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Data collected for each crab in the experiment which includes mortality day, intermolt durations, crab sizes after each molt and wet mass after each molt


Data collected for each crab in the experiment which includes mortality day, intermolt durations, crab sizes after each molt and wet mass after each molt

Entity Information

Data Attribute / Type Description
The size insert crabs were reared in for the experiment. S=small 20 mm diameter, M= medium 40 mm diameter, L=large 77 mm diameter
Insert #
The insert number assigned to each crab in order to keep track of them as individuals
Mortality (experimental day)
The day an individual crab died expressed as experimental day. Experimental days are consecutive days beginning with 1
Intermolt 1 (degree days)
The number of developmental degree days between the first and second molt. Develomental degree days were calculated as the sum of the average daily temperatures.
Intermolt 2 (degree days)
The number of developmental degree days between the second and third molt. Develomental degree days were calculated as the sum of the average daily temperatures.
Intermolt 3 (degree days)
The number of developmental degree days between the thrid and forth molt. Develomental degree days were calculated as the sum of the average daily temperatures.
CL1 (mm)
Initial carapace length in mm
CL2 (mm)
Carapace length in mm after the first molt
CL3 (mm)
Carapace length in mm after the second molt
CL4 (mm)
Carapace length in mm after the third molt
CL (mm) end
Carapace length in mm at the end of the experiment
CW1 (mm)
Initial carapace width in mm
CW2 (mm)
Carapace width in mm after the first molt
CW3 (mm)
Carapace width in mm after the second molt
CW4 (mm)
Carapace width in mm after the thrid molt
CW (mm) end
Carapace width in mm at the end of the experiment
Wet Mass 1 (g)
Initial wet mass in grams of blotted dry crab with all appendages
Wet Mass 2 (g)
Wet mass in grams 7 days after the first molt. Crabs were blotted dry and data on crab with all appendages are presented.
Wet Mass 3 (g)
Wet mass in grams 7 days after the second molt. Crabs were blotted dry and data on crab with all appendages are presented.
Wet Mass 4 (g)
Wet mass in grams 7 days after the third molt. Crabs were blotted dry and data on crab with all appendages are presented.
Wet End Mass (g)
Wet mass in grams at the end of the experiment. Crabs were blotted dry and data on crab with all appendages are presented.

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Please contact the owner organization (AFSC) for inquiries on this record.

Item Identification

Title: mortality_intermolt duration_size_wet mass
Short Name: mortality_intermolt duration_size_wet mass
Status: In Work

Data collected for each crab in the experiment which includes mortality day, intermolt durations, crab sizes after each molt and wet mass after each molt


Loaded by FGDC Metadata Uploader, batch 7414, 10-22-2015 14:25

Entity Information


Data collected for each crab in the experiment which includes mortality day, intermolt durations, crab sizes after each molt and wet mass after each molt

