Entity (ENT) | Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC)GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:5450 | Updated: June 14, 2024 | Published / External
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SEFSC.ALS_LANDINGS is the primary tableof the ALS systems.It contains the information on each of the landings records.
DescriptionSEFSC.ALS_LANDINGS is the primary tableof the ALS systems.It contains the information on each of the landings records.
Entity Information
Entity Type
Data Table
Data Attribute / Type | Description |
Two character month that the data was landed. Some historical data contains a '13' in the monthland field. This represents annual data. |
Four digit year that the catch was landed. |
Two character NMFS State Code for the state of landing. |
Three character NMFS County Code. This is simply the nmfscounty zero-padded to 3 characters instead of 2. It exists for reasons of extract formatting only. One day it may be used to expand the NMFS county code system. |
2 chararacter NMFS County Code. |
The Dealer Code. The ALS data do NOT show dealer codes for the following years and states: • Alabama non-shrimp 1962-1978 • Alabama shrimp 1962-1973,1975,1979 • Georgia non-shrimp 1962-1979 • Florida non-shrimp 1962-1976 • Florida out-of-state (alsstate =’00’) 1998-2000 • Louisiana non-shrimp 1962-1978 • Mississippi non-shrimp 1962-1978 • Mississippi shrimp 1962-1973, 1975 • North Carolina non-shrimp 1962-1979 • South Carolina non-shrimp 1962-1979 • Texas non-shrimp 1962-1977, 1980-1988 The lookup table for the dealer codes is ALS.DEALER_CODE_ALS, valid from 1977 to 2013. It is then replaced by the Dealer Management System. |
Water Body Code. The water body (catch area) codes underwent significant changes in 2001. Previous state-dependent codes were replaced by US South Atlantic shrimp coding system and the Gulf of Mexico shrimp system codes. This created a unified water code system where the water codes were independent of the state and were unique within the SE Region. |
NMFS Gear Code. This code is currently not not available for Texas non-shrimp data from 1993-2014. Florida non-shrimp monthly landings data do not have gear codes from 1986-1996; rather, the gear information, as well as water body (area fished), and distance data are in the annual Florida canvass table. Louisiana non-shrimp gear data are not available for the predominance of records from 1990-1999. |
NMFS Species Code. |
Shellfin Code. |
These are round(whole) pounds except for FL from 1985 and prior which are as landed and molluscan shellfish which are POUNDS MEAT. |
Value in dollars of the fish that was caught. In early 1998, it was discovered that FL prices were being mistakenly attached to the round (live) weight in pounds of catch. Data were corrected so that price would attach to the landed pounds. Major changes in value (decrease) resulted from this edit. |
Section Code. There is not always meaningful data in this field. – Code for portion of state catch landed in (ie. south,north,middle for NC). Except for details mentioned here, codes were filled with spaces, nulls, or ‘0’. • North Carolina – from 1972 - still in use • South Carolina – from 1972 - year 2000 • Georgia – from 1972 - year 2000 • Florida – Filled with REGION data (4 for SATL and 5 for GULF) 1972-1976. None since 1976. Place-holder data of ‘1’ in use since 1977. • Alabama – occasional apparent typo entry 1979-1984. Filled with REGION data (5 for GULF) from 1984-1996. Place-holder data of ‘1’ since 1997. • Mississippi – occasional apparent typo entry in 1983-86 and 1992. Placeholder data of ‘1’ from 1997-2015. • Louisiana – from 1972-1989. Very spotty from 1990-1993. None since 1993. • Louisiana Menhaden – (Whichone = ‘MN’) from 1994-1997. • Texas – REGION code of 5 in 1977. None otherwise. • Gulf Shrimp (Whichone = ‘GS’) None. • North Carolina South Atlantic Shrimp (whichone =’SA’) – from 1978-1992. • South Carolina South Atlantic Shrimp (whichone=’SA’) – from 1978-2000. • Georgia South Atlantic Shrimp (whichone = ‘SA’) – from 1979-2000. • Florida South Atlantic Shrimp (whichone =’SA’) – none |
Average price per pound. The decimal point in this field is now real and is no longer implied. |
The Distance From Shore Code. The perpendicular distance zone from the fishing grounds to the shoreline. Recently (2016) the states of Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi all extended their jurisdiction to 9 miles from shore to match those already established by Florida and Texas. Coding in this field is inconsistent. • North Carolina – some apparent typos in 1964, in use from 1972-present. South Atlantic Shrimp has distance from 1978-1992. • South Carolina – some apparent typos in 1964 and 1970. In use from 1972 – present. South Atlantic Shrimp have distance data from 1979-2000. • Georgia – some apparent typos in 1964. In use from 1972 – present. South Atlantic shrimp have distance from 1978-2000. • Florida – In Florida annual canvass data 1976-1996. In Florida South Atlantic shrimp from 1981-1992. No distance data after 1996. • Alabama – some apparent typos in 1964. In use from 1973-2001. • Mississippi – In use from 1973-2015 • Louisiana – In use from 1973-1993. Louisiana Menhaden (MN) from 1995-1997. • Texas – From 1972-1977 and from 1984-1992. • Gulf Shrimp (whichone=’GS’) None. |
State that that fish was landed. There is not always meaningful data in this field. When a value of "00" is in this field, it means nothing, not anything else. |
Indicates how the price was determined for historical Florida data. Prices were not always available for every record in the Florida data. Some prices needed to be calculated from the rest of the data. There were various levels of the price calculation. The coding proceeds in sequence from 05 to 40 for more to less precise. The records with null howfigured fields did not require price calculation. Howfigured = '05' means that a weighted average price was calculated for the same dealer, species, year and month. '10' means price calculated from species, state, county, year,and month. '20' referes to species, state, year, and month. '30' refers to species, state, and year. '40' means by species and year. This column contains some codes in addition to '05','10','20','30','40' which have no apparent meaning. Valid coding appears to exist from 1988 until 1996. |
Gives the source of the data in alpha coding. Alpha codes are state abbreviations for the submitting partner except in the case of 'GS' (Gulf Shrimp System), 'SA' (South Atlantic Shrimp System), 'MN' (NMFS Menhaden data from Beaufort). |
