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Short Citation
Office for Coastal Management, 2025: 2008 Northwest Florida Water Management District (NWFWMD) LiDAR: Inland Okaloosa County,
Full Citation Examples


This Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) LAS dataset is a survey of inland Okaloosa County, Florida not

covered in the 2008 Florida Department of Emergency Management LiDAR initiative. The project area consists of

approximately 874 square miles, including a buffer of approximately 50 feet along the edges of the project. The

project design of the LiDAR data acquisition was developed to support a nominal post spacing of 4.9 feet

or 1.5 meters for un-obscured areas. Fugro EarthData, Inc. acquired 49 flight lines in three lifts on February 10, 2008.

The data was divided into 5000' by 5000' foot cells that serve as the tiling scheme. LiDAR data collection was

performed with a Cessna 310 aircraft, utilizing a Leica ALS50-II MPiA sensor, collecting multiple return x, y, and z

data as well as intensity data. LiDAR data was processed to achieve a bare ground surface. LIDAR data is remotely

sensed high-resolution elevation data collected by an airborne collection platform. Using a combination of laser

range finding, GPS positioning and inertial measurement technologies, LIDAR instruments are able to make highly

detailed Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) of the earth's terrain, man-made structures and vegetation. This data of

inland Okaloosa County, Florida, was collected at sufficient resolution to provide a nominal point spacing of

1.5m for collected points. Up to 5 returns were recorded for each pulse in addition to an intensity value.

Original contact information:

Contact Org: NOAA Office for Coastal Management

Phone: 843-740-1202


Distribution Information

  • Create custom data files by choosing data area, product type, map projection, file format, datum, etc.

  • Simple download of data files.

Access Constraints:


Use Constraints:

Users should be aware that temporal changes may have occurred since this data set was collected and some parts

of this data may no longer represent actual surface conditions. Users should not use this data for critical

applications without a full awareness of its limitations.

Controlled Theme Keywords


Child Items

No Child Items for this record.

Contact Information

Point of Contact
NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
(843) 740-1202

Metadata Contact
NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
(843) 740-1202


Geographic Area 1

-86.807° W, -86.371° E, 31.01° N, 30.373° S

Time Frame 1

Item Identification

Title: 2008 Northwest Florida Water Management District (NWFWMD) LiDAR: Inland Okaloosa County
Short Name: nwfwmd2008_okaloosa_m85_metadata
Status: Completed
Publication Date: 2008-07-10

This Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) LAS dataset is a survey of inland Okaloosa County, Florida not

covered in the 2008 Florida Department of Emergency Management LiDAR initiative. The project area consists of

approximately 874 square miles, including a buffer of approximately 50 feet along the edges of the project. The

project design of the LiDAR data acquisition was developed to support a nominal post spacing of 4.9 feet

or 1.5 meters for un-obscured areas. Fugro EarthData, Inc. acquired 49 flight lines in three lifts on February 10, 2008.

The data was divided into 5000' by 5000' foot cells that serve as the tiling scheme. LiDAR data collection was

performed with a Cessna 310 aircraft, utilizing a Leica ALS50-II MPiA sensor, collecting multiple return x, y, and z

data as well as intensity data. LiDAR data was processed to achieve a bare ground surface. LIDAR data is remotely

sensed high-resolution elevation data collected by an airborne collection platform. Using a combination of laser

range finding, GPS positioning and inertial measurement technologies, LIDAR instruments are able to make highly

detailed Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) of the earth's terrain, man-made structures and vegetation. This data of

inland Okaloosa County, Florida, was collected at sufficient resolution to provide a nominal point spacing of

1.5m for collected points. Up to 5 returns were recorded for each pulse in addition to an intensity value.

Original contact information:

Contact Org: NOAA Office for Coastal Management

Phone: 843-740-1202



The mission of the Office for Coastal Management is to support the environmental, social, and economic well being of the

coast by linking people, information, and technology. The mission of the Northwest Florida Water Management District (NWFWMD)

is to protect and manage the water resources of northwest Florida in a sustainable manner for the continued welfare of its

residents and natural systems. These LiDAR data are intended to support the local Coastal Zone Managers in

their decision-making processes. This data will be used for flood plain mapping and other coastal management




Supplemental Information:

For more information about this data set, please refer to the survey report at:

The information in this report is the result of LiDAR surveys performed on the date indicated and the general

conditions at the time of flight.


Theme Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords
Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords
Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords
ISO 19115 Topic Category
None Bare Earth
None Surface
None Terrain

Spatial Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Location Keywords

Physical Location

Organization: Office for Coastal Management
City: Charleston
State/Province: SC

Data Set Information

Data Set Scope Code: Data Set
Maintenance Frequency: As Needed
Distribution Liability:

Any conclusions drawn from the analysis of this information are not the responsibility of NOAA, the Office for Coastal Management or its partners.

