 | Published / External
Data Management Plan
DMP Template v2.0.1 (2015-01-01)
Please provide the following information, and submit to the NOAA DM Plan Repository.Reference to Master DM Plan (if applicable)
As stated in Section IV, Requirement 1.3, DM Plans may be hierarchical. If this DM Plan inherits provisions from a higher-level DM Plan already submitted to the Repository, then this more-specific Plan only needs to provide information that differs from what was provided in the Master DM Plan.
1. General Description of Data to be Managed
In some years, the Bering Sea trawl fishery incidentally harvests (bycatch) large numbers of chum salmon. Because chum salmon were declining in some western Alaska areas, the origins of the chum salmon bycatch were important. Tagging studies have shown that chum salmon originating in Asia and North America migrate through the eastern Bering Sea. Genetic stock identification (GSI), a method of estimating stock composition in mixed-stock fisheries, has helped in evaluating stock contributions to salmon fisheries on the western coast of North America. Through cooperative efforts between state and federal agencies, a comprehensive genetic baseline for Pacific Rim chum salmon stocks has been developed, which enables GSI in fisheries such as the Bering Sea trawl fishery.
In 1994, the National Marine Fisheries Service, Auke Bay Laboratory, initiated a feasibility study of GSI in determining the origins of the chum salmon bycatch in the Bering Sea trawl fishery. Sampling in 1995 was intensified and resulted in samples covering the entire fishing season, representing nearly 11% of the total chum salmon bycatch.
Estimates for our 1994 fishery samples over three period were 39-55% Asian stocks, 20-35% western Alaska stocks, and 21-29% southeastern Alaska, British Columbia, or Washington stocks. One small sample (N=47) of maturing fish showed a surprisingly large contribution of British Columbia stocks (53%). Estimates for our 1995 samples over seven time periods were 13-51% Asian stocks, 33-53% western Alaska stocks, and 9-46% southeastern Alaska, British Columbia, or Washington stocks. As in 1994, the sample of maturing fish (N=277) showed a large contribution of British Columbia stocks (49%) and Washington stocks (25%).
Notes: Only a maximum of 4000 characters will be included.
Notes: Data collection is considered ongoing if a time frame of type "Continuous" exists.
Notes: All time frames from all extent groups are included.
Alaska, Bering Sea
Notes: All geographic areas from all extent groups are included.
(e.g., digital numeric data, imagery, photographs, video, audio, database, tabular data, etc.)
(e.g., satellite, airplane, unmanned aerial system, radar, weather station, moored buoy, research vessel, autonomous underwater vehicle, animal tagging, manual surveys, enforcement activities, numerical model, etc.)
2. Point of Contact for this Data Management Plan (author or maintainer)
Notes: The name of the Person of the most recent Support Role of type "Metadata Contact" is used. The support role must be in effect.
Notes: The name of the Organization of the most recent Support Role of type "Metadata Contact" is used. This field is required if applicable.
3. Responsible Party for Data Management
Program Managers, or their designee, shall be responsible for assuring the proper management of the data produced by their Program. Please indicate the responsible party below.
Notes: The name of the Person of the most recent Support Role of type "Data Steward" is used. The support role must be in effect.
4. Resources
Programs must identify resources within their own budget for managing the data they produce.
5. Data Lineage and Quality
NOAA has issued Information Quality Guidelines for ensuring and maximizing the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of information which it disseminates.
(describe or provide URL of description):
Lineage Statement:
Contact the dataset POC for full methodology
(describe or provide URL of description):
Contact the dataset POC for full QA/QC methodology
6. Data Documentation
The EDMC Data Documentation Procedural Directive requires that NOAA data be well documented, specifies the use of ISO 19115 and related standards for documentation of new data, and provides links to resources and tools for metadata creation and validation.
Missing/invalid information:
- 1.7. Data collection method(s)
(describe or provide URL of description):
7. Data Access
NAO 212-15 states that access to environmental data may only be restricted when distribution is explicitly limited by law, regulation, policy (such as those applicable to personally identifiable information or protected critical infrastructure information or proprietary trade information) or by security requirements. The EDMC Data Access Procedural Directive contains specific guidance, recommends the use of open-standard, interoperable, non-proprietary web services, provides information about resources and tools to enable data access, and includes a Waiver to be submitted to justify any approach other than full, unrestricted public access.
For scientific, management, and regulation compliance purposes, these data are confidential under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act; as amended, Public Law 109-479; 16 U.S.C. 1953; implemented at 50 CFR 679.50. Therefore unprocessed (raw) data can be shared only with authorized persons; however aggregated forms of the data are generally available.
Notes: The name of the Organization of the most recent Support Role of type "Distributor" is used. The support role must be in effect. This information is not required if an approved access waiver exists for this data.
Notes: This field is required if a Distributor has not been specified.
Notes: All URLs listed in the Distribution Info section will be included. This field is required if applicable.
no delay
Notes: This field is required if applicable.
8. Data Preservation and Protection
The NOAA Procedure for Scientific Records Appraisal and Archive Approval describes how to identify, appraise and decide what scientific records are to be preserved in a NOAA archive.
(Specify NCEI-MD, NCEI-CO, NCEI-NC, NCEI-MS, World Data Center (WDC) facility, Other, To Be Determined, Unable to Archive, or No Archiving Intended)
Notes: This field is required if archive location is World Data Center or Other.
Notes: This field is required if archive location is To Be Determined, Unable to Archive, or No Archiving Intended.
Notes: Physical Location Organization, City and State are required, or a Location Description is required.
Discuss data back-up, disaster recovery/contingency planning, and off-site data storage relevant to the data collection
IT Security and Contingency Plan for the system establishes procedures and applies to the functions, operations, and resources necessary to recover and restore data as hosted in the Western Regional Support Center in Seattle, Washington, following a disruption.
9. Additional Line Office or Staff Office Questions
Line and Staff Offices may extend this template by inserting additional questions in this section.