TPWD (Texas) State Code. Coding is intermittent. The code submitted by TPWD is 43. The ALS state code for Texas is 46. Recent years are coded as 46. Many years have null fields. This column basically is not used at all. |
TPWD (Texas) County Code. This code is extremely useful as it allows the location of purchase to be recorded as opposed to the arbitrary coastal landing county assigned. Currently the NMFS county coding is being expanded to at least reflect all counties in East Texas. |
TPWD (Texas) Water Body Code. This 2 digit code matches up with the NMFS gulf grid system. It exists either by itself, or with a decimal attached indicating the Bay or Inshore area within the grid. These codes are referenced to the GSS sytem of coding (water body in als)by the table ALS.als_waterbody_old_new_xref. The Texas water body coding (including the bay code) is present in this column from 1993 through 2013. |
TPWD (Texas) Bay Code. It is represented by a decimal digit at the end of the TXWATER code. Code provides finer detail on inshore and Bay coding which is translated into the ALS Waterbody code. |
TPWD (Texas) Species Code. This is the species code generated by TPWD. It is cross-referenced to the NMFS species codes by the table ALS.species_code_texas. The coding is upto 5 digits and has more versatiity than the NMFS system. |
LDWF (Louisiana) county (parish) codes. These are 2 digit codes provided by the State of Louisiana. They are cross-referenced to the NMFS county code by the table sefsc.county_code_nmfs table. |
Condition code for Louisiana landings. Described in SEFSC.condition_code_louisiana table. Also used for Alabama landings 1994 and more recent. |
FDEP Coast Code. (Florida Data). This column is empty but it could be filled by cross-referencing existing county data. Do not recommend we drop it at this time. |
The County Code on data that comes from FDEP. (Florida Data). It is cross-referenced to the NMFS county code in the table sefsc.county_code_nmfs |
FDEP Species Code. (Florida). This is the more detailed species code from the Florida Trip Ticket system (FTT). It contains some condition of catch information and also some units of measure for certain species. Recently the NMFS coding has been appended to include tropical aquarium species from FL. |
Number of trips made. It was included in the historically formatted summary batch data provided by the FDEP up until 1997. The years data are present range from 1992-1996. |
Inshore code. (Y/N) Indicates if catch area is inshore. Present in 1994-2001 for Alabama, 1994-2005 for Mississippi, and 2000-date for Louisiana. |
A filler field. |
Batch Number for data that comes from Florida. In data from 1991-date. |
A filler field |
For Records that come from Florida, this is the conversion factor used to convert the landing weight provided by Florida to Whole pounds. Present from 1991 to date. Some assumptions are made regarding the condition of the landed species. Most food finfish are presumed to be landed as gutted. Large pelagic fish such as swordfish, shark, and tuna are presumed to be landed as logs or tubes. Some fish are landed in numbers and converted to live pounds. The conversion factor is determined accordingly. |
Summed ex-vessel value for trips with a reported price for a species. (FDEP Data) |
Summed pounds for which price was reported for a species. (FDEP Data) |
Number of trips which reported prices for a species. (FDEP Data) |
Florida Common Name of the Species landed. It is used only for Florida data. It is filled by referencing the fdep_code_tripticket field of the FTT data for data from 1997 to 2013. For 1992-1996 it was filled by referencing the more general 'fdep_code'. |
Subgroup. Only for Florida and only for 1992-1996 (although column can be easily filled from the fdep_code_tripticket column for all recent years). It is entered in the data that arrives from FDEP. Indicates the general fishery type. '1' is for food finfish, '2' is for invertebrate non-shrimp species (not including aquarium species), '3' is for food shrimp species, '4' is for bait shrimp, '5' is for marine aquarium species (up until now not included in ALS but will be very soon). |
Used for Florida data only. It may be "Y" for Edited data, or "N" for unedited data. Only present for years 1992-1996 although all batches currently show as edited. |
For Florida years 1992-1996. Print Sequence for the species. Presents the species in print order by species and groups (ie, AMBERJACKS = 1, BAITFISH = 2, BALLYHOO = 3, ETC.). |
For Florida data. More appropriately titled 'UNFACTORED_QUANTITY' as column includes numbers of individuals landed for some species codes and pounds landed for others. A conversion (see 'CONVERSION' field description) is applied to this quantity to obtain pounds whole (aka round or live). Meat pounds are obtained for molluscan bivalve shellfish. Some assumptions are made regarding the condition of the landed species. Most food finfish are presumed to be landed as gutted. Large pelagic fish such as swordfish, shark, and tuna are presumed to be landed as logs or tubes. The conversion factor is determined accordingly. |
The species code entered onto the trip ticket. In addition to indicating the species, this code sometimes indicates condition of landing and/or units landed. The unfactored_weight_fdep and conversion fields reflects the quantity for the fdep_code_tripticket. |
Oracle Id Of The Person Loading The Data |
Source File used to load data. Recorded in the ALS.ALS_LANDINGS table for the following states and years: AL 2001-2016, FL 2014-2016, GS (Gulf Shrimp Data) 2000-2016, LA 2000-2016, MS 2002-2016, NC 1994-2016, TX 1994-1998 and 2001-2016. For records where source_file was not recorded in the ALS_LANDINGS table see the table ALS.ALS_LOAD_HISTORY. This table has information for other years and states: AL 1996-2017, FL 1995-2014, GA 1995-2001, GS 1995-2017, LA 1995-2016, MN (Menhaden) 1995-2006, MS 1995-2016, NC 1995-2016, PR (Puerto RIco) 1995-2016, SA (South Atlantic Shrimp) 1995-2006, SC 1995-2010, and TX 1996-2016. |
For Records that originated in te gulf shrimp system, this is the port code from the GSS System |
Date/Time Stamp of when record was loaded |
Water Body code that had been on record before water body change project |
Region COde |
Date/Time Stamp of When Record Was Last changed |
Oracle Id Of The Person Loading The Data |
The Dealer Code. |
Child Items
No Child Items for this record.
Contact Information
No contact information is available for this record.
Please contact the owner organization (SEFSC) for inquiries on this record.
