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Growth data from the Redfish Lake Idaho Sockeye Salmon captive broodstock study from 2000-2010.


Growth data from the Redfish Lake Idaho Sockeye Salmon captive broodstock study from 2000-2010.

Entity Information

Entity Type

Data Attribute / Type Description
An alphanumeric code associated with the record for this fish.
The number used in the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission�s PITTAGIS database to identify the fish�s species.
How the fish is disposed of at the end of its time in the project. In most cases the fish is spawned at Burley Creek Hatchery or released to spawn naturally in one of Idaho�s Stanley Basin Lakes.
The year the fish ends its time in the project.
The sex of the fish when it ends its time in the project. In addition to be designated male or female the fish maybe designated as immature (Imm) or maturing and cannot yet be sexed (mg).
Tag Code
The unique alphanumeric code of the Passive Integrated Transponder implanted in the fish for tracking growth, sex, age of maturation, use and fate.
Spawner ID
Spawner Lg (mm)
The fork length in mm of the fish when it was measured during artificial spawning. Units for values are milimeters.
Spawner Wt (g)
The weight in grams of the fish when it was weighed during artificial spawning. Units for values are grams.
The water type the fish was reared in after the second winter of its life. SW indicates filtered and treated saltwater at the NWFSC�s Manchester Research Station, SW-fw indicates one winter in saltwater followed by and one winter in freshwater, and FW indicates full life cycle rearing in freshwater at Burley Creek Hatchery.
prePITtag/PITtag date
Prior to implantation with a PIT tag this is the date a fish was sampled on. When a PIT tag code appears in the record this is the date the fish was weighed and measured during the PIT tagging process.
If a cell phone was used for uploading data to PITTAGIS this is its phone number.
A number given to the fish during the PIT tagging process.
Rearing type. H indicates fish reared in a hatchery and W indicates a fish that was rearing in the wild. All project fish are hatchery (H) rearing type.
PIT Length
The Fork Length of fish in mm when it is PIT-tagged. Units for values are milimeters.
PIT Weight
The weight of fish in grams when it is PIT-tagged. Units for values are grams.
prePIT Pool
The pool number at Burley Creek Hatchery that the fish was in just prior to being PIT-tagged.
postPIT Pool
The pool number at Burley Creek Hatchery that the fish was in just after being PIT-tagged.
Rearing group identifier.
A sequential number given to fish at PIT-tagging.
Pool on initial rearing.
General notes made during the PIT-tagging process.
mortality date
The day the fish was observed dead.
mortality length
The fork length in mm of the dead fish. Units for values are milimeters.
mortality weight
The weight in grams of the dead fish. Units for values are grams.
mortality ID
A code given to the fish to track its identity during post death investigations.
The sex of the dead fish. Male indicates a male and Female indicates a female. IMM indicates immature. Mg indicates maturing but not yet mature. Sometimes, but not always sex can be assigned to immature and maturing fish during the autopsy.
Notes on either the fish or the cause of its mortality.
4/21/16 Length
The fish�s fork length in millimeters when it was sampled on 21 April 2016. Units for values are milimeters.
4/21/16 Weight
The fish�s weight in grams when it was sampled on 21 April 2016. Units for values are grams.
Pool on 21 April 2016.
Vaccinated 4/21/16
Vibrio sp. vaccination status of fish on 21 April 2016. Y means the fish was vaccinated. N means the fish was not vaccinated.
9/29/16 length
The fish�s fork length in millimeters when it was sampled on 29 September 2016. Units for values are milimeters.
9/29/16 weight
The fish�s weight in grams when it was sampled on 29 September 2016. Units for values are grams.
9/29/16 pool
The pool the fish was in when it was sampled on 29 September 2016.
1/12/17 length
The fish�s fork length in mm when it was sampled on 12 January 2017. Units for values are milimeters.
1/12/17 weight
The fish�s weight in grams when it was sampled on 12 January 2017. Units for values are grams.
