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Item Identification
Data Attributes
Catalog Details



The data table BIOFILE contains biological attribute data and key fields for linking to the vector objects in the biological data layers and to the associated data tables, BREED_DT and SOURCES. See the Entity_and_Attribute_Overview for a detailed description of how the primary attribute tables relate to the geographic data layers. Also see the Browse_Graphic section for a link to the entity-relationship diagram, which describes the way this table relates to other attribute tables in the ESI data structure.

Entity Information

Data Attribute / Type Description
Major species categories of biological data. | Description Source: NOAA ESI Guidelines
Element subgroup delineating a logical grouping of species that share common characteristics, habitat preference and/or food sources. | Description Source: NOAA ESI Guidelines
Species common name. This atlas contains a subset of the species found in NOAA's ESI Species List, available online at For a list of the species included in this data layer, see the Completeness_Report.
Genus and species name. This atlas contains a subset of the species found in NOAA's ESI Species List, available online at For a list of the species included in this data layer, see the Completeness_Report.
One-letter code representing sensitive status at the state level.
Federal threatened or endangered status.
Two-letter state abbreviation to which state status applies; if atlas covers 2 states, each two-letter state abbreviation should be separated with a slash ('/')
Date the associated state status was accessed. Will commonly correspond to atlas publication date, or the date the data was acquired.
Date the associated federal status was accessed. Will commonly correspond to atlas publication date, or the date the data was acquired.
Global Rank of the species as defined by NatureServe
Date the associated GRANK was assessed
An indication of why this feature was mapped in the ESI. Acceptable values vary based on the ELEMENT. | Description Source: NOAA ESI Guidelines
The field CONC refers to concentration, abundance or density values, and may contain counts of individuals for each species present at a particular nesting or wintering site, or a term that describes relative abundance of birds at a particular site. The field may contain values from exact counts (e.g., XX BIRDS, XX PAIRS, or XX ADULTS), or binned counts (e.g., 10S, 100S, 1,000S). In cases where no quantitative data were available, the field may contain descriptive terms, such as "HIGH" or "POSSIBLE." If no concentration information was available, the field is populated with "-". Counts were derived from a variety of surveys, and may range in date (see Lineage).
Presence of species in January
Presence of species in February
Presence of species in March
Presence of species in April
Presence of species in May
Presence of species in June
Presence of species in July
Presence of species in August
Presence of species in September
Presence of species in October
Presence of species in November
Presence of species in December
Values will show a month or range of months (e.g., JAN-MAY) when a particular life stage is observed. A value of "-" indicates the life stage or activity is not present or was not reported. A value of "N/A" indicates that the breed category is not used or not appropriate for the element referenced. This attribute does not apply to the BENTHIC, HABITAT, or T_MAMMAL elements. Life history stage or activity type, varies by ELEMENT. If ELEMENT is "BIRD" then BREED1 = nesting; if ELEMENT is "FISH" or "INVERT" then BREED1 = spawning; if ELEMENT is "HERP" then BREED1 = nesting; if ELEMENT is "M_MAMMAL" then BREED1 = mating.
Values will show a month or range of months (e.g., JAN-MAY) when a particular life stage is observed. A value of "-" indicates the life stage or activity is not present or was not reported. A value of "N/A" indicates that the breed category is not used or not appropriate for the element referenced. This attribute does not apply to the BENTHIC, HABITAT, or T_MAMMAL elements. Life history stage or activity type, varies by ELEMENT. If ELEMENT is "BIRD" then BREED2 = migrating (spring); if ELEMENT is "FISH" or "INVERT" then BREED2 = eggs; if ELEMENT is "HERP" then BREED2 = hatching; if ELEMENT is "M_MAMMAL" then BREED2 = calving.
Values will show a month or range of months (e.g., JAN-MAY) when a particular life stage is observed. A value of "-" indicates the life stage or activity is not present or was not reported. A value of "N/A" indicates that the breed category is not used or not appropriate for the element referenced. This attribute does not apply to the BENTHIC, HABITAT, or T_MAMMAL elements. Life history stage or activity type, varies by ELEMENT. If ELEMENT is "BIRD" then BREED3 = migrating (fall); if ELEMENT is "FISH" or "INVERT" then BREED3 = larvae; if ELEMENT is "HERP" then BREED3 = internesting; if ELEMENT is "M_MAMMAL" then BREED3 = pupping.
Values will show a month or range of months (e.g., JAN-MAY) when a particular life stage is observed. A value of "-" indicates the life stage or activity is not present or was not reported. A value of "N/A" indicates that the breed category is not used or not appropriate for the element referenced. This attribute does not apply to the BENTHIC, HABITAT, or T_MAMMAL elements. Life history stage or activity type, varies by ELEMENT. If ELEMENT is "BIRD" then BREED4 = molting; if ELEMENT is "FISH" or "INVERT" or "HERP" then BREED4 = juveniles; if ELEMENT is "M_MAMMAL" then BREED4 = molting.
Values will show a month or range of months (e.g., JAN-MAY) when a particular life stage is observed. A value of "-" indicates the life stage or activity is not present or was not reported. A value of "N/A" indicates that the breed category is not used or not appropriate for the element referenced. This attribute does not apply to the BIRD, BENTHIC, HABITAT, or T_MAMMAL elements. Life history stage or activity type, where: if ELEMENT is "FISH" or "INVERT" or "HERP" then BREED5 = adults.
A 9-digit identifier that links records in the BIOFILE data table to related records in the biological data layers. | Description Source: NOAA ESI Guidelines
An 8-digit identifier linking to the SOURCES data table record providing information on the geographic source. | Description Source: NOAA ESI Guidelines
An 8-digit identifier linking to the SOURCES data table record providing information on the seasonality source. | Description Source: NOAA ESI Guidelines
Identifier that links records in the BIOFILE data table to related records in the BREED_DT data table.