Item Identification
Title: | Table: ALS_LANDINGS |
Short Name: | ALS_LANDINGS |
Status: | Completed |
Abstract: |
SEFSC.ALS_LANDINGS is the primary tableof the ALS systems.It contains the information on each of the landings records. |
Temporal Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
None | 1973-present |
Spatial Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
None | alabama |
None | atlantic ocean |
None | Federal Waters SE United States |
None | florida |
None | georgia |
None | gulf of mexico |
None | louisiana |
None | mississippi |
None | north carolina |
None | SE United States |
None | south carolina |
None | texas |
Stratum Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
None | county |
None | dealer |
None | distance from shore |
None | gear |
None | landings |
None | species |
None | state |
None | value |
Physical Location
Organization: | Southeast Fisheries Science Center |
City: | Miami |
State/Province: | FL |
Country: | USA |
Location Description: |
Oracle Database Table |
Entity Information
Entity Type: | Data Table |
Active Version?: | Yes |
Schema Name: | ALS |
Description: |
SEFSC.ALS_LANDINGS is the primary tableof the ALS systems.It contains the information on each of the landings records. |
Data Attributes
Attribute Summary
![]() |
![]() |
Name | Type | Description |
MONTHLAND | VARCHAR2 | Two character month that the data was landed. Some historical data contains a '13' in the monthland field. This represents annual data. | |
YEARLAND | VARCHAR2 | Four digit year that the catch was landed. | |
ALSSTATE | VARCHAR2 | Two character NMFS State Code for the state of landing. | |
ALSCTYIN | VARCHAR2 | Three character NMFS County Code. This is simply the nmfscounty zero-padded to 3 characters instead of 2. It exists for reasons of extract formatting only. One day it may be used to expand the NMFS county code system. | |
NMFSCOUNTY | VARCHAR2 | 2 chararacter NMFS County Code. | |
DEALER | VARCHAR2 | The Dealer Code. The ALS data do NOT show dealer codes for the following years and states: • Alabama non-shrimp 1962-1978 • Alabama shrimp 1962-1973,1975,1979 • Georgia non-shrimp 1962-1979 • Florida non-shrimp 1962-1976 • Florida out-of-state (alsstate =’00’) 1998-2000 • Louisiana non-shrimp 1962-1978 • Mississippi non-shrimp 1962-1978 • Mississippi shrimp 1962-1973, 1975 • North Carolina non-shrimp 1962-1979 • South Carolina non-shrimp 1962-1979 • Texas non-shrimp 1962-1977, 1980-1988 The lookup table for the dealer codes is ALS.DEALER_CODE_ALS, valid from 1977 to 2013. It is then replaced by the Dealer Management System. | |
WATERBODY | VARCHAR2 | Water Body Code. The water body (catch area) codes underwent significant changes in 2001. Previous state-dependent codes were replaced by US South Atlantic shrimp coding system and the Gulf of Mexico shrimp system codes. This created a unified water code system where the water codes were independent of the state and were unique within the SE Region. | |
NMFSGEAR | VARCHAR2 | NMFS Gear Code. This code is currently not not available for Texas non-shrimp data from 1993-2014. Florida non-shrimp monthly landings data do not have gear codes from 1986-1996; rather, the gear information, as well as water body (area fished), and distance data are in the annual Florida canvass table. Louisiana non-shrimp gear data are not available for the predominance of records from 1990-1999. | |
NMFS_CODE | VARCHAR2 | NMFS Species Code. | |
SHELLFIN | VARCHAR2 | Shellfin Code. | |
POUNDS | NUMBER | These are round(whole) pounds except for FL from 1985 and prior which are as landed and molluscan shellfish which are POUNDS MEAT. | |
VALUE | NUMBER | Value in dollars of the fish that was caught. In early 1998, it was discovered that FL prices were being mistakenly attached to the round (live) weight in pounds of catch. Data were corrected so that price would attach to the landed pounds. Major changes in value (decrease) resulted from this edit. | |
SECTION | VARCHAR2 | Section Code. There is not always meaningful data in this field. – Code for portion of state catch landed in (ie. south,north,middle for NC). Except for details mentioned here, codes were filled with spaces, nulls, or ‘0’. • North Carolina – from 1972 - still in use • South Carolina – from 1972 - year 2000 • Georgia – from 1972 - year 2000 • Florida – Filled with REGION data (4 for SATL and 5 for GULF) 1972-1976. None since 1976. Place-holder data of ‘1’ in use since 1977. • Alabama – occasional apparent typo entry 1979-1984. Filled with REGION data (5 for GULF) from 1984-1996. Place-holder data of ‘1’ since 1997. • Mississippi – occasional apparent typo entry in 1983-86 and 1992. Placeholder data of ‘1’ from 1997-2015. • Louisiana – from 1972-1989. Very spotty from 1990-1993. None since 1993. • Louisiana Menhaden – (Whichone = ‘MN’) from 1994-1997. • Texas – REGION code of 5 in 1977. None otherwise. • Gulf Shrimp (Whichone = ‘GS’) None. • North Carolina South Atlantic Shrimp (whichone =’SA’) – from 1978-1992. • South Carolina South Atlantic Shrimp (whichone=’SA’) – from 1978-2000. • Georgia South Atlantic Shrimp (whichone = ‘SA’) – from 1979-2000. • Florida South Atlantic Shrimp (whichone =’SA’) – none | |
PRICE | NUMBER | Average price per pound. The decimal point in this field is now real and is no longer implied. | |
DISTANCE | VARCHAR2 | The Distance From Shore Code. The perpendicular distance zone from the fishing grounds to the shoreline. Recently (2016) the states of Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi all extended their jurisdiction to 9 miles from shore to match those already established by Florida and Texas. Coding in this field is inconsistent. • North Carolina – some apparent typos in 1964, in use from 1972-present. South Atlantic Shrimp has distance from 1978-1992. • South Carolina – some apparent typos in 1964 and 1970. In use from 1972 – present. South Atlantic Shrimp have distance data from 1979-2000. • Georgia – some apparent typos in 1964. In use from 1972 – present. South Atlantic shrimp have distance from 1978-2000. • Florida – In Florida annual canvass data 1976-1996. In Florida South Atlantic shrimp from 1981-1992. No distance data after 1996. • Alabama – some apparent typos in 1964. In use from 1973-2001. • Mississippi – In use from 1973-2015 • Louisiana – In use from 1973-1993. Louisiana Menhaden (MN) from 1995-1997. • Texas – From 1972-1977 and from 1984-1992. • Gulf Shrimp (whichone=’GS’) None. | |
STATECAUGHT | VARCHAR2 | State that that fish was landed. There is not always meaningful data in this field. When a value of "00" is in this field, it means nothing, not anything else. | |
HOWFIGURED | VARCHAR2 | Indicates how the price was determined for historical Florida data. Prices were not always available for every record in the Florida data. Some prices needed to be calculated from the rest of the data. There were various levels of the price calculation. The coding proceeds in sequence from 05 to 40 for more to less precise. The records with null howfigured fields did not require price calculation. Howfigured = '05' means that a weighted average price was calculated for the same dealer, species, year and month. '10' means price calculated from species, state, county, year,and month. '20' referes to species, state, year, and month. '30' refers to species, state, and year. '40' means by species and year. This column contains some codes in addition to '05','10','20','30','40' which have no apparent meaning. Valid coding appears to exist from 1988 until 1996. | |
WHICHONE | VARCHAR2 | Gives the source of the data in alpha coding. Alpha codes are state abbreviations for the submitting partner except in the case of 'GS' (Gulf Shrimp System), 'SA' (South Atlantic Shrimp System), 'MN' (NMFS Menhaden data from Beaufort). | |
TXSTATE | VARCHAR2 | TPWD (Texas) State Code. Coding is intermittent. The code submitted by TPWD is 43. The ALS state code for Texas is 46. Recent years are coded as 46. Many years have null fields. This column basically is not used at all. | |
TXCOUNTY | NUMBER | TPWD (Texas) County Code. This code is extremely useful as it allows the location of purchase to be recorded as opposed to the arbitrary coastal landing county assigned. Currently the NMFS county coding is being expanded to at least reflect all counties in East Texas. | |
