National Status and Trends: Bioeffects Assessment Program Sites (1986 to present) Compiled from NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
Data Set (DS) | National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS)GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:39254 | Updated: October 17, 2023 | Published / External
Short Citation
National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, 2025: National Status and Trends: Bioeffects Assessment Program Sites (1986 to present) Compiled from NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science,
Full Citation Examples
This dataset contains sample collection location information for the National Status and Trends, Bioeffects Assessment Project. The Bioeffects Assessment Sites data files report information regarding the planned sampling locations designated by the planners for the monitoring program. At present about thirty Bioeffects Assessments have been conducted as part of NSandT's Bioeffects Assessment Project. This SITES file only contains site information for the St. Lucie Estuary Study (2001). Site information for the other studies will be added over time beginning with the Chesapeake Bay Study (1998, 1999, 2001). One record is presented per site. Each record reports the planned values of latitude and longitude and the actual values recorded at the time of sampling, five letter site acronym, site sequence number, general and specific location information, state abbreviation, state name, degree-minute-second coordinates, decimal degree coordinates, and species information, among other things. The actual site coordinate information is recorded at the time of sampling, if samples were taken at a location other than the nominal site center. The five letter acronym is based on both the general location information and more specific location information (e.g. SFSM is San Francisco-San Mateo Bridge). The file also contains sequence numbers that facilitate geographic manipulation of the data. Sites are numbered sequentially from the northernmost site on the U.S. East coast and continue counter-clockwise around the country.
Distribution Information
Text (Unstructured)
Downloadable Data
The National Status and Trends Program (NSandT) requests that all individuals who download NSandT data acknowledge the source of these data in any reports, papers, or presentations. If you publish these data, please include a statement similar to: "Some or all of the data described in this article were produced by NOAA through its National Status and Trends Program."
Controlled Theme Keywords
Child Items
Type | Title |
Entity | Dataset Parameters for Bioeffects Assessment Sites |
Contact Information
Point of Contact
NCCOS Scientific Data Coordinator
Metadata Contact
NCCOS Scientific Data Coordinator
-166.5° W,
-67.333° E,
70.5° N,
25.615° S
1986 - Present
Item Identification
Title: | National Status and Trends: Bioeffects Assessment Program Sites (1986 to present) Compiled from NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science |
Short Name: | bioeffects_sites |
Status: | In Work |
Publication Date: | 2002-05-03 |
Abstract: |
This dataset contains sample collection location information for the National Status and Trends, Bioeffects Assessment Project. The Bioeffects Assessment Sites data files report information regarding the planned sampling locations designated by the planners for the monitoring program. At present about thirty Bioeffects Assessments have been conducted as part of NSandT's Bioeffects Assessment Project. This SITES file only contains site information for the St. Lucie Estuary Study (2001). Site information for the other studies will be added over time beginning with the Chesapeake Bay Study (1998, 1999, 2001). One record is presented per site. Each record reports the planned values of latitude and longitude and the actual values recorded at the time of sampling, five letter site acronym, site sequence number, general and specific location information, state abbreviation, state name, degree-minute-second coordinates, decimal degree coordinates, and species information, among other things. The actual site coordinate information is recorded at the time of sampling, if samples were taken at a location other than the nominal site center. The five letter acronym is based on both the general location information and more specific location information (e.g. SFSM is San Francisco-San Mateo Bridge). The file also contains sequence numbers that facilitate geographic manipulation of the data. Sites are numbered sequentially from the northernmost site on the U.S. East coast and continue counter-clockwise around the country. |
Purpose: |
In response to concerns over environmental quality of the Nation's coastal and estuarine ecosystems, NOAA initiated the National Status and Trends (NSandT) Program in 1984, to determine the current status of, and to detect changes in, the environmental quality of our Nation's estuarine and coastal waters. The Bioeffects Assessment Program is an ongoing project of intensive regional studies, of 2 to 4-year duration, to assess bioeffects associated with contaminant exposure. Many of the studies were designed around a "Sediment Quality Triad" in order to diagnose relationships among measures of sediment contamination, sediment toxicity, and macrobenthic community response to degraded environment. Approximately thirty regional studies have been undertaken as part of the Bioeffects Assessment Project. Each study is designed to provide unbiased assessments of the condition of selected resources over the study region. A key feature of the program is a probabilistic sampling strategy that randomly selects sampling sites and assigns weighting factors based on area to all measured results. |
