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Item Identification

Title: view_catch
Status: Completed

Main view for fishing report data. Joins five main fishing report tables and useful look-up tables. Replaces annual tables generated by FRS.

Entity Information

Entity Type: Data View
Active Version?: Yes
Schema Name: hawaii_dar_frds

Main view for fishing report data. Joins five main fishing report tables and useful look-up tables. Replaces annual tables generated by FRS.

Data Attributes

Attribute Summary

Rubric Score Primary Key? Name Type Description
fishing_report_id bigint Identifies fishing report that catch record belongs to.
data_source_code varchar Code that is abbreviation of data source. Example: Dealer Report System, code = DRS; Online Dealer Reports, code = ODR.
report_type_code varchar Code assigned to report type. Example: MHI Deep 7 Bottomfish Fishing Trip Report, code = BF; Tuna Handline Trip Report, code = TUNA. The following rules are applied by OFR: • By Default, code = FR (Fishing Report). • When one or more of Deep 7 Bottomfish are caught, code = BF. Deep 7 are found in species table with species_id = (15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 58, 97) and have species.species_category_code = 21 (Bottomfish – Deep 7). • When the fishing method is a Tuna fishing method and the area is a Tuna area, code = TUNA. Tuna fishing methods are found in method table where method_code = (8, 9, 10, 61, 62, 63, 92, 93, 97) or where method.is_tuna = 1. Tuna areas are found in area table where area_code = (15818, 181, 16223F, 15717, 16019, 15217) or where area.is_tuna = 1. • When one or more fishing methods is a NTD fishing method, code = NTD. NTD fishing methods are found in method table where method_code = (13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 32, 33, 40, 51, 52, 53, 54) and where method.is_ntd = 1. • When multiple criteria are met, only a single code is applied using the following priority: BF, TUNA, NTD, FR.
licensee_id bigint Identifies fisher who submitted fishing report.
license_number int Commercial Marine License number assigned by HDAR.
license_number_full varchar Unique key in licensee table. The following rules apply to calculating the number: • For 'Permanent' licenses, value = licensee.license_number. • For 'Yearly Food' licenses, value = licensee.license_number_year + licensee.license_number + licensee.duplicate_license_number_suffix. • For 'Yearly Aquarium' licenses, value = licensee.license_number_year + licensee.license_number + 'A'. Example: 1001, 1978-215A, 1976-1-A, etc.
fisher_name varchar Full name of individual holding license.
received_date date Date HDAR staff received paper form or date fisher submitted report online. Date is set to the current date when a fisher modifies report online.
report_year smallint Year fishing report was submitted. Only applies to reports submitted once per month.
report_month tinyint Month fishing report was submitted. Only applies to reports submitted once per month.
trip_start_date date Date fishing trip started. Only applies to reports submitted once per fishing trip. For NTD in FRS, trip_start_date = trip_end_date because form submitted daily.
trip_end_date date Date fishing trip ended. Only applies to reports submitted once per fishing trip. For NTD in FRS, trip_start_date = trip_end_date because form submitted daily.
report_date date Last day that fishing could have occured for a fishing report. Not the date fisher submitted fishing report. If view_catch.trip_end_date exists, report_date = trip_end_date. If trip_end_date does not exist, equal to last day in view_catch.report_month and view_catch.report_year. This is the column to use when grouping data by year or month. Different from view_catch.day_fished, which is the day fishing occurred.
vessel_type_code varchar Code that represents type of fishing vessel. Example: Boat/Ship, code = BS; Kayak, code = KA, etc.
vessel_type varchar Name of fishing vessel type. Example: Boat/Ship, Kayak, etc.
vessel_id varchar Hawaii State (HA) or U.S. Coast Guard (UCSG) vessel registration/documentation number. In FRS, this is optional. Required in OFR when vessel type is Boat/Ship vessel or fishing method requires vessel. Note: HA vessel registration number suffix indicates vessel use. Recreational use is denoted by letters 'A' through 'F.' Commercial fishing is denoted by 'CF.' Commercial passenger is denoted by 'CP.'
vessel_name varchar Name of fishing vessel as registered with the State Division of Boating & Ocean Recreation. Field will not be reported if vessel was not used when fishing. Always null in OFR. OFR can display vessel name because it maintains a list of vessel names to the vessel_id.
departure_port_code int Numeric code associated with port or launch ramp where fisher departed to go fishing. Example: Kewalo Basin, code = 511. Required field in OFR when fisher enters own report, but optional if staff enters fishing report.
landing_port_code int Numeric code associated with port or launch ramp where fisher landed catch or returned fishing vessel. Example: Kewalo Basin, code = 511. Required field in OFR.
charter_trip tinyint Value = 1 (true) for chartered trips.
comments varchar Comments regarding the fishing report.
sales_type_code varchar Type of sales transaction. Values include: NOS, DLR, CRS, or DLR,CRS where: • NOS = No Sales (Did not sell any fish) • DLR = Sold to dealer (dealers column will have value) • CRS = Cash or Retail Sales • DLR,CRS = Sold to dealer and cash or retails sale (dealers column will have value)
dealers varchar List of license numbers or names of commercial dealers that the catch was sold to. Required in OFR when view_catch.sales_type_code = 'DLR', 'DLR,CRS', or 'CRS' (Dealer Sale, Dealer Sale and Cash and Retail Sale, Cash or Retail Sale).
validation_status enum Validation status when adding report to OFR. Values include: Approved, Pending, Approved - No Response. HDAR staff reach out to fishers whose fishing reports are flagged on Error Reports. If fisher was contacted, status set to Pending. If fisher makes a correction or confirms the original report was correct, status set to Approved. If fisher does not respond after multiple attempts to contact, status set to Approved - No Response. A null value means the report was never flagged or no error was detected.
delayed_sale tinyint Only applicable to Aquarium Catch. If value = 1 (true), sales information (e.g. sold and value) was reported at a later time. Upon receiving the sales information at a later date, fisher could use another form to report sales, or the original submission.
peddled tinyint Only applicable to Aquarium Catch. If value = 1 (true), catch was directly exported or sold outside Hawaii (e.g. shipping, auction websites, etc.) or to persons within Hawaii (e.g. friends, family, cash basis, etc.); if not, value = 0 (false).
peddled_location varchar Only applicable to Aquarium Catch if peddled. Location fish exported to. Example: California.
logbook_number varchar Sequential page number of report from NWHI Bottomfish Trip Daily Log sheets from 2002-2009. Different from view_purchases.trip_number, which is the number generated by dealers who buy from longline fishers on purchase reports.
