2017 Vessel Transit Counts by Type
Data Set (DS) | Office for Coastal Management (OCM)GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:55363 | Updated: August 21, 2024 | Published / External
Short Citation
Office for Coastal Management, 2025: 2017 Vessel Transit Counts by Type, https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/inport/item/55363.
Full Citation Examples
Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) are a navigation safety device that transmits and monitors the location and characteristics of many vessels in U.S. and international waters in real-time. In the U.S. the Coast Guard and industry collect AIS data, which can also be used for a variety of coastal planning purposes. NOAA and BOEM have worked jointly to re-task and make available some of the most important records from the U.S. Coast Guard's national network of AIS receivers. This dataset represents annual vessel transit counts summarized at a 100 m by 100 m geographic area. A single transit is counted each time a vessel track passes through, starts, or stops within a 100 m grid cell.
This record represents the metadata for each of these vessel types: Cargo, Fishing, Passenger, Pleasure Craft and Sailing, Tanker, and Tug and Towing.
Distribution Information
Marine Cadastre Data Registry
These data are intended for coastal and ocean planning
NOAA makes no warranties or representations whatsoever regarding the availability, quality, accuracy, content, completeness or suitability for the user's needs of such information. The services, information, and data made available on the Marine Cadastre web site are provided "as is" without warranties of any kind. These data are intended for coastal and ocean use planning. Not for navigation. https://www.marinecadastre.gov/about/disclaimer.html
Controlled Theme Keywords
environment, ENVIRONMENTAL GOVERNANCE/MANAGEMENT, oceans, planningCadastre, transportation
Child Items
No Child Items for this record.
Contact Information
Point of Contact
NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
(843) 740-1202
Metadata Contact
NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
(843) 740-1202
-132° W,
-60° E,
51.5° N,
10.7° S
2017-01-01 - 2017-12-31
Item Identification
Title: | 2017 Vessel Transit Counts by Type |
Status: | Completed |
Publication Date: | 2019-02-06 |
Abstract: |
Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) are a navigation safety device that transmits and monitors the location and characteristics of many vessels in U.S. and international waters in real-time. In the U.S. the Coast Guard and industry collect AIS data, which can also be used for a variety of coastal planning purposes. NOAA and BOEM have worked jointly to re-task and make available some of the most important records from the U.S. Coast Guard's national network of AIS receivers. This dataset represents annual vessel transit counts summarized at a 100 m by 100 m geographic area. A single transit is counted each time a vessel track passes through, starts, or stops within a 100 m grid cell. This record represents the metadata for each of these vessel types: Cargo, Fishing, Passenger, Pleasure Craft and Sailing, Tanker, and Tug and Towing. |
Purpose: |
To support ocean planning activities pursuant to the Executive Order Regarding the Ocean Policy to Advance the Economic, Security, and Environmental Interests of the United States, the Energy Policy Act, the Rivers and Harbors Act, and the Coastal Zone Management Act. |
Notes: |
This record represents the metadata for each of these vessel types: Cargo, Fishing, Passenger, Pleasure Craft and Sailing, Tanker, and Tug and Towing. |
Other Citation Details: |
Design, development, and processing provided by: The Baldwin Group Inc. and RPS Group Inc. |
Supplemental Information: |
Reference System: Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere Horizontal Datum: D_WGS_1984 Linear Unit: Meter (1.0) Angular Unit: Degree (0.0174532925199433) Geographic extent: 132W to 60W, 10.7S to 51.5N |
Theme Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords |
ISO 19115 Topic Category |
ISO 19115 Topic Category |
ISO 19115 Topic Category |
ISO 19115 Topic Category |
None | AIS |
None | Automatic Identification System |
None | Cargo |
None | coastal zone management |
None | Fishing |
None | Military |
None | ocean planning |
None | Passenger |
None | planning |
None | Pleasure Craft |
None | position report |
None | Sailing |
None | static data report |
None | Tanker |
None | Tow |
None | transportation |
None | Tug |
None | vessel |
None | vessel traffic |
None | voyage |
Spatial Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Location Keywords |
None | Atlantic Ocean |
None | East Coast |
None | Exclusive Economic Zone |
None | Great Lakes |
None | Gulf of Mexico |
None | Outer Continental Shelf |
None | Pacific Ocean |
None | United States |
None | UTM Zone 1 |
None | UTM Zone 10 |
None | UTM Zone 11 |
None | UTM Zone 14 |
None | UTM Zone 15 |
None | UTM Zone 16 |
None | UTM Zone 17 |
None | UTM Zone 18 |
None | UTM Zone 19 |
None | UTM Zone 2 |
None | UTM Zone 20 |
None | UTM Zone 3 |
None | UTM Zone 4 |
None | UTM Zone 5 |
None | UTM Zone 6 |
None | UTM Zone 7 |
None | UTM Zone 8 |
None | UTM Zone 9 |
None | West Coast |
Physical Location
Organization: | Office for Coastal Management |
City: | Charleston |
State/Province: | SC |
Data Set Information
Data Set Scope Code: | Data Set |
Maintenance Frequency: | None Planned |
Data Presentation Form: | Map (digital) |
Distribution Liability: |
Users must assume responsibility to determine the appropriate use of these data. DATA SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR LEGALLY BINDING APPLICATIONS. NOAA makes no warranties or representations whatsoever regarding the availability, quality, accuracy, content, completeness or suitability for the user's needs of such information. The services, information, and data made available on the Marine Cadastre web site are provided "as is" without warranties of any kind. These data are intended for coastal and ocean use planning. Not for navigation. https://www.marinecadastre.gov/about/disclaimer.html |
