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Item Identification

Title: WV-2_image_inventory
Status: Completed

Inventory and attributes of worldview-2 satellite imagery for Timor-Leste

Entity Information

Entity Type: Data Table
Active Version?: Yes

WorldView-2 satellite image inventory and attributes for Timor-Leste

Data Attributes

Attribute Summary

Rubric Score Primary Key? Name Type Description
ObjectID INTEGER The unique identifier for the dataset. The ObjectID field is maintained by ArcGIS and guarantees a unique ID for each row in a table. It can be used as an image ID when using the Lock Raster mosaic method.
Name TEXT Display name for the catalog item (filename). Name of the source defined by the raster type, which can be the name of the raster dataset file or the metadata file defined in the raster type.
MinPS NUMERIC Minimum pixel size Value = 0 Computed from the LowPS and HighPS values and depend on the overlapping raster datasets. These values control which raster will be used to create the dynamically mosaicked image at particular scales or resolutions of the display or image request. For example, if you create a mosaic dataset from 1-meter source rasters and build overviews, you will see a range of minimum and maximum pixel sizes. If you view the entire mosaic dataset (fully zoomed out), you likely are viewing the image with the largest MinPS and MaxPS values. As you zoom in, the resolution of the image increases and smaller pixel sizes are required.
MaxPS NUMERIC Maximum pixel size Value = 20, 40, 80 Computed from the LowPS and HighPS values and depend on the overlapping raster datasets. These values control which raster will be used to create the dynamically mosaicked image at particular scales or resolutions of the display or image request. For example, if you create a mosaic dataset from 1-meter source rasters and build overviews, you will see a range of minimum and maximum pixel sizes. If you view the entire mosaic dataset (fully zoomed out), you likely are viewing the image with the largest MinPS and MaxPS values. As you zoom in, the resolution of the image increases and smaller pixel sizes are required.
LowPS NUMERIC Low pixel size Value = 2 Extracted from the source rasters and used to define the range of pixel sizes that the raster dataset contains. For example, a raster dataset that contains a pyramid (or internal overview) will have a range of pixel sizes—the low value will represent the base pixel value, and the high value will represent the top overview that is being used. For raster datasets with no pyramids, the low and high pixel sizes may be the same value.
HighPS NUMERIC High pixel size Value = 2, 4, 8 Extracted from the source rasters and used to define the range of pixel sizes that the raster dataset contains. For example, a raster dataset that contains a pyramid (or internal overview) will have a range of pixel sizes—the low value will represent the base pixel value, and the high value will represent the top overview that is being used. For raster datasets with no pyramids, the low and high pixel sizes may be the same value.
Category INTEGER Used for quickly identifying the type of dataset and its status within the mosaic dataset: 0 = Unknown, 1 = Primary, 2 = ServiceOverview, 3 = DerivedRaster, 255 = Custom Value = 1 (Primary [base] data)
Tag TEXT Identifies a dataset in a function template and indicates if the dataset is panchromatic, multispectral, or pan sharpened. Value = MS (multispectral)
GroupName TEXT The name of the groups used to link together datasets belonging to a particular project. Value = <ProductOrderID> ProductOrderID = Order Item ID of product Example: “052270730010_01_P001” ProductOrderID = Order Number + ProdDesc orderNumber = 12-digit DigitalGlobe Order Item number, underscore, and 2-digit delivery increment. “nnnnnnnnnnnn_mm” Example: “052265559010_01” prodDesc = Unique product identifier Example: “P001”
ProductName TEXT ImageDescriptor: The name of the product of the raster data provided by the data source. Combination of product name and product type. Value = ORstandard2A Standard (2A) Imagery products are radiometrically corrected, sensor corrected, and projected to a plane using the map projection and datum of the customer's choice (UTM 51S). All Standard Imagery products have uniform GSD (ground sample distance in meters) throughout the entire product. OrthoReady (2A) Imagery contains all the characteristics of the Standard (2A) product, however, Ortho Ready Standard Imagery has no topographic relief (DEM) applied with respect to the reference ellipsoid, making it suitable for orthorectification. Ortho Ready Standard Imagery is projected to a constant base elevation, which is calculated on the average terrain elevation per order polygon or can be supplied by the customer.
CenterX NUMERIC X-coordinate of the center of the raster's minimum bounding rectangle (UTM)
CenterY NUMERIC Y-coordinate of the center of the raster's minimum bounding rectangle (UTM)
Zorder NUMERIC Controls the drawing order of rasters in a mosaic dataset. Range = 0
TypeID INTEGER ObjectID of the record in the amd_art table that contains details about the raster type object. Range = 1
ItemTS NUMERIC Time stamp of the analyzed/modified raster. Used to track which overviews need to be rebuilt when underlying rasters are changed. Used by the Build Overviewsgeoprocessing tool in ArcGIS.
URIhash TEXT Uniquely identifies the sources of the raster. Used by the Synchronize Mosaic Dataset geoprocessing tool in ArcGIS.
SensorName TEXT Satellite sensor (WorldView-2)
AcquisitionDate DATETIME Imagery acquisition date (UTC) YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ddddddZ
SunAzimuth NUMERIC Azimuth angle of the sun measured from north clockwise (mean) Range: 0.0 to 360.0 Precision: One decimal point
SunElevation NUMERIC Elevation angle of the sun from horizontal (mean) Range: ± 90.0 Precision: One decimal point
SatAzimuth NUMERIC Azimuth angle of the satellite with respect to the center line (mean) Range: 0.0 to 360.0 Precision: One decimal point
SatElevation NUMERIC Elevation angle of the satellite with respect to the center line (mean) Range: ± 90.0 Precision: One decimal point
CloudCover NUMERIC Estimate of the max cloud-covered fraction of the product component. Range: 0.000 to 1.000, or -999.000 (-999.000 if not assessed)
OffNadir NUMERIC The mean spacecraft elevation angle measured from nadir to the product center-line as seen from the spacecraft. Range: 0.0 to 90.0 Precision: One decimal place
GeoReferenced TEXT Indicates if the image was georeferenced by NOAA to the Esri ArcGIS Basemap during the image pre-processing steps Value = Y or N
Bathymetry TEXT Indicates if the image was used by NOAA to derive depths Value = Y or N
Habitat TEXT Indicates if the image was used by NOAA to derive habitat classes Value = Y or N
Region TEXT One of four regions of interest (ROI) defined for Timor-leste, and used to acquire the WorldView-2 satellilte images from DigitalGlobe. Values = North shore, South shore, Atauro Island, Oecusse
Area_km2 NUMERIC Area in square kilometers of the image footprint.