day_fished_id bigint Identifies the day fishing ocurred. Records with the same day_fished_id were caught on the same day of a fishing trip.
day_fished date Date fishing took place. Different from view_catch.report_date, which is last day that fishing could have occurred for a fishing report.
wind_speed enum Approximate wind speed (knots) on day of fishing. Reported using OFR. Values include: 0-10,11-15, 16-20, 21+. Different from view_catch.area_wind_speed, which is wind speed reported for NWHI reports using FRS.
day_area_id bigint Identifies records that were fished in the same area on the same day of a trip.
buoy_code varchar Code assigned to a buoy. Reported when fishing on or around a buoy. In OFR, fishing area is automatically assigned to fishing report when buoy is selected. Buoy types can be FADs, State FADs, Artificial Reefs, or Weather Buoys.
area_code varchar Can either be area code or concatenation of area and subarea. Example: 103, 140, 101A, etc. Code = 99 for all Historical Bait Reports.
area int Code for the fishing location that corresponds to the area fished on the HDAR Commercial Fisheries Statistical Chart used after 1993. Example: areas around Hawaii Island are coded 100-199. Areas can be subdivided into subareas. Example: some areas around Hawaii Island are coded with letters starting with 'A' or a number.
subarea char Some areas are broken up into smaller subsections, which are named by a letter or number. In Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, areas are broken up into subareas approximately 20 square nautical miles, labeled 'A' through 'I'. These subareas are from the HDAR Commercial Fisheries Statistical Chart used after 1993. Example: A, B, etc.
bank varchar Name of bank, shoal, reef, pinnacle, atoll, island, or seamount. Example: Kingman Reef, Middle Bank, etc.
bank_quadrant enum Optional field only reported on NWHI Bottomfish Trip Daily Logs in FRS. Directional quadrant fishing bank is located within. Values include: Northwest (NW), Northeast (NE), Southeast (SE), Southwest (SW).
depth_begin int Required field reported only on NWHI Bottomfish Trip Daily Logs in FRS. Minimum approximate depth (fathoms) where fishing activity began.
depth_end int Required field reported only on NWHI Bottomfish Trip Daily Logs in FRS. Maximum approximate depth (fathoms) where fishing activity ended.
area_wind_speed int Required field reported only on NWHI Bottomfish Trip Daily Logs in FRS. Estimated wind speed (knots) at beginning of fishing activity. Different from view_catch.wind_speed, which is wind speed reported from the data source OFR.
wind_direction enum Optional field reported only on NWHI Bottomfish Trip Daily Logs in FRS. Direction wind was blowing at beginning of fishing activity. Values include: Northwest (NW), North (N), Northeast (NE), East (E), Southeast (SE), South (S), Southwest (SW), West (W).
wave_height int Required field reported only on NWHI Bottomfish Trip Daily Logs in FRS. Estimated height of waves (feet) at beginning of fishing activity.
current_speed enum Optional field reported only on NWHI Bottomfish Trip Daily Logs in FRS. Approximate subsurface current speed at beginning of fishing activity. Values include: Slow, Medium, Fast.
current_direction enum Optional field reported only on NWHI Bottomfish Trip Daily Logs in FRS. Approximate subsurface current direction at beginning of fishing activity. Values include: Northwest (NW), North (N), Northeast (NE), East (E), Southeast (SE), South (S), Southwest (SW), West (W).
area_method_id bigint Identifies a fishing method used in a given area for a trip. Records with the same area_method_id were fished in the same area for a given trip.
method_code int Code that identifies the specific fishing method within a method_type group. Each method_type can have one or more method_codes. Example: method_type 6 is 'Net', and includes method_codes such as 26 = Crab Net, 27 = Throw Net, and 41 = Scoop Net. The hierarchy for this grouping is method_type (broader category of fishing methods) then method_code (specific fishing methods) where each method_code belongs to a method_type. For specific types of reports, the following method_codes apply: • For Aku fishing reports the method_code is always 1 (Aku Boat). • For bait reports (e.g. Aku Boat Bait Reports) the method_code is always 30 (Bait Net). • Aquarium fishing reports the method_code is always 1000 (Aquarium (Multiple Methods)).
method_name varchar Name of fishing method. Example: Throw Net, Crab Net, Scoop Net, etc.
method_abbreviation varchar Abbreviation for fishing method. Example: Throw Net = TN, Crab Net = CN, Scoop Net = SC, etc. Not all fishing methods have an abbreviation.
method_type_code int Code that identifies the broadest grouping of fishing methods. Each method_type_code can have one or more method_codes, which are more specific types of fishing methods. Example: method_type 6 is 'Net', and includes method_codes such as 26 = Crab Net, 27 = Throw Net, and 41 = Scoop Net. The hierarchy for this grouping is method_type (broader category of fishing methods) then method_code (specific fishing methods) where each method_code belongs to a method_type.
method_type varchar Name of fishing method type. Example: Dive, Line, Net, etc.
hours_fished decimal Number of hours fished (fishing gear soak time), excludes transit and search time. In fishing reports, field is either not allowed, optional or required based on fishing report type and fishing method business rules. Value is null if not required. Value of zero represents bad data.
number_of_gear_sets int Number of times the gear was set. In fishing reports, field is not allowed, optional or required based on fishing report type and fishing method business rules. For Aku Boat and Bait Fish reports, field is always required and fishing method is always 'Bait Net'.
number_of_gear_units int Number of gear units, such as number of divers, number of fishers, number of lines, number of traps, etc. In fishing reports, field is not allowed, optional or required based on fishing report type and fishing method business rules.
net_height int Height of net used (feet). In fishing reports, field is not allowed, optional or required based on fishing report type and fishing method business rules. Only applies to Gill Net fishing (method_code = 22).
number_of_hooks_per_line int Number of hooks per line. In fishing reports, field is not allowed, optional or required based on fishing report type and fishing method business rules. Only applies to Deep-Sea Handline fishing (method_code = 3).
percent_time_barrier_net int Only used by Aquarium fishing reports. Percentage of time barrier net is deployed (even if fisher collects with other methods at the same time). The sum of all percent_time columns in this table must add up to 100%.
percent_time_hand_net int Only used by Aquarium fishing reports. Percentage of time utilizing a hand net. The sum of all percent_time columns in this table must add up to 100%.
percent_time_hand int Only used by Aquarium fishing reports. Percentage of time collecting species by hand. The sum of all percent_time columns in this table must add up to 100%.
