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Entities for the clustered data used in 2019 coral bleaching analysis.


Meta-analysis data dictionary

Entity Information

Entity Type

Data Attribute / Type Description
Name of sub-island zone the observation falls within. For Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, ZoneName = Island_Name (i.e. zones only exist within the Main Hawaiian Islands).
Identification of cluster that the survey level data was grouped into (if data was used in analysis). Spatial auto-correlation was reconciled by performing hierarchical clustering to group survey data into distinct clusters with a spatial resolution of 1km. The data was stratified across depths to generate metrics for up to three depth bins per cluster: shallow (0-6m), mid (>6-18m), and deep (>18m).
Depth in feet for the observation. Depth ranges from 2-98 ft.
Longitude of observation in decimal degrees (19-28.5 degrees). WGS84 datum assumed unless stated otherwise.
Latitude of observation in decimal degrees (19-28.5 degrees). WGS84 datum assumed unless stated otherwise.
Mean percent of living coral cover that was partially or fully bleached (0-100%; e.g. 5% bleached cover).
Mean susceptibility score. The relative community susceptibility score was first assigned to each observation prior to clustering. All taxa were assigned a score from (1) least susceptible to (5) most susceptible to bleaching using a combination of taxa percent bleaching levels and bleaching severity in 2019, scores developed in previous analyses (see Couch et al. 2017), and unpublished data from NOAA PIFSC’s Ecosystem Sciences Division. The calculation to derive site level susceptibility is as follows: 1) for each taxon present at the site, multiply the taxon's percent cover by it's susceptibility score; 2) sum this for each taxon at the site; 3) divide this sum by the percent cover of all taxon present at a given survey.
Mean of the maximum Degree Heating Week events experienced during the one year period before the survey date (2018-2019). Data were originally downloaded from NOAA Coral Reef Watch (see Lineage Sources).
Mean of the maximum Degree Heating Week events experienced over ten years leading up to 365 days prior to the survey date (2008-2018). Data were originally downloaded from NOAA Coral Reef Watch (see Lineage Sources).
Photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) calculated from 8 day measurements collected leading up to the 2019 bleaching event and following the peak (7/24/19-11/21/2019). Data were originally downloaded from NASA Ocean Color Web (see Lineage Sources).
Calculated from weekly measurements collected leading up the 2019 bleaching event and following the peak (7/23/2019-11/19/2019). Data were originally downloaded from NOAA Coastwatch/Oceanwatch (see Lineage Sources).
Total sewage effluent composed of nitrogen and phosphorus flux from onsite waste disposal systems (OSDS) (gal/km^2/d). Data were originally produced by Wedding et al. (see Lineage Sources).
Global WaveWatch III data shadowed by coastlines using Incident Wave Swath (IWS); watts per meter of wave front (W m-1), 1979-2012 climatology. The mean value over all years per coordinate was calculated. Data were originally produced by the PacIOOS Wave Watch III Global Wave Model (see Lineage Sources).
Proxy for nutrient runoff (fertilizers) and chemical runoff (pesticides and herbicides) produced by calculating the area of agricultural land and golf courses by watershed. Data were originally produced by J. Lecky (see Lineage Sources).
Proxy for trash, household chemicals, oil, etc. produced by calculating area of impervious surface per watershed. Data were originally produced by J. Lecky (see Lineage Sources).
Direct human impact approximated by calculation of annual average number of photo users per day per location. Data were originally produced by J. Lecky (see Lineage Sources).
Percent of live coral that was bleached observed on surveys conducted during last major bleaching event (MHI: 2015; NWHI: 2014). In the MHI, zone level means were calculated; in the NWHI, island/atoll level means were calculated due to differences in exact sampling locations between 2014/2015 and 2019. These zone (MHI) and island (NWHI) level means were then matched to the 2019 observations based upon the 2019 survey locations. 2014 data came from Couch et al. (2017) - see Lineage Sources; 2015 data came from 2015 HCBC Surveys - see Related Items.
Year of bleaching surveys.
Weights used for spatial and drivers of bleaching analyses. Weights are based upon transformed and scaled inverse of the standard error.
Weights used for temporal bleaching analysis. Weights are based upon transformed and scaled inverse of the standard error.
Name of Hawaiian island/atoll.
Sea surface temperature (SST) variability. Calculations were made using SST data downloaded from NOAA Coral Reef Watch (see Lineage Sources).

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Item Identification

Title: 2019 Hawaii Bleaching Analysis Ready Data: Observation Entities
Short Name: 2019 Bleaching Data: Obs Entities
Status: Completed
Creation Date: 2021-03-11

Entities for the clustered data used in 2019 coral bleaching analysis.

