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The Population Dynamics Branch studies changes in distribution, abundance, and composition (size, sex, age, etc.) and is responsible for monitoring the abundance of fish stocks, measuring the impact of fishing activity, and evaluating biological aspects of the ecosystem. Additionally, the Branch provides information on biological and physical processes within the ecosystem developed by the other Divisions of the NEFSC. Mathematical and statistical models check the effects of environmental changes and fishing activity on fishery resources.

The Branch provides research necessary to support the management of a variety of finfish and invertebrate (animals without a backbone) fishery resources off the coast of Northeastern USA. The Branch also supports the New England and Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Councils, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, and the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organizations work.

Plan Development Teams (PDTs) evaluate the effects of fishery management rules for monkfish, New England groundfish, sea scallop, summer flounder, scup, American lobster, spiny dogfish, herring, mackerel, ocean quahog, and several other species . Stock assessments are also conducted for Georges Bank cod, haddock and yellowtail flounder, scup, Atlantic surfclam, Atlantic salmon, tilefish, and selected other species/stocks.

Resource and fishery information is made available for several NMFS units in the Northwest Atlantic, including the NE Regional Office, NMFS Headquarters, New England Fishery Management Council, Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Council, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, other federal and state agencies, and several international research agencies, such as, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea.

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Item Identification

Title: Population Dynamics Branch
Short Name: Population Dynamics Branch (PDB)
Status: In Work

The Population Dynamics Branch studies changes in distribution, abundance, and composition (size, sex, age, etc.) and is responsible for monitoring the abundance of fish stocks, measuring the impact of fishing activity, and evaluating biological aspects of the ecosystem. Additionally, the Branch provides information on biological and physical processes within the ecosystem developed by the other Divisions of the NEFSC. Mathematical and statistical models check the effects of environmental changes and fishing activity on fishery resources.

The Branch provides research necessary to support the management of a variety of finfish and invertebrate (animals without a backbone) fishery resources off the coast of Northeastern USA. The Branch also supports the New England and Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Councils, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, and the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organizations work.

Plan Development Teams (PDTs) evaluate the effects of fishery management rules for monkfish, New England groundfish, sea scallop, summer flounder, scup, American lobster, spiny dogfish, herring, mackerel, ocean quahog, and several other species . Stock assessments are also conducted for Georges Bank cod, haddock and yellowtail flounder, scup, Atlantic surfclam, Atlantic salmon, tilefish, and selected other species/stocks.

Resource and fishery information is made available for several NMFS units in the Northwest Atlantic, including the NE Regional Office, NMFS Headquarters, New England Fishery Management Council, Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Council, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, other federal and state agencies, and several international research agencies, such as, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea.



CC ID: 184712
URL Type:
Online Resource
File Resource Format: HTML

Population Dynamics Branch web page.

Child Items

Rubric scores updated every 15m

Rubric Score Type Title
Data Set Habitat Mapping Camera (HABCAM)
Data Set Stock Assessment Supplementary Information (SASINF)

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 22555
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:22555
Metadata Record Created By: Joan Palmer
Metadata Record Created: 2014-11-13 11:34+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: SysAdmin InPortAdmin
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2022-08-09 17:11+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2016-04-07
Owner Org: NEFSC
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2016-04-07
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2017-04-07