percent_time_other_method int Only used by Aquarium fishing reports. Percentage of time utilizing any other fishing method not listed. The sum of all percent_time columns in this table must add up to 100%.
other_method_code int Only used by Aquarium fishing reports. Codes of other fishing methods. Example: Slurp Gun, code = 1001; Vinyl Bag, code = 1002, etc. Required when view_catch.percent_time_other_method > 0.
catch_id bigint Identifies a unique catch record.
species_id int Identifies the species that was caught. Different from view_catch.food_species_code and view_catch.aquarium_species_code.
food_species_code int Codes associated with species collected for food from all HDAR forms except Aquarium forms. Different from view_catch.aquarium_species_code, which are codes associated with species collected for aquarium. Note: food_species_code and view_catch.aquarium_species_code have overlapping species but species codes are unique to each column, meaning the same fish can have a different code in each column. Example: Achilles Tang, food_species_code = 85 and view_catch.aquarium_species_code = 103.
aquarium_species_code int Codes associated with species collected for aquariums. Codes are from HDAR Aquarium Fish Trip Report. Different from view_catch.food_species_code, which are codes associated with species collected for food. Note: view_catch.food_species_code and aquarium_species_code have overlapping species but species codes are unique to each column, meaning the same fish can have a different code in each column. Example: Achilles Tang, view_catch.food_species_code = 85 and aquarium_species_code = 103.
species_group varchar Only applies to Aquarium species. Regulations by HDAR Administrative Rules, Title 13, Subtitle 4 Fisheries. Can refer to physical characteristics of species such as sex, size, age, or color of animal. Example: Female, >4", Medium, Black, etc.
food_name text Comma delimited list of names associated with a given species_id sold for food. Example: species_id = 2, food_name = Skipjack.
aquarium_name text Comma delimited list of names associated with a given species_id that are sold for aquariums. Example: species_id = 83, aquarium_name = Achilles Tang.
local_name text Comma delimited list of local names associated with a given species_id. Example: species_id = 2, local_name = Aku, Otado, Otaru.
display_name mediumtext Primary name displayed by applications and reports. Name come from where species_common_name_type_code = 5 (Display Name). If no records where species_common_name_type_code = 5, species.scientific_name is used.
rank varchar Name of taxonomic ranking. Example: Kingdom, Subkingdom, Phylum, Subphylum, Class, etc.
scientific_name varchar Normally the binomial name, which consists of a generic name (the genus name) and the specific name (the species name). If species cannot be identified to the species level, it will be identified to the highest known taxonomic ranking, such as its phylum, class, infraclass, order, suborder, family, or subfamily. A genus name followed by 'spp.' refers to multiple species within that genus. A genus name followed by 'sp.' refers to one species. The scientific name for species identified at the rank of family or higher will be the name followed by the rank in parentheses. Example: Thunnus thynnus, Nerita spp., Scombridae (family), Anthozoa (class), etc. Different from common name.
species_category varchar Name of the category marine species falls under. Example: Shells, Seaweed, Freshwater fish, Bait Only, etc.
number_caught int Estimated number of animals caught or landed. Commonly reported with view_catch.pounds_caught. Always required in FRS but value can be zero for certain species, if catch is released or released to a predator. Required in OFR unless species is exempt from reporting.
pounds_caught decimal Number of pounds of marine life caught or landed, uses standard rounding. Commonly reported with view_catch.number_caught. Always required in FRS but value can be zero for certain species, if catch is released or released to a predator. Required in OFR unless species is exempt from reporting weight.
number_sold int Reported in NWHI and Aquarium reports. Number of animals sold. Commonly reported with view_catch.pounds_sold. Can be zero when field is required, depending on fishing report type.
pounds_sold decimal Reported in Historical Catch and NWHI reports. Number of pounds of marine life sold, uses standard rounding. Commonly reported with view_catch.number_sold. Can be zero when field is required, depending on fishing report type. If percent of whole weight for species condition does not exist for species, view_purchase.pounds_bought = pounds_sold.
total_value decimal Reported in Historical Catch, NWHI and Aquarium reports. Total value of marine life sold. Can be zero when field is required, depending on the fishing report type.
number_released int Number of animals released dead or alive. Includes those tagged and released. Required when entering data in FRS and OFR except when entering catch for Net Trap Dive species caught using a Net Trap Dive fishing method. Either number_released is reported, or view_catch.number_released_berried and view_catch.number_released_min_size are reported, depending on the species caught.
number_released_berried int Number of animals that were released because they were egg-bearing. Regulation from Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 13, Chapter 95. Required in FRS when entering catch for species listed on Net Trap Dive Activity Report Form (when view_catch.report_type_code = NTD). Required in OFR when entering catch for Net Trap Dive species using a Net Trap Dive fishing method. Either view_catch.number_released is reported, or number_released_berried and view_catch.number_released_min_size are reported together, depending on the species caught.
number_released_min_size int Number of animals that were released because they were under the minimum size requirement for taking. Regulation from Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 13, Chapter 95. Required in FRS when entering catch for species listed on Net Trap Dive Activity Report Form (view_catch.report_type_code = NTD). Required in OFR when entering catch for Net Trap Dive species using a Net Trap Dive fishing method. Either view_catch.number_released is reported, or view_catch.number_released_berried and number_released_min_size are reported together, depending on the species caught.
number_lost_to_predator int Number of animals lost to a predator such as a shark or dolphin.
predator_code int Numeric code for type of predator. Example: Barracuda, code = 3. Required when view_catch.number_lost_to_predator > 0. Code = 99 (Unknown) is used when the fisher is unsure what species took their catch. When importing data from the FRS, predator code was converted to code = 99 when more than one predator was listed due to differences in how the data was stored.
predator varchar Name of predator. Example: Barracuda.
bait_caught int Number of bait fish taken, in units specified in view_catch.bait_unit. Always required in Bait Reports, and required if bait fish caught for Aku Reports.
bait_unit enum Unit measurement used to report number of bait fish taken. Example: Buckets, Pieces, Lbs, etc. Required if bait fish caught.