Attribute Details


CC ID: 705429
Data Storage Type: INTEGER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The unique identifier for the dataset.

The ObjectID field is maintained by ArcGIS and guarantees a unique ID for each row in a table. It can be used as an image ID when using the Lock Raster mosaic method.


CC ID: 705430
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Display name for the catalog item (filename).

Name of the source defined by the raster type, which can be the name of the raster dataset file or the metadata file defined in the raster type.


CC ID: 705431
Data Storage Type: NUMERIC
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Minimum pixel size

Value = 0

Computed from the LowPS and HighPS values and depend on the overlapping raster datasets. These values control which raster will be used to create the dynamically mosaicked image at particular scales or resolutions of the display or image request. For example, if you create a mosaic dataset from 1-meter source rasters and build overviews, you will see a range of minimum and maximum pixel sizes. If you view the entire mosaic dataset (fully zoomed out), you likely are viewing the image with the largest MinPS and MaxPS values. As you zoom in, the resolution of the image increases and smaller pixel sizes are required.


CC ID: 705432
Data Storage Type: NUMERIC
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Maximum pixel size

Value = 20, 40, 80

Computed from the LowPS and HighPS values and depend on the overlapping raster datasets. These values control which raster will be used to create the dynamically mosaicked image at particular scales or resolutions of the display or image request. For example, if you create a mosaic dataset from 1-meter source rasters and build overviews, you will see a range of minimum and maximum pixel sizes. If you view the entire mosaic dataset (fully zoomed out), you likely are viewing the image with the largest MinPS and MaxPS values. As you zoom in, the resolution of the image increases and smaller pixel sizes are required.


CC ID: 705433
Data Storage Type: NUMERIC
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Low pixel size

Value = 2

Extracted from the source rasters and used to define the range of pixel sizes that the raster dataset contains. For example, a raster dataset that contains a pyramid (or internal overview) will have a range of pixel sizes—the low value will represent the base pixel value, and the high value will represent the top overview that is being used. For raster datasets with no pyramids, the low and high pixel sizes may be the same value.


CC ID: 705434
Data Storage Type: NUMERIC
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

High pixel size

Value = 2, 4, 8

Extracted from the source rasters and used to define the range of pixel sizes that the raster dataset contains. For example, a raster dataset that contains a pyramid (or internal overview) will have a range of pixel sizes—the low value will represent the base pixel value, and the high value will represent the top overview that is being used. For raster datasets with no pyramids, the low and high pixel sizes may be the same value.


CC ID: 705435
Data Storage Type: INTEGER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Used for quickly identifying the type of dataset and its status within the mosaic dataset: 0 = Unknown, 1 = Primary, 2 = ServiceOverview, 3 = DerivedRaster, 255 = Custom

Value = 1 (Primary [base] data)


CC ID: 705436
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Identifies a dataset in a function template and indicates if the dataset is panchromatic, multispectral, or pan sharpened.

