PIT-Tag Antennas to Estimate Migration Timing and Survival
Entity (ENT) | Northwest Fisheries Science Center (NWFSC)GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:56818 | Updated: August 9, 2022 | Published / External
Item Identification
Title: | PIT-Tag Antennas to Estimate Migration Timing and Survival |
Short Name: | PIT-Tag Antennas to Estimate Migration Timing and Survival |
Status: | Planned |
Abstract: |
PIT tag detections and associated data from several types of detector types (matrix antenna trawl system, fin-antenna barge system, flexible antenna system, and pile dike antenna system) used to estimate migration timing and survival of juvenile salmonids in the Columbia River Estuary. Operated from 3/26/2018 to 6/16/2018 |
Entity Information
Entity Type: | Data Table |
Active Version?: | Yes |
Schema Name: | PARR |
Description: |
PIT tag detections and associated data from several types of detector types (matrix antenna trawl system, fin-antenna barge system, flexible antenna system, and pile dike antenna system) used to estimate migration timing and survival of juvenile salmonids in the Columbia River Estuary. Operated from 3/26/2018 to 6/16/2018 |
Data Attributes
Attribute Summary
Name | Type | Description | ||
ID | NUMBER | Identification for each record in this specific table. | |
COLLECTION_SOURCE | TEXT | Type of detection source, valid values are: Barge=fin-antenna barge system, Flex=flexible antenna system, Matrix=matrix antenna trawl system, Pile Dike=pile dike antenna system. | |
Migr_Yr | TEXT | "Migration year"- Earliest year expected for a fish to migrate (juvenile salmonids). If non-migratory species or adult, it is year in which tagging occurred. | |
Tag_file | TEXT | Name of the tag data file in which the tagging event was submitted to PTAGIS website. | |
Tag_Date | DATE | Date of tagging event. | |
Org | TEXT | "Organization"- Entity responsible for fish tagging. | |
Coord | TEXT | "Coordinator"- Specific person responsible for fish tagging. | |
Tag_site | TEXT | Code for the site where the initial tagging event took place - Mark/Recapture/Recovery (MRR) sites registered in PTAGIS website. | |
Rel_Site | TEXT | "Release site"- Code for the MRR site where fish was released. | |
Rel_Date | DATE | "Release date"- Date fish was released. | |
Rkm | TEXT | "River kilometer"- kilometers from the mouth of the Columbia River to the release site, with each tributary delimited with a period. | |
Tag_ID | TEXT | PIT tag code. | |
Species | TEXT | Species code: 0=unknown, 1=chinook salmon, 2=coho salmon, 3=steelhead, 4=sockeye salmon, 5=chum salmon, 6=pink salmon, 7=bull trout, 8=cutthroat trout, 9=other, A=lamprey, B=white sturgeon, C=green sturgeon, D=northern pike minnow, E=brook trout. | |
Run | TEXT | Run code describing when fish migrate: 0=N/A, 1=spring, 2=summer, 3=fall, 4=winter, 5=unknown, R=resident. | |
Rear_Type | TEXT | "Rearing type"- Code for fish rearing status: W=wild fish or natural production, H=hatchery reared, U=unknown. | |
Length | NUMBER | Fork length in mm recorded at tagging event. | |
Weight | NUMBER | Weight in grams recorded at tagging event. | |
Obs_Site | TEXT | "Observation site"- name of interrogation site (site code in PTAGIS website). | |
First_Obs_Date | DATE | "First observation date"- date and time of first detection. | |
Last_Obs_Date | DATE | "Last observation date"- date and time of last detection. | |
First_Coil | TEXT | Name of detection system on which the first detection at the site was recorded. | |
Last_Coil | TEXT | Name of detection system on which the last detection at the site was recorded. | |
Trans_reads | NUMBER | "Transceiver reads"- Number of detections recorded for a specific tag at the interrogation site. |
Attribute Details
Seq. Order: | 1 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Identification for each record in this specific table. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Seq. Order: | 2 |
Data Storage Type: | TEXT |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Type of detection source, valid values are: Barge=fin-antenna barge system, Flex=flexible antenna system, Matrix=matrix antenna trawl system, Pile Dike=pile dike antenna system. |
General Data Type: | TEXT |
Seq. Order: | 3 |
Data Storage Type: | TEXT |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
"Migration year"- Earliest year expected for a fish to migrate (juvenile salmonids). If non-migratory species or adult, it is year in which tagging occurred. |
General Data Type: | TEXT |
Seq. Order: | 4 |
Data Storage Type: | TEXT |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Name of the tag data file in which the tagging event was submitted to PTAGIS website. |