Child Items

No Child Items for this record.

Contact Information

No contact information is available for this record.

Please contact the owner organization (ORR) for inquiries on this record.

Item Identification

Status: Completed

The data table BIOFILE contains biological attribute data and key fields for linking to the vector objects in the biological data layers and to the associated data tables, BREED_DT and SOURCES. See the Entity_and_Attribute_Overview for a detailed description of how the primary attribute tables relate to the geographic data layers. Also see the Browse_Graphic section for a link to the entity-relationship diagram, which describes the way this table relates to other attribute tables in the ESI data structure.


Loaded by FGDC Metadata Uploader, batch 10436, 02-28-2018 15:23

Data Attributes

Attribute Summary

Rubric Score Primary Key? Name Type Description
ELEMENT TEXT Major species categories of biological data. | Description Source: NOAA ESI Guidelines
SUBELEMENT TEXT Element subgroup delineating a logical grouping of species that share common characteristics, habitat preference and/or food sources. | Description Source: NOAA ESI Guidelines
NAME TEXT Species common name. This atlas contains a subset of the species found in NOAA's ESI Species List, available online at For a list of the species included in this data layer, see the Completeness_Report.
GEN_SPEC TEXT Genus and species name. This atlas contains a subset of the species found in NOAA's ESI Species List, available online at For a list of the species included in this data layer, see the Completeness_Report.
S TEXT One-letter code representing sensitive status at the state level.
F TEXT Federal threatened or endangered status.
STATE TEXT Two-letter state abbreviation to which state status applies; if atlas covers 2 states, each two-letter state abbreviation should be separated with a slash ('/')
S_DATE NUMBER Date the associated state status was accessed. Will commonly correspond to atlas publication date, or the date the data was acquired.
F_DATE NUMBER Date the associated federal status was accessed. Will commonly correspond to atlas publication date, or the date the data was acquired.
GRANK TEXT Global Rank of the species as defined by NatureServe
GRANKDATE TEXT Date the associated GRANK was assessed
MAPPING_QUALIFIER TEXT An indication of why this feature was mapped in the ESI. Acceptable values vary based on the ELEMENT. | Description Source: NOAA ESI Guidelines
CONC TEXT The field CONC refers to concentration, abundance or density values, and may contain counts of individuals for each species present at a particular nesting or wintering site, or a term that describes relative abundance of birds at a particular site. The field may contain values from exact counts (e.g., XX BIRDS, XX PAIRS, or XX ADULTS), or binned counts (e.g., 10S, 100S, 1,000S). In cases where no quantitative data were available, the field may contain descriptive terms, such as "HIGH" or "POSSIBLE." If no concentration information was available, the field is populated with "-". Counts were derived from a variety of surveys, and may range in date (see Lineage).
JAN TEXT Presence of species in January
FEB TEXT Presence of species in February
MAR TEXT Presence of species in March
APR TEXT Presence of species in April
MAY TEXT Presence of species in May
JUN TEXT Presence of species in June
JUL TEXT Presence of species in July
AUG TEXT Presence of species in August
SEP TEXT Presence of species in September
OCT TEXT Presence of species in October
NOV TEXT Presence of species in November
DEC TEXT Presence of species in December