TXWATER | VARCHAR2 | TPWD (Texas) Water Body Code. This 2 digit code matches up with the NMFS gulf grid system. It exists either by itself, or with a decimal attached indicating the Bay or Inshore area within the grid. These codes are referenced to the GSS sytem of coding (water body in als)by the table ALS.als_waterbody_old_new_xref. The Texas water body coding (including the bay code) is present in this column from 1993 through 2013. | |
TXBAY | VARCHAR2 | TPWD (Texas) Bay Code. It is represented by a decimal digit at the end of the TXWATER code. Code provides finer detail on inshore and Bay coding which is translated into the ALS Waterbody code. | |
TXSPECIES | NUMBER | TPWD (Texas) Species Code. This is the species code generated by TPWD. It is cross-referenced to the NMFS species codes by the table ALS.species_code_texas. The coding is upto 5 digits and has more versatiity than the NMFS system. | |
LACOUNTY | VARCHAR2 | LDWF (Louisiana) county (parish) codes. These are 2 digit codes provided by the State of Louisiana. They are cross-referenced to the NMFS county code by the table sefsc.county_code_nmfs table. | |
LACONDITION | VARCHAR2 | Condition code for Louisiana landings. Described in SEFSC.condition_code_louisiana table. Also used for Alabama landings 1994 and more recent. | |
FDEP_COAST | VARCHAR2 | FDEP Coast Code. (Florida Data). This column is empty but it could be filled by cross-referencing existing county data. Do not recommend we drop it at this time. | |
FDEPCTY | VARCHAR2 | The County Code on data that comes from FDEP. (Florida Data). It is cross-referenced to the NMFS county code in the table sefsc.county_code_nmfs | |
FDEP_CODE | VARCHAR2 | FDEP Species Code. (Florida). This is the more detailed species code from the Florida Trip Ticket system (FTT). It contains some condition of catch information and also some units of measure for certain species. Recently the NMFS coding has been appended to include tropical aquarium species from FL. | |
FDEP_TRIPS | NUMBER | Number of trips made. It was included in the historically formatted summary batch data provided by the FDEP up until 1997. The years data are present range from 1992-1996. | |
INSHORE | VARCHAR2 | Inshore code. (Y/N) Indicates if catch area is inshore. Present in 1994-2001 for Alabama, 1994-2005 for Mississippi, and 2000-date for Louisiana. | |
BLANK_1 | VARCHAR2 | A filler field. | |
BATCHNUM | VARCHAR2 | Batch Number for data that comes from Florida. In data from 1991-date. | |
BLANK_2 | VARCHAR2 | A filler field | |
CONVERSION | NUMBER | For Records that come from Florida, this is the conversion factor used to convert the landing weight provided by Florida to Whole pounds. Present from 1991 to date. Some assumptions are made regarding the condition of the landed species. Most food finfish are presumed to be landed as gutted. Large pelagic fish such as swordfish, shark, and tuna are presumed to be landed as logs or tubes. Some fish are landed in numbers and converted to live pounds. The conversion factor is determined accordingly. | |
VAL_VAL | NUMBER | Summed ex-vessel value for trips with a reported price for a species. (FDEP Data) | |
VAL_LBS | NUMBER | Summed pounds for which price was reported for a species. (FDEP Data) | |
VAL_TRIPS | NUMBER | Number of trips which reported prices for a species. (FDEP Data) | |
FL_COMMON | VARCHAR2 | Florida Common Name of the Species landed. It is used only for Florida data. It is filled by referencing the fdep_code_tripticket field of the FTT data for data from 1997 to 2013. For 1992-1996 it was filled by referencing the more general 'fdep_code'. | |
SUBGROUP | VARCHAR2 | Subgroup. Only for Florida and only for 1992-1996 (although column can be easily filled from the fdep_code_tripticket column for all recent years). It is entered in the data that arrives from FDEP. Indicates the general fishery type. '1' is for food finfish, '2' is for invertebrate non-shrimp species (not including aquarium species), '3' is for food shrimp species, '4' is for bait shrimp, '5' is for marine aquarium species (up until now not included in ALS but will be very soon). | |
FLEDIT | VARCHAR2 | Used for Florida data only. It may be "Y" for Edited data, or "N" for unedited data. Only present for years 1992-1996 although all batches currently show as edited. | |
PRINTSEQ | VARCHAR2 | For Florida years 1992-1996. Print Sequence for the species. Presents the species in print order by species and groups (ie, AMBERJACKS = 1, BAITFISH = 2, BALLYHOO = 3, ETC.). | |
UNFACTORED_WEIGHT_FDEP | NUMBER | For Florida data. More appropriately titled 'UNFACTORED_QUANTITY' as column includes numbers of individuals landed for some species codes and pounds landed for others. A conversion (see 'CONVERSION' field description) is applied to this quantity to obtain pounds whole (aka round or live). Meat pounds are obtained for molluscan bivalve shellfish. Some assumptions are made regarding the condition of the landed species. Most food finfish are presumed to be landed as gutted. Large pelagic fish such as swordfish, shark, and tuna are presumed to be landed as logs or tubes. The conversion factor is determined accordingly. | |
FDEP_CODE_TRIPTICKET | VARCHAR2 | The species code entered onto the trip ticket. In addition to indicating the species, this code sometimes indicates condition of landing and/or units landed. The unfactored_weight_fdep and conversion fields reflects the quantity for the fdep_code_tripticket. | |
USERID | VARCHAR2 | Oracle Id Of The Person Loading The Data | |
SOURCE_FILE | VARCHAR2 | Source File used to load data. Recorded in the ALS.ALS_LANDINGS table for the following states and years: AL 2001-2016, FL 2014-2016, GS (Gulf Shrimp Data) 2000-2016, LA 2000-2016, MS 2002-2016, NC 1994-2016, TX 1994-1998 and 2001-2016. For records where source_file was not recorded in the ALS_LANDINGS table see the table ALS.ALS_LOAD_HISTORY. This table has information for other years and states: AL 1996-2017, FL 1995-2014, GA 1995-2001, GS 1995-2017, LA 1995-2016, MN (Menhaden) 1995-2006, MS 1995-2016, NC 1995-2016, PR (Puerto RIco) 1995-2016, SA (South Atlantic Shrimp) 1995-2006, SC 1995-2010, and TX 1996-2016. | |
GSS_PORT | NUMBER | For Records that originated in te gulf shrimp system, this is the port code from the GSS System | |
LOAD_DATE | DATE | Date/Time Stamp of when record was loaded | |
OLD_WATERBODY | VARCHAR2 | Water Body code that had been on record before water body change project | |
REGION | VARCHAR2 | Region COde | |
LAST_CHANGE_DATE | DATE | Date/Time Stamp of When Record Was Last changed | |
LAST_CHANGE_USERID | VARCHAR2 | Oracle Id Of The Person Loading The Data | |
OLD_DEALER | VARCHAR2 | The Dealer Code. |
Attribute Details
Seq. Order: | 1 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 2 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Two character month that the data was landed. Some historical data contains a '13' in the monthland field. This represents annual data. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 2 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 4 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Four digit year that the catch was landed. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 3 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 2 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Two character NMFS State Code for the state of landing. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 4 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 3 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Three character NMFS County Code. This is simply the nmfscounty zero-padded to 3 characters instead of 2. It exists for reasons of extract formatting only. One day it may be used to expand the NMFS county code system. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 5 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 2 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
2 chararacter NMFS County Code. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 6 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 9 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The Dealer Code. The ALS data do NOT show dealer codes for the following years and states: • Alabama non-shrimp 1962-1978 • Alabama shrimp 1962-1973,1975,1979 • Georgia non-shrimp 1962-1979 • Florida non-shrimp 1962-1976 • Florida out-of-state (alsstate =’00’) 1998-2000 • Louisiana non-shrimp 1962-1978 • Mississippi non-shrimp 1962-1978 • Mississippi shrimp 1962-1973, 1975 • North Carolina non-shrimp 1962-1979 • South Carolina non-shrimp 1962-1979 • Texas non-shrimp 1962-1977, 1980-1988 The lookup table for the dealer codes is ALS.DEALER_CODE_ALS, valid from 1977 to 2013. It is then replaced by the Dealer Management System. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Foreign Key Relations: |