Notes: |
979 |
Theme Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
ISO 19115 Topic Category |
NOS Data Explorer Topic Category | Environmental Monitoring |
None | Bioeffect |
None | Bioeffects |
None | Coastal |
None | Contaminant |
None | Date |
None | Estuarine drainage area |
None | Estuary name |
None | Latitude |
None | Longitude |
None | NCCOS Research Data Type > Field Observation |
None | NCCOS Research Priority > Long-term Monitoring |
None | NCCOS Research Priority > Stressors, Impacts, Mitigation, and Restoration (SIMR) |
None | NCCOS Research Topic > Bioeffects/Toxicity |
None | NCCOS Research Topic > Chemical Contaminants |
None | NCCOS Research Topic > Monitoring |
None | NSandT |
None | Oceans |
None | Region |
None | Site |
None | Site acronym |
None | Site location |
None | Species |
None | State |
None | Toxicity |
Spatial Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
None | Apalachicola Bay |
None | Biscayne Bay |
None | Boston Harbor |
None | Charleston Harbor |
None | Chesapeake Bay |
None | Choctawhatchee Bay |
None | Delaware Bay |
None | Florida Bay (South Florida) |
None | Galveston Bay |
None | Gulf Breeze |
None | Hudson Raritan Estuary |
None | Leadenwah Creek |
None | Long Island Sound |
None | Mission Bay |
None | Moss Landing |
None | NCCOS Research Location > Geographic Area > Coastal Ocean |
None | NCCOS Research Location > Region > East Coast |
None | NCCOS Research Location > U.S. States and Territories > Florida |
None | New York |
None | Newark Bay |
None | Pamlico Bay |
None | Pensacola Bay |
None | Puget Sound |
None | Sabine Lake |
None | Saint Andrew Bay |
None | Saint Lucie Estuary |
None | Saint Simons Sound |
None | San Diego Bay |
None | San Diego River |
None | San Francisco Bay |
None | San Pedro Bay |
None | Savannah River |
None | Southern California Bight |
None | Tampa Bay |
None | Tijuana River |
None | U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone |
None | Winyah Bay |
Physical Location
Organization: | National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science |
City: | Silver Spring |
State/Province: | MD |
Data Set Information
Data Set Scope Code: | Data Set |
Maintenance Frequency: | As Needed |
Data Presentation Form: | map |
Distribution Liability: |
None |
Support Roles
Data Steward
Date Effective From: | 2002-05-03 |
Date Effective To: | |
Contact (Position): | NCCOS Scientific Data Coordinator |
Email Address: | |
Date Effective From: | 2002-05-03 |
Date Effective To: | |
Contact (Position): | NCCOS Scientific Data Coordinator |
Email Address: | |
Metadata Contact
Date Effective From: | 2002-05-03 |
Date Effective To: | |
Contact (Position): | NCCOS Scientific Data Coordinator |
Email Address: | |
Point of Contact
Date Effective From: | 2002-05-03 |
Date Effective To: | |
Contact (Position): | NCCOS Scientific Data Coordinator |
Email Address: | |
Principal Investigator
Date Effective From: | 2002-05-03 |
Date Effective To: | |
Contact (Person): | Piniak, Greg |
Email Address: | |
Currentness Reference: | Ground Condition |
Extent Group 1
Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area 1
W° Bound: | -166.5 | |
E° Bound: | -67.333 | |
N° Bound: | 70.5 | |
S° Bound: | 25.615 |
Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 1
Time Frame Type: | Continuing |
Start: | 1986 |
Spatial Information
Spatial Representation
Representations Used
Vector: | Yes |
Access Information
Security Class: | Unclassified |
Data Access Procedure: |
Bioeffects Assessment Program data for the St. Lucie Estuary can be obtained on line at Please contact the NSandT program directly to obtain information about data availability for other sites within the Bioeffects Assessment study area.; |
Data Access Constraints: |
None |
Data Use Constraints: |
The National Status and Trends Program (NSandT) requests that all individuals who download NSandT data acknowledge the source of these data in any reports, papers, or presentations. If you publish these data, please include a statement similar to: "Some or all of the data described in this article were produced by NOAA through its National Status and Trends Program." |
Distribution Information
Distribution 1
Download URL: | |
Distributor: | |
Description: |
Downloadable Data |
File Type (Deprecated): | ASCII |
Distribution Format: | Text (Unstructured) |
URL: | |
URL Type: |
Online Resource
URL: | |
URL Type: |
Online Resource
URL: | |
URL Type: |
Online Resource
Activity Log
Activity Log 1
Activity Date/Time: | 2016-11-16 |
Description: |
Date that the source FGDC record was last modified. |
Activity Log 2
Activity Date/Time: | 2017-04-05 |
Description: |
Converted from FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata (version FGDC-STD-001-1998) using '' script. Contact Tyler Christensen (NOS) for details. |
Activity Log 3
Activity Date/Time: | 2017-09-13 |
Description: |
Partial upload of Spatial Info section only. |
Activity Log 4
Activity Date/Time: | 2017-11-01 |
Description: |