BREED1 TEXT Values will show a month or range of months (e.g., JAN-MAY) when a particular life stage is observed. A value of "-" indicates the life stage or activity is not present or was not reported. A value of "N/A" indicates that the breed category is not used or not appropriate for the element referenced. This attribute does not apply to the BENTHIC, HABITAT, or T_MAMMAL elements. Life history stage or activity type, varies by ELEMENT. If ELEMENT is "BIRD" then BREED1 = nesting; if ELEMENT is "FISH" or "INVERT" then BREED1 = spawning; if ELEMENT is "HERP" then BREED1 = nesting; if ELEMENT is "M_MAMMAL" then BREED1 = mating.
BREED2 TEXT Values will show a month or range of months (e.g., JAN-MAY) when a particular life stage is observed. A value of "-" indicates the life stage or activity is not present or was not reported. A value of "N/A" indicates that the breed category is not used or not appropriate for the element referenced. This attribute does not apply to the BENTHIC, HABITAT, or T_MAMMAL elements. Life history stage or activity type, varies by ELEMENT. If ELEMENT is "BIRD" then BREED2 = migrating (spring); if ELEMENT is "FISH" or "INVERT" then BREED2 = eggs; if ELEMENT is "HERP" then BREED2 = hatching; if ELEMENT is "M_MAMMAL" then BREED2 = calving.
BREED3 TEXT Values will show a month or range of months (e.g., JAN-MAY) when a particular life stage is observed. A value of "-" indicates the life stage or activity is not present or was not reported. A value of "N/A" indicates that the breed category is not used or not appropriate for the element referenced. This attribute does not apply to the BENTHIC, HABITAT, or T_MAMMAL elements. Life history stage or activity type, varies by ELEMENT. If ELEMENT is "BIRD" then BREED3 = migrating (fall); if ELEMENT is "FISH" or "INVERT" then BREED3 = larvae; if ELEMENT is "HERP" then BREED3 = internesting; if ELEMENT is "M_MAMMAL" then BREED3 = pupping.
BREED4 TEXT Values will show a month or range of months (e.g., JAN-MAY) when a particular life stage is observed. A value of "-" indicates the life stage or activity is not present or was not reported. A value of "N/A" indicates that the breed category is not used or not appropriate for the element referenced. This attribute does not apply to the BENTHIC, HABITAT, or T_MAMMAL elements. Life history stage or activity type, varies by ELEMENT. If ELEMENT is "BIRD" then BREED4 = molting; if ELEMENT is "FISH" or "INVERT" or "HERP" then BREED4 = juveniles; if ELEMENT is "M_MAMMAL" then BREED4 = molting.
BREED5 TEXT Values will show a month or range of months (e.g., JAN-MAY) when a particular life stage is observed. A value of "-" indicates the life stage or activity is not present or was not reported. A value of "N/A" indicates that the breed category is not used or not appropriate for the element referenced. This attribute does not apply to the BIRD, BENTHIC, HABITAT, or T_MAMMAL elements. Life history stage or activity type, where: if ELEMENT is "FISH" or "INVERT" or "HERP" then BREED5 = adults.
Primary Key RARNUM NUMBER A 9-digit identifier that links records in the BIOFILE data table to related records in the biological data layers. | Description Source: NOAA ESI Guidelines
G_SOURCE NUMBER An 8-digit identifier linking to the SOURCES data table record providing information on the geographic source. | Description Source: NOAA ESI Guidelines
S_SOURCE NUMBER An 8-digit identifier linking to the SOURCES data table record providing information on the seasonality source. | Description Source: NOAA ESI Guidelines
BREED NUMBER Identifier that links records in the BIOFILE data table to related records in the BREED_DT data table.

