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From: InPort Admin
To: All Users

Downtime Notice: Wednesday, August 14 @ 2pm Eastern. InPort and its associated services will be under maintenance and unavailable for the deployment of InPort Release 5.3.8.

Downtime Schedule

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

2:00pm - 3:30pm Eastern / 11:00am - 12:30pm Pacific / 8:00am - 9:30am Hawaii

Impacted Areas

- InPort Website:

- InPort WAF:

New Features:

This release consists primarily of performance improvements in multiple areas to facilitate increased usage of InPort, as well as some minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Notice on Metadata Records Referring to NCEI in Upcoming Release 5.3.9

InPort has received guidance from the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) that for metadata records referring to NCEI -- for example, as a Distributor -- state labels should not be used (e.g. Colorado, Maryland, etc.) as they are only relevant for internal communications. In virtually all cases, a reference to NCEI without a location should be used for public communications.

Consequently, in the next InPort release (5.3.9), we will be consolidating all NCEI Contacts into a single NCEI contact with no designated state label. All existing metadata records which are currently referencing NCEI will automatically be updated to use the new consolidated NCEI record. No action will be required from metadata authors.

If you are aware of any metadata records which you feel should be referencing a state-specific NCEI contact, please contact us.

Release Notes

* IP-3671 - Removed child entity attributes from regular Entity export.

* IP-3672 - Fixed an issue to ensure correct visibility of Related Items in metadata exports.

* IP-3684 - Added a help guide for managing Shared Components.

* IP-3677 - Improved performance of XML processing with use of available cached information.

* IP-3678 - Updated InPort XML processing to facilitate performance improvements.

* IP-3690 - Fixed an issue where the start date node was not appearing for Procedure Steps in InPort XML exports.

* IP-3701 - Fixed an issue where the Catalog Item Type node was not showing a value for Publications in InPort XML exports.

* IP-3708 - Added display of URL and URL name to contact information on the metadata landing page and component listing tables.