Entity Information

Entity Type: Spreadsheet
Active Version?: Yes

Meta-analysis data dictionary

Data Attributes

Attribute Summary

Rubric Score Primary Key? Name Type Description
ZoneName TEXT Name of sub-island zone the observation falls within. For Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, ZoneName = Island_Name (i.e. zones only exist within the Main Hawaiian Islands).
Cluster_DepthBin_ID NUMBER Identification of cluster that the survey level data was grouped into (if data was used in analysis). Spatial auto-correlation was reconciled by performing hierarchical clustering to group survey data into distinct clusters with a spatial resolution of 1km. The data was stratified across depths to generate metrics for up to three depth bins per cluster: shallow (0-6m), mid (>6-18m), and deep (>18m).
Depth_ft_mn NUMBER Depth in feet for the observation. Depth ranges from 2-98 ft.
Longitude_DD_mn NUMBER Longitude of observation in decimal degrees (19-28.5 degrees). WGS84 datum assumed unless stated otherwise.
Latitude_DD_mn NUMBER Latitude of observation in decimal degrees (19-28.5 degrees). WGS84 datum assumed unless stated otherwise.
CoralBleached_Perc_mn NUMBER Mean percent of living coral cover that was partially or fully bleached (0-100%; e.g. 5% bleached cover).
SiteSuscp_mn NUMBER Mean susceptibility score. The relative community susceptibility score was first assigned to each observation prior to clustering. All taxa were assigned a score from (1) least susceptible to (5) most susceptible to bleaching using a combination of taxa percent bleaching levels and bleaching severity in 2019, scores developed in previous analyses (see Couch et al. 2017), and unpublished data from NOAA PIFSC’s Ecosystem Sciences Division. The calculation to derive site level susceptibility is as follows: 1) for each taxon present at the site, multiply the taxon's percent cover by it's susceptibility score; 2) sum this for each taxon at the site; 3) divide this sum by the percent cover of all taxon present at a given survey.
DHW.MeanMax.YR01_mn NUMBER Mean of the maximum Degree Heating Week events experienced during the one year period before the survey date (2018-2019). Data were originally downloaded from NOAA Coral Reef Watch (see Lineage Sources).
DHW.MeanMax.YR10YR01_mn NUMBER Mean of the maximum Degree Heating Week events experienced over ten years leading up to 365 days prior to the survey date (2008-2018). Data were originally downloaded from NOAA Coral Reef Watch (see Lineage Sources).
PAR_surface_mn NUMBER Photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) calculated from 8 day measurements collected leading up to the 2019 bleaching event and following the peak (7/24/19-11/21/2019). Data were originally downloaded from NASA Ocean Color Web (see Lineage Sources).
kdPAR_mn NUMBER Calculated from weekly measurements collected leading up the 2019 bleaching event and following the peak (7/23/2019-11/19/2019). Data were originally downloaded from NOAA Coastwatch/Oceanwatch (see Lineage Sources).
TotalEffluent_mn NUMBER Total sewage effluent composed of nitrogen and phosphorus flux from onsite waste disposal systems (OSDS) (gal/km^2/d). Data were originally produced by Wedding et al. (see Lineage Sources).
WaveAction_value_mn NUMBER Global WaveWatch III data shadowed by coastlines using Incident Wave Swath (IWS); watts per meter of wave front (W m-1), 1979-2012 climatology. The mean value over all years per coordinate was calculated. Data were originally produced by the PacIOOS Wave Watch III Global Wave Model (see Lineage Sources).
AgGolf_runoff_mn NUMBER Proxy for nutrient runoff (fertilizers) and chemical runoff (pesticides and herbicides) produced by calculating the area of agricultural land and golf courses by watershed. Data were originally produced by J. Lecky (see Lineage Sources).
Urban_runoff_mn NUMBER Proxy for trash, household chemicals, oil, etc. produced by calculating area of impervious surface per watershed. Data were originally produced by J. Lecky (see Lineage Sources).
TourRec_10yrAvgPUD_mn NUMBER Direct human impact approximated by calculation of annual average number of photo users per day per location. Data were originally produced by J. Lecky (see Lineage Sources).
PctBleached_hist_mn NUMBER Percent of live coral that was bleached observed on surveys conducted during last major bleaching event (MHI: 2015; NWHI: 2014). In the MHI, zone level means were calculated; in the NWHI, island/atoll level means were calculated due to differences in exact sampling locations between 2014/2015 and 2019. These zone (MHI) and island (NWHI) level means were then matched to the 2019 observations based upon the 2019 survey locations. 2014 data came from Couch et al. (2017) - see Lineage Sources; 2015 data came from 2015 HCBC Surveys - see Related Items.
Obs_Year NUMBER Year of bleaching surveys.
Weights_DriversAndSpatialAnalysis NUMBER Weights used for spatial and drivers of bleaching analyses. Weights are based upon transformed and scaled inverse of the standard error.
Weights_TemporalAnalysis NUMBER Weights used for temporal bleaching analysis. Weights are based upon transformed and scaled inverse of the standard error.
Island_Name TEXT Name of Hawaiian island/atoll.
SST_Variability_AllB4_mn NUMBER Sea surface temperature (SST) variability. Calculations were made using SST data downloaded from NOAA Coral Reef Watch (see Lineage Sources).

Attribute Details


CC ID: 1055158
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Name of sub-island zone the observation falls within. For Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, ZoneName = Island_Name (i.e. zones only exist within the Main Hawaiian Islands).


CC ID: 1055159
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Identification of cluster that the survey level data was grouped into (if data was used in analysis). Spatial auto-correlation was reconciled by performing hierarchical clustering to group survey data into distinct clusters with a spatial resolution of 1km. The data was stratified across depths to generate metrics for up to three depth bins per cluster: shallow (0-6m), mid (>6-18m), and deep (>18m).


CC ID: 1055160
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Depth in feet for the observation. Depth ranges from 2-98 ft.


CC ID: 1055161
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Longitude of observation in decimal degrees (19-28.5 degrees). WGS84 datum assumed unless stated otherwise.


CC ID: 1055162
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Latitude of observation in decimal degrees (19-28.5 degrees). WGS84 datum assumed unless stated otherwise.


CC ID: 1055163
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Mean percent of living coral cover that was partially or fully bleached (0-100%; e.g. 5% bleached cover).


CC ID: 1055164
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Mean susceptibility score. The relative community susceptibility score was first assigned to each observation prior to clustering. All taxa were assigned a score from (1) least susceptible to (5) most susceptible to bleaching using a combination of taxa percent bleaching levels and bleaching severity in 2019, scores developed in previous analyses (see Couch et al. 2017), and unpublished data from NOAA PIFSC’s Ecosystem Sciences Division. The calculation to derive site level susceptibility is as follows: 1) for each taxon present at the site, multiply the taxon's percent cover by it's susceptibility score; 2) sum this for each taxon at the site; 3) divide this sum by the percent cover of all taxon present at a given survey.


CC ID: 1055165
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Mean of the maximum Degree Heating Week events experienced during the one year period before the survey date (2018-2019). Data were originally downloaded from NOAA Coral Reef Watch (see Lineage Sources).


CC ID: 1055166
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Mean of the maximum Degree Heating Week events experienced over ten years leading up to 365 days prior to the survey date (2008-2018). Data were originally downloaded from NOAA Coral Reef Watch (see Lineage Sources).


CC ID: 1055167
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) calculated from 8 day measurements collected leading up to the 2019 bleaching event and following the peak (7/24/19-11/21/2019). Data were originally downloaded from NASA Ocean Color Web (see Lineage Sources).


CC ID: 1055168
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Calculated from weekly measurements collected leading up the 2019 bleaching event and following the peak (7/23/2019-11/19/2019). Data were originally downloaded from NOAA Coastwatch/Oceanwatch (see Lineage Sources).


CC ID: 1055169
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Total sewage effluent composed of nitrogen and phosphorus flux from onsite waste disposal systems (OSDS) (gal/km^2/d). Data were originally produced by Wedding et al. (see Lineage Sources).


CC ID: 1055170
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Global WaveWatch III data shadowed by coastlines using Incident Wave Swath (IWS); watts per meter of wave front (W m-1), 1979-2012 climatology. The mean value over all years per coordinate was calculated. Data were originally produced by the PacIOOS Wave Watch III Global Wave Model (see Lineage Sources).


CC ID: 1055188
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Proxy for nutrient runoff (fertilizers) and chemical runoff (pesticides and herbicides) produced by calculating the area of agricultural land and golf courses by watershed. Data were originally produced by J. Lecky (see Lineage Sources).


CC ID: 1055189
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Proxy for trash, household chemicals, oil, etc. produced by calculating area of impervious surface per watershed. Data were originally produced by J. Lecky (see Lineage Sources).


CC ID: 1055190
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Direct human impact approximated by calculation of annual average number of photo users per day per location. Data were originally produced by J. Lecky (see Lineage Sources).


CC ID: 1055191
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Percent of live coral that was bleached observed on surveys conducted during last major bleaching event (MHI: 2015; NWHI: 2014). In the MHI, zone level means were calculated; in the NWHI, island/atoll level means were calculated due to differences in exact sampling locations between 2014/2015 and 2019. These zone (MHI) and island (NWHI) level means were then matched to the 2019 observations based upon the 2019 survey locations. 2014 data came from Couch et al. (2017) - see Lineage Sources; 2015 data came from 2015 HCBC Surveys - see Related Items.


CC ID: 1055192
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Year of bleaching surveys.


CC ID: 1055214
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Weights used for spatial and drivers of bleaching analyses. Weights are based upon transformed and scaled inverse of the standard error.


CC ID: 1055215
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Weights used for temporal bleaching analysis. Weights are based upon transformed and scaled inverse of the standard error.


CC ID: 1055510
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Name of Hawaiian island/atoll.


CC ID: 1068135
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Sea surface temperature (SST) variability. Calculations were made using SST data downloaded from NOAA Coral Reef Watch (see Lineage Sources).

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 64327
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:64327
Metadata Record Created By: Brooke Olenski
Metadata Record Created: 2021-03-02 00:16+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: SysAdmin InPortAdmin
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2022-08-09 17:11+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2021-07-27
Owner Org: PIFSC
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2021-07-27
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2022-07-27