Attribute Details


CC ID: 1273806
Seq. Order: 1
Data Storage Type: bigint
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Precision: 19
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Identifies fishing report that catch record belongs to.

Default Value: 0


CC ID: 1273807
Seq. Order: 2
Data Storage Type: varchar
Max Length: 4
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Code that is abbreviation of data source. Example: Dealer Report System, code = DRS; Online Dealer Reports, code = ODR.


CC ID: 1273808
Seq. Order: 3
Data Storage Type: varchar
Max Length: 4
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Code assigned to report type. Example: MHI Deep 7 Bottomfish Fishing Trip Report, code = BF; Tuna Handline Trip Report, code = TUNA.

The following rules are applied by OFR:

• By Default, code = FR (Fishing Report).

• When one or more of Deep 7 Bottomfish are caught, code = BF. Deep 7 are found in species table with species_id = (15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 58, 97) and have species.species_category_code = 21 (Bottomfish – Deep 7).

• When the fishing method is a Tuna fishing method and the area is a Tuna area, code = TUNA. Tuna fishing methods are found in method table where method_code = (8, 9, 10, 61, 62, 63, 92, 93, 97) or where method.is_tuna = 1. Tuna areas are found in area table where area_code = (15818, 181, 16223F, 15717, 16019, 15217) or where area.is_tuna = 1.

• When one or more fishing methods is a NTD fishing method, code = NTD. NTD fishing methods are found in method table where method_code = (13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 32, 33, 40, 51, 52, 53, 54) and where method.is_ntd = 1.

• When multiple criteria are met, only a single code is applied using the following priority: BF, TUNA, NTD, FR.


CC ID: 1273809
Seq. Order: 4
Data Storage Type: bigint
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Precision: 19
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Identifies fisher who submitted fishing report.


CC ID: 1273810
Seq. Order: 5
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Commercial Marine License number assigned by HDAR.


CC ID: 1273811
Seq. Order: 6
Data Storage Type: varchar
Max Length: 13
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Unique key in licensee table. The following rules apply to calculating the number:

• For 'Permanent' licenses, value = licensee.license_number.

• For 'Yearly Food' licenses, value = licensee.license_number_year + licensee.license_number + licensee.duplicate_license_number_suffix.

• For 'Yearly Aquarium' licenses, value = licensee.license_number_year + licensee.license_number + 'A'.

Example: 1001, 1978-215A, 1976-1-A, etc.


CC ID: 1273812
Seq. Order: 7
Data Storage Type: varchar
Max Length: 192
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Full name of individual holding license.


CC ID: 1273813
Seq. Order: 8
Data Storage Type: date
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Date HDAR staff received paper form or date fisher submitted report online. Date is set to the current date when a fisher modifies report online.


CC ID: 1273814
Seq. Order: 9
Data Storage Type: smallint
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 5
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Year fishing report was submitted. Only applies to reports submitted once per month.