Data Set Credit: Department of Commerce (DOC), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean Service (NOS), Office for Coastal Management (OCM) and the Northwest Florida Water Management District (NWFWMD)

Support Roles

Data Steward

CC ID: 624910
Date Effective From: 2008-07-10
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
Address: 2234 South Hobson Ave
Charleston, SC 29405-2413
Email Address:
Phone: (843) 740-1202


CC ID: 624912
Date Effective From: 2008-07-10
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
Address: 2234 South Hobson Ave
Charleston, SC 29405-2413
Email Address:
Phone: (843) 740-1202

Metadata Contact

CC ID: 624913
Date Effective From: 2008-07-10
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
Address: 2234 South Hobson Ave
Charleston, SC 29405-2413
Email Address:
Phone: (843) 740-1202

Point of Contact

CC ID: 624911
Date Effective From: 2008-07-10
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
Address: 2234 South Hobson Ave
Charleston, SC 29405-2413
Email Address:
Phone: (843) 740-1202


Currentness Reference: Ground Condition

Extent Group 1

Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area 1

CC ID: 1141011
W° Bound: -86.807
E° Bound: -86.371
N° Bound: 31.01
S° Bound: 30.373

Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 1

CC ID: 1141010
Time Frame Type: Discrete
Start: 2008-02-10

Spatial Information

Spatial Representation

Representations Used

Vector: Yes

Access Information

Security Class: Unclassified
Data Access Procedure:

This data can be obtained on-line at the following URL:

The data set is dynamically generated based on user-specified parameters.


Data Access Constraints:


Data Use Constraints:

Users should be aware that temporal changes may have occurred since this data set was collected and some parts

of this data may no longer represent actual surface conditions. Users should not use this data for critical

applications without a full awareness of its limitations.

Metadata Access Constraints:


Metadata Use Constraints:


Distribution Information

Distribution 1

CC ID: 743991
Download URL:
File Name: Customized Download

Create custom data files by choosing data area, product type, map projection, file format, datum, etc.

Distribution 2

CC ID: 743992
Download URL:
File Name: Bulk Download

Simple download of data files.



CC ID: 743994
URL Type:
Online Resource


CC ID: 743995
URL Type:
Online Resource

Activity Log

Activity Log 1

CC ID: 624934
Activity Date/Time: 2016-05-23

Date that the source FGDC record was last modified.

Activity Log 2

CC ID: 624933
Activity Date/Time: 2017-11-14

Converted from FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata (version FGDC-STD-001-1998) using '' script. Contact Tyler Christensen (NOS) for details.

Activity Log 3

CC ID: 717926
Activity Date/Time: 2018-02-08

Partial upload of Positional Accuracy fields only.

Activity Log 4

CC ID: 743993
Activity Date/Time: 2018-03-13

Partial upload to move data access links to Distribution Info.

Technical Environment


Microsoft Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195)

Service Pack 4; ESRI ArcCatalog

Data Quality


The boresight of the LiDAR was processed against the ground control for this project which consisted of 20 LiDAR

ground survey points and 1 ABGPS base station at the operation airport. An additional 20 QA/QC points were

used by the mapping vendor for internal checks. The horizontal datum for the control was the North American

Datum of 1983, NSRS 2007 (NAD83 2007). The vertical datum was the North American Vertical Datum of 1988

(NAVD88). The Geoid 2003 model was used to transform the ellipsoidal heights to GPS derived orthometric

heights. Airborne GPS data was collected during the acquisition mission for each flight line. During the data

acquisition the Positional Dilution of Precision (PDOP) for the airborne GPS (ABGPS) was monitored and held at or

below 3.5 when possible. The control points were measured by technicians using Terrascan and proprietary

software and applied to the boresight solution for the project lines. An independent check of the accuracy of

the bare earth LiDAR product was conducted using land cover quality control points.

Horizontal Positional Accuracy:

The minimum expected horizontal accuracy was tested to meet or exceed the National Standard for Spatial Data

Accuracy (NSSDA). Horizontal accuracy is 1 meter RMSE or better at the 95% confidence level.

Vertical Positional Accuracy:

Tested 6.1 cm RMSE for unobstructed terrain.

Completeness Measure:

Cloud Cover: 0

Completeness Report:

The following methods are used to assure LiDAR:

1. Use of IMU and ground control network utilizing GPS techniques.

2. Use of airborne GPS in conjunction with the acquisition of LiDAR.

3. Measurement of quality control ground survey points within the finished product.

The following software is used for the validation:

1. Terrascan

2. EarthData Proprietary Software

Conceptual Consistency:

Compliance with the accuracy standard was ensured by the collection of GPS ground control after the acquisition

of aerial LiDAR and the establishment of a GPS base station at the Destin-Fort Walton Beach Airport. The

following checks were performed.

1. The ground control and airborne GPS data stream were validated through a fully analytical boresight adjustment.

2. The DTM (Digital Terrain Model) data were checked against the project control.

3. LiDAR elevation data was validated through an inspection of edge matching and visual inspection for quality

(artifact removal).