Attribute Details


CC ID: 816133
Seq. Order: 1
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 10
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Major species categories of biological data. | Description Source: NOAA ESI Guidelines

Case Restriction: Upper
Allowed Values: BENTHIC: Benthic habitats | BIRD: Birds | FISH: Fish | HABITAT: Habitats and plants | HERP: Reptiles and Amphibians | INVERT: Invertebrates | M_MAMMAL: Marine mammals | T_MAMMAL: Terrestrial mammals |


CC ID: 816154
Seq. Order: 2
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 10
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Element subgroup delineating a logical grouping of species that share common characteristics, habitat preference and/or food sources. | Description Source: NOAA ESI Guidelines

Case Restriction: Lower
Allowed Values: Allowed values change from atlas to atlas.


CC ID: 816147
Seq. Order: 3
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 35
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Species common name. This atlas contains a subset of the species found in NOAA's ESI Species List, available online at For a list of the species included in this data layer, see the Completeness_Report.

Case Restriction: Mixed
Allowed Values: Acceptable values change from atlas to atlas.
Validation Rules:

Only the first letter of the common name is upper case, unless the common name is a proper name.


CC ID: 816137
Seq. Order: 4
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 45
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Genus and species name. This atlas contains a subset of the species found in NOAA's ESI Species List, available online at For a list of the species included in this data layer, see the Completeness_Report.

Case Restriction: Mixed
Allowed Values: Allowed values change from atlas to atlas.
Validation Rules:

Only the first letter of the Genus is upper case, all else are lower case.


CC ID: 816151
Seq. Order: 5
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 1
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

One-letter code representing sensitive status at the state level.

Case Restriction: Upper
Allowed Values: E (Endangered); T (Threatened), C (Species of Concern), X (Experimental essential population), S (Threatened or endangered due to similarity of appearance)


CC ID: 816134
Seq. Order: 6
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 1
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Federal threatened or endangered status.

Allowed Values: E (Endangered); T (Threatened), C (Species of Concern), X (Experimental essential population), S (Threatened or endangered due to similarity of appearance)


CC ID: 816153
Seq. Order: 7
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 5
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Two-letter state abbreviation to which state status applies; if atlas covers 2 states, each two-letter state abbreviation should be separated with a slash ('/')

Case Restriction: Upper
Allowed Values: Acceptable values change from atlas to atlas.


CC ID: 816155
Seq. Order: 8
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Date the associated state status was accessed. Will commonly correspond to atlas publication date, or the date the data was acquired.

Allowed Values: YYYY, YYYYMM, or YYYYMMDD


CC ID: 816136
Seq. Order: 9
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Date the associated federal status was accessed. Will commonly correspond to atlas publication date, or the date the data was acquired.