CC ID: 1273815
Seq. Order: 10
Data Storage Type: tinyint
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 3
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Month fishing report was submitted. Only applies to reports submitted once per month.


CC ID: 1273816
Seq. Order: 11
Data Storage Type: date
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Date fishing trip started. Only applies to reports submitted once per fishing trip. For NTD in FRS, trip_start_date = trip_end_date because form submitted daily.


CC ID: 1273817
Seq. Order: 12
Data Storage Type: date
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Date fishing trip ended. Only applies to reports submitted once per fishing trip. For NTD in FRS, trip_start_date = trip_end_date because form submitted daily.


CC ID: 1273818
Seq. Order: 13
Data Storage Type: date
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Last day that fishing could have occured for a fishing report. Not the date fisher submitted fishing report. If view_catch.trip_end_date exists, report_date = trip_end_date. If trip_end_date does not exist, equal to last day in view_catch.report_month and view_catch.report_year. This is the column to use when grouping data by year or month. Different from view_catch.day_fished, which is the day fishing occurred.


CC ID: 1273819
Seq. Order: 14
Data Storage Type: varchar
Max Length: 2
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Code that represents type of fishing vessel. Example: Boat/Ship, code = BS; Kayak, code = KA, etc.


CC ID: 1273820
Seq. Order: 15
Data Storage Type: varchar
Max Length: 15
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Name of fishing vessel type. Example: Boat/Ship, Kayak, etc.


CC ID: 1273821
Seq. Order: 16
Data Storage Type: varchar
Max Length: 25
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Hawaii State (HA) or U.S. Coast Guard (UCSG) vessel registration/documentation number. In FRS, this is optional. Required in OFR when vessel type is Boat/Ship vessel or fishing method requires vessel.

Note: HA vessel registration number suffix indicates vessel use. Recreational use is denoted by letters 'A' through 'F.' Commercial fishing is denoted by 'CF.' Commercial passenger is denoted by 'CP.'


CC ID: 1273822
Seq. Order: 17
Data Storage Type: varchar
Max Length: 100
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Name of fishing vessel as registered with the State Division of Boating & Ocean Recreation. Field will not be reported if vessel was not used when fishing. Always null in OFR. OFR can display vessel name because it maintains a list of vessel names to the vessel_id.


CC ID: 1273823
Seq. Order: 18
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Numeric code associated with port or launch ramp where fisher departed to go fishing. Example: Kewalo Basin, code = 511. Required field in OFR when fisher enters own report, but optional if staff enters fishing report.


CC ID: 1273824
Seq. Order: 19
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Numeric code associated with port or launch ramp where fisher landed catch or returned fishing vessel. Example: Kewalo Basin, code = 511. Required field in OFR.


CC ID: 1273825
Seq. Order: 20
Data Storage Type: tinyint
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Precision: 3
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Value = 1 (true) for chartered trips.

Default Value: 0


CC ID: 1273826
Seq. Order: 21
Data Storage Type: varchar
Max Length: 1024
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Comments regarding the fishing report.


CC ID: 1273827
Seq. Order: 22
Data Storage Type: varchar
Max Length: 7
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Type of sales transaction. Values include: NOS, DLR, CRS, or DLR,CRS where:

• NOS = No Sales (Did not sell any fish)

• DLR = Sold to dealer (dealers column will have value)

• CRS = Cash or Retail Sales

• DLR,CRS = Sold to dealer and cash or retails sale (dealers column will have value)


CC ID: 1273828
Seq. Order: 23
Data Storage Type: varchar
Max Length: 300
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

List of license numbers or names of commercial dealers that the catch was sold to. Required in OFR when view_catch.sales_type_code = 'DLR', 'DLR,CRS', or 'CRS' (Dealer Sale, Dealer Sale and Cash and Retail Sale, Cash or Retail Sale).


CC ID: 1273829
Seq. Order: 24
Data Storage Type: enum
Max Length: 21
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Validation status when adding report to OFR. Values include: Approved, Pending, Approved - No Response. HDAR staff reach out to fishers whose fishing reports are flagged on Error Reports. If fisher was contacted, status set to Pending. If fisher makes a correction or confirms the original report was correct, status set to Approved. If fisher does not respond after multiple attempts to contact, status set to Approved - No Response. A null value means the report was never flagged or no error was detected.


CC ID: 1273830
Seq. Order: 25
Data Storage Type: tinyint
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Precision: 3
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Only applicable to Aquarium Catch. If value = 1 (true), sales information (e.g. sold and value) was reported at a later time. Upon receiving the sales information at a later date, fisher could use another form to report sales, or the original submission.

Default Value: 0


CC ID: 1273831
Seq. Order: 26
Data Storage Type: tinyint
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Precision: 3
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Only applicable to Aquarium Catch. If value = 1 (true), catch was directly exported or sold outside Hawaii (e.g. shipping, auction websites, etc.) or to persons within Hawaii (e.g. friends, family, cash basis, etc.); if not, value = 0 (false).

Default Value: 0


CC ID: 1273832
Seq. Order: 27
Data Storage Type: varchar
Max Length: 100
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Only applicable to Aquarium Catch if peddled. Location fish exported to. Example: California.


CC ID: 1273833
Seq. Order: 28
Data Storage Type: varchar
Max Length: 100
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Sequential page number of report from NWHI Bottomfish Trip Daily Log sheets from 2002-2009. Different from view_purchases.trip_number, which is the number generated by dealers who buy from longline fishers on purchase reports.