Data Attributes

Attribute Summary

Rubric Score Primary Key? Name Type Description
Treatment Unknown The size insert crabs were reared in for the experiment. S=small 20 mm diameter, M= medium 40 mm diameter, L=large 77 mm diameter
Insert # Unknown The insert number assigned to each crab in order to keep track of them as individuals
Mortality (experimental day) Unknown The day an individual crab died expressed as experimental day. Experimental days are consecutive days beginning with 1
Intermolt 1 (degree days) Unknown The number of developmental degree days between the first and second molt. Develomental degree days were calculated as the sum of the average daily temperatures.
Intermolt 2 (degree days) Unknown The number of developmental degree days between the second and third molt. Develomental degree days were calculated as the sum of the average daily temperatures.
Intermolt 3 (degree days) Unknown The number of developmental degree days between the thrid and forth molt. Develomental degree days were calculated as the sum of the average daily temperatures.
CL1 (mm) Unknown Initial carapace length in mm
CL2 (mm) Unknown Carapace length in mm after the first molt
CL3 (mm) Unknown Carapace length in mm after the second molt
CL4 (mm) Unknown Carapace length in mm after the third molt
CL (mm) end Unknown Carapace length in mm at the end of the experiment
CW1 (mm) Unknown Initial carapace width in mm
CW2 (mm) Unknown Carapace width in mm after the first molt
CW3 (mm) Unknown Carapace width in mm after the second molt
CW4 (mm) Unknown Carapace width in mm after the thrid molt
CW (mm) end Unknown Carapace width in mm at the end of the experiment
Wet Mass 1 (g) Unknown Initial wet mass in grams of blotted dry crab with all appendages
Wet Mass 2 (g) Unknown Wet mass in grams 7 days after the first molt. Crabs were blotted dry and data on crab with all appendages are presented.
Wet Mass 3 (g) Unknown Wet mass in grams 7 days after the second molt. Crabs were blotted dry and data on crab with all appendages are presented.
Wet Mass 4 (g) Unknown Wet mass in grams 7 days after the third molt. Crabs were blotted dry and data on crab with all appendages are presented.
Wet End Mass (g) Unknown Wet mass in grams at the end of the experiment. Crabs were blotted dry and data on crab with all appendages are presented.

Attribute Details


CC ID: 235379
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The size insert crabs were reared in for the experiment. S=small 20 mm diameter, M= medium 40 mm diameter, L=large 77 mm diameter

Insert #

CC ID: 235380
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The insert number assigned to each crab in order to keep track of them as individuals

Mortality (experimental day)

CC ID: 235381
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The day an individual crab died expressed as experimental day. Experimental days are consecutive days beginning with 1

Intermolt 1 (degree days)

CC ID: 235382
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The number of developmental degree days between the first and second molt. Develomental degree days were calculated as the sum of the average daily temperatures.

Intermolt 2 (degree days)

CC ID: 235383
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The number of developmental degree days between the second and third molt. Develomental degree days were calculated as the sum of the average daily temperatures.

Intermolt 3 (degree days)

CC ID: 235384
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The number of developmental degree days between the thrid and forth molt. Develomental degree days were calculated as the sum of the average daily temperatures.

CL1 (mm)

CC ID: 235385
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Initial carapace length in mm

CL2 (mm)

CC ID: 235386
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Carapace length in mm after the first molt

CL3 (mm)

CC ID: 235387
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Carapace length in mm after the second molt

CL4 (mm)

CC ID: 235388
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Carapace length in mm after the third molt

CL (mm) end

CC ID: 235389
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Carapace length in mm at the end of the experiment

CW1 (mm)

CC ID: 235390
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Initial carapace width in mm

CW2 (mm)

CC ID: 235391
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Carapace width in mm after the first molt

CW3 (mm)

CC ID: 235392
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Carapace width in mm after the second molt

CW4 (mm)

CC ID: 235393
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Carapace width in mm after the thrid molt

CW (mm) end

CC ID: 235394
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Carapace width in mm at the end of the experiment

Wet Mass 1 (g)

CC ID: 235395
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Initial wet mass in grams of blotted dry crab with all appendages

Wet Mass 2 (g)

CC ID: 235396
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Wet mass in grams 7 days after the first molt. Crabs were blotted dry and data on crab with all appendages are presented.

Wet Mass 3 (g)

CC ID: 235397
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Wet mass in grams 7 days after the second molt. Crabs were blotted dry and data on crab with all appendages are presented.

Wet Mass 4 (g)

CC ID: 235398
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Wet mass in grams 7 days after the third molt. Crabs were blotted dry and data on crab with all appendages are presented.

Wet End Mass (g)

CC ID: 235399
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Wet mass in grams at the end of the experiment. Crabs were blotted dry and data on crab with all appendages are presented.

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 28136
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:28136
Metadata Record Created By: Claire Armistead
Metadata Record Created: 2015-10-22 14:25+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: SysAdmin InPortAdmin
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2022-08-09 17:11+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2016-05-16
Owner Org: AFSC
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2016-05-16
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2017-05-16