1/12/17 Pool
The pool the fish was in when sampled on 12 January 2017.
3YO Maturity SortA DATE
The date the fish was sampled during the first maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn three years old in the following October.
3YO Maturity SortA Length
The fork length in mm of the fish when sampled during the first maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn three years old in the following October. Units for values are milimeters.
3YO Maturity SortA Weight
The weight in grams of the fish when sampled during the first maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn three years old in the following October. Units for values are grams.
3YO Maturity SortA SEX
The sex of the fish when sampled during the first maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn three years old in the following October. Imm codes for immature fish.
3YO Maturity SortA POOL
The pool the fish were in just prior to the first 3YO maturity sort.
3YO Maturity SortA TOTE
The pool or tote the fish went into after being sampled in the first 3YO maturity sort. Fore indicates the tote closet to trailer hitch, aft means the tote farthest from the trailer hitch and mid2 refers to the tote between the fore and aft totes.
3YO Maturity SortA NOTE
Notes made during 3YO maturity sort sampling process.
3YO Maturity SortB DATE
The date of the second maturity sort of fish that will turn three years old in October.
3YO Maturity SortB length
The fork length in mm of fish when sampled in the second maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn three years old in the following October. Units for values are milimeters.
3YO Maturity SortB Weight
The weight in grams of fish when sampled in the second maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn three years old in the following October. Units for values are grams.
3YO Maturity SortB SEX
The sex of fish when sampled in the second maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn three years old in the following October.
3YO Maturity SortB POOL
The pool the fish were in prior to the second maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn 3 years old in the following October.
3YO Maturity SortB TOTE
The pool or tote the fish were placed in after the second maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn three years old in the following October.
3YO Maturity SortB NOTE
Notes taken during the second maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn 3 years old in the following October.
4YO Maturity SortA DATE
The date of the first maturity sort of three year old fish that will turn four years old in the following October.
4YO Maturity SortA Length
The fork length in mm of the fish when sampled during the first maturity sort of three year old fish that will turn four years old in October. Units for values are milimeters.
4YO Maturity SortA Weight
The weight in grams of the fish when sampled during the first maturity sort of three year old fish that will turn four years old in the following October. Units for values are grams.
4YO Maturity SortA SEX
The sex of the fish when sampled during the first maturity sort of fish that will turn 4 years old in October. Imm codes for immature fish.
4YO Maturity SortA POOL
The pool the fish were in just prior to the first maturity sort of three year old fish that will turn four years old in the following October.
4YO Maturity SortA TOTE
The pool or tote the fish went into after being sampled in the maturity sort. Fore indicates tote closet to trailer hitch, aft means tote farthest from trailer hitch and mid refers to tote between the fore and aft totes.
4YO Maturity SortA COMMENT
Notes made during the first maturity sorting of three year old fish that will turn four years old in the following October.
4YO Maturity SortB DATE
The date of the second maturity sort of three year old fish that will turn four years old in the following October.
4YO Maturity SortB SEX
The sex of fish when sampled in the second maturity sort of three year old fish that will turn four years old in the following October.
4YO Maturity SortB TOTE
The pool or tote the fish were placed in after the second maturity sort of three year old fish that will turn four years old in the following October.

