Ocean Juvenile Salmon Stomach Contents
Entity (ENT) | Northwest Fisheries Science Center (NWFSC)GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:35566 | Updated: August 9, 2022 | Published / External
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Stomach Contents of Juvenile Salmon Collected in Ocean Salmon Surveys.
DescriptionStomach Contents of Juvenile Salmon Collected in Ocean Salmon Surveys.
Entity Information
Entity Type
Data Attribute / Type | Description |
number |
The numerical designation of the cruise in sequence of research performed |
date |
The local time data were collected |
date |
The year the data were collected |
text |
The name of the vessel used to collect the data |
text |
The name of the location where the data were collected |
number |
The distance offshore the data were collected |
number |
The bottom depth of the station where the data were collected |
text |
The code created to name the date and location when and where the data were collected |
time |
The local time trawl started collecting data |
number |
The latitude recorded at start of trawl sampling |
number |
The longitude recorded at start of trawl sampling |
text |
The unique identifier of the salmon in sequence of research performed |
text |
The common name of fishes and invertebrates captured in the trawl |
text |
The Latin name of fishes and invertebrates captured in the trawl |
text |
The age class of salmon based on their length, which may not be their actual age, but is our best estimate from length |
text |
The list of codes assigned to salmon as identifying marks such as coded wire tags |
text |
The descriptions of codes assigned to salmon as identifying marks such as coded wire tags |
number |
The length of the fish as measured in the field. |
text |
The type of the length measurement recorded |
text |
The description of the type of the length measurement |
number |
The Length of the fish as measured in the Laboratory |
number |
The weight of the fish as measured in the Laboratory |
text |
Descriptions of the condition of stomach contents |
text |
The latin classification assigned to stomach content |
text |
The common name assigned to stomach content |
text |
The life history stage determined for stomach content |
number |
The count of each prey item in stomach content |
number |
The weight of each prey item in stomach content |
text |
Comments on prey item condition and description |
Child Items
No Child Items for this record.
Contact Information
No contact information is available for this record.
Please contact the owner organization (NWFSC) for inquiries on this record.
Item Identification
Title: | Ocean Juvenile Salmon Stomach Contents |
Short Name: | Ocean Juvenile Salmon Stomach Contents |
Status: | Planned |
Abstract: |
Stomach Contents of Juvenile Salmon Collected in Ocean Salmon Surveys. |
Entity Information
Entity Type: | Spreadsheet |
Active Version?: | Yes |
Schema Name: | PARR |
Description: |
Stomach Contents of Juvenile Salmon Collected in Ocean Salmon Surveys. |
Data Attributes
Attribute Summary
![]() |
![]() |
Name | Type | Description |
Cruise_Number | number | The numerical designation of the cruise in sequence of research performed | |
Sample_Date_Local | date | The local time data were collected | |
YEAR | date | The year the data were collected | |
Vessel_Name | text | The name of the vessel used to collect the data | |
Transect_Name | text | The name of the location where the data were collected | |
Dist_Offshore_Nautical_Miles | number | The distance offshore the data were collected | |
Station_Depth_Meters | number | The bottom depth of the station where the data were collected | |
Station_Code | text | The code created to name the date and location when and where the data were collected | |
Start_Time_Local | time | The local time trawl started collecting data | |
Start_Lat_Decimal_Deg_North | number | The latitude recorded at start of trawl sampling | |
Start_Long_Decl_Deg_West | number | The longitude recorded at start of trawl sampling | |
Salmon_ID_Number | text | The unique identifier of the salmon in sequence of research performed | |
Common_Name | text | The common name of fishes and invertebrates captured in the trawl | |
Genus_Species | text | The Latin name of fishes and invertebrates captured in the trawl | |
Age_ClassByLength | text | The age class of salmon based on their length, which may not be their actual age, but is our best estimate from length | |
Tagged_Code | text | The list of codes assigned to salmon as identifying marks such as coded wire tags | |
Tagged_Description | text | The descriptions of codes assigned to salmon as identifying marks such as coded wire tags | |
Salmon_Field_Length_mm | number | The length of the fish as measured in the field. | |
Type_of_Length | text | The type of the length measurement recorded | |
Length_Description | text | The description of the type of the length measurement | |
Salmon_Lab_Length_mm | number | The Length of the fish as measured in the Laboratory | |
Salmon_Lab_Weight_g | number | The weight of the fish as measured in the Laboratory | |
Stomach_Condition_Description | text | Descriptions of the condition of stomach contents | |
Prey_Item_Genus_species | text | The latin classification assigned to stomach content | |
Prey_Item_Common_Name | text | The common name assigned to stomach content | |
Prey_Item_Life_History_Stage | text | The life history stage determined for stomach content | |
Prey_Item_Count | number | The count of each prey item in stomach content | |
Prey_Item_Weight_grams | number | The weight of each prey item in stomach content | |
Prey_Item_Condition_Desc | text | Comments on prey item condition and description |
