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Short Citation
Office for Coastal Management, 2025: Building a Coastwide Olympia Oyster Network to Improve Restoration Outcomes - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative),
Full Citation Examples


To build communication, coordination, and information sharing among scientists and restoration practitioners, this project established a coastwide network from Baja California to British Columbia, the Native Olympia Oyster Collaborative. The project team synthesized past restoration projects, developed an experimental design for future research, and created educational and outreach materials that convey the importance of native oyster restoration on the Pacific coast. These efforts engaged communities in Olympia oyster restoration, provided tools to enhance future restoration outcomes, and strengthened connections among researchers and practitioners to support ongoing collaboration. This catalyst project was funded by NOAA through the National Estuarine Research Reserve System Science Collaborative to advance collaborative science. It did not produce any new data.

Distribution Information

No Distributions available.

Access Constraints:


Use Constraints:

Cite this dataset when used as a source: NOAA retains the right to analyze, synthesize and publish summaries of the NERRS/NSC data. The NERRS/NSC retains the right to be fully credited for having collected and process the data. Following academic courtesy standards, the NERR site where the data were collected should be contacted and fully acknowledged in any subsequent publications in which any part of the data are used. The data enclosed within this package/transmission are only as accurate as the quality assurance and quality control procedures that are described in the associated metadata reporting statement allow. The user bears all responsibility for its subsequent use/misuse in any further analyses or comparisons. The Federal government does not assume liability to the Recipient or third persons, nor will the Federal government reimburse or indemnify the Recipient for its liability due to any losses resulting in any way from the use of this data. Requested citation format: NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) Science Collaborative(NSC).

Controlled Theme Keywords


Child Items

No Child Items for this record.

Contact Information

Metadata Contact
Jeremy Cothran


Geographic Area 1

-122.562° W, -122.455° E, 48.58° N, 48.45° S

Padilla Bay, WA NERR

Geographic Area 2

-124.344° W, -124.265° E, 43.315° N, 43.263° S

South Slough, OR NERR

Geographic Area 3

-117.14° W, -117.09° E, 32.577° N, 32.532° S

Tijuana River, CA NERR

Geographic Area 4

-121.772° W, -121.72° E, 36.843° N, 36.799° S

Elkhorn Slough, CA NERR

Time Frame 1
2018-09-01 - 2019-08-01

Item Identification

Title: Building a Coastwide Olympia Oyster Network to Improve Restoration Outcomes - NERRS/NSC(NERRS Science Collaborative)
Status: Completed

To build communication, coordination, and information sharing among scientists and restoration practitioners, this project established a coastwide network from Baja California to British Columbia, the Native Olympia Oyster Collaborative. The project team synthesized past restoration projects, developed an experimental design for future research, and created educational and outreach materials that convey the importance of native oyster restoration on the Pacific coast. These efforts engaged communities in Olympia oyster restoration, provided tools to enhance future restoration outcomes, and strengthened connections among researchers and practitioners to support ongoing collaboration. This catalyst project was funded by NOAA through the National Estuarine Research Reserve System Science Collaborative to advance collaborative science. It did not produce any new data.


Although drastic global declines in oyster reefs over the past few centuries have driven significant native oyster restoration efforts on the North American East Coast, the West Coast's native Olympia oyster has received comparatively little attention. Since 1999, growing interest in the Olympia oyster has led to restoration projects at a dozen locations along the West Coast as well as efforts to promote scientific studies and public awareness of oyster declines and the benefits of restoration.


Loaded by FGDC Metadata Uploader, batch 10143, 10-31-2017 15:31

Supplemental Information:

==Project Lead

Kerstin Wasson

Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine

Research Reserve

(831) 728-2822 x310

==Project Type

Catalyst – Targeted investment for advancing collaborative science

==Project Collaborators

Autonomous University of Baja California

California State University, Fullerton

Centro de Investigación Científica y Educación Superior de Ensenada

Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, California

Hog Island Oyster Company

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Washington

Puget Sound Restoration Fund

San Francisco Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, California

Smithsonian Environmental Research Center

South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, Oregon

Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve, California

University of California, Davis

World Fisheries Trust


Theme Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords

Spatial Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Location Keywords
Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Location Keywords
Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Location Keywords
None Elkhorn Slough NERR, CA
None Padilla Bay NERR, WA
None South Slough NERR, OR
None Tijuana River NERR, CA

Data Set Information

Data Set Scope Code: Data Set
Maintenance Frequency: None Planned
Distribution Liability:

The distributor does not assume liability.

Support Roles

Metadata Contact

CC ID: 795335
Date Effective From: 2017-10-31
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Cothran, Jeremy
Email Address:
View Historical Support Roles


Currentness Reference: Ground Condition

Extent Group 1

Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area 1

CC ID: 886027
W° Bound: -122.562
E° Bound: -122.455
N° Bound: 48.58
S° Bound: 48.45

Padilla Bay, WA NERR

Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area 2

CC ID: 886028
W° Bound: -124.344
E° Bound: -124.265
N° Bound: 43.315
S° Bound: 43.263

South Slough, OR NERR

Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area 3

CC ID: 886029
W° Bound: -117.14
E° Bound: -117.09
N° Bound: 32.577
S° Bound: 32.532

Tijuana River, CA NERR

Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area 4

CC ID: 795333
W° Bound: -121.772
E° Bound: -121.72
N° Bound: 36.843
S° Bound: 36.799

Elkhorn Slough, CA NERR

Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 1

CC ID: 795332
Time Frame Type: Range
Start: 2018-09-01
End: 2019-08-01

Access Information

Security Class: Unclassified
Data Access Constraints:


Data Use Constraints:

Cite this dataset when used as a source: NOAA retains the right to analyze, synthesize and publish summaries of the NERRS/NSC data. The NERRS/NSC retains the right to be fully credited for having collected and process the data. Following academic courtesy standards, the NERR site where the data were collected should be contacted and fully acknowledged in any subsequent publications in which any part of the data are used. The data enclosed within this package/transmission are only as accurate as the quality assurance and quality control procedures that are described in the associated metadata reporting statement allow. The user bears all responsibility for its subsequent use/misuse in any further analyses or comparisons. The Federal government does not assume liability to the Recipient or third persons, nor will the Federal government reimburse or indemnify the Recipient for its liability due to any losses resulting in any way from the use of this data. Requested citation format: NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) Science Collaborative(NSC).



CC ID: 795338
URL Type:
Online Resource

This site provides a project overview and links to all associated products, including data.

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 54571
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:54571
Metadata Record Created By: Jeremy Cothran
Metadata Record Created: 2018-11-01 11:17+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: SysAdmin InPortAdmin
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2022-08-09 17:11+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2020-07-10
Owner Org: OCM
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2020-07-10
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2021-07-10