Yearland, whichone, alsstate, nmfscounty, dealer to ALS.DEALER_CODE_ALS. |
Seq. Order: | 7 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 4 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Water Body Code. The water body (catch area) codes underwent significant changes in 2001. Previous state-dependent codes were replaced by US South Atlantic shrimp coding system and the Gulf of Mexico shrimp system codes. This created a unified water code system where the water codes were independent of the state and were unique within the SE Region. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 8 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 3 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
NMFS Gear Code. This code is currently not not available for Texas non-shrimp data from 1993-2014. Florida non-shrimp monthly landings data do not have gear codes from 1986-1996; rather, the gear information, as well as water body (area fished), and distance data are in the annual Florida canvass table. Louisiana non-shrimp gear data are not available for the predominance of records from 1990-1999. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 9 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 4 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
NMFS Species Code. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 10 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 1 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Shellfin Code. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 11 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 22 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Precision: | 9 |
Scale: | 0 |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
These are round(whole) pounds except for FL from 1985 and prior which are as landed and molluscan shellfish which are POUNDS MEAT. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Seq. Order: | 12 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 22 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Precision: | 9 |
Scale: | 0 |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Value in dollars of the fish that was caught. In early 1998, it was discovered that FL prices were being mistakenly attached to the round (live) weight in pounds of catch. Data were corrected so that price would attach to the landed pounds. Major changes in value (decrease) resulted from this edit. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Seq. Order: | 13 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 1 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Section Code. There is not always meaningful data in this field. – Code for portion of state catch landed in (ie. south,north,middle for NC). Except for details mentioned here, codes were filled with spaces, nulls, or ‘0’. • North Carolina – from 1972 - still in use • South Carolina – from 1972 - year 2000 • Georgia – from 1972 - year 2000 • Florida – Filled with REGION data (4 for SATL and 5 for GULF) 1972-1976. None since 1976. Place-holder data of ‘1’ in use since 1977. • Alabama – occasional apparent typo entry 1979-1984. Filled with REGION data (5 for GULF) from 1984-1996. Place-holder data of ‘1’ since 1997. • Mississippi – occasional apparent typo entry in 1983-86 and 1992. Placeholder data of ‘1’ from 1997-2015. • Louisiana – from 1972-1989. Very spotty from 1990-1993. None since 1993. • Louisiana Menhaden – (Whichone = ‘MN’) from 1994-1997. • Texas – REGION code of 5 in 1977. None otherwise. • Gulf Shrimp (Whichone = ‘GS’) None. • North Carolina South Atlantic Shrimp (whichone =’SA’) – from 1978-1992. • South Carolina South Atlantic Shrimp (whichone=’SA’) – from 1978-2000. • Georgia South Atlantic Shrimp (whichone = ‘SA’) – from 1979-2000. • Florida South Atlantic Shrimp (whichone =’SA’) – none |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 14 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 22 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Precision: | 7 |
Scale: | 3 |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Average price per pound. The decimal point in this field is now real and is no longer implied. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Seq. Order: | 15 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 1 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The Distance From Shore Code. The perpendicular distance zone from the fishing grounds to the shoreline. Recently (2016) the states of Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi all extended their jurisdiction to 9 miles from shore to match those already established by Florida and Texas. Coding in this field is inconsistent. • North Carolina – some apparent typos in 1964, in use from 1972-present. South Atlantic Shrimp has distance from 1978-1992. • South Carolina – some apparent typos in 1964 and 1970. In use from 1972 – present. South Atlantic Shrimp have distance data from 1979-2000. • Georgia – some apparent typos in 1964. In use from 1972 – present. South Atlantic shrimp have distance from 1978-2000. • Florida – In Florida annual canvass data 1976-1996. In Florida South Atlantic shrimp from 1981-1992. No distance data after 1996. • Alabama – some apparent typos in 1964. In use from 1973-2001. • Mississippi – In use from 1973-2015 • Louisiana – In use from 1973-1993. Louisiana Menhaden (MN) from 1995-1997. • Texas – From 1972-1977 and from 1984-1992. • Gulf Shrimp (whichone=’GS’) None. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 16 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 2 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
State that that fish was landed. There is not always meaningful data in this field. When a value of "00" is in this field, it means nothing, not anything else. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 17 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 2 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Indicates how the price was determined for historical Florida data. Prices were not always available for every record in the Florida data. Some prices needed to be calculated from the rest of the data. There were various levels of the price calculation. The coding proceeds in sequence from 05 to 40 for more to less precise. The records with null howfigured fields did not require price calculation. Howfigured = '05' means that a weighted average price was calculated for the same dealer, species, year and month. '10' means price calculated from species, state, county, year,and month. '20' referes to species, state, year, and month. '30' refers to species, state, and year. '40' means by species and year. This column contains some codes in addition to '05','10','20','30','40' which have no apparent meaning. Valid coding appears to exist from 1988 until 1996. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 18 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 2 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Gives the source of the data in alpha coding. Alpha codes are state abbreviations for the submitting partner except in the case of 'GS' (Gulf Shrimp System), 'SA' (South Atlantic Shrimp System), 'MN' (NMFS Menhaden data from Beaufort). |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 19 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 2 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
TPWD (Texas) State Code. Coding is intermittent. The code submitted by TPWD is 43. The ALS state code for Texas is 46. Recent years are coded as 46. Many years have null fields. This column basically is not used at all. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 20 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 22 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Precision: | 3 |
Scale: | 0 |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
TPWD (Texas) County Code. This code is extremely useful as it allows the location of purchase to be recorded as opposed to the arbitrary coastal landing county assigned. Currently the NMFS county coding is being expanded to at least reflect all counties in East Texas. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Seq. Order: | 21 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 3 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
