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Title: SEDAR 7 Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper Assessment Workshop

SEDAR 7 Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper Assessment Workshop

The first portion was held August 16-20, 2004 at the SEFSC Facility

Workshop Working Papers

S7AW01 Growth models for red snapper in U.S. Gulf of Mexico waters estimated from landings with minimum size limit restrictions

S7AW02 Allometric relationships of Gulf of Mexico red snapper

S7AW03 Estimated conversion factors for calibrating MRFSS charterboat landings and effort estimates for the Gulf of Mexico in 1981-1997 with For Hire Survey estimates with application to red snapper landings

S7AW04 Revised catch rate indices for red snapper (lutjanus campechanus) landed during 1981-2003 by the U.S. Gulf of Mexico recreational fishery - REVISED

S7AW05 Batch-fecundity and maturity estimates for the 2004 assessment of red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico

S7AW06 An age-structured assessment model for red snapper that allows for multiple stocks, fleets and habitats

S7AW06a Calculation of relative length frequencies

S7AW07 Preliminary Trials Estimating M1 from Fall and Summer Trawl Surveys

S7AW08 Red Snapper Compensation in the Stock-Recruitment Function and Bycatch Mortality

S7AW09 Standardized catch rates of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) from the United States commercial handline fishery in the Gulf of Mexico during 1996-2003: additional indices

S7AW11 A population dynamics model for Gulf of Mexicored snapper that uses a historically extended catch time series and alternative methods to calculate MSY

S7AW12 Impact on Yield from Density Dependence of red Snapper Juvenile Life Stages

S7AW13 Brief Review of Red Snapper Data Workshop Report

S7AW14 Identifying some approaches to formulating prior probability distributions for natural mortality rates in age zero and age one Gulf of Mexico red snapper

S7AW15 Estimation of Juvenile M for Red Snapper Based on SEAMAP Survey Data

S7AW16 Estimates of Historical Red Snapper Recreational Catch Levels Using US Census Data and Recreational Survey Information

S7AW17 Documentation on the Preparation of the Database for the Red Snapper Stock Assessment SEDAR Workshop

S7AW18 Modeled age composition of Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper 1984-2003

S7AW19 Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper Observed Catch at Age

S7AW20 Estimating Catch at Age for Red Snapper in the Shrimp Fleet Bycatch

S7AW21 A Summary of the August Assessment Workshop for Red Snapper

S7AW22 The commercial landings of red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico from 1872 to 1962

S7AW23 Reconstructed time series of shrimp trawl effort in the Gulf of Mexico and the associated bycatch of red snapper from 1948 to 1972

S7AW24 Additional information on modeled age composition of red snapper from the Gulf of Mexico 1984-2003

S7AW25 Alternative indices of abundance of juvenile red snapper from the Gulf of Mexico from SEAMAP surveys 1972-2003

S7AW26 An age-structured stock reduction analysis (SRA) model for the Gulf of Mexico red snapper that accounts for uncertainty in the age of density dependent natural mortality

S7AW27 An alternative assessment of the red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) fishery in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico using a spatially-explicit age-structured assessment model: Preliminary results

S7AW28 Benchmarks and Estimated Status from a 1-fleet VPA projection for Red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus)

S7AW29 VPA Evaluation of Projected SPR resulting from TAC and Bycatch Reduction for Red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) in the Gulf of Mexico

S7AW30 Assessments of Gulf of Mexico red snapper during 1984-2003 using a Gulfwide implementation of ASAP, including continuity cases

S7AW31 Assessments of Gulf of Mexico red snapper during 1962-2003 using a Gulfwide implementation of an age-structured-assessment-program (ASAP)

S7AW32 Draft: Bootstrapping a Gulfwide implementation of an age-structured-assessment-procedure (ASAP) for red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) from 1962 to 2003

S7AW34 Assessments of red snapper stocks in the eastern and western Gulf of Mexico using an agestructured-assessment-procedure (ASAP)