Replaced entire Lineage section to populate new Source Contribution field. |
Activity Log 5
Activity Date/Time: | 2018-02-08 |
Description: |
Partial upload of Positional Accuracy fields only. |
Technical Environment
Description: |
Microsoft Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2; ESRI ArcCatalog |
Data Quality
Accuracy: |
Each study is designed to provide unbiased assessments of the condition of selected resources over the study region. A key feature of the program is a probabilistic sampling strategy that randomly selects sampling sites and assigns weighting factors based on area to all measured results. NSandT's Bioeffects Assessment Project include partners from Federal, State and Local sectors of government and the private sector. The list of partners varies by study area and for most the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and NOAA have shared data and collaborated on the sampling design and quality assurance aspects of the studies. Each partner had a role in planning, collecting, processing, and/or reviewing data. The NSandT Program was responsible for final assembly and review of all data. |
Horizontal Positional Accuracy: |
The actual sampling coordinates (LATITUDE and LONGITUDE) reported in this data set vary in accuracy. Some coordinates are estimates based on NOAA nautical charts while others site locations were determined using Loran-C and GPS units. Original site coordinates were derived from Loran-C time conversions. Early sites information resulting from Loran-C was converted from time delay information to latitudes and longitudes. These earlier data may be suspect when sites were located close to large structures that could have interfered with accurate time delays. When GPS was first available the signal was intentionally degraded so earlier coordinate information, even if it resulted from GPS, is not as accurate as data would be today. |
Completeness Report: |
The Bioeffects Assessment Project Sites dataset does not include data relating to the chemistry, quality assurance, or pathology data that is associated with each site. |
Conceptual Consistency: |
Data in this file were acquired both in the field and assigned by program planners. No analytical processing was involved with the Bioeffects Assessment Sites parameters |
Marine Pollution Bulletin, "General Guidelines for using the Sediment Quality Triad"
Contact Name: | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean Service (NOS), National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS), Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment (CCMA) |
Publish Date: | 1997-01-01 |
Extent Type: | Discrete |
Extent Start Date/Time: | 1997 |
Source Contribution: |
The Guidelines for Sediment Quality provides background information on the National Status and Trends Bioeffects Assessment Project Sites. | Source Geospatial Form: document | Type of Source Media: paper |
Process Steps
Process Step 1
Description: |
Approximately thirty regional studies have been undertaken as part of the Bioeffects Assessment Project. This is an ongoing project of intensive regional studies, of 2 to 4-year duration, to assess bioeffects associated with contaminant exposure. Biological responses to contamination have been examined and monitored in a number of ways, including toxicity tests of sediments using multiple laboratory species, several biochemical and histo-pathological assays of bottom-dwelling fishes and bivalve mollusks, and assessments of the in situ biological community assemblage to determine the significance of exposure to toxicants. The Bioeffects Assessment Project also allow a comparison of the validity and responses of different indicators of biological effects, leading to improved NOAA survey techniques for subsequent study areas. Many of the studies were designed around a "Sediment Quality Triad" in order to diagnose relationships among measures of sediment contamination, sediment toxicity, and macrobenthic community response to degraded environment. A secondary criterion for selecting these areas is the likelihood of collaborative or complementary efforts with other Federal, state, and local agencies, assuring the direct and immediate use of study results.The Sediment Quality Triad, developed in the mid-1980s, is now widely used for conducting integrated assessments of sediment quality based on measures of chemistry, toxicity and benthos. If the appropriate tools are used in the Triad approach, users can identify those contaminants which have the strongest associations with toxicity and benthic effects and those that may not immediately appear to be of concern (Chapman, et al., 1997) |
Child Items
Rubric scores updated every 15m
![]() |
Type | Title |
Entity | Dataset Parameters for Bioeffects Assessment Sites |
Catalog Details
Catalog Item ID: | 39254 |
GUID: | gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:39254 |
Metadata Record Created By: | Tyler Christensen |
Metadata Record Created: | 2017-04-05 12:51+0000 |
Metadata Record Last Modified By: | SysAdmin InPortAdmin |
Metadata Record Last Modified: | 2023-10-17 16:12+0000 |
Metadata Record Published: | 2018-02-08 |
Owner Org: | NCCOS |
Metadata Publication Status: | Published Externally |
Do Not Publish?: | N |
Metadata Last Review Date: | 2018-02-08 |
Metadata Review Frequency: | 1 Year |
Metadata Next Review Date: | 2019-02-08 |