Child Items

No Child Items for this record.

Contact Information

No contact information is available for this record.

Please contact the owner organization (NWFSC) for inquiries on this record.

Item Identification

Title: Redfish_Lake_growth_data
Short Name: Redfish_Lake_growth_data
Status: Planned

Growth data from the Redfish Lake Idaho Sockeye Salmon captive broodstock study from 2000-2010.

Entity Information

Entity Type: Spreadsheet
Active Version?: Yes
Schema Name: PARR

Growth data from the Redfish Lake Idaho Sockeye Salmon captive broodstock study from 2000-2010.

Data Attributes

Attribute Summary

Rubric Score Primary Key? Name Type Description
Individual Text An alphanumeric code associated with the record for this fish.
Species Number The number used in the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission�s PITTAGIS database to identify the fish�s species.
Disp Text How the fish is disposed of at the end of its time in the project. In most cases the fish is spawned at Burley Creek Hatchery or released to spawn naturally in one of Idaho�s Stanley Basin Lakes.
DispYr Number The year the fish ends its time in the project.
DispSex Text The sex of the fish when it ends its time in the project. In addition to be designated male or female the fish maybe designated as immature (Imm) or maturing and cannot yet be sexed (mg).
Tag Code Text The unique alphanumeric code of the Passive Integrated Transponder implanted in the fish for tracking growth, sex, age of maturation, use and fate.
Spawner ID Text
Spawner Lg (mm) Number The fork length in mm of the fish when it was measured during artificial spawning. Units for values are milimeters.
Spawner Wt (g) Number The weight in grams of the fish when it was weighed during artificial spawning. Units for values are grams.
REARING Text The water type the fish was reared in after the second winter of its life. SW indicates filtered and treated saltwater at the NWFSC�s Manchester Research Station, SW-fw indicates one winter in saltwater followed by and one winter in freshwater, and FW indicates full life cycle rearing in freshwater at Burley Creek Hatchery.
prePITtag/PITtag date Date Prior to implantation with a PIT tag this is the date a fish was sampled on. When a PIT tag code appears in the record this is the date the fish was weighed and measured during the PIT tagging process.
FieldIDType Text If a cell phone was used for uploading data to PITTAGIS this is its phone number.
FieldID Text A number given to the fish during the PIT tagging process.
Rear Text Rearing type. H indicates fish reared in a hatchery and W indicates a fish that was rearing in the wild. All project fish are hatchery (H) rearing type.
PIT Length Number The Fork Length of fish in mm when it is PIT-tagged. Units for values are milimeters.
PIT Weight Number The weight of fish in grams when it is PIT-tagged. Units for values are grams.
prePIT Pool Number The pool number at Burley Creek Hatchery that the fish was in just prior to being PIT-tagged.
postPIT Pool Number The pool number at Burley Creek Hatchery that the fish was in just after being PIT-tagged.
Group Text Rearing group identifier.
Individual_at_Pit-tagging Text A sequential number given to fish at PIT-tagging.
pool Number Pool on initial rearing.
pittag_comment Text General notes made during the PIT-tagging process.
mortality date Date The day the fish was observed dead.
mortality length Number The fork length in mm of the dead fish. Units for values are milimeters.
mortality weight Number The weight in grams of the dead fish. Units for values are grams.
mortality ID Text A code given to the fish to track its identity during post death investigations.
MortalitySex Text The sex of the dead fish. Male indicates a male and Female indicates a female. IMM indicates immature. Mg indicates maturing but not yet mature. Sometimes, but not always sex can be assigned to immature and maturing fish during the autopsy.
mortality_comment Text Notes on either the fish or the cause of its mortality.
4/21/16 Length Number The fish�s fork length in millimeters when it was sampled on 21 April 2016. Units for values are milimeters.
4/21/16 Weight Number The fish�s weight in grams when it was sampled on 21 April 2016. Units for values are grams.
Pool Number Pool on 21 April 2016.
Vaccinated 4/21/16 Text Vibrio sp. vaccination status of fish on 21 April 2016. Y means the fish was vaccinated. N means the fish was not vaccinated.
9/29/16 length Number The fish�s fork length in millimeters when it was sampled on 29 September 2016. Units for values are milimeters.
9/29/16 weight Number The fish�s weight in grams when it was sampled on 29 September 2016. Units for values are grams.
