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The deepwater biodiversity surveys explore and describe the biodiversity of the bathy- and bentho-pelagic nekton near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge using Midwater and bottom trawls.

Project Information

Project Type

Collection Method
Electronic, Paper, Photographic,Biological Samples

Child Items

Type Title
Data Set Deep Water Survey Data

Contact Information

Point of Contact
Robert Johnston
(508) 495-2061

Metadata Contact
Paul Kostovick


Geographic Area 1

-71.3° W, -27.683° E, 53.35° N, 38.7° S

The western North Atlantic between the vicinity of Bear Seamount and Physalia Seamount, and areas surrounding the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR-ECO), focusing on the Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone.

Time Frame 1
2003-05-14 - Present

Date of first station is 05-14-2003 (Cruise 200307).

Item Identification

Title: Deepwater Systematic Surveys
Short Name: Deepwater Systematic Surveys
Status: In Work

The deepwater biodiversity surveys explore and describe the biodiversity of the bathy- and bentho-pelagic nekton near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge using Midwater and bottom trawls.


The Deepwater Biodiversity survey purpose is to collect voucher specimens of fish, cephalopods, and crustaceans; collect tissue samples for future analysis of taxonomy, systematic, and food-web relationships; photograph freshly collected specimens and systematic characters; and provide research opportunities and training in taxonomy, systematic and field oceanographic techniques for students and professional researchers.


Theme Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
NMFS Data Category Age & Growth
NMFS Data Category fishery-independent surveys
None abundance
None age sampling
None bathy-pelagic fauna
None bentho-pelagic fauna
None biological sampling
None bottom trawl
None distribution
None feeding ecology
None groundfish
None invertebrates
None Norwegian "Krill" trawl
None relative abundance
None Seasonal Distribution
None size composition
None stratified random sampling
None survey

Spatial Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
None Bear Seamount
None Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone
None Continental Shelf
None Mid-Atlantic Ridge
None northeast
None northwest Atlantic
None statistical area

Stratum Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
None benthic
None pelagic

Physical Location

Organization: Northeast Fisheries Science Center
City: Woods Hole
State/Province: MA
Country: USA

Project Information

Project Type: Collection
Is Mandated?: No
Collection Authority: Federal
Collection Method: Electronic, Paper, Photographic,Biological Samples

Support Roles

Data Steward

CC ID: 205810
Date Effective From: 2015
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Kostovick, Paul
Address: 166 Water Street
Woods Hole, MA 02543
Email Address:
Phone: (508)495-2343
Fax: (508)495-2230
Business Hours: 8am-4:30pm
Contact Instructions:


Metadata Contact

CC ID: 205811
Date Effective From: 2018-09
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Kostovick, Paul
Address: 166 Water Street
Woods Hole, MA 02543
Email Address:
Phone: (508)495-2343
Fax: (508)495-2230
Business Hours: 8am-4:30pm
Contact Instructions:



CC ID: 205808
Date Effective From: 2003
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC)
Address: 166 Water Street
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1026
Phone: (508)495-2000
Business Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday
Contact Instructions:


Point of Contact

CC ID: 205809
Date Effective From: 2015
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Johnston, Robert
Address: 166 Water Street
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1026
Email Address:
Phone: (508) 495-2061
Fax: 508-495-2115
Contact Instructions:



Currentness Reference: Ground Condition

Extent Group 1

Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area 1

CC ID: 218716
W° Bound: -71.3
E° Bound: -27.683
N° Bound: 53.35
S° Bound: 38.7

The western North Atlantic between the vicinity of Bear Seamount and Physalia Seamount, and areas surrounding the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR-ECO), focusing on the Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone.

Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 1

CC ID: 205812
Time Frame Type: Continuing
Start: 2003-05-14

Date of first station is 05-14-2003 (Cruise 200307).

Access Information

Security Class: Unclassified
Data Access Policy:

Available to qualified researchers.

Data Access Procedure:

1. Formal request in writing usually to the data owner/contact or Center Director.

2. Requester is contacted by data owner to review and verify the request content and details for data delivery options.

3. If data is confidential then owner will determine is the data may be released to the requester.

4. If data can be released, the data is downloaded and packaged for delivery electronically; or the requester may be directed to where the data is available online.

Data Access Constraints:

If data is stored on an internal NEFSC network, the requester may not have direct access to query the data unless they are also authorized for network access.

Data Use Constraints:

User must read and fully comprehend the metadata prior to use. Applications or inferences derived from the data should be carefully considered for accuracy. Acknowledgement of NOAA/NMFS/NEFSC, as the source from which these data were obtained in any publications and/or other representations of these, data is suggested.



CC ID: 207280
URL Type:
Online Resource
File Resource Format: HTTP

National Systematics Laboratory homepage

Technical Environment


RDBMS: Oracle


FSCS Fisheries Scientific Computer System
SCS Scientific Computer System

Child Items

Rubric scores updated every 15m

Rubric Score Type Title
Data Set Deep Water Survey Data

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 24567
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:24567
Metadata Record Created By: Nancy McHugh
Metadata Record Created: 2015-04-23 12:30+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: SysAdmin InPortAdmin
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2022-08-09 17:11+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2019-05-31
Owner Org: NEFSC
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2019-05-31
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2020-05-31