TPWD (Texas) Water Body Code. This 2 digit code matches up with the NMFS gulf grid system. It exists either by itself, or with a decimal attached indicating the Bay or Inshore area within the grid. These codes are referenced to the GSS sytem of coding (water body in als)by the table ALS.als_waterbody_old_new_xref. The Texas water body coding (including the bay code) is present in this column from 1993 through 2013. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 22 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 2 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
TPWD (Texas) Bay Code. It is represented by a decimal digit at the end of the TXWATER code. Code provides finer detail on inshore and Bay coding which is translated into the ALS Waterbody code. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 23 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 22 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Precision: | 5 |
Scale: | 0 |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
TPWD (Texas) Species Code. This is the species code generated by TPWD. It is cross-referenced to the NMFS species codes by the table ALS.species_code_texas. The coding is upto 5 digits and has more versatiity than the NMFS system. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Seq. Order: | 24 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 2 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
LDWF (Louisiana) county (parish) codes. These are 2 digit codes provided by the State of Louisiana. They are cross-referenced to the NMFS county code by the table sefsc.county_code_nmfs table. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 25 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 1 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Condition code for Louisiana landings. Described in SEFSC.condition_code_louisiana table. Also used for Alabama landings 1994 and more recent. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 26 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 1 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
FDEP Coast Code. (Florida Data). This column is empty but it could be filled by cross-referencing existing county data. Do not recommend we drop it at this time. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 27 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 2 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The County Code on data that comes from FDEP. (Florida Data). It is cross-referenced to the NMFS county code in the table sefsc.county_code_nmfs |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 28 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 3 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
FDEP Species Code. (Florida). This is the more detailed species code from the Florida Trip Ticket system (FTT). It contains some condition of catch information and also some units of measure for certain species. Recently the NMFS coding has been appended to include tropical aquarium species from FL. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 29 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 22 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Precision: | 6 |
Scale: | 0 |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Number of trips made. It was included in the historically formatted summary batch data provided by the FDEP up until 1997. The years data are present range from 1992-1996. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Seq. Order: | 30 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 1 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Inshore code. (Y/N) Indicates if catch area is inshore. Present in 1994-2001 for Alabama, 1994-2005 for Mississippi, and 2000-date for Louisiana. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 31 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 1 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
A filler field. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 32 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 6 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Batch Number for data that comes from Florida. In data from 1991-date. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 33 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 1 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
A filler field |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 34 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 22 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Precision: | 9 |
Scale: | 5 |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
For Records that come from Florida, this is the conversion factor used to convert the landing weight provided by Florida to Whole pounds. Present from 1991 to date. Some assumptions are made regarding the condition of the landed species. Most food finfish are presumed to be landed as gutted. Large pelagic fish such as swordfish, shark, and tuna are presumed to be landed as logs or tubes. Some fish are landed in numbers and converted to live pounds. The conversion factor is determined accordingly. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Seq. Order: | 35 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 22 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Precision: | 13 |
Scale: | 2 |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Summed ex-vessel value for trips with a reported price for a species. (FDEP Data) |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Seq. Order: | 36 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 22 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Precision: | 9 |
Scale: | 0 |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Summed pounds for which price was reported for a species. (FDEP Data) |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Seq. Order: | 37 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 22 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Precision: | 6 |
Scale: | 0 |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Number of trips which reported prices for a species. (FDEP Data) |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Seq. Order: | 38 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 45 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Florida Common Name of the Species landed. It is used only for Florida data. It is filled by referencing the fdep_code_tripticket field of the FTT data for data from 1997 to 2013. For 1992-1996 it was filled by referencing the more general 'fdep_code'. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 39 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 1 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Subgroup. Only for Florida and only for 1992-1996 (although column can be easily filled from the fdep_code_tripticket column for all recent years). It is entered in the data that arrives from FDEP. Indicates the general fishery type. '1' is for food finfish, '2' is for invertebrate non-shrimp species (not including aquarium species), '3' is for food shrimp species, '4' is for bait shrimp, '5' is for marine aquarium species (up until now not included in ALS but will be very soon). |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 40 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 1 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Used for Florida data only. It may be "Y" for Edited data, or "N" for unedited data. Only present for years 1992-1996 although all batches currently show as edited. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 41 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 3 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
For Florida years 1992-1996. Print Sequence for the species. Presents the species in print order by species and groups (ie, AMBERJACKS = 1, BAITFISH = 2, BALLYHOO = 3, ETC.). |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 42 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 22 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Precision: | 9 |
Scale: | 0 |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