CC ID: 1273834
Seq. Order: 29
Data Storage Type: bigint
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 19
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Identifies the day fishing ocurred. Records with the same day_fished_id were caught on the same day of a fishing trip.

Default Value: 0


CC ID: 1273835
Seq. Order: 30
Data Storage Type: date
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Date fishing took place. Different from view_catch.report_date, which is last day that fishing could have occurred for a fishing report.


CC ID: 1273836
Seq. Order: 31
Data Storage Type: enum
Max Length: 5
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Approximate wind speed (knots) on day of fishing. Reported using OFR. Values include: 0-10,11-15, 16-20, 21+. Different from view_catch.area_wind_speed, which is wind speed reported for NWHI reports using FRS.


CC ID: 1273837
Seq. Order: 32
Data Storage Type: bigint
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 19
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Identifies records that were fished in the same area on the same day of a trip.

Default Value: 0


CC ID: 1273838
Seq. Order: 33
Data Storage Type: varchar
Max Length: 2
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Code assigned to a buoy. Reported when fishing on or around a buoy. In OFR, fishing area is automatically assigned to fishing report when buoy is selected. Buoy types can be FADs, State FADs, Artificial Reefs, or Weather Buoys.


CC ID: 1273839
Seq. Order: 34
Data Storage Type: varchar
Max Length: 10
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Can either be area code or concatenation of area and subarea. Example: 103, 140, 101A, etc. Code = 99 for all Historical Bait Reports.


CC ID: 1273840
Seq. Order: 35
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Code for the fishing location that corresponds to the area fished on the HDAR Commercial Fisheries Statistical Chart used after 1993. Example: areas around Hawaii Island are coded 100-199. Areas can be subdivided into subareas. Example: some areas around Hawaii Island are coded with letters starting with 'A' or a number.


CC ID: 1273841
Seq. Order: 36
Data Storage Type: char
Max Length: 1
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Some areas are broken up into smaller subsections, which are named by a letter or number. In Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, areas are broken up into subareas approximately 20 square nautical miles, labeled 'A' through 'I'. These subareas are from the HDAR Commercial Fisheries Statistical Chart used after 1993. Example: A, B, etc.


CC ID: 1273842
Seq. Order: 37
Data Storage Type: varchar
Max Length: 35
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Name of bank, shoal, reef, pinnacle, atoll, island, or seamount. Example: Kingman Reef, Middle Bank, etc.


CC ID: 1273843
Seq. Order: 38
Data Storage Type: enum
Max Length: 2
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Optional field only reported on NWHI Bottomfish Trip Daily Logs in FRS. Directional quadrant fishing bank is located within. Values include: Northwest (NW), Northeast (NE), Southeast (SE), Southwest (SW).


CC ID: 1273844
Seq. Order: 39
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Required field reported only on NWHI Bottomfish Trip Daily Logs in FRS. Minimum approximate depth (fathoms) where fishing activity began.


CC ID: 1273845
Seq. Order: 40
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Required field reported only on NWHI Bottomfish Trip Daily Logs in FRS. Maximum approximate depth (fathoms) where fishing activity ended.


CC ID: 1273846
Seq. Order: 41
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Required field reported only on NWHI Bottomfish Trip Daily Logs in FRS. Estimated wind speed (knots) at beginning of fishing activity. Different from view_catch.wind_speed, which is wind speed reported from the data source OFR.


CC ID: 1273847
Seq. Order: 42
Data Storage Type: enum
Max Length: 2
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Optional field reported only on NWHI Bottomfish Trip Daily Logs in FRS. Direction wind was blowing at beginning of fishing activity. Values include: Northwest (NW), North (N), Northeast (NE), East (E), Southeast (SE), South (S), Southwest (SW), West (W).


CC ID: 1273848
Seq. Order: 43
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Required field reported only on NWHI Bottomfish Trip Daily Logs in FRS. Estimated height of waves (feet) at beginning of fishing activity.


CC ID: 1273849
Seq. Order: 44
Data Storage Type: enum
Max Length: 6
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Optional field reported only on NWHI Bottomfish Trip Daily Logs in FRS. Approximate subsurface current speed at beginning of fishing activity. Values include: Slow, Medium, Fast.


CC ID: 1273850
Seq. Order: 45
Data Storage Type: enum
Max Length: 2
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Optional field reported only on NWHI Bottomfish Trip Daily Logs in FRS. Approximate subsurface current direction at beginning of fishing activity. Values include: Northwest (NW), North (N), Northeast (NE), East (E), Southeast (SE), South (S), Southwest (SW), West (W).


CC ID: 1273851
Seq. Order: 46
Data Storage Type: bigint
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 19
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Identifies a fishing method used in a given area for a trip. Records with the same area_method_id were fished in the same area for a given trip.

Default Value: 0


CC ID: 1273852
Seq. Order: 47
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Code that identifies the specific fishing method within a method_type group. Each method_type can have one or more method_codes. Example: method_type 6 is 'Net', and includes method_codes such as 26 = Crab Net, 27 = Throw Net, and 41 = Scoop Net.

The hierarchy for this grouping is method_type (broader category of fishing methods) then method_code (specific fishing methods) where each method_code belongs to a method_type.

For specific types of reports, the following method_codes apply:

• For Aku fishing reports the method_code is always 1 (Aku Boat).

• For bait reports (e.g. Aku Boat Bait Reports) the method_code is always 30 (Bait Net).

• Aquarium fishing reports the method_code is always 1000 (Aquarium (Multiple Methods)).


