Entity (ENT) | Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC)GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:70378 | Updated: September 1, 2023 | Published / External
Item Identification
Title: | EROCK |
Short Name: | MASTER EROCK |
Status: | Completed |
Abstract: |
Master erock for sites seal foraged with coded storms. |
Supplemental Information: |
SPREADSHEET: Electric rock data_update_20230731.xlsx |
Entity Information
Entity Type: | Data Table |
Active Version?: | Yes |
Description: |
Master erock for sites seal foraged with coded storms. |
Data Attributes
Attribute Summary
![]() |
![]() |
Name | Type | Description |
MASTERID | NUMBER | Unique id number for the record. | |
LOCATION | CHARACTER | Location of rock clusters with name of closest sand islands or bank summit and the ID number for the rock. | |
YEARDEPLY | NUMBER | Year the rock was deployed. | |
DEPTHFT | NUMBER | Depth of site in feet (diver metric used). Units for values are feet. | |
WITHINROCKID | NUMBER | Sequential ID number for records recorded by each individual rock. | |
LOCALHDYHMS | DATE/TIME | Local Hawaii Standard time with month day year hour minute and sec. | |
ROCKGROUPCODE | CHARACTER | Code used to define the cluster of rocks deployed at a site, include general site depth in meters and year of deployment. | |
STORMCODE | NUMBER | Sequential number assigned to represent large pulses in movements associated with a storm event that will be excluded from the data. Measures are reported with a precision of 4. | |
NUMBERCUMULATIVETRIPS | NUMBER | Number of movements listed in a sequential cumulative number. | |
ELAPSEDTIME | TIME | Time elapsed within a cluster of deployed rocks between a detected movements. | |
MEANWAIMEAHTM | NUMBER | Wave buoy data showing the height of waves measured at the Waimea buoy. Measures are reported with a precision of 16. | |
SYNCHDATE | DATE | Date used to synch up temp data with erock data. | |
H24 | NUMBER | Hour in the 24 hrs clock to synch up with temp data. | |
SYNCHDATEHOUR | DATE/TIME | Combined date and hour (24 hour clock) to add temperature data. | |
TEMPC | NUMBER | Temperature in degrees C recorded on the hour. Units for values are degrees Celcius. Measures are reported with a precision of 4. | |
LOCALMDYHMS_A | DATE/TIME | Repeat of the HST month day year hour min sec reference. | |
MEANHTM | NUMBER | Mean height in meters recorded at the Waimea buoy. Units for values are meters. Measures are reported with a precision of 3. | |
MEANPERIODS | NUMBER | Mean period in seconds of the waves recorded at the Waimea buoy. Units for values are seconds. Measures are reported with a precision of 4. | |
MEANTA | NUMBER | Average period of sea state at the Waimea buoy. Measures are reported with a precision of 4. | |
MEANSSTC | NUMBER | Mean sea surface temperature in degrees C from the Waimea buoy. Units for values are degrees Celcius. Measures are reported with a precision of 3. | |
RECORDS | NUMBER | Number of records (48) the Waimea buoy records with the hour for the mean. | |
WAIMEAMEANHTADVANCED1DAY | DATE | Adjustment for French Frigate Shoals Latitude. | |
REGION | CHARACTER | General description of the area of the erocks, "Shallowbank" "FFSterrace". | |
SWELL | NUMBER | Swell code 1= means a wave period large enough to move the rock; 0=wave period too small to move a rock. |
Attribute Details
Seq. Order: | 1 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 4 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Unique id number for the record. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Seq. Order: | 2 |
Data Storage Type: | CHARACTER |
Max Length: | 10 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Location of rock clusters with name of closest sand islands or bank summit and the ID number for the rock. |
General Data Type: | CHARACTER |
Allowed Values: | Tern 2001 cluster rock numbers 1, 2, 8 ,9, 11, 23° 52.602 166° 19.555 Trig 2001 cluster rock numbers 5, 6 23° 53.364 166° 14.376 Tern 2002 rocks 4, 6 23° 53.154 166° 16.652 Shark 2002 rocks 1,2,3, 23° 52.589 166° 19.556 Southeast Brooks 2002 rocks, 17, 14, 24 23° 58.575 166° 41.986 Middle Brooks 2002 rocks 11, 15 24° 06.155 166° 50,431 Mid Brooks 2003 rocks 22, 37, 39 24° 10.060 166° 59.136 |
Seq. Order: | 3 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 4 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Year the rock was deployed. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Seq. Order: | 4 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 3 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Depth of site in feet (diver metric used). Units for values are feet. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure: | feet |
Seq. Order: | 5 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 4 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Sequential ID number for records recorded by each individual rock. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Seq. Order: | 6 |
Data Storage Type: | DATE/TIME |
Max Length: | 22 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Local Hawaii Standard time with month day year hour minute and sec. |
General Data Type: | DATE/TIME |
Seq. Order: | 7 |
Data Storage Type: | CHARACTER |
Max Length: | 14 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Code used to define the cluster of rocks deployed at a site, include general site depth in meters and year of deployment. |
General Data Type: | CHARACTER |