Value = MS (multispectral)


CC ID: 705437
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The name of the groups used to link together datasets belonging to a particular project.

Value = <ProductOrderID>

ProductOrderID = Order Item ID of product

Example: “052270730010_01_P001”

ProductOrderID = Order Number + ProdDesc

orderNumber = 12-digit DigitalGlobe Order Item number, underscore, and 2-digit delivery increment. “nnnnnnnnnnnn_mm”

Example: “052265559010_01”

prodDesc = Unique product identifier

Example: “P001”


CC ID: 705438
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

ImageDescriptor: The name of the product of the raster data provided by the data source. Combination of product name and product type.

Value = ORstandard2A

Standard (2A) Imagery products are radiometrically corrected, sensor corrected, and projected to a plane using the map projection and datum of the customer's choice (UTM 51S). All Standard Imagery products have uniform GSD (ground sample distance in meters) throughout the entire product.

OrthoReady (2A) Imagery contains all the characteristics of the Standard (2A) product, however, Ortho Ready

Standard Imagery has no topographic relief (DEM) applied with respect to the reference ellipsoid, making it suitable

for orthorectification. Ortho Ready Standard Imagery is projected to a constant base elevation, which is calculated on the average terrain elevation per order polygon or can be supplied by the customer.


CC ID: 705449
Data Storage Type: NUMERIC
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

X-coordinate of the center of the raster's minimum bounding rectangle (UTM)


CC ID: 705450
Data Storage Type: NUMERIC
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Y-coordinate of the center of the raster's minimum bounding rectangle (UTM)


CC ID: 705451
Data Storage Type: NUMERIC
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Controls the drawing order of rasters in a mosaic dataset. Range = 0


CC ID: 705452
Data Storage Type: INTEGER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

ObjectID of the record in the amd_art table that contains details about the raster type object. Range = 1


CC ID: 705453
Data Storage Type: NUMERIC
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Time stamp of the analyzed/modified raster. Used to track which overviews need to be rebuilt when underlying rasters are changed. Used by the Build Overviewsgeoprocessing tool in ArcGIS.


CC ID: 705471
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Uniquely identifies the sources of the raster. Used by the Synchronize Mosaic Dataset geoprocessing tool in ArcGIS.


CC ID: 705472
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Satellite sensor (WorldView-2)


CC ID: 705473
Data Storage Type: DATETIME
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Imagery acquisition date (UTC)



CC ID: 705474
Data Storage Type: NUMERIC
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Azimuth angle of the sun measured from north clockwise (mean)

Range: 0.0 to 360.0

Precision: One decimal point


CC ID: 705475
Data Storage Type: NUMERIC
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Elevation angle of the sun from horizontal (mean)

Range: ± 90.0

Precision: One decimal point


CC ID: 705516
Data Storage Type: NUMERIC
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Azimuth angle of the satellite with respect to the center line (mean)

Range: 0.0 to 360.0

Precision: One decimal point


CC ID: 705517
Data Storage Type: NUMERIC
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Elevation angle of the satellite with respect to the center line (mean)

Range: ± 90.0

Precision: One decimal point


CC ID: 705518
Data Storage Type: NUMERIC
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Estimate of the max cloud-covered

fraction of the product component.

Range: 0.000 to 1.000, or -999.000

(-999.000 if not assessed)


CC ID: 705519
Data Storage Type: NUMERIC
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The mean spacecraft elevation angle measured from nadir to the product center-line as seen from the spacecraft.

Range: 0.0 to 90.0

Precision: One decimal place


CC ID: 705520
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Indicates if the image was georeferenced by NOAA to the Esri ArcGIS Basemap during the image pre-processing steps

Value = Y or N


CC ID: 705546
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Indicates if the image was used by NOAA to derive depths

Value = Y or N


CC ID: 705547
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Indicates if the image was used by NOAA to derive habitat classes

Value = Y or N


CC ID: 705548
Data Storage Type: TEXT
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

One of four regions of interest (ROI) defined for Timor-leste, and used to acquire the WorldView-2 satellilte images from DigitalGlobe.

Values = North shore, South shore, Atauro Island, Oecusse


CC ID: 705549
Data Storage Type: NUMERIC
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Area in square kilometers of the image footprint.

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 50829
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:50829
Metadata Record Created By: Annette M DesRochers
Metadata Record Created: 2017-12-18 22:04+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: SysAdmin InPortAdmin
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2022-08-09 17:11+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2018-01-12
Owner Org: PIFSC
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2018-01-12
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2019-01-12