CC ID: 1273853
Seq. Order: 48
Data Storage Type: varchar
Max Length: 60
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Name of fishing method. Example: Throw Net, Crab Net, Scoop Net, etc.


CC ID: 1273854
Seq. Order: 49
Data Storage Type: varchar
Max Length: 2
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Abbreviation for fishing method. Example: Throw Net = TN, Crab Net = CN, Scoop Net = SC, etc. Not all fishing methods have an abbreviation.


CC ID: 1273855
Seq. Order: 50
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Code that identifies the broadest grouping of fishing methods. Each method_type_code can have one or more method_codes, which are more specific types of fishing methods. Example: method_type 6 is 'Net', and includes method_codes such as 26 = Crab Net, 27 = Throw Net, and 41 = Scoop Net.

The hierarchy for this grouping is method_type (broader category of fishing methods) then method_code (specific fishing methods) where each method_code belongs to a method_type.


CC ID: 1273856
Seq. Order: 51
Data Storage Type: varchar
Max Length: 10
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Name of fishing method type. Example: Dive, Line, Net, etc.


CC ID: 1273857
Seq. Order: 52
Data Storage Type: decimal
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 2
Status: Active

Number of hours fished (fishing gear soak time), excludes transit and search time. In fishing reports, field is either not allowed, optional or required based on fishing report type and fishing method business rules. Value is null if not required. Value of zero represents bad data.


CC ID: 1273858
Seq. Order: 53
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Number of times the gear was set. In fishing reports, field is not allowed, optional or required based on fishing report type and fishing method business rules. For Aku Boat and Bait Fish reports, field is always required and fishing method is always 'Bait Net'.


CC ID: 1273859
Seq. Order: 54
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Number of gear units, such as number of divers, number of fishers, number of lines, number of traps, etc. In fishing reports, field is not allowed, optional or required based on fishing report type and fishing method business rules.


CC ID: 1273860
Seq. Order: 55
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Height of net used (feet). In fishing reports, field is not allowed, optional or required based on fishing report type and fishing method business rules. Only applies to Gill Net fishing (method_code = 22).


CC ID: 1273861
Seq. Order: 56
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Number of hooks per line. In fishing reports, field is not allowed, optional or required based on fishing report type and fishing method business rules. Only applies to Deep-Sea Handline fishing (method_code = 3).


CC ID: 1273862
Seq. Order: 57
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Only used by Aquarium fishing reports. Percentage of time barrier net is deployed (even if fisher collects with other methods at the same time). The sum of all percent_time columns in this table must add up to 100%.


CC ID: 1273863
Seq. Order: 58
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Only used by Aquarium fishing reports. Percentage of time utilizing a hand net. The sum of all percent_time columns in this table must add up to 100%.


CC ID: 1273864
Seq. Order: 59
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Only used by Aquarium fishing reports. Percentage of time collecting species by hand. The sum of all percent_time columns in this table must add up to 100%.


CC ID: 1273865
Seq. Order: 60
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Only used by Aquarium fishing reports. Percentage of time utilizing any other fishing method not listed. The sum of all percent_time columns in this table must add up to 100%.


CC ID: 1273866
Seq. Order: 61
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Only used by Aquarium fishing reports. Codes of other fishing methods. Example: Slurp Gun, code = 1001; Vinyl Bag, code = 1002, etc. Required when view_catch.percent_time_other_method > 0.


CC ID: 1273867
Seq. Order: 62
Data Storage Type: bigint
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 19
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Identifies a unique catch record.

Default Value: 0


CC ID: 1273868
Seq. Order: 63
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Identifies the species that was caught. Different from view_catch.food_species_code and view_catch.aquarium_species_code.

Default Value: 0


CC ID: 1273869
Seq. Order: 64
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Codes associated with species collected for food from all HDAR forms except Aquarium forms. Different from view_catch.aquarium_species_code, which are codes associated with species collected for aquarium. Note: food_species_code and view_catch.aquarium_species_code have overlapping species but species codes are unique to each column, meaning the same fish can have a different code in each column. Example: Achilles Tang, food_species_code = 85 and view_catch.aquarium_species_code = 103.


CC ID: 1273870
Seq. Order: 65
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Codes associated with species collected for aquariums. Codes are from HDAR Aquarium Fish Trip Report. Different from view_catch.food_species_code, which are codes associated with species collected for food. Note: view_catch.food_species_code and aquarium_species_code have overlapping species but species codes are unique to each column, meaning the same fish can have a different code in each column. Example: Achilles Tang, view_catch.food_species_code = 85 and aquarium_species_code = 103.


CC ID: 1273871
Seq. Order: 66
Data Storage Type: varchar
Max Length: 10
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Only applies to Aquarium species. Regulations by HDAR Administrative Rules, Title 13, Subtitle 4 Fisheries. Can refer to physical characteristics of species such as sex, size, age, or color of animal. Example: Female, >4", Medium, Black, etc.


CC ID: 1273872
Seq. Order: 67
Data Storage Type: text
Max Length: 65535
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Comma delimited list of names associated with a given species_id sold for food. Example: species_id = 2, food_name = Skipjack.


CC ID: 1273873
Seq. Order: 68
Data Storage Type: text
Max Length: 65535
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Comma delimited list of names associated with a given species_id that are sold for aquariums. Example: species_id = 83, aquarium_name = Achilles Tang.


CC ID: 1273874
Seq. Order: 69
Data Storage Type: text
Max Length: 65535
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Comma delimited list of local names associated with a given species_id. Example: species_id = 2, local_name = Aku, Otado, Otaru.