Seq. Order: | 8 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 5 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Scale: | 2 |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Sequential number assigned to represent large pulses in movements associated with a storm event that will be excluded from the data. Measures are reported with a precision of 4. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Seq. Order: | 9 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 4 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Number of movements listed in a sequential cumulative number. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Seq. Order: | 10 |
Data Storage Type: | TIME |
Max Length: | 22 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Time elapsed within a cluster of deployed rocks between a detected movements. |
General Data Type: | TIME |
Seq. Order: | 11 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 17 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Scale: | 15 |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Wave buoy data showing the height of waves measured at the Waimea buoy. Measures are reported with a precision of 16. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Seq. Order: | 12 |
Data Storage Type: | DATE |
Max Length: | 22 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Date used to synch up temp data with erock data. |
General Data Type: | DATE |
Seq. Order: | 13 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 2 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Hour in the 24 hrs clock to synch up with temp data. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Seq. Order: | 14 |
Data Storage Type: | DATE/TIME |
Max Length: | 22 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Combined date and hour (24 hour clock) to add temperature data. |
General Data Type: | DATE/TIME |
Seq. Order: | 15 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 5 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Scale: | 2 |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Temperature in degrees C recorded on the hour. Units for values are degrees Celcius. Measures are reported with a precision of 4. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure: | degrees Celcius |
Seq. Order: | 16 |
Data Storage Type: | DATE/TIME |
Max Length: | 22 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Repeat of the HST month day year hour min sec reference. |
General Data Type: | DATETIME |
Seq. Order: | 17 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 4 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Scale: | 1 |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Mean height in meters recorded at the Waimea buoy. Units for values are meters. Measures are reported with a precision of 3. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure: | meters |
Seq. Order: | 18 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 5 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Scale: | 2 |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Mean period in seconds of the waves recorded at the Waimea buoy. Units for values are seconds. Measures are reported with a precision of 4. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure: | seconds |
Seq. Order: | 19 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 5 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Scale: | 2 |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Average period of sea state at the Waimea buoy. Measures are reported with a precision of 4. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Seq. Order: | 20 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 4 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Scale: | 1 |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Mean sea surface temperature in degrees C from the Waimea buoy. Units for values are degrees Celcius. Measures are reported with a precision of 3. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Unit of Measure: | degrees Celcius |
Seq. Order: | 21 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 2 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Number of records (48) the Waimea buoy records with the hour for the mean. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Seq. Order: | 22 |
Data Storage Type: | DATE |
Max Length: | 22 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Adjustment for French Frigate Shoals Latitude. |
General Data Type: | DATE |
Seq. Order: | 23 |
Data Storage Type: | CHARACTER |
Max Length: | 11 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
General description of the area of the erocks, "Shallowbank" "FFSterrace". |
General Data Type: | CHARACTER |
Seq. Order: | 24 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Max Length: | 1 |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Swell code 1= means a wave period large enough to move the rock; 0=wave period too small to move a rock. |
General Data Type: | NUMBER |
Allowed Values: | 0=wave period too small to move a rock; 1= wave period large enough to move the rock |
Catalog Details
Catalog Item ID: | 70378 |
GUID: | gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:70378 |
Metadata Record Created By: | Brent M Miyamoto |
Metadata Record Created: | 2023-08-01 23:42+0000 |
Metadata Record Last Modified By: | Brent M Miyamoto |
Metadata Record Last Modified: | 2023-09-01 22:24+0000 |
Metadata Record Published: | 2023-09-01 |
Owner Org: | PIFSC |
Metadata Publication Status: | Published Externally |
Do Not Publish?: | N |
Metadata Review Frequency: | 1 Year |