For Florida data. More appropriately titled 'UNFACTORED_QUANTITY' as column includes numbers of individuals landed for some species codes and pounds landed for others. A conversion (see 'CONVERSION' field description) is applied to this quantity to obtain pounds whole (aka round or live). Meat pounds are obtained for molluscan bivalve shellfish. Some assumptions are made regarding the condition of the landed species. Most food finfish are presumed to be landed as gutted. Large pelagic fish such as swordfish, shark, and tuna are presumed to be landed as logs or tubes. The conversion factor is determined accordingly. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Seq. Order: | 43 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 3 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The species code entered onto the trip ticket. In addition to indicating the species, this code sometimes indicates condition of landing and/or units landed. The unfactored_weight_fdep and conversion fields reflects the quantity for the fdep_code_tripticket. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 44 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 30 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Oracle Id Of The Person Loading The Data |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 45 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 50 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Source File used to load data. Recorded in the ALS.ALS_LANDINGS table for the following states and years: AL 2001-2016, FL 2014-2016, GS (Gulf Shrimp Data) 2000-2016, LA 2000-2016, MS 2002-2016, NC 1994-2016, TX 1994-1998 and 2001-2016. For records where source_file was not recorded in the ALS_LANDINGS table see the table ALS.ALS_LOAD_HISTORY. This table has information for other years and states: AL 1996-2017, FL 1995-2014, GA 1995-2001, GS 1995-2017, LA 1995-2016, MN (Menhaden) 1995-2006, MS 1995-2016, NC 1995-2016, PR (Puerto RIco) 1995-2016, SA (South Atlantic Shrimp) 1995-2006, SC 1995-2010, and TX 1996-2016. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 46 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 22 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Precision: | 2 |
Scale: | 0 |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
For Records that originated in te gulf shrimp system, this is the port code from the GSS System |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Seq. Order: | 47 |
Data Storage Type: | DATE |
Max Length: | 7 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Date/Time Stamp of when record was loaded |
General Data Type: | DATE |
Seq. Order: | 48 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 4 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Water Body code that had been on record before water body change project |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 49 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 2 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Region COde |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 50 |
Data Storage Type: | DATE |
Max Length: | 7 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Date/Time Stamp of When Record Was Last changed |
General Data Type: | DATE |
Seq. Order: | 51 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 30 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Oracle Id Of The Person Loading The Data |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Seq. Order: | 52 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Max Length: | 9 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The Dealer Code. |
General Data Type: | VARCHAR2 |
Support Roles
Access Information
Security Class: | Confidential |
Security Classification System: |
Password Restricted. Rule of 3: Data summaries must include at least 3 dealers to be considered non-confidential. See: NOAA FORM 58-5 (1-84) TRANSMITTAL 127, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA Administrative Order 216-100 NOAA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER SERIES Date of Issuance: July 26, 1994 |
Security Handling Description: |
Confidential data may only be released to entities having a signed non-disclosure agreement on file with the Director of the Information Resources Management Division (IRMD). Otherwise, confidentiality may be suppressed by the following methods used for aggregation of confidential data: Data that are submitted as confidential can be released to the public under the following circumstances: 1. Combined or aggregated data. Confidential data can be released if the data are aggregated or summarized in a manner that prevents the identification of the person or organization that submitted the data. The "rule of three" and identification of majority allocations" are the primary data suppression methods. 2. Obscure (scramble) or remove the data identifier. For some types of data, confidential data Can be released as non-confidential if the identity of the person, vessel, company, etc. that submitted the data is not included or is scrambled as part of the data that are released. 3. Submitter. Confidential data collected under federal authority Can be released to the original entity (person, vessel, business, etc.) that sUbmitted the data. 4. Confidential data waived. The protection of confidential data can be waived by the person or business that submitted the data. |
Data Access Policy: |
See NOAA Administrative Order 216-100 NOAA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER SERIES Date of Issuance: July 26, 1994 |
Data Access Procedure: |
These standards and procedures apply to all employees of the SEFSC that need access to confidential fisheries statistics. This includes full time or term employees, contractors, volunteers, and/or other employees associated with the SEFSC, but not directly employed by either organization. Any SEFSC employee that needs or desires access to confidential data must have read NOA 216-100 and submitted a signed nondisclosure statement to the Director, Information Resources Management Division (IRMD). The non-disclosure statement must be approved by the Director of IRMD and maintained on file by IRMD. It is the responsibility of the Director of IRMD to certifY upon request, that a person or organization that requests access to confidential data is authorized access to those data. All employees that have access to and/or use confidential data (federal and nonfederal) are responsible to protect those data from unauthorized access or release. Contractors or grantees that have an agreement with NMFS can be granted access to confidential data as an authorized user (See NOA 216-100 1 Section 6.03e). It should be clearly understood that confidential data cannot be released simply by an individual signing a nondisclosure statement. There must be a clear and demonstrable need for the confidential data that are requested as part of a contract or grant. Confidential data can only be released for the specific contract or grant. Upon completion of the contract or grant, the recipient must either return the data or state that it has been destroyed. The contractor or grantee cannot use the data for any purpose other than the uses stated in the agreement. The Contracting Officers Technical Representative (COTR) or the Technical Monitor (TM) that has been assigned to the contract or grant, respectively, has the following? responsibilities: 1. The COTR/TM has the responsibility to determine whether the contractor/grantee is eligible to receive the confidential data that are requested in the agreement. 2. The COTR/TM has the responsibility to assure that all persons included in the agreement have read NOA 2l6-l00 and have signed a nondisclosure statement. A statement must be signed by each person that will have access to the confidential data under the agreement, i.e., a blanket statement cannot be used for the company or firm. The COTR/TM also has the responsibility to make sure that the Director, IRMD has signed and approved the nondisclosure statement and the statement is on file with IRMD. 3. The COTR/TM has the responsibility to assure that confidential data are not released in any publication, report, oral presentation, or other means to the public by the contractor or grantee. |
Data Access Constraints: |
To access confidential data a completed non-disclosure agreement must be on file with NOAA-SEFSC. Otherwise Data that are submitted as confidential can be released to the public under the following circumstances: 1. Combined or aggregated data. Confidential data can be released if the data are aggregated or summarized in a manner that prevents the identification of the person or organization that submitted the data. The "rule of three" and identification of majority allocations" are the primary data suppression methods. 2. Obscure (scramble) or remove the data identifier. For some types of data, confidential data Can be released as non-confidential if the identity of the person, vessel, company, etc. that submitted the data is not included or is scrambled as part of the data that are released. 3. Submitter. Confidential data collected under federal authority Can be released to the original entity (person, vessel, business, etc.) that sUbmitted the data. 4. Confidential data waived. The protection of confidential data can be waived by the person or business that submitted the data. |