9/29/16 pool Number The pool the fish was in when it was sampled on 29 September 2016.
1/12/17 length Number The fish�s fork length in mm when it was sampled on 12 January 2017. Units for values are milimeters.
1/12/17 weight Number The fish�s weight in grams when it was sampled on 12 January 2017. Units for values are grams.
1/12/17 Pool Number The pool the fish was in when sampled on 12 January 2017.
3YO Maturity SortA DATE Date The date the fish was sampled during the first maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn three years old in the following October.
3YO Maturity SortA Length Number The fork length in mm of the fish when sampled during the first maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn three years old in the following October. Units for values are milimeters.
3YO Maturity SortA Weight Number The weight in grams of the fish when sampled during the first maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn three years old in the following October. Units for values are grams.
3YO Maturity SortA SEX Text The sex of the fish when sampled during the first maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn three years old in the following October. Imm codes for immature fish.
3YO Maturity SortA POOL Number The pool the fish were in just prior to the first 3YO maturity sort.
3YO Maturity SortA TOTE Text The pool or tote the fish went into after being sampled in the first 3YO maturity sort. Fore indicates the tote closet to trailer hitch, aft means the tote farthest from the trailer hitch and mid2 refers to the tote between the fore and aft totes.
3YO Maturity SortA NOTE Text Notes made during 3YO maturity sort sampling process.
3YO Maturity SortB DATE Date The date of the second maturity sort of fish that will turn three years old in October.
3YO Maturity SortB length Number The fork length in mm of fish when sampled in the second maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn three years old in the following October. Units for values are milimeters.
3YO Maturity SortB Weight Number The weight in grams of fish when sampled in the second maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn three years old in the following October. Units for values are grams.
3YO Maturity SortB SEX Text The sex of fish when sampled in the second maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn three years old in the following October.
3YO Maturity SortB POOL Number The pool the fish were in prior to the second maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn 3 years old in the following October.
3YO Maturity SortB TOTE Text The pool or tote the fish were placed in after the second maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn three years old in the following October.
3YO Maturity SortB NOTE Text Notes taken during the second maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn 3 years old in the following October.
4YO Maturity SortA DATE Date The date of the first maturity sort of three year old fish that will turn four years old in the following October.
4YO Maturity SortA Length Number The fork length in mm of the fish when sampled during the first maturity sort of three year old fish that will turn four years old in October. Units for values are milimeters.
4YO Maturity SortA Weight Number The weight in grams of the fish when sampled during the first maturity sort of three year old fish that will turn four years old in the following October. Units for values are grams.
4YO Maturity SortA SEX Text The sex of the fish when sampled during the first maturity sort of fish that will turn 4 years old in October. Imm codes for immature fish.
4YO Maturity SortA POOL Number The pool the fish were in just prior to the first maturity sort of three year old fish that will turn four years old in the following October.
4YO Maturity SortA TOTE Text The pool or tote the fish went into after being sampled in the maturity sort. Fore indicates tote closet to trailer hitch, aft means tote farthest from trailer hitch and mid refers to tote between the fore and aft totes.
4YO Maturity SortA COMMENT Text Notes made during the first maturity sorting of three year old fish that will turn four years old in the following October.
4YO Maturity SortB DATE Date The date of the second maturity sort of three year old fish that will turn four years old in the following October.
4YO Maturity SortB SEX Text The sex of fish when sampled in the second maturity sort of three year old fish that will turn four years old in the following October.
4YO Maturity SortB TOTE Text The pool or tote the fish were placed in after the second maturity sort of three year old fish that will turn four years old in the following October.