Allowed Values: YYYY, YYYYMM or YYYYMMDD


CC ID: 816138
Seq. Order: 10
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 8
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Global Rank of the species as defined by NatureServe

Allowed Values: Codeset: NatureServe Global Conservation Status Ranks


CC ID: 816139
Seq. Order: 11
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 8
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Date the associated GRANK was assessed



CC ID: 816144
Seq. Order: 12
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 25
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

An indication of why this feature was mapped in the ESI. Acceptable values vary based on the ELEMENT. | Description Source: NOAA ESI Guidelines

Allowed Values: Will vary based on Element. | Description Source: NOAA ESI Guidelines


CC ID: 816131
Seq. Order: 13
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 20
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The field CONC refers to concentration, abundance or density values, and may contain counts of individuals for each species present at a particular nesting or wintering site, or a term that describes relative abundance of birds at a particular site. The field may contain values from exact counts (e.g., XX BIRDS, XX PAIRS, or XX ADULTS), or binned counts (e.g., 10S, 100S, 1,000S). In cases where no quantitative data were available, the field may contain descriptive terms, such as "HIGH" or "POSSIBLE." If no concentration information was available, the field is populated with "-". Counts were derived from a variety of surveys, and may range in date (see Lineage).

Allowed Values: Acceptable values change from atlas to atlas. May be qualitative or a number of individuals. A hyphen “-“ is used to denote no data.


CC ID: 816141
Seq. Order: 14
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 1
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Presence of species in January

Allowed Values: X=present; Bank = not present


CC ID: 816135
Seq. Order: 15
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 1
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Presence of species in February

Allowed Values: X=present; Bank = not present


CC ID: 816145
Seq. Order: 16
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 1
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Presence of species in March

Allowed Values: X=present; Bank = not present


CC ID: 816123
Seq. Order: 17
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 1
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Presence of species in April

Allowed Values: X=present; Bank = not present


CC ID: 816146
Seq. Order: 18
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 1
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Presence of species in May

Allowed Values: X=present; Bank = not present


CC ID: 816143
Seq. Order: 19
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 1
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Presence of species in June

Allowed Values: X=present; Bank = not present


CC ID: 816142
Seq. Order: 20
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 1
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Presence of species in July

Allowed Values: X=present; Bank = not present


CC ID: 816124
Seq. Order: 21
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 1
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Presence of species in August

Allowed Values: X=present; Bank = not present


CC ID: 816152
Seq. Order: 22
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 1
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Presence of species in September

Allowed Values: X=present; Bank = not present


CC ID: 816149
Seq. Order: 23
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 1
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Presence of species in October

Allowed Values: X=present; Bank = not present


CC ID: 816148
Seq. Order: 24
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 1
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Presence of species in November

Allowed Values: X=present; Bank = not present


CC ID: 816132
Seq. Order: 25
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 1
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Presence of species in December

Allowed Values: X=present; Bank = not present


CC ID: 816126
Seq. Order: 26
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 8
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Values will show a month or range of months (e.g., JAN-MAY) when a particular life stage is observed. A value of "-" indicates the life stage or activity is not present or was not reported. A value of "N/A" indicates that the breed category is not used or not appropriate for the element referenced. This attribute does not apply to the BENTHIC, HABITAT, or T_MAMMAL elements.

Life history stage or activity type, varies by ELEMENT. If ELEMENT is "BIRD" then BREED1 = nesting; if ELEMENT is "FISH" or "INVERT" then BREED1 = spawning; if ELEMENT is "HERP" then BREED1 = nesting; if ELEMENT is "M_MAMMAL" then BREED1 = mating.

Case Restriction: Upper
Allowed Values: Acceptable values change from atlas to atlas.


CC ID: 816127
Seq. Order: 27
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 8
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Values will show a month or range of months (e.g., JAN-MAY) when a particular life stage is observed. A value of "-" indicates the life stage or activity is not present or was not reported. A value of "N/A" indicates that the breed category is not used or not appropriate for the element referenced. This attribute does not apply to the BENTHIC, HABITAT, or T_MAMMAL elements.