Data Use Constraints: |
Confidential data are not to be released in any publication, report, oral presentation, or other means to the public. |
Metadata Access Constraints: |
Non-published Metadata access is restricted. Published Metadata is available to the public. |
Metadata Use Constraints: |
Use only Published Metadata. |
Activity Log
Activity Log 1
Activity Date/Time: | 1986-06-26 |
Activity Type: | Species Code Amendment |
Responsible Party: | Joshua Bennett |
Description: |
Species codes added for: 1551 Hake, red and white mixed, unclassified 1552 Hake, red and white mixed, small |
Activity Log 2
Activity Date/Time: | 1987-07-20 |
Activity Type: | Species code amendment |
Responsible Party: | Joshua Bennett |
Description: |
Shark Codes added for Nurse Shark Sand Tiger Shark Bigeye THresher Longfin Mako Porbeagle Bignose SIlky Night shark Blacktip Spinner Bull Oceanic Whitetip Lemon Shark Atlantic sharpnose shark |
Activity Log 3
Activity Date/Time: | 1988-02-24 |
Activity Type: | Species code amendments |
Responsible Party: | Guy Davenport |
Description: |
Clam size and Stone Crab claw size codes added. |
Activity Log 4
Activity Date/Time: | 1988-06-09 |
Activity Type: | Species Code Update |
Responsible Party: | Joshua Bennett |
Description: |
Lengthy list of species codes added: Butterfish super super small Hake Atlantic red and white Rockfish (many codes) Scups or porgies Jumbo Shark, basking Catfish, Aquaculture Trout and Salmon aquaculture codes Shrimp Aquaculture |
Activity Log 5
Activity Date/Time: | 1989-01-11 |
Activity Type: | Species Code Update |
Responsible Party: | Joshua Bennett |
Description: |
Species Code Added: 2502 Oilfish 5131 Wreckfish |
Activity Log 6
Activity Date/Time: | 1990-01-29 |
Activity Type: | Species Code Amendment |
Responsible Party: | Joshua Bennett |
Description: |
Species Codes Added: 0662 Catfish, blue 0663 Catfish, channel 0664 Catfish, flathead 1223 Flounder, Atlantic Sand 2348 Mullet with red roe 2349 Mullet with white roe (milt) 3475 Shark fins 7339 Trachypenaeus Shrimp |
Activity Log 7
Activity Date/Time: | 1991-03-29 |
Activity Type: | Species Code Amendments as of above date-Misc |
Responsible Party: | Joshua Bennett |
Description: |
Escolar 2501 Margate 1442 Sea Raven 3270 Grass Carp 4800 Hake 5070,5080,5081,5082 Greater Amberjack 1812 Lesser Amberjack 1815 Banded Rudderfish Almaco Jack 1810 Horseye Jack 1800 Black Jack 1805 |
Activity Log 8
Activity Date/Time: | 1992-08-25 |
Activity Type: | Species Code Amendments |
Responsible Party: | Joshua Bennett |
Description: |
Added species codes for 2035 Lancetfishes 2710 Pomfrets 3490 Reef Shark 3522 Smooth Hammerhead 3523 Scalloped Hammerhead 3524 Great Hammerhead 4010 Longbill spearfish 8011 Weathervane scallop 8013 Spiny Scallop 1444 Bluestriped Grunt 1445 French Grunt 1443 Black Margate 1442 Margate 4561 Gray Triggerfish 4562 Ocean Triggerfish 4563 Queen Triggerfish 3485 Blacknose Shark 3481 Finetooth Shark 3483 Bonnethead Shark |
Activity Log 9
Activity Date/Time: | 1995-04-28 |
Activity Type: | Species code amendment |
Responsible Party: | Joshua Bennett |
Description: |
Code 2111 was added for Menhaden, Bait |
Activity Log 10
Activity Date/Time: | 1995-04-28 |
Activity Type: | Species code amendment |
Responsible Party: | Joshua Bennett |
Description: |
Codes 4321-4327 for swordfish sizes were eliminated in favor of the single code 4320. |
Activity Log 11
Activity Date/Time: | 2003-04-24 |
Activity Type: | Shark fin edit |
Responsible Party: | Joshua Bennett |
Description: |
Shark landings are converted to whole weight in the ALS from dressed weight by a factor of 1.39 (some states such as NC use a conversion factor of 2.0. Adding fin weight to the already calculated whole weight of the shark is double counting of the weights. For this reason the fin weights were set to 0 while the value was retained. Records were backed up in separate tables for historical edits. With the advent of the FIN/ACCSP data format ALS can carry the original landed weights so that the data can now be re-adjusted to contain shark fin data in the landed weights. |
Activity Log 12
Activity Date/Time: | 2004-05-30 |
Activity Type: | Gear code edit |
Responsible Party: | Joshua Bennett |
Description: |
Gear code 676 and 613 changed to 675 (longlines) for 2003 swordfish landings from Tuna Fresh, 3-G (Griffins) in LA, Dixie Fish, Floribbean wholesale, Southard Market inc, Twinam Sfd, and Water Street seafood. |
Activity Log 13
Activity Date/Time: | 2008-01-17 |
Activity Type: | Column ALteration |
Responsible Party: | Joshua Bennett |
Description: |
Changed width of DEALER column from 9 to 10. This was to accommodate new 10 digit codes from South Carolina. Changes were made to all ALS tables for uniformity. |
Activity Log 14
Activity Date/Time: | 2008-03-21 |
Activity Type: | Code Edit |
Responsible Party: | Joshua Bennett |
Description: |
Dealer codes were all trimmed of leading zeros. Null or placeholder codes were set to '999999999' |
Activity Log 15
Activity Date/Time: | 2013-04-24 |
Activity Type: | Code Edit |
Responsible Party: | Joshua Bennett |
Description: |
Waterbody code '3774' (Maryland Federal Waters) was edited to '6260' in data and lookup als_waterbody_old_new_xref. |
Activity Log 16
Activity Date/Time: | 2015-07-09 |
Activity Type: | Drop Records |
Responsible Party: | Joshua Bennett |
Description: |
Duplicate records were discovered in ALS.ALS_LANDINGS for Alabama in December 1998. Records loaded from 2 sources 'AL' and 'SL' replicated one another. The 'SL' records were dropped from the table. (144 records). |
Activity Log 17
Activity Date/Time: | 2017-02-14 |
Activity Type: | County Code Updates to historical data and lookups |
Responsible Party: | Joshua Bennett |
Description: |
ALL 1978 Texas non-shrimp landings have '00' for county codes ALL 1979 Texas non-shrimp landings have '00' for county codes 7% of 1983 Texas non-shrimp landings have '00' for county codes The lookups had no code for alsstate 46, nmfscounty 00 so this may have led to improper joins. I added a record for alsstate 46 nmfscounty 00 to the sefsc.county_code_nmfs, the sefsc.fips_state_county_code_xref and the sefsc.county_code_texas tables. In addition there were 25 records for blue crab state 11, county 14 which has no cross reference. Since records were from only 1 dealer (WD0002116) which was otherwise located in State 11, county 43, I updated county 14 to 43 so now is State 11, county 43 in ALS.ALS_LANDINGS. Finally there were 3 records in als.als_landings for LA for alsstate = 21, nmfscounty 00 which I updated the sefsc.county_code_nmfs and the sefsc.fips_state_county_code_xref tables for. |
Issue 1
Issue Date: | 2011-06-10 |
Author: | Bennett, Joshua |
Issue: |
Shrimp gear is NULL in table for Gulf of Mexico region before 1984. Neither is it present in source table GSS.GSS_GULF_SHRIMP_56_83. |
Issue 2
Issue Date: | 2004-01-27 |
Author: | Bennett, Joshua |
Issue: |
Trawl gear in Louisiana. For edible finfish landings, trawl gear refers to hook and line specifically, it may refer to troll gear 660. Trawl could also refer to longline gear. |
Issue 3
Issue Date: | 2000 |
Author: | Bennett, Joshua |
Issue: |
Florida prices. Not all records from the Florida DWF have prices attached. NMFS port agents submitted prices to fill in the blanks. Eventually when the detailed data were submitted to NMFS in the mid-to-late 1990's, a program was run which calculated prices for records with no prices from records which had prices. Where no price could be found, the price was manually updated by the ALS data manager on consultation with the field agents. |
Catalog Details
Catalog Item ID: | 5450 |
GUID: | gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:5450 |
Metadata Record Created By: | Lee M Weinberger |
Metadata Record Created: | 2007-10-16 08:22+0000 |
Metadata Record Last Modified By: | Lee M Weinberger |
Metadata Record Last Modified: | 2024-06-14 14:05+0000 |
Metadata Record Published: | 2024-06-14 |
Owner Org: | SEFSC |
Metadata Publication Status: | Published Externally |
Do Not Publish?: | N |
Metadata Last Review Date: | 2021-05-06 |
Metadata Review Frequency: | 1 Year |
Metadata Next Review Date: | 2022-05-06 |