Attribute Details


CC ID: 859421
Seq. Order: 1
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

An alphanumeric code associated with the record for this fish.

General Data Type: Text


CC ID: 859422
Seq. Order: 2
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The number used in the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission�s PITTAGIS database to identify the fish�s species.

General Data Type: Number


CC ID: 859423
Seq. Order: 3
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

How the fish is disposed of at the end of its time in the project. In most cases the fish is spawned at Burley Creek Hatchery or released to spawn naturally in one of Idaho�s Stanley Basin Lakes.

General Data Type: Text


CC ID: 859424
Seq. Order: 4
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The year the fish ends its time in the project.

General Data Type: Number


CC ID: 859425
Seq. Order: 5
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The sex of the fish when it ends its time in the project. In addition to be designated male or female the fish maybe designated as immature (Imm) or maturing and cannot yet be sexed (mg).

General Data Type: Text

Tag Code

CC ID: 859426
Seq. Order: 6
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The unique alphanumeric code of the Passive Integrated Transponder implanted in the fish for tracking growth, sex, age of maturation, use and fate.

General Data Type: Text

Spawner ID

CC ID: 859427
Seq. Order: 7
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active
General Data Type: Text

Spawner Lg (mm)

CC ID: 859428
Seq. Order: 8
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The fork length in mm of the fish when it was measured during artificial spawning. Units for values are milimeters.

General Data Type: Number
Unit of Measure: milimeters

Spawner Wt (g)

CC ID: 859429
Seq. Order: 9
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The weight in grams of the fish when it was weighed during artificial spawning. Units for values are grams.

General Data Type: Number
Unit of Measure: grams


CC ID: 859430
Seq. Order: 10
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The water type the fish was reared in after the second winter of its life. SW indicates filtered and treated saltwater at the NWFSC�s Manchester Research Station, SW-fw indicates one winter in saltwater followed by and one winter in freshwater, and FW indicates full life cycle rearing in freshwater at Burley Creek Hatchery.

General Data Type: Text

prePITtag/PITtag date

CC ID: 859431
Seq. Order: 11
Data Storage Type: Date
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Prior to implantation with a PIT tag this is the date a fish was sampled on. When a PIT tag code appears in the record this is the date the fish was weighed and measured during the PIT tagging process.

General Data Type: Date


CC ID: 859432
Seq. Order: 12
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

If a cell phone was used for uploading data to PITTAGIS this is its phone number.

General Data Type: Text


CC ID: 859433
Seq. Order: 13
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

A number given to the fish during the PIT tagging process.

General Data Type: Text


CC ID: 859434
Seq. Order: 14
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Rearing type. H indicates fish reared in a hatchery and W indicates a fish that was rearing in the wild. All project fish are hatchery (H) rearing type.

General Data Type: Text

PIT Length

CC ID: 859435
Seq. Order: 15
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The Fork Length of fish in mm when it is PIT-tagged. Units for values are milimeters.

General Data Type: Number
Unit of Measure: milimeters

PIT Weight

CC ID: 859436
Seq. Order: 16
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The weight of fish in grams when it is PIT-tagged. Units for values are grams.

General Data Type: Number
Unit of Measure: grams

prePIT Pool

CC ID: 859437
Seq. Order: 17
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The pool number at Burley Creek Hatchery that the fish was in just prior to being PIT-tagged.

General Data Type: Number

postPIT Pool

CC ID: 859438
Seq. Order: 18
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The pool number at Burley Creek Hatchery that the fish was in just after being PIT-tagged.

General Data Type: Number


CC ID: 859439
Seq. Order: 19
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Rearing group identifier.

General Data Type: Text


CC ID: 859440
Seq. Order: 20
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

A sequential number given to fish at PIT-tagging.

General Data Type: Text


CC ID: 859441
Seq. Order: 21
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Pool on initial rearing.

General Data Type: Number


CC ID: 859442
Seq. Order: 22
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

General notes made during the PIT-tagging process.

General Data Type: Text

mortality date

CC ID: 859443
Seq. Order: 23
Data Storage Type: Date
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The day the fish was observed dead.

General Data Type: Date

mortality length

CC ID: 859444
Seq. Order: 24
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The fork length in mm of the dead fish. Units for values are milimeters.

General Data Type: Number
Unit of Measure: milimeters

mortality weight

CC ID: 859445
Seq. Order: 25
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The weight in grams of the dead fish. Units for values are grams.

General Data Type: Number
Unit of Measure: grams

mortality ID

CC ID: 859446
Seq. Order: 26
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

A code given to the fish to track its identity during post death investigations.