Life history stage or activity type, varies by ELEMENT. If ELEMENT is "BIRD" then BREED2 = migrating (spring); if ELEMENT is "FISH" or "INVERT" then BREED2 = eggs; if ELEMENT is "HERP" then BREED2 = hatching; if ELEMENT is "M_MAMMAL" then BREED2 = calving.

Case Restriction: Upper
Allowed Values: Acceptable values change from atlas to atlas.


CC ID: 816128
Seq. Order: 28
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 8
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Values will show a month or range of months (e.g., JAN-MAY) when a particular life stage is observed. A value of "-" indicates the life stage or activity is not present or was not reported. A value of "N/A" indicates that the breed category is not used or not appropriate for the element referenced. This attribute does not apply to the BENTHIC, HABITAT, or T_MAMMAL elements.

Life history stage or activity type, varies by ELEMENT. If ELEMENT is "BIRD" then BREED3 = migrating (fall); if ELEMENT is "FISH" or "INVERT" then BREED3 = larvae; if ELEMENT is "HERP" then BREED3 = internesting; if ELEMENT is "M_MAMMAL" then BREED3 = pupping.

Allowed Values: Acceptable values change from atlas to atlas.


CC ID: 816129
Seq. Order: 29
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 8
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Values will show a month or range of months (e.g., JAN-MAY) when a particular life stage is observed. A value of "-" indicates the life stage or activity is not present or was not reported. A value of "N/A" indicates that the breed category is not used or not appropriate for the element referenced. This attribute does not apply to the BENTHIC, HABITAT, or T_MAMMAL elements.

Life history stage or activity type, varies by ELEMENT. If ELEMENT is "BIRD" then BREED4 = molting; if ELEMENT is "FISH" or "INVERT" or "HERP" then BREED4 = juveniles; if ELEMENT is "M_MAMMAL" then BREED4 = molting.

Case Restriction: Upper
Allowed Values: Acceptable values change from atlas to atlas.


CC ID: 816130
Seq. Order: 30
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Max Length: 8
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Values will show a month or range of months (e.g., JAN-MAY) when a particular life stage is observed. A value of "-" indicates the life stage or activity is not present or was not reported. A value of "N/A" indicates that the breed category is not used or not appropriate for the element referenced. This attribute does not apply to the BIRD, BENTHIC, HABITAT, or T_MAMMAL elements.

Life history stage or activity type, where: if ELEMENT is "FISH" or "INVERT" or "HERP" then BREED5 = adults.

Allowed Values: Acceptable values change from atlas to atlas.


CC ID: 816150
Seq. Order: 31
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 9
Min Length: 9
Required: Yes
Primary Key: Yes
Status: Active

A 9-digit identifier that links records in the BIOFILE data table to related records in the biological data layers. | Description Source: NOAA ESI Guidelines

Allowed Values: 285000001 - 285003327


CC ID: 816140
Seq. Order: 32
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 8
Min Length: 8
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

An 8-digit identifier linking to the SOURCES data table record providing information on the geographic source. | Description Source: NOAA ESI Guidelines

Allowed Values: 28500001 - 28500806


CC ID: 816156
Seq. Order: 33
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 8
Min Length: 8
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

An 8-digit identifier linking to the SOURCES data table record providing information on the seasonality source. | Description Source: NOAA ESI Guidelines

Allowed Values: 28500001 - 28500806


CC ID: 816125
Seq. Order: 34
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Identifier that links records in the BIOFILE data table to related records in the BREED_DT data table.

Allowed Values: 1 - 335

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 55397
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:55397
Metadata Record Created By: David Moe Nelson
Metadata Record Created: 2019-01-30 14:31+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: SysAdmin InPortAdmin
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2022-08-09 17:11+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2019-02-14
Owner Org: ORR
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2019-02-14
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2020-02-14