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Item Identification

Status: Completed

Materialized view joining pre-FSCS and FSCS data sets into one structure. Contains total number and weight of all species caught at a station.


Loaded by batch 9091, 07-29-2016 09:16

Entity Information

Entity Type: Data Table
Active Version?: Yes
Schema Name: SVDBS

Materialized view joining pre-FSCS and FSCS data sets into one structure. Contains total number and weight of all species caught at a station.

Data Attributes

Attribute Summary

Rubric Score Primary Key? Name Type Description
CRUISE6 VARCHAR2 Code uniquely identifying cruise. The first four digits indicate the year and the last two digit uniquely identify the cruise within the year. The 5th byte signifies cruises other than groundfish: Shrimp survey = 7 (i.e. 201470), State of Massachusetts survey = 9 (i.e. 201491), Food habits = 5 (i.e.199554)
CRUISE VARCHAR2 Unique numerical code for a cruise.
STRATUM VARCHAR2 A predefined area where a net dredge, or other piece of gear was deployed. Code consists of 2 parts: Stratum group code number (2 bytes) and stratum number (3 bytes). Stratum group refers to if area fished is inshore or offshore North or South of Cape Hatteras or the type of cruise (shellfish, State of MA, offshore deepwater). The stratum number (third and fourth digits of code) refers to area defined by depth zone. See SVDBS.SVMSTRATA. The fifth digit of the code increases the length of the stratum number for revised strata after the Hague Line was established. Stratum group code: 01 = Trawl, offshore north of Hatteras; 02 = BIOM; 03 = Trawl, inshore north of Hatteras; 04 = Shrimp; 05 = Scotian shelf; 06 = Shellfish; 07 = Trawl, inshore south of Hatteras; 08 = Trawl, Offshore south of Hatteras; 09 = MA DMF; 99 = Offshore deepwater (outside the stratified area). A change in Bottom Trawl Stratum for the Gulf of Maine-Bay of Fundy has been in effect since Spring 1987, and may be summarized as follows: Previous strata: 01350; Present strata: 01351, 01352.
TOW VARCHAR2 Sequential number representing order in which station was selected within a stratum.
STATION VARCHAR2 Unique sequential order in which stations have been completed. Hangups and short tows each receive a non-repeated consecutive number.
STATUS_CODE VARCHAR2 Code referencing whether or not a cruise is available in the SVDBS system. See SVDBS.SVCRUISE_STATUS.
ID VARCHAR2 Concatenation of Cruise6, Stratum, Tow and Station values.
SVSPP VARCHAR2 A standard code which represents a species caught in a trawl or dredge. Refer to the SVDBS.SVSPECIES_LIST
CATCHSEX VARCHAR2 Code used to identify species that are sexed at the catch level. See SVDBS.SEX_CODES
EXPCATCHNUM NUMBER Expanded number of individuals of a species caught at a given station.
EXPCATCHWT NUMBER Expanded catch weight of a species caught at a given station.
LOGGED_SPECIES_NAME VARCHAR2 Name of the species, either common, scientific or both.
CATCH_COMMENT VARCHAR2 Comments concerning a species at the catch level.

Attribute Details


CC ID: 338521
Seq. Order: 1
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR2
Max Length: 6
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Code uniquely identifying cruise. The first four digits indicate the year and the last two digit uniquely identify the cruise within the year. The 5th byte signifies cruises other than groundfish: Shrimp survey = 7 (i.e. 201470), State of Massachusetts survey = 9 (i.e. 201491), Food habits = 5 (i.e.199554)

General Data Type: VARCHAR2


CC ID: 338526
Seq. Order: 2
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR2
Max Length: 6
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Unique numerical code for a cruise.

General Data Type: VARCHAR2


CC ID: 338527
Seq. Order: 3
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR2
Max Length: 5
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

A predefined area where a net dredge, or other piece of gear was deployed. Code consists of 2 parts: Stratum group code number (2 bytes) and stratum number (3 bytes). Stratum group refers to if area fished is inshore or offshore North or South of Cape Hatteras or the type of cruise (shellfish, State of MA, offshore deepwater). The stratum number (third and fourth digits of code) refers to area defined by depth zone. See SVDBS.SVMSTRATA. The fifth digit of the code increases the length of the stratum number for revised strata after the Hague Line was established. Stratum group code: 01 = Trawl, offshore north of Hatteras; 02 = BIOM; 03 = Trawl, inshore north of Hatteras; 04 = Shrimp; 05 = Scotian shelf; 06 = Shellfish; 07 = Trawl, inshore south of Hatteras; 08 = Trawl, Offshore south of Hatteras; 09 = MA DMF; 99 = Offshore deepwater (outside the stratified area). A change in Bottom Trawl Stratum for the Gulf of Maine-Bay of Fundy has been in effect since Spring 1987, and may be summarized as follows: Previous strata: 01350; Present strata: 01351, 01352.

General Data Type: VARCHAR2


CC ID: 338528
Seq. Order: 4
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR2
Max Length: 3
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Sequential number representing order in which station was selected within a stratum.

General Data Type: VARCHAR2


CC ID: 338529
Seq. Order: 5
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR2
Max Length: 4
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Unique sequential order in which stations have been completed. Hangups and short tows each receive a non-repeated consecutive number.

General Data Type: VARCHAR2


CC ID: 338530
Seq. Order: 6
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR2
Max Length: 2
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Code referencing whether or not a cruise is available in the SVDBS system. See SVDBS.SVCRUISE_STATUS.

General Data Type: VARCHAR2


CC ID: 338531
Seq. Order: 7
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR2
Max Length: 18
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Concatenation of Cruise6, Stratum, Tow and Station values.

General Data Type: VARCHAR2


CC ID: 338532
Seq. Order: 8
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR2
Max Length: 3
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

A standard code which represents a species caught in a trawl or dredge. Refer to the SVDBS.SVSPECIES_LIST

General Data Type: VARCHAR2


CC ID: 338533
Seq. Order: 9
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR2
Max Length: 1
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Code used to identify species that are sexed at the catch level. See SVDBS.SEX_CODES

General Data Type: VARCHAR2


CC ID: 338522
Seq. Order: 10
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 8
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Expanded number of individuals of a species caught at a given station.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 338523
Seq. Order: 11
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 9
Scale: 3
Status: Active

Expanded catch weight of a species caught at a given station.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 338524
Seq. Order: 12
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR2
Max Length: 45
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Name of the species, either common, scientific or both.

General Data Type: VARCHAR2


CC ID: 338525
Seq. Order: 13
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR2
Max Length: 500
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Comments concerning a species at the catch level.

General Data Type: VARCHAR2

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 33766
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:33766
Metadata Record Created By: Patricia L Jones
Metadata Record Created: 2016-07-29 09:16+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: SysAdmin InPortAdmin
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2022-08-09 17:11+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2019-05-31
Owner Org: NEFSC
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2019-05-31
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2020-05-31