General Data Type: Text


CC ID: 859447
Seq. Order: 27
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The sex of the dead fish. Male indicates a male and Female indicates a female. IMM indicates immature. Mg indicates maturing but not yet mature. Sometimes, but not always sex can be assigned to immature and maturing fish during the autopsy.

General Data Type: Text


CC ID: 859448
Seq. Order: 28
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Notes on either the fish or the cause of its mortality.

General Data Type: Text

4/21/16 Length

CC ID: 859449
Seq. Order: 29
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The fish�s fork length in millimeters when it was sampled on 21 April 2016. Units for values are milimeters.

General Data Type: Number
Unit of Measure: milimeters

4/21/16 Weight

CC ID: 859450
Seq. Order: 30
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The fish�s weight in grams when it was sampled on 21 April 2016. Units for values are grams.

General Data Type: Number
Unit of Measure: grams


CC ID: 859451
Seq. Order: 31
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Pool on 21 April 2016.

General Data Type: Number

Vaccinated 4/21/16

CC ID: 859452
Seq. Order: 32
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Vibrio sp. vaccination status of fish on 21 April 2016. Y means the fish was vaccinated. N means the fish was not vaccinated.

General Data Type: Text

9/29/16 length

CC ID: 859453
Seq. Order: 33
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The fish�s fork length in millimeters when it was sampled on 29 September 2016. Units for values are milimeters.

General Data Type: Number
Unit of Measure: milimeters

9/29/16 weight

CC ID: 859454
Seq. Order: 34
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The fish�s weight in grams when it was sampled on 29 September 2016. Units for values are grams.

General Data Type: Number
Unit of Measure: grams

9/29/16 pool

CC ID: 859455
Seq. Order: 35
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The pool the fish was in when it was sampled on 29 September 2016.

General Data Type: Number

1/12/17 length

CC ID: 859456
Seq. Order: 36
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The fish�s fork length in mm when it was sampled on 12 January 2017. Units for values are milimeters.

General Data Type: Number
Unit of Measure: milimeters

1/12/17 weight

CC ID: 859457
Seq. Order: 37
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The fish�s weight in grams when it was sampled on 12 January 2017. Units for values are grams.

General Data Type: Number
Unit of Measure: grams

1/12/17 Pool

CC ID: 859458
Seq. Order: 38
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The pool the fish was in when sampled on 12 January 2017.

General Data Type: Number

3YO Maturity SortA DATE

CC ID: 859459
Seq. Order: 39
Data Storage Type: Date
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The date the fish was sampled during the first maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn three years old in the following October.

General Data Type: Date

3YO Maturity SortA Length

CC ID: 859460
Seq. Order: 40
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The fork length in mm of the fish when sampled during the first maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn three years old in the following October. Units for values are milimeters.

General Data Type: Number
Unit of Measure: milimeters

3YO Maturity SortA Weight

CC ID: 859461
Seq. Order: 41
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The weight in grams of the fish when sampled during the first maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn three years old in the following October. Units for values are grams.

General Data Type: Number
Unit of Measure: grams

3YO Maturity SortA SEX

CC ID: 859462
Seq. Order: 42
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The sex of the fish when sampled during the first maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn three years old in the following October. Imm codes for immature fish.

General Data Type: Text

3YO Maturity SortA POOL

CC ID: 859463
Seq. Order: 43
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The pool the fish were in just prior to the first 3YO maturity sort.

General Data Type: Number

3YO Maturity SortA TOTE

CC ID: 859464
Seq. Order: 44
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The pool or tote the fish went into after being sampled in the first 3YO maturity sort. Fore indicates the tote closet to trailer hitch, aft means the tote farthest from the trailer hitch and mid2 refers to the tote between the fore and aft totes.

General Data Type: Text

3YO Maturity SortA NOTE

CC ID: 859465
Seq. Order: 45
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Notes made during 3YO maturity sort sampling process.