General Data Type: | TEXT |
Seq. Order: | 5 |
Data Storage Type: | DATE |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Date of tagging event. |
General Data Type: | DATE |
Seq. Order: | 6 |
Data Storage Type: | TEXT |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
"Organization"- Entity responsible for fish tagging. |
General Data Type: | TEXT |
Seq. Order: | 7 |
Data Storage Type: | TEXT |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
"Coordinator"- Specific person responsible for fish tagging. |
General Data Type: | TEXT |
Seq. Order: | 8 |
Data Storage Type: | TEXT |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Code for the site where the initial tagging event took place - Mark/Recapture/Recovery (MRR) sites registered in PTAGIS website. |
General Data Type: | TEXT |
Seq. Order: | 9 |
Data Storage Type: | TEXT |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
"Release site"- Code for the MRR site where fish was released. |
General Data Type: | TEXT |
Seq. Order: | 10 |
Data Storage Type: | DATE |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
"Release date"- Date fish was released. |
General Data Type: | DATE |
Seq. Order: | 11 |
Data Storage Type: | TEXT |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
"River kilometer"- kilometers from the mouth of the Columbia River to the release site, with each tributary delimited with a period. |
General Data Type: | TEXT |
Seq. Order: | 12 |
Data Storage Type: | TEXT |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
PIT tag code. |
General Data Type: | TEXT |
Seq. Order: | 13 |
Data Storage Type: | TEXT |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Species code: 0=unknown, 1=chinook salmon, 2=coho salmon, 3=steelhead, 4=sockeye salmon, 5=chum salmon, 6=pink salmon, 7=bull trout, 8=cutthroat trout, 9=other, A=lamprey, B=white sturgeon, C=green sturgeon, D=northern pike minnow, E=brook trout. |
General Data Type: | TEXT |
Seq. Order: | 14 |
Data Storage Type: | TEXT |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Run code describing when fish migrate: 0=N/A, 1=spring, 2=summer, 3=fall, 4=winter, 5=unknown, R=resident. |
General Data Type: | TEXT |
Seq. Order: | 15 |
Data Storage Type: | TEXT |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
"Rearing type"- Code for fish rearing status: W=wild fish or natural production, H=hatchery reared, U=unknown. |
General Data Type: | TEXT |
Seq. Order: | 16 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Fork length in mm recorded at tagging event. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Seq. Order: | 17 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Weight in grams recorded at tagging event. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Seq. Order: | 18 |
Data Storage Type: | TEXT |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
"Observation site"- name of interrogation site (site code in PTAGIS website). |
General Data Type: | TEXT |
Seq. Order: | 19 |
Data Storage Type: | DATE |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
"First observation date"- date and time of first detection. |
General Data Type: | DATE |
Seq. Order: | 20 |
Data Storage Type: | DATE |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
"Last observation date"- date and time of last detection. |
General Data Type: | DATE |
Seq. Order: | 21 |
Data Storage Type: | TEXT |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Name of detection system on which the first detection at the site was recorded. |
General Data Type: | TEXT |
Seq. Order: | 22 |
Data Storage Type: | TEXT |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Name of detection system on which the last detection at the site was recorded. |
General Data Type: | TEXT |
Seq. Order: | 23 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
"Transceiver reads"- Number of detections recorded for a specific tag at the interrogation site. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Catalog Details
Catalog Item ID: | 56818 |
GUID: | gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:56818 |
Metadata Record Created By: | Jeffrey W Cowen |
Metadata Record Created: | 2019-07-02 13:44+0000 |
Metadata Record Last Modified By: | SysAdmin InPortAdmin |
Metadata Record Last Modified: | 2022-08-09 17:11+0000 |
Metadata Record Published: | 2019-07-02 |
Owner Org: | NWFSC |
Metadata Publication Status: | Published Externally |
Do Not Publish?: | N |
Metadata Last Review Date: | 2019-07-02 |
Metadata Review Frequency: | 1 Year |
Metadata Next Review Date: | 2020-07-02 |