Attribute Details
Seq. Order: | 1 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The numerical designation of the cruise in sequence of research performed |
General Data Type: | number |
Seq. Order: | 2 |
Data Storage Type: | date |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The local time data were collected |
General Data Type: | date |
Unit of Measure: | Month/Day/Year |
Seq. Order: | 3 |
Data Storage Type: | date |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The year the data were collected |
General Data Type: | date |
Unit of Measure: | Year |
Seq. Order: | 4 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The name of the vessel used to collect the data |
General Data Type: | text |
Seq. Order: | 5 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The name of the location where the data were collected |
General Data Type: | text |
Seq. Order: | 6 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The distance offshore the data were collected |
General Data Type: | number |
Unit of Measure: | nautical miles |
Seq. Order: | 7 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The bottom depth of the station where the data were collected |
General Data Type: | number |
Unit of Measure: | Meters |
Seq. Order: | 8 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The code created to name the date and location when and where the data were collected |
General Data Type: | text |
Seq. Order: | 9 |
Data Storage Type: | time |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The local time trawl started collecting data |
General Data Type: | time |
Unit of Measure: | hh:mm (24 hour) |
Seq. Order: | 10 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The latitude recorded at start of trawl sampling |
General Data Type: | number |
Unit of Measure: | decimal degrees North |
Seq. Order: | 11 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The longitude recorded at start of trawl sampling |
General Data Type: | number |
Unit of Measure: | decimal degrees West |
Seq. Order: | 12 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The unique identifier of the salmon in sequence of research performed |
General Data Type: | text |
Seq. Order: | 13 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The common name of fishes and invertebrates captured in the trawl |
General Data Type: | text |
Seq. Order: | 14 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The Latin name of fishes and invertebrates captured in the trawl |
General Data Type: | text |
Seq. Order: | 15 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The age class of salmon based on their length, which may not be their actual age, but is our best estimate from length |
General Data Type: | text |
Seq. Order: | 16 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The list of codes assigned to salmon as identifying marks such as coded wire tags |
General Data Type: | text |
Seq. Order: | 17 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The descriptions of codes assigned to salmon as identifying marks such as coded wire tags |
General Data Type: | text |
Seq. Order: | 18 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The length of the fish as measured in the field. |
General Data Type: | number |
Unit of Measure: | mm |
Seq. Order: | 19 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The type of the length measurement recorded |
General Data Type: | text |
Seq. Order: | 20 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The description of the type of the length measurement |
General Data Type: | text |
Seq. Order: | 21 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The Length of the fish as measured in the Laboratory |
General Data Type: | number |
Unit of Measure: | mm |
Seq. Order: | 22 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The weight of the fish as measured in the Laboratory |
General Data Type: | number |
Unit of Measure: | g |
Seq. Order: | 23 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Descriptions of the condition of stomach contents |
General Data Type: | text |
Seq. Order: | 24 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The latin classification assigned to stomach content |
General Data Type: | text |
Seq. Order: | 25 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The common name assigned to stomach content |
General Data Type: | text |
Seq. Order: | 26 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The life history stage determined for stomach content |
General Data Type: | text |
Seq. Order: | 27 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The count of each prey item in stomach content |
General Data Type: | number |
Unit of Measure: | whole number |
Seq. Order: | 28 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The weight of each prey item in stomach content |
General Data Type: | number |
Unit of Measure: | grams |
Seq. Order: | 29 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Comments on prey item condition and description |
General Data Type: | text |
Catalog Details
Catalog Item ID: | 35566 |
GUID: | gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:35566 |
Metadata Record Created By: | Jeffrey W Cowen |
Metadata Record Created: | 2016-11-04 19:22+0000 |
Metadata Record Last Modified By: | SysAdmin InPortAdmin |
Metadata Record Last Modified: | 2022-08-09 17:11+0000 |
Metadata Record Published: | 2017-03-03 |
Owner Org: | NWFSC |
Metadata Publication Status: | Published Externally |
Do Not Publish?: | N |
Metadata Last Review Date: | 2017-03-03 |
Metadata Review Frequency: | 1 Year |
Metadata Next Review Date: | 2018-03-03 |