General Data Type: Text

3YO Maturity SortB DATE

CC ID: 859466
Seq. Order: 46
Data Storage Type: Date
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The date of the second maturity sort of fish that will turn three years old in October.

General Data Type: Date

3YO Maturity SortB length

CC ID: 859467
Seq. Order: 47
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The fork length in mm of fish when sampled in the second maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn three years old in the following October. Units for values are milimeters.

General Data Type: Number
Unit of Measure: milimeters

3YO Maturity SortB Weight

CC ID: 859468
Seq. Order: 48
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The weight in grams of fish when sampled in the second maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn three years old in the following October. Units for values are grams.

General Data Type: Number
Unit of Measure: grams

3YO Maturity SortB SEX

CC ID: 859469
Seq. Order: 49
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The sex of fish when sampled in the second maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn three years old in the following October.

General Data Type: Text

3YO Maturity SortB POOL

CC ID: 859470
Seq. Order: 50
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The pool the fish were in prior to the second maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn 3 years old in the following October.

General Data Type: Number

3YO Maturity SortB TOTE

CC ID: 859471
Seq. Order: 51
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The pool or tote the fish were placed in after the second maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn three years old in the following October.

General Data Type: Text

3YO Maturity SortB NOTE

CC ID: 859472
Seq. Order: 52
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Notes taken during the second maturity sort of two year old fish that will turn 3 years old in the following October.

General Data Type: Text

4YO Maturity SortA DATE

CC ID: 859473
Seq. Order: 53
Data Storage Type: Date
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The date of the first maturity sort of three year old fish that will turn four years old in the following October.

General Data Type: Date

4YO Maturity SortA Length

CC ID: 859474
Seq. Order: 54
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The fork length in mm of the fish when sampled during the first maturity sort of three year old fish that will turn four years old in October. Units for values are milimeters.

General Data Type: Number
Unit of Measure: milimeters

4YO Maturity SortA Weight

CC ID: 859475
Seq. Order: 55
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The weight in grams of the fish when sampled during the first maturity sort of three year old fish that will turn four years old in the following October. Units for values are grams.

General Data Type: Number
Unit of Measure: grams

4YO Maturity SortA SEX

CC ID: 859476
Seq. Order: 56
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The sex of the fish when sampled during the first maturity sort of fish that will turn 4 years old in October. Imm codes for immature fish.

General Data Type: Text

4YO Maturity SortA POOL

CC ID: 859477
Seq. Order: 57
Data Storage Type: Number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The pool the fish were in just prior to the first maturity sort of three year old fish that will turn four years old in the following October.

General Data Type: Number

4YO Maturity SortA TOTE

CC ID: 859478
Seq. Order: 58
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The pool or tote the fish went into after being sampled in the maturity sort. Fore indicates tote closet to trailer hitch, aft means tote farthest from trailer hitch and mid refers to tote between the fore and aft totes.

General Data Type: Text

4YO Maturity SortA COMMENT

CC ID: 859479
Seq. Order: 59
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Notes made during the first maturity sorting of three year old fish that will turn four years old in the following October.

General Data Type: Text

4YO Maturity SortB DATE

CC ID: 859480
Seq. Order: 60
Data Storage Type: Date
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The date of the second maturity sort of three year old fish that will turn four years old in the following October.

General Data Type: Date

4YO Maturity SortB SEX

CC ID: 859481
Seq. Order: 61
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The sex of fish when sampled in the second maturity sort of three year old fish that will turn four years old in the following October.

General Data Type: Text

4YO Maturity SortB TOTE

CC ID: 859482
Seq. Order: 62
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The pool or tote the fish were placed in after the second maturity sort of three year old fish that will turn four years old in the following October.

General Data Type: Text

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 56820
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:56820
Metadata Record Created By: Jeffrey W Cowen
Metadata Record Created: 2019-07-02 14:03+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: SysAdmin InPortAdmin
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2022-08-09 17:11+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2019-07-02
Owner Org: NWFSC
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2019-07-02
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2020-07-02