CC ID: 1273875
Seq. Order: 70
Data Storage Type: mediumtext
Max Length: 16777215
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Primary name displayed by applications and reports. Name come from where species_common_name_type_code = 5 (Display Name). If no records where species_common_name_type_code = 5, species.scientific_name is used.


CC ID: 1273876
Seq. Order: 71
Data Storage Type: varchar
Max Length: 20
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Name of taxonomic ranking. Example: Kingdom, Subkingdom, Phylum, Subphylum, Class, etc.


CC ID: 1273877
Seq. Order: 72
Data Storage Type: varchar
Max Length: 125
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Normally the binomial name, which consists of a generic name (the genus name) and the specific name (the species name). If species cannot be identified to the species level, it will be identified to the highest known taxonomic ranking, such as its phylum, class, infraclass, order, suborder, family, or subfamily. A genus name followed by 'spp.' refers to multiple species within that genus. A genus name followed by 'sp.' refers to one species. The scientific name for species identified at the rank of family or higher will be the name followed by the rank in parentheses. Example: Thunnus thynnus, Nerita spp., Scombridae (family), Anthozoa (class), etc. Different from common name.


CC ID: 1273878
Seq. Order: 73
Data Storage Type: varchar
Max Length: 40
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Name of the category marine species falls under. Example: Shells, Seaweed, Freshwater fish, Bait Only, etc.


CC ID: 1273879
Seq. Order: 74
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Estimated number of animals caught or landed. Commonly reported with view_catch.pounds_caught. Always required in FRS but value can be zero for certain species, if catch is released or released to a predator. Required in OFR unless species is exempt from reporting.


CC ID: 1273880
Seq. Order: 75
Data Storage Type: decimal
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 17
Scale: 2
Status: Active

Number of pounds of marine life caught or landed, uses standard rounding. Commonly reported with view_catch.number_caught. Always required in FRS but value can be zero for certain species, if catch is released or released to a predator. Required in OFR unless species is exempt from reporting weight.


CC ID: 1273881
Seq. Order: 76
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Reported in NWHI and Aquarium reports. Number of animals sold. Commonly reported with view_catch.pounds_sold. Can be zero when field is required, depending on fishing report type.


CC ID: 1273882
Seq. Order: 77
Data Storage Type: decimal
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 17
Scale: 2
Status: Active

Reported in Historical Catch and NWHI reports. Number of pounds of marine life sold, uses standard rounding. Commonly reported with view_catch.number_sold. Can be zero when field is required, depending on fishing report type. If percent of whole weight for species condition does not exist for species, view_purchase.pounds_bought = pounds_sold.


CC ID: 1273883
Seq. Order: 78
Data Storage Type: decimal
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 17
Scale: 2
Status: Active

Reported in Historical Catch, NWHI and Aquarium reports. Total value of marine life sold. Can be zero when field is required, depending on the fishing report type.


CC ID: 1273884
Seq. Order: 79
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Number of animals released dead or alive. Includes those tagged and released. Required when entering data in FRS and OFR except when entering catch for Net Trap Dive species caught using a Net Trap Dive fishing method. Either number_released is reported, or view_catch.number_released_berried and view_catch.number_released_min_size are reported, depending on the species caught.


CC ID: 1273885
Seq. Order: 80
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Number of animals that were released because they were egg-bearing. Regulation from Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 13, Chapter 95. Required in FRS when entering catch for species listed on Net Trap Dive Activity Report Form (when view_catch.report_type_code = NTD). Required in OFR when entering catch for Net Trap Dive species using a Net Trap Dive fishing method. Either view_catch.number_released is reported, or number_released_berried and view_catch.number_released_min_size are reported together, depending on the species caught.


CC ID: 1273886
Seq. Order: 81
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Number of animals that were released because they were under the minimum size requirement for taking. Regulation from Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 13, Chapter 95. Required in FRS when entering catch for species listed on Net Trap Dive Activity Report Form (view_catch.report_type_code = NTD). Required in OFR when entering catch for Net Trap Dive species using a Net Trap Dive fishing method. Either view_catch.number_released is reported, or view_catch.number_released_berried and number_released_min_size are reported together, depending on the species caught.


CC ID: 1273887
Seq. Order: 82
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Number of animals lost to a predator such as a shark or dolphin.


CC ID: 1273888
Seq. Order: 83
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Numeric code for type of predator. Example: Barracuda, code = 3. Required when view_catch.number_lost_to_predator > 0. Code = 99 (Unknown) is used when the fisher is unsure what species took their catch. When importing data from the FRS, predator code was converted to code = 99 when more than one predator was listed due to differences in how the data was stored.


CC ID: 1273889
Seq. Order: 84
Data Storage Type: varchar
Max Length: 25
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Name of predator. Example: Barracuda.


CC ID: 1273890
Seq. Order: 85
Data Storage Type: int
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 10
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Number of bait fish taken, in units specified in view_catch.bait_unit. Always required in Bait Reports, and required if bait fish caught for Aku Reports.


CC ID: 1273891
Seq. Order: 86
Data Storage Type: enum
Max Length: 7
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Unit measurement used to report number of bait fish taken. Example: Buckets, Pieces, Lbs, etc. Required if bait fish caught.

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 65075
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:65075
Metadata Record Created By: Bradley M Gough
Metadata Record Created: 2021-07-27 02:20+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: Bradley M Gough
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2023-09-23 00:42+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2023-09-23
Owner Org: PIFSC
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year