Child Items

Rubric scores updated every 15m

Rubric Score Type Title
Document S7AW02 Allometric relationships of Gulf of Mexico red snapper2
Document S7AW03 Estimated conversion factors for calibrating MRFSS charterboat landings and effort estimates for the Gulf of Mexico in 1981-1997 with For Hire Survey estimates with application to red snapper landings
Document S7AW04 Revised catch rate indices for red snapper (lutjanus campechanus) landed during 1981-2003 by the U.S. Gulf of Mexico recreational fishery - REVISED
Document S7AW05 Batch-fecundity and maturity estimates for the 2004 assessment of red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico
Document S7AW06 An age-structured assessment model for red snapper that allows for multiple stocks, fleets and habitats
Document S7AW06a Calculation of relative length frequencies
Document S7AW07 Preliminary Trials Estimating M1 from Fall and Summer Trawl Surveys
Document S7AW08 Red Snapper Compensation in the Stock-Recruitment Function and Bycatch Mortality
Document S7AW11 A population dynamics model for Gulf of Mexico red snapper that uses a historically extended catch time series and alternative methods to calculate MSY
Document S7AW12 Impact on Yield from Density Dependence of red Snapper Juvenile Life Stages
Document S7AW13 Brief Review of Red Snapper Data Workshop Report
Document S7AW14 Identifying some approaches to formulating prior probability distributions for natural mortality rates in age zero and age one Gulf of Mexico red snapper
Document S7AW15 Estimation of Juvenile M for Red Snapper Based on SEAMAP Survey Data
Document S7AW16 Estimates of Historical Red Snapper Recreational Catch Levels Using US Census Data and Recreational Survey Information
Document S7AW17 Documentation on the Preparation of the Database for the Red Snapper Stock Assessment SEDAR Workshop
Document S7AW18 Modeled age composition of Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper 1984-2003
Document S7AW19 Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper Observed Catch at Age
Document S7AW20 Estimating Catch at Age for Red Snapper in the Shrimp Fleet Bycatch
Document S7AW21 A Summary of the August Assessment Workshop for Red Snapper
Document S7AW22 The commercial landings of red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico from 1872 to 1962
Document S7AW23 Reconstructed time series of shrimp trawl effort in the Gulf of Mexico and the associated bycatch of red snapper from 1948 to 1972
Document S7AW24 Additional information on modeled age composition of red snapper from the Gulf of Mexico 1984-2003
Document S7AW25 Alternative indices of abundance of juvenile red snapper from the Gulf of Mexico from SEAMAP surveys 1972-2003
Document S7AW26 An age-structured stock reduction analysis (SRA) model for the Gulf of Mexico red snapper that accounts for uncertainty in the age of density dependent natural mortality
Document S7AW27 An alternative assessment of the red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) fishery in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico using a spatially-explicit age-structured assessment model: Preliminary results
Document S7AW28 Benchmarks and Estimated Status from a 1-fleet VPA projection for Red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus)
Document S7AW29 VPA Evaluation of Projected SPR resulting from TAC and Bycatch Reduction for Red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) in the Gulf of Mexico
Document S7AW30 Assessments of Gulf of Mexico red snapper during 1984-2003 using a Gulfwide implementation of ASAP, including continuity cases
Document S7AW31 Assessments of Gulf of Mexico red snapper during 1962-2003 using a Gulfwide implementation of an age-structured-assessment-program (ASAP)
Document S7AW32 Draft: Bootstrapping a Gulfwide implementation of an age-structured-assessment-procedure (ASAP) for red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) from 1962 to 2003
Document S7AW34 Assessments of red snapper stocks in the eastern and western Gulf of Mexico using an agestructured-assessment-procedure (ASAP)

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 59850
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:59850
Metadata Record Created By: Lee M Weinberger
Metadata Record Created: 2020-05-27 16:37+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: Lee M Weinberger
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2022-12-29 22:53+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2020-06-01
Owner Org: SEFSC
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2020-06-01
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2021-06-01