Data Set Credit: | CREDIT: MarineCadastre.gov, NOAA Office for Coastal Management, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management ORIGINATORS: NOAA Office for Coastal Management, NOAA Office for Coastal Management; |
Support Roles
Data Steward
Date Effective From: | 2018 |
Date Effective To: | |
Contact (Organization): | NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM) |
Address: |
2234 South Hobson Ave Charleston, SC 29405-2413 |
Email Address: | coastal.info@noaa.gov |
Phone: | (843) 740-1202 |
URL: | https://coast.noaa.gov |
Date Effective From: | 2018 |
Date Effective To: | |
Contact (Organization): | NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM) |
Address: |
2234 South Hobson Ave Charleston, SC 29405-2413 |
Email Address: | coastal.info@noaa.gov |
Phone: | (843) 740-1202 |
URL: | https://coast.noaa.gov |
Metadata Contact
Date Effective From: | 2018 |
Date Effective To: | |
Contact (Organization): | NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM) |
Address: |
2234 South Hobson Ave Charleston, SC 29405-2413 |
Email Address: | coastal.info@noaa.gov |
Phone: | (843) 740-1202 |
URL: | https://coast.noaa.gov |
Point of Contact
Date Effective From: | 2018 |
Date Effective To: | |
Contact (Organization): | NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM) |
Address: |
2234 South Hobson Ave Charleston, SC 29405-2413 |
Email Address: | coastal.info@noaa.gov |
Phone: | (843) 740-1202 |
URL: | https://coast.noaa.gov |
Currentness Reference: | Publication Date |
Extent Group 1
Extent Description: |
Spatial Representation: Grid Dimension Count: 3 Cell Geometry: Point Transformation Parameters Available: No Axis1 Dimension Type: Row Axis1 Size: varies Axis2 Dimension Type: Column Axis2 Size: varies Axis3 Dimension Type: Vertical Axis3 Size: 1 |
Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area 1
W° Bound: | -132 | |
E° Bound: | -60 | |
N° Bound: | 51.5 | |
S° Bound: | 10.7 |
Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 1
Time Frame Type: | Range |
Start: | 2017-01-01 |
End: | 2017-12-31 |
Access Information
Security Class: | Unclassified |
Data Access Constraints: |
None |
Data Use Constraints: |
These data are intended for coastal and ocean planning NOAA makes no warranties or representations whatsoever regarding the availability, quality, accuracy, content, completeness or suitability for the user's needs of such information. The services, information, and data made available on the Marine Cadastre web site are provided "as is" without warranties of any kind. These data are intended for coastal and ocean use planning. Not for navigation. https://www.marinecadastre.gov/about/disclaimer.html |
Distribution Information
Distribution 1
Download URL: | https://marinecadastre.gov/data/ |
Distributor: | |
Description: |
Marine Cadastre Data Registry |
Distribution 2
Download URL: | https://marinecadastre.gov/downloads/data/ais/ais2017/VesselTransitCounts2017.zip |
Distributor: | |
File Name: | Vessel Transit Counts 2017 |
Data Quality
Accuracy: |
Content was acquired from original sources – no additional testing was done to cross reference or confirm otherwise the field or geometry values from other sources. |
Horizontal Positional Accuracy: |
Maximum scale of intended use is 1:80,000. Positional accuracy reflects the specifications and methods of the original data producer and has not been modified for the generation of this product. |
Completeness Report: |
All known records acquired from the Nationwide Automatic Identification System which includes approximately 58 U.S. ports and 11 coastal areas out to 24 nautical miles offshore. For further information on vessel reporting requirements and participation in the AIS, see carriage requirements in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 33. Significant null values exist in some fields principally as a result of vessel operator practices. |
Conceptual Consistency: |
Tested through visual inspection and through the analysis of summary statistics on field values. |
AIS Vessel Tracks 2017
Publish Date: | 2017-12-31 |
Citation URL: | https://marinecadastre.gov/ais |
Citation URL Name: | Source Online Linkage |
Citation URL Description: |
URL where the source data were originally accessed. |
Source Contribution: |
Annual vessel tracks built using the Track Builder Pro 1.0 tool with time and distance parameters of 30 minutes and 1 nm. Vessel type definitions derived from the original NMEA record and the Authoritative Vessel Identification Service (AVIS) Vessel Catalog |
Process Steps
Process Step 1
Description: |
1. Select tracks for each vessel type from the 2017 AIS Vessel Tracks geodatabase by groups as defined in the AIS Vessel Type and Group Codes, Marine Cadastre 2018-05-23. 2. Calculate transit count grids using the MarineCadastre.gov AIS Vessel Transit Counter tool for each month of tracks and for each ocean basin. 3. Merge monthly transit count grids into an annual transit count grid. |
Process Date/Time: | 2018-01-02 00:00:00 |
Source: | AIS Vessel Tracks 2017 |
Process Step 2
Description: |
1. Merge all 4 ocean basin/regional rasters into one raster using the mosaic to new raster tool. |
Process Date/Time: | 2018-11-20 00:00:00 |
Process Contact: | NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM) |
Phone (Voice): | (843) 740-1202 |
Email Address: | coastal.info@noaa.gov |
Catalog Details
Catalog Item ID: | 55363 |
GUID: | gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:55363 |
Metadata Record Created By: | Anna Verrill |
Metadata Record Created: | 2019-01-22 17:24+0000 |
Metadata Record Last Modified By: | Jesse Brass |
Metadata Record Last Modified: | 2024-08-21 13:20+0000 |
Metadata Record Published: | 2019-01-24 |
Owner Org: | OCM |
Metadata Publication Status: | Published Externally |
Do Not Publish?: | N |
Metadata Last Review Date: | 2019-01-24 |
Metadata Review Frequency: | 1 Year |
Metadata Next Review Date: | 2020-01-24 |