2008 Florida LiDAR: Inland Okaloosa County

CC ID: 1141004
Publish Date: 2008-07-10
Extent Type: Discrete
Extent Start Date/Time: 2008-02-10
Scale Denominator: 1200
Source Contribution:

EarthData International, Inc. collected ALS-50-derived LiDAR over Okaloosa County, Florida with a 1.5m, nominal

post spacing using a Cessna 310 aircraft. The collection for the entire project area was accomplished in one day on

February 10, 2008. The collection was performed by EarthData International, Inc., using a Leica ALS50-II MPiA

LiDAR system, serial number ALS039, including an inertial measuring unit (IMU) and a dual frequency GPS receiver.

This project required 3 lifts of flight lines to be collected. The lines were flown at an average of 6,000 feet above

mean terrain using a pulse rate of 122,500 pulses per second.

| Type of Source Media: External hard drive

Process Steps

Process Step 1

CC ID: 1141005

The airborne GPS data were processed and integrated with the IMU. The results were imported into the

processing system for use in the LiDAR boresight. The raw LiDAR data was downloaded onto a production

server. The ground control and airport GPS base station were used in conjunction with the processed

ABGPS results for the LiDAR boresight. The properly formatted processing results were used for subsequent


Process Date/Time: 2008-03-14 00:00:00

Process Step 2

CC ID: 1141006

EarthData has developed a unique method for processing LiDAR data to identify and remove elevation

points falling on vegetation, buildings, and other aboveground structures. The algorithms for filtering data

were utilized within EarthData's proprietary software and commercial software written by TerraSolid. This software

suite of tools provides efficient processing for small to large-scale, projects and has been incorporated into ISO

9001 compliant production work flows. The following is a step-by-step breakdown of the process.

1. Using the LiDAR data set provided by EarthData Aviation, the technician performs calibrations on the data set.

2. The technician performed a visual inspection of the data to verify that the flight lines overlap correctly. The

technician also verified that there were no voids, and that the data covered the project limits. The technician then

selected a series of areas from the data set and inspected them where adjacent flight lines overlapped. These

overlapping areas were merged and a process which utilizes 3-D Analyst and EarthData's proprietary software

was run to detect and color code the differences in elevation values and profiles. The technician reviewed

these plots and located the areas that contained systematic errors or distortions that were introduced by the

LiDAR sensor.

3. Systematic distortions highlighted in step 2 were removed and the data was re-inspected. Corrections and

adjustments can involve the application of angular deflection or compensation for curvature of the ground

surface that can be introduced by crossing from one type of land cover to another.

4. The LiDAR data for each flight line was trimmed in batch for the removal of the overlap areas between flight lines.

The data was checked against a control network to ensure that vertical requirements were maintained.

Conversion to the client-specified datum and projections were then completed. The LiDAR flight line data sets were

then segmented into adjoining tiles for batch processing and data management.

5. The initial batch-processing run removed 95% of points falling on vegetation. The algorithm also removed the

points that fell on the edge of hard features such as structures, elevated roadways and bridges.

6. The operator interactively processed the data using LiDAR editing tools. During this final phase the operator

generated a TIN based on a desired thematic layer to evaluate the automated classification performed in step 5.

This allowed the operator to quickly re-classify points from one layer to another and recreate the TIN surface to see

the effects of edits. Geo-referenced images were toggled on or off to aid the operator in identifying problem areas.

The data was also examined with an automated profiling tool to aid the operator in the reclassification.

7. The point cloud data were delivered in LAS 1.1 format. 9 - points in water, 2 - ground points, and 1 - all other.

Process Date/Time: 2008-07-16 00:00:00

Process Step 3

CC ID: 1141007

The LiDAR ground points created in Process Step 2 were loaded into a Terrascan project. The export lattice

model function in Terrascan was then used to create and output the LiDAR DEM grid to the Arc ASCII Raster format.

As a final step, the Arc ASCII Raster format grid tiles were converted to ESRI Grid format using an Arc command.

Process Date/Time: 2008-07-16 00:00:00

Process Step 4

CC ID: 1141008

The NOAA Office for Coastal Management (OCM) received files in LAS format. The files contained LiDAR intensity

and elevation measurements. OCM performed the following processing on the data to make it available within the LiDAR Data

Retrieval Tool (LDART):

1. The LAS files were converted from UTM coordinates to geographic coordinates.

2. The data were converted from NAVD88 (orthometric) heights to GRS80 (ellipsoid) heights using Geoid 03.

3. The LAS header fields were sorted by latitude and updated.

4. The data was filtered to eliminate outliers.

Process Date/Time: 2008-07-21 00:00:00

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 48210
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:48210
Metadata Record Created By: Anne Ball
Metadata Record Created: 2017-11-14 14:20+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: SysAdmin InPortAdmin
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2022-08-09 17:11+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2022-03-16
Owner Org: OCM
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2022-03-16
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2023-03-16