Green sturgeon Southern DPS critical habitat for use in ESA/FIFRA consultations
Data Set (DS) | NMFS Office Of Protected Resources (OPR)GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:72868 | Updated: August 6, 2024 | Published / External
Short Citation
NMFS Office Of Protected Resources, 2025: Green sturgeon Southern DPS critical habitat for use in ESA/FIFRA consultations,
Full Citation Examples
These data represent the critical habitat for the green sturgeon (Southern DPS) designated under the Endangered Species Act on October 9, 2009 (74 FR 52300). The official NMFS critical habitat (SturgeonGreen_SouthernDPS_20091009) for this sturgeon is comprised of both polygon data and line data; together the polygons and lines represent the entire final critical habitat designation.From line data: Critical habitat in freshwater riverine areas includes the stream channels and a lateral extent as defined by the ordinary high-water line (33 CFR 329.11). In areas for which the ordinary high-water line has not been defined pursuant to 33 CFR 329.11, the lateral extent is defined by the bankfull elevation. Bankfull elevation is the level at which water begins to leave the channel and move into the floodplain and is reached at a discharge which generally has a recurrence interval of 1 to 2 years on the annual flood series. Critical habitat in bays and estuaries includes tidally influenced areas as defined by the elevation of mean higher high water (MHHW).No areas were deemed ineligible for designation. No unoccupied areas were designated. 14 areas based on economic impacts and 5 areas based on national security impacts were excluded from this critical habitat designation and clipped out of the data. The following tribal lands were excluded from this designation, but were not clipped out of the data:(1) Cachil DeHe Band of Wintun Indians of the Colusa Indian Community, California(2) Cher-Ae Heights Trinidad Rancheria, California(3) Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw, Oregon(4) Coquille Indian Tribe, Oregon(5) Hoh Tribe, Washington(6) Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe, Washington(7) Lower Elwha Tribe, Washington(8) Makah Tribe, Washington(9) Quileute Tribe, Washington(10) Quinault Tribe, Washington(11) Shoalwater Bay Tribe, Washington(12) Wiyot Tribe, California(13) Yurok Tribe, CaliforniaFrom polygon data: Critical habitat in bays and estuaries includes tidally influenced areas as defined by the elevation of mean higher high water (MHHW). The boundary between coastal marine areas and bays and estuaries is delineated by the COLREGS lines (33 CFR 80). Critical habitat in coastal marine areas is defined by the zone between the 60 fathom (fm) depth bathymetry line and the line on shore reached by mean lower low water (MLLW), or to the COLREGS lines. No areas were deemed ineligible for designation. No unoccupied areas were designated. 14 areas based on economic impacts and 5 areas based on national security impacts were excluded from this critical habitat designation and clipped out of the data. The following tribal lands were excluded from this designation, but were not clipped out of the data:(1) Cachil DeHe Band of Wintun Indians of the Colusa Indian Community, California(2) Cher-Ae Heights Trinidad Rancheria, California(3) Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw, Oregon(4) Coquille Indian Tribe, Oregon(5) Hoh Tribe, Washington(6) Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe, Washington(7) Lower Elwha Tribe, Washington(8) Makah Tribe, Washington(9) Quileute Tribe, Washington(10) Quinault Tribe, Washington(11) Shoalwater Bay Tribe, Washington(12) Wiyot Tribe, California(13) Yurok Tribe, California
Distribution Information
No Distributions available.
Use Constraints:This data set is meant as a general locational reference and is not the official definition. See 50 CFR 226.219 for the legal definition of green sturgeon (Southern DPS) critical habitat.
Controlled Theme Keywords
biota, boundaries, environment, inlandWaters
Child Items
Type | Title |
Entity | SturgeonGreen_SouthernDPS_4093_CH |
Contact Information
Point of Contact
Karrin Goodman
âª(301) 427-8435â¬
Point of Contact
Ryan DeWitt
(360) 358-2955
Point of Contact
Shanna Dunn
Metadata Contact
Karrin Goodman
âª(301) 427-8435â¬
-124.332992° W,
-121.241382° E,
47.095307° N,
37.439815° S
Item Identification
Title: | Green sturgeon Southern DPS critical habitat for use in ESA/FIFRA consultations |
Publication Date: | 2024-07-01 |
Abstract: |
These data represent the critical habitat for the green sturgeon (Southern DPS) designated under the Endangered Species Act on October 9, 2009 (74 FR 52300). The official NMFS critical habitat (SturgeonGreen_SouthernDPS_20091009) for this sturgeon is comprised of both polygon data and line data; together the polygons and lines represent the entire final critical habitat designation.From line data: Critical habitat in freshwater riverine areas includes the stream channels and a lateral extent as defined by the ordinary high-water line (33 CFR 329.11). In areas for which the ordinary high-water line has not been defined pursuant to 33 CFR 329.11, the lateral extent is defined by the bankfull elevation. Bankfull elevation is the level at which water begins to leave the channel and move into the floodplain and is reached at a discharge which generally has a recurrence interval of 1 to 2 years on the annual flood series. Critical habitat in bays and estuaries includes tidally influenced areas as defined by the elevation of mean higher high water (MHHW).No areas were deemed ineligible for designation. No unoccupied areas were designated. 14 areas based on economic impacts and 5 areas based on national security impacts were excluded from this critical habitat designation and clipped out of the data. The following tribal lands were excluded from this designation, but were not clipped out of the data:(1) Cachil DeHe Band of Wintun Indians of the Colusa Indian Community, California(2) Cher-Ae Heights Trinidad Rancheria, California(3) Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw, Oregon(4) Coquille Indian Tribe, Oregon(5) Hoh Tribe, Washington(6) Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe, Washington(7) Lower Elwha Tribe, Washington(8) Makah Tribe, Washington(9) Quileute Tribe, Washington(10) Quinault Tribe, Washington(11) Shoalwater Bay Tribe, Washington(12) Wiyot Tribe, California(13) Yurok Tribe, CaliforniaFrom polygon data: Critical habitat in bays and estuaries includes tidally influenced areas as defined by the elevation of mean higher high water (MHHW). The boundary between coastal marine areas and bays and estuaries is delineated by the COLREGS lines (33 CFR 80). Critical habitat in coastal marine areas is defined by the zone between the 60 fathom (fm) depth bathymetry line and the line on shore reached by mean lower low water (MLLW), or to the COLREGS lines. No areas were deemed ineligible for designation. No unoccupied areas were designated. 14 areas based on economic impacts and 5 areas based on national security impacts were excluded from this critical habitat designation and clipped out of the data. The following tribal lands were excluded from this designation, but were not clipped out of the data:(1) Cachil DeHe Band of Wintun Indians of the Colusa Indian Community, California(2) Cher-Ae Heights Trinidad Rancheria, California(3) Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw, Oregon(4) Coquille Indian Tribe, Oregon(5) Hoh Tribe, Washington(6) Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe, Washington(7) Lower Elwha Tribe, Washington(8) Makah Tribe, Washington(9) Quileute Tribe, Washington(10) Quinault Tribe, Washington(11) Shoalwater Bay Tribe, Washington(12) Wiyot Tribe, California(13) Yurok Tribe, California |
Purpose: |
This spatial data file was modified from NMFS’s “agency-official” species critical habitat data to aid in the ESA/FIFRA section 7 pesticide consultation process. For example, existing data were adapted to incorporate associated watersheds where applicable, based on the USGS Watershed Boundary Dataset HUC-12 data ( The modifications to the NMFS critical habitat spatial data make the data more compatible for future analyses with EPA’s Use Data Layers (UDLs). The following “Description” is from the original, “agency-official” data that was used to make this HUC-based map. Most of the metadata record for this species matches the “agency-official” record; however, NMFS added a new "Citation", "File Identifier", “Credits”, “Point of Contact”, and “Lineage Process Step” that are unique to this HUC-based critical habitat data. |
Theme Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
ISO 19115 Topic Category |
ISO 19115 Topic Category |
ISO 19115 Topic Category |
ISO 19115 Topic Category |
Data Set Information
Data Set Scope Code: | Data Set |
Maintenance Frequency: | As Needed |
Data Presentation Form: | Map (digital) |
Data Set Credit: | CREDIT: NOAA Fisheries. 2024. Species Critical Habitats for ESA/FIFRA Consultations Geodatabase. Silver Spring, MD: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Office of Protected Resources (OPR). This HUC-based critical habitat dataset for ESA/FIFRA section 7 pesticide consultations is courtesy of National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Office of Protected Resources (OPR): Ryan DeWitt and Karrin Goodman. The original data is courtesy of National Marine Fisheries Service, West Coast Region. ORIGINATORS: National Marine Fisheries Service; National Marine Fisheries Service; National Marine Fisheries Service; National Marine Fisheries Service; NMFS Office Of Protected Resources; |
Support Roles
Data Steward
Date Effective From: | 2024-06-17 |
Date Effective To: | |
Contact (Person): | Goodman, Karrin |
Email Address: | |
Phone: | âª(301) 427-8435⬠|
Data Steward
Date Effective From: | 2023-11-09 |
Date Effective To: | |
Contact (Person): | Stone, Steve |
Address: |
1201 NE Lloyd Blvd Portland, OR 97232 |
Email Address: | |
Phone: | 503-231-2317 |
Fax: | 503-230-5441 |
Metadata Contact
Date Effective From: | 2024-06-17 |
Date Effective To: | |
Contact (Person): | Goodman, Karrin |
Email Address: | |
Phone: | âª(301) 427-8435⬠|
Point of Contact
Date Effective From: | 2024-06-17 |
Date Effective To: | |
Contact (Person): | Goodman, Karrin |
Email Address: | |
Phone: | âª(301) 427-8435⬠|
Point of Contact
Date Effective From: | 2024-06-17 |
Date Effective To: | |
Contact (Person): | DeWitt, Ryan |
Email Address: | |
Phone: | (360) 358-2955 |
Point of Contact
Date Effective From: | 2023-11-09 |
Date Effective To: | |
Contact (Person): | Dunn, Shanna |
Email Address: | |
Currentness Reference: | Publication Date |
Extent Group 1
Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area 1
W° Bound: | -124.332992 | |
E° Bound: | -121.241382 | |
N° Bound: | 47.095307 | |
S° Bound: | 37.439815 |
Extent Group 2
Extent Group 2 / Geographic Area 1
W° Bound: | -124.332992 | |
E° Bound: | -121.241382 | |
N° Bound: | 47.095307 | |
S° Bound: | 37.439815 |
Extent Group 3
Extent Group 3 / Geographic Area 1
W° Bound: | -124.332992 | |
E° Bound: | -121.241382 | |
N° Bound: | 47.095307 | |
S° Bound: | 37.439815 |
Extent Group 4
Extent Group 4 / Geographic Area 1
W° Bound: | -124.859937 | |
E° Bound: | -120.986071 | |
N° Bound: | 48.689942 | |
S° Bound: | 36.417225 |
Spatial Information
Reference Systems
Reference System 1
Coordinate Reference System |
Access Information
Security Class: | Unclassified |
Data Use Constraints: |
This data set is meant as a general locational reference and is not the official definition. See 50 CFR 226.219 for the legal definition of green sturgeon (Southern DPS) critical habitat. |
Technical Environment
Description: |
Microsoft Windows 10 Version 10.0 (Build 19045) ; Esri ArcGIS |
Process Steps
Process Step 1
Description: |
The data was created by extracting stream lines from National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) medium resolution shapefile that represented green sturgeon critical habitat. This dataset's features were modified to better match up to the corresponding estuaries and were cut at locations where the NMFS Critical Habitat Review Team (CHRT) determined green sturgeon have been observed or where head of tide was determined. |
Process Date/Time: | 2009-10-05 00:00:00 |
Process Step 2
Description: |
2009 source data converted to NMFS ESA critical habitat national standard 2020. Geometry was not edited. Attributes were edited. Metadata was copied from 1 line file GreenSturgeonCHStreams.shp |
Process Date/Time: | 2020-05-21 00:00:00 |
Process Step 3
Description: |
As described above, this species’ HUC-based critical habitat dataset was modified from the line- and polygon-based species “agency-official” NMFS critical habitat data. This HUC-based critical habitat file represents the HUC-12 watersheds (USGS Watershed Boundary Dataset; that intersect with the “agency-official” critical habitat line-based and polygon-based data. The data were reviewed and revised to add any additional HUC-12 watersheds that were determined to have hydrologic connectivity to the critical habitat. |
Process Date/Time: | 2023-03-30 00:00:00 |
Process Contact: | NMFS Office Of Protected Resources (OPR) |
Phone (Voice): | 301-713-2332 |
Child Items
Rubric scores updated every 15m
![]() |
Type | Title |
Entity | SturgeonGreen_SouthernDPS_4093_CH |
Catalog Details
Catalog Item ID: | 72868 |
GUID: | gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:72868 |
Metadata Record Created By: | Karrin N Goodman |
Metadata Record Created: | 2024-06-04 20:38+0000 |
Metadata Record Last Modified By: | Jeff D Adams |
Metadata Record Last Modified: | 2024-08-06 10:10+0000 |
Metadata Record Published: | 2024-08-06 |
Owner Org: | OPR |
Metadata Publication Status: | Published Externally |
Do Not Publish?: | N |
